reverse song

Chapter 453 Blood Ancestor

The attack was empty, but the nameless and Bai Nian had nothing to find, so they could only take a group of people back to the headquarters. However, thanks to the high technology of the alliance, even if they didn't get to the scene to pick up a bargain, they still got the video clip at that time afterwards.

Now Bai Nian sits cross-legged on the sofa, drinking drinks while watching the battle scene. At the beginning, the situation was nothing more than the situation of Yi Tian and others breaking through the camp. Originally, if there was no accident, Yi Tian and others would not be so easy to get out of it, but the bad thing was the sudden appearance of Tang Mu and others.

A little change on the battlefield will affect the changes in the whole war. What's more, there was no opponent in the alliance camp at that time that was enough to compete with Yi Tian and others. It was impractical to get the opportunity under such circumstances. Bai Nian, who thought he could pick up leaks when he went there, gradually gave up this idea.

Bai Nian can guess the next situation with his eyes closed, because this is the fifth time he has watched this battle video. Although the battle did not last long, and the video did not fully show the amazing atmosphere at that time, Bai Nian still felt that if he had been there at that time, he would not have been able to move it.

The picture has been played to Yi Tian's body and suddenly burst into a strong silver light. Even in the picture, Bai Nian can still feel the unparalleled pressure. This made him slow down, and then straightened his body and stared at the picture for fear of missing even a little detail. But no matter how many times he looks at it, he can't see what happened to Yi Tian in the silver light.

However, Tang Mu's guys fled quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then there was the picture of the silver light dissipating, and everything recovered as usual, as if nothing had happened. The seemingly vigorous fight ended quite hasty and hastily. Even if he looked at it a few more times, Bai Nian only saw a conflict between Yi Tian and Tang Mu and others, and then ended inexplicably. Indeed, the fight between the two in the picture is very clever, but because of the video, Bai Nian can't fully understand the ingenuity and can only guess the changes based on his own experience.

"Are you watching the video of that day again?" He came in nameless, with no expression on his face. Followed by the middle-aged man in the military, with a serious look on his face.

Bai Nian was seeing the tense moment, so he naturally did not respond to the nameless words, but stared at the flashing picture on the screen. When the rune appeared, the earth-shaking momentum immediately burst out, but even if he knew that it was an extremely horrible rune, Bai Nian could not feel it, and could only make a guess from the frightening expressions of those people in the picture.

As a person who once fought with Yi Tian, Bai Nian had a general guess about Yi Tian's strength, but he definitely didn't expect Yi Tian to have such a terrible strength. In the surprise of the first time, he ended the video, and then he exhaled heavily and sat in the sand as if he were out of strength. Send it.

"Do you see any way?" Nameless asked again. He knew that Bai Nian might not have heard the previous question at all, and he didn't care. Anyway, this guy's performance was not a matter of a day or two.

With a trace of confusion in his eyes, Bai Nian shook his head, indicating that he had achieved nothing. It's not that he really got nothing, but for Bai Nian, he didn't see what he wanted to see. The whole battle process was very hasty, and most of the pictures were covered by silver light, which could not be seen clearly at all, so that many pictures were missing.

"Then you still look at it so seriously." As soon as he raised his eyebrows, he didn't understand why Bai Nian watched this video again and again. Wu Ming was completely uninterested after watching the video twice. He just needed to know the general strength of Yi Tian and others and what happened at that time. Now that he knows, there is no need to delve further. Anyway, he does not intend to have direct contact with Yi Tian and others before the rest of the people come.

The middle-aged man in the military department also saw the video. Like the nameless, he was not interested in the video. At most, he wants to understand the strength of Yi Tian and Tang Mu and others who suddenly killed. After watching the video, he already has a general understanding in his heart. It is also because of this understanding that middle-aged people will join hands with the nameless, otherwise the delicate relationship between him and the nameless will not be so good at all.

"I don't know if you have noticed the fluctuations of the past few days." As soon as the nameless sat down, he asked the middle-aged man. His face was quite subtle, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What fluctuation?" The middle-aged man obviously doesn't know what the nameless means. "Did you call me today to ask such a boring thing?" Before the topic fully began, middle-aged people showed an impatient look. Obviously, even if they decided to join hands with unknown people, middle-aged people do not want to have too much contact with anonymous people, or do not want to stay in a room with him for too long.

"You are still not complete enough." He smiled namelessly, "If you are complete enough, you won't feel the fluctuation." There was an indescribable sense of pride in his eyes, as if he were standing on a high mountain and looking down at middle-aged people.

"What is incomplete? Don't think that you can do this to me when you occupy more things when you are divided." The middle-aged man roared dissatisfiedly, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"What? Want to kill me?" Nameless is not afraid to break face with middle-aged people at all. With the connection between them, it is impossible to stand on the opposite side.

When the nameless said this, the middle-aged man sat weakly on the sofa and completely fell into the sofa. The originally excited expression converged in an instant, and then said feebly, "What's going on? Let's talk about it."

Unnamed, he ignored the tone of the middle-aged man, but said slowly, "Even if I don't look for you today, I will tell you later. I sensed the fluctuations of my ancestors.

"Ancestors?" First, a trace of doubt flashed on the middle-aged man's face, and then suddenly changed. His whole body suddenly sat straight and looked at the nameless, as if he wanted to confirm that the nameless and did not lie. "Are you talking about the blood ancestor?" When he said the last sentence, his tone trembled slightly, obviously unable to suppress his excitement.

"You really can't feel it." Nameless suddenly said such an inexplicable word, and then said, "Yes, it's the blood ancestor. Although it was only a short moment, I'm sure that it must be the most * ancestor.

"Is the legend true?" The middle-aged man's face flashed with excitement, and he didn't expect that some of the legends he had heard in the past really existed. He has always thought that the so-called blood ancestor only exists in legends and no one survives at all, but in the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the same thing.

"It's very likely to be true." Nameless was not sure. After all, at that time, he only felt a feeling similar to the call. The sound of the call seemed to appear directly in the depths of his soul, which made him stiff, and then some inexplicable pictures emerged. It is also because of those pictures that the nameless dares to guess that he may be called his ancestor.

"Where is the blood ancestor?" Hearing the news of the ancestors, middle-aged people were obviously more excited than unknown, and almost did not hesitate to ask this question.

Looking at the middle-aged man without a name, of course he understood why he was so nervous. He also understands what the middle-aged man wants to do, and his purpose is the same as that of the middle-aged man, otherwise he would not have told the middle-aged man the news. However, he only felt the existence of the ancestor, but couldn't know where the ancestor was, so he sighed slightly and said, "If I knew where the ancestor was, I would have looked for it long ago. How could I stay here?"

It is rare to tell the truth, and the middle-aged man also understands the meaning of namelessness. Just now, he was just too excited to hear the news of his ancestors and forgot this. As soon as he regained his composure, he immediately understood that the nameless was right. The significance of the ancestors to their family is naturally self-evident. If he knows nothing about the ancestors and still sits here, it shows that he doesn't know where the ancestors are at all.

"Do you remember the legend of the clan?" The nameless words turned around, and it turned out that there was another start. "Legend that most of the ancestors were killed, only a small part of them escaped, and the surviving ancestors were suppressed and permanently suppressed."

Speaking of this, the nameless paused slightly and then said, "I think the ancestors I felt before should be one of the suppressed ones. It is estimated that he has not escaped from the suppression. If you want to find him, you may have to start from the legend of this planet.

The middle-aged man nodded, and he agreed with the nameless words very much. For ordinary people, legend is just an illusory story, but for unknown people, legends often contain great information. If they can draw silk and peel cocoon in the legend, they will definitely find some clues. It's just that they can only do this by themselves. Once the news is heard by some people, it is very likely to harm them.

"What should we do?" It is rare for a middle-aged man to say such a sentence to the nameless, "This time I will listen to your arrangement." In the second sentence, he directly sold himself to nameless.

"The three of us act separately, dividing each area, searching for various legends and finding useful clues. Whether the clues are useful or not, we must communicate with each other. Wuming did not put on a condescending attitude this time. If you want to cooperate with middle-aged people, you naturally need to correct your attitude, otherwise the cooperation is likely to fail.

"No problem." Middle-aged people have no intention of objecting at all, and he will not object. As long as he finds the blood ancestor, he will be able to repair his soul. At that time, he will be a complete individual, instead of being involved with nameless.

"In that case, I will start assigning tasks." With that, the nameless took out a paper world map. He has divided the whole map into three parts, each of which is marked with notes. Obviously, the nameless is ready before looking for middle-aged people to cooperate. "You go to this area, Bainian, you are responsible for here, and I am responsible for this area. Remember, this action must be kept secret. If we can really find our ancestors, we will definitely change our fate. With that, the nameless seemed to see some good future, but soon he regained his senses. It's good to think about some things, but not too much.

As a monster who has lived for quite a few years, Animyo's control over himself is still extremely powerful, so he just fell into a fantasy and became completely awake for a while.

Middle-aged people and Bai Nian have not been immersed in fantasy for too long. No idea is possible until they find the blood ancestor. What they need is to face the facts and many legends to find the place where their ancestors are. Since the legends of the ancestors are true, some legends of this place must also contain real existence.

The three people have another discussion, which must also be discussed. Even if the nameless has arranged their own things, if there is no plan, they will only do some useless work.

While the three were discussing, the unknown and Bai Nian's bodies suddenly stiffened, and then they seemed to feel something and were in a state of distraction. The middle-aged man who was saying this couldn't help but look doubtful when he saw them look like this. This situation was too sudden, which made him a little confused, but he didn't feel anything.

As the middle-aged man was guessing, he suddenly felt that his incomplete soul suddenly shook, and then he seemed to hear a vague voice appear in the depths of his mind. The voice was extremely vague, and he couldn't figure it clearly, but he could feel a sense of intimacy in the voice, and at the same time, there was an idea of worship.

A faint red light appeared on the surface of the middle-aged human body, and a faint red light appeared on the same nameless body. The red light from the two people slowly gathered together, just like a whole.

When the red light gathered on the nameless and middle-aged people gathered together, the vague voice in the middle-aged man's mind suddenly became clearer. He seemed to see a red figure faintly, but soon the figure dissipated and was replaced by a sound and a vague voice. But this time he could barely hear the meaning of the voice.

When the sound became clear, the middle-aged people felt a faint pressure brought by the voice, as well as an extremely familiar feeling. Almost subconsciously, the middle-aged man believed that the voice was the voice of the ancestor, and the vague figure that had just appeared was the figure of the ancestor. This speculation made the blood in the middle-aged human body boil.

He just heard the nameless mention of his ancestors, and so soon he felt the existence of his ancestors. This undoubtedly made him more convinced that the legend was true, and he was more confident to find the information of his ancestors in the legend.

At the urging of an inexplicable idea, the middle-aged man tried to respond to the call of their ancestors. However, as soon as his idea appeared, the voice that had just existed suddenly disappeared cleanly, and there was no sound. When the sound disappeared, the middle-aged man also returned to reality from the strange situation just now.

He saw the red light emerging from his body slowly restraining. He saw the unknown and Bai Nian in front of him with a surprised face, so he was sure that the sound he had just heard was not an illusion.

"Did you hear that sound too?" In order to make sure that what they heard was not hallucinations, middle-aged people threw such a problem. He just wanted to make sure that he didn't have hallucinations. After all, he just heard the nameless mention of his ancestors, and then he heard the call of his ancestors, which was too coincidental no matter how he thought.

"Do you feel it?" A trace of surprise flashed on the nameless face, as if it was a very strange thing for middle-aged people to hear the call of their ancestors. After all, middle-aged people did not feel the previous fluctuation, but the nameless and Bai Nian clearly felt it. And this time, middle-aged people can also feel it.

The middle-aged man nodded and answered the nameless question affirmatively, and he also had the answer himself. Because the nameless asked this means that he also heard the call.

"Can you determine where your ancestors are?" Middle-aged people still hold a glimmer of hope. He heard the call of his ancestors for the first time, and naturally he couldn't tell where the call came from. But Nameless is different from Bai Nian. They should have the means to deal with it this time.

The answers of the unknown and Bai Nian also dashed the little hope left by middle-aged people. Like middle-aged people, the unnamed two can't determine where their ancestors are, and they can only hear the sound of calling. However, for them, being able to hear the call of their ancestors shows that their ancestors do exist, otherwise it is impossible for three people to have such a feeling at the same time.

"Anyway, we must find the place where our ancestors are as soon as possible." Nameless suddenly opened his mouth and said, "We want to save our ancestors from the suppression, so that there will be hope for the rejuvenation of our clan." This was very inspirational and passionate. Hearing the blood of the middle-aged and Bai Nian, their blood was boiling, and they almost didn't act immediately.

However, after all, the three were still rational people, so after saying some warm-blooded words, they began to plan again, but they were very clear about what they were going to do, so the discussion soon came to fruition and began to act separately.