reverse song

Chapter 518 Strong Animal

Yi Tian was trapped on this side, but William on the other side had nothing to do, because there were animalized people to help him disturb the arrangement of the other three groups. The attack and defense of the beasts are indeed amazing. Even the robots who are also transforming people can't break through the defense of these beasts and hurt them for a while.

Under the control of Yi Tian, the animalized people were divided into three groups, and each group of five people rushed towards the other three groups. Don't underestimate the power of the five orcs gathered together. Even if they are not capable of blocking thousands of troops, they are not much different, especially when they attack, they will emit the breath that only beasts have, which is frightening.

People are instinctively afraid of those large beasts. Now these orcized people have terrible power and intelligence, so they can no longer divide these animalized people by simple beasts.

Five mechanical reformers are better. After all, they are also reformers, and their physical quality is much stronger than that of ordinary capable people. Even if they are compared with animalized people, they will not be far worse. What's more, these mechanical reformers integrate high-tech weapons. Although the use of capabilities is worse, those technologies Weapons make up for their shortcomings.

Seeing the beasts rushing, the expressions on the faces of the fifteen mechanical transformations have not changed at all. In order to make themselves stronger, they completely abandoned even the most primitive emotions. Compared with animalized people, these guys can only be called machines, not human beings.

The robot's response is fast, and the actions are more coordinated than the rest of the people. Originally, their small team had a clear division of labor, and there was a clear division of what everyone should do and what everyone could do. The advantage of this is that everyone will not use the same weapon and the same attack, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Once a person is injured or dies, no one can replace that person's position. However, it is extremely rare for robots to be damaged. After all, they also have a lot of defense devices, thick skin and thick, which is also extremely difficult to deal with.

The other two capable people have no way to defend with the animalized man. After all, they are still human beings. Although they have the ability to go to heaven and earth, they are still human after all. Their physical strength is not comparable to these beast-like guys, and their strength is not better than them. The only thing that can be done is flexibility. Unfortunately, in order to increase the attack power, the capable people sent by the alliance are all fire-based, so that they can't fight well in the air and can only fight with orcs on the ground.

Fifteen orcs alone have exhausted the three teams in the league. At that moment, William was free and didn't need him to take action at all.

William carefully looked at the changes in the field. He was still a little uneasy. He always felt that the arrangement of the league seemed to be more than that little, but he couldn't see what other arrangements the league could make. After all, in his opinion, the alliance seems to have reached a point where there is nothing to do.

There is no beast roar or explosion in the field, but these sounds can't affect William. He was just thinking about how to go next. Maybe he should go straight to Huanglong as Yi Tian said.

The alliance must have never thought that the two of them would attack so boldly again. However, the danger of doing so is high enough that they don't have enough backup. And once they go too deep into the alliance and the back road is completely cut off, they can only go to the end. After estimating the gains and losses, William finally decided to quit first. Not to mention that he is injured now, the current battle alone will definitely deplete the vitality of the two of them and continue to stay here. I'm afraid that more and more people will surround them.

Now the alliance has ruled out these terrible things. Once the foreigners and those in the alliance join hands, the two of them will be in big trouble.

These people in the alliance are not terrible, but those foreigners are terrible. William is still a little afraid of foreigners. After all, after seeing the rather strange means of fighting, he has a certain understanding of the methods of foreigners and knows that those guys are not simple and powerful, and their skills are equally powerful.

After thinking about it, William has determined the next way to go, so the most important thing now is to get rid of the current predicament. He knew that there would be no problem on Yi Tian's side for a while. Although it seemed that Yi Tian was at a disadvantage, that guy had a lot of methods and would not suffer at all. However, these animalized people are good helpers, and there can't be too many losses.

William knows the value of animalized people very well. Although these guys can't fight in the air, it is useless to have individual aircraft. These guys are too heavy to fly at all. Even if they fly, they can't fight flexibly. But in the ground war, these guys are completely the existence of war machines. There is no need to be afraid of ordinary capable people, and the human legion can only escape when it meets orcists.

William, who was very keen on the war situation, suddenly saw that the robot was the biggest resistance. He began to act, and the silver light on his body converge and his breath converge, but his whole body muscles tightened, like a compressed spring, which could burst out the strongest power at any time. He has seen the arrangement of the robot. Because of the fire network, the animal can't rush to the robot for a while, and once the time is too long, the orc is bound to lose.

Then the smoke and dust rolled up around him, William approached the vicinity of the robot like a ghost. After taking a look at the opportunity, he suddenly launched an attack. A huge silver light suddenly came out of its hand and turned into a moon blade flying towards that side.

William's outbreak was extremely sudden. The robot didn't expect that anyone would launch such an attack at this time, and no one would have thought of defending against such an attack. The silver moon blade split towards the robot at an extremely amazing speed and with an extremely amazing sound.

If this split is strong, the robot will probably lose three or two people anyway.

But a scene that surprised William appeared. When the huge silver moon blade approached the robot, it was suddenly blocked by a light curtain. There are various kinds of light flowing on the light curtain, constantly offsetting the energy on the moon blade. When the light curtain became weak, the moon blade suddenly shattered.

William's sneak attack did not achieve any results, but exposed his whereabouts. The robot was wary of him, and it was impossible to attack him again. Although William is not good at energy release attacks, his strength is there, but even the moon blade he released can't break through the sudden light curtain. He didn't even understand what the light curtain was about, and the moon blade was broken.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate these people." William also knew that he had been big just now. If he went forward to attack in person, he might not have this scene. "There's nothing we can do. Since we can't sneak up, we can only attack."

After a death, William's feet suddenly exerted force, and the man flew out like a cannonball and directly hit the robot. He knew that he would hit the light curtain, but he also saw a little that when the moon blade disappeared just now, the light on the light curtain was much darker, which was an opportunity for him. If the light curtain is given a recovery time, I'm afraid it can be repaired to the original level.

These should be light curtains arranged by the robot responsible for defense. William thought to himself that people had approached the past.

William will move, and those robots are naturally not fools and will not stare at William to kill. A small number of people attacked William, and the rest were still blocking the orc. As reformers, of course, they understand how horrible the power of animalized people is. Imagine how strong such power can be that scientific and technological weapons can't do it just by relying on the power of the body.

The light flies through the light curtain. These are not ordinary light, but light that integrates the energy of the capable person. The destructive power is no longer under the attack of the capable person. Even because of the energy hit, the attack power has been slightly improved, and the accuracy is higher. William doesn't want to be hit by these rays, otherwise there will definitely be more holes in his body.

His body changed several directions continuously during the journey. William walked freely like a fish in the water, without any tendency to slow down due to the obstruction of light.

Light attack is just one of these attacks. When William approached again, a huge light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The light appeared so suddenly that William had the illusion that the light was here from the beginning.

At this time, even William can't avoid such an attack, and he can only choose to defend head-on. But he doesn't know how much power to use for this kind of attack that doesn't know the details at all.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, William suddenly punched, and the silver light suddenly came out of his palm and rushed into the light in front of him. The silver light suddenly burst open, breaking through the light in front of him almost in an instant.

The roar of the explosion made William feel deaf. He forcibly suppressed the feeling of discomfort and quickly approached. If you go further, you will be in front of the light curtain. The sudden light curtain stopped William, and if he wanted to move forward, he would break through this layer of defense.

Without hesitation, William's attack can be said to be extremely domineering, the silver light appeared to the extreme, and the light curtain was broken. The three robots in charge of defense suddenly made a muffled hum, and their bodies stepped back a little, and there was a flash of lightning on their bodies. Obviously, something that could not withstand the impact of energy at that moment was damaged.

An angry roar broke out from the three mechanical people. They are indeed responsible for defense, but this does not mean that they have no fighting power, but their enhanced ability is in defense.

Dozens of rays of light suddenly appeared, which showed how dense the three robots launched their attacks. They dare not fight with people like William. Even if they are good at defense, they know that they are not William's opponent in close combat.

As for William, they have to face not only the attack of the three capable people, but also the attack of the other capable people. His figure, which had stopped because of breaking the curtain, suddenly blurred and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was approaching the large group of robots.

Entering this position, William knew that he could achieve this purpose. Although he was injured, it was not difficult to deal with these disturbed people, not to mention that these people could not pose any threat to him at all, at most it was just some trouble.

His body suddenly rotated, and the energy condensed on his body was suddenly released. He didn't need to kill anyone, as long as he disrupted the arrangements of these people and bought a little time for the animal.

Because of the emergence of energy, a strong wind suddenly swept out and directly rushed out the robots around him. Even if these robots are heavy, they can't stabilize their bodies under the influence of such violent energy.

With a successful blow, William did not stop at all. He directly shook his body and got rid of the war circle. The rest was just handed over to the animal. There was no need for him to waste time at all.

Sure enough, as soon as the fire network was eliminated, the animalized man immediately roared and rushed towards the robots. Just now, they were stopped by the fire network for a long time, so that they could not exert their power at all. How could they let go of such an opportunity at this time?

The rumble burst out again, and the animalized man rushed to the side of the robots at an extremely amazing speed, raised their big hands and lined up directly on the robots.

Bang, a dull sound burst out. With the heavy body of the robot, he could not bear the slap of the animal. He was directly fanned out, and the position of his chest was directly sunken. If they were ordinary people, I'm afraid they will directly take the person's life, but the robots won't. They just have a concave chest, and electric light burst out from under the skin, but there is no worry about their lives.

"These transformed human vitality are really tenacious." William couldn't help sighing. He knew that robots had no lives. Unless the core was damaged or their heads were directly smashed, they could survive. Instead, William was quite surprised by the power of the orc. Originally, the orc was at most a little brute force, but now it seems that it is not a simple brute force, but a very terrible brute force.

"Fortunately, I don't have to face these reformers." William shrank his neck and estimated whether he could withstand the full blow of the animal.

The shortcomings of the robot team are too obvious. Even if the cooperation between them is excellent, once the team is dispersed, the cooperation between them will disappear, and effective defense cannot be formed at all. What's more, the three robots who are very good at defense have been attacked by William and suffered minor damage.

is also a reformer, but in terms of single combat ability, robots are obviously not as good as animalized people, and they are far worse, even if they have scientific and technological weapons in their hands. At such a close distance, they have been fanned out by the orc before they can pull the trigger. In this way, these robots are not as flexible as those with ordinary abilities.

Five orchemicals rushed into a burst of attack, but they actually rushed 15 robots to pieces, and they could no longer launch an attack.

Seeing this, William knows that the biggest threat has been eliminated, so the next step is to look at the situation on Yi Tian's side. Turning his head and looking at Yi Tian, William happened to see Yi Tian surrounded by twelve living dead.

A gray light curtain suddenly appeared on the living dead, trapping Yi Tian in it. There is no need to know that these people are going to trap Yi Tian to death and then launch an attack. If these living dead really have the evil door as Yi Tian said, then Yi Tian will be in danger at this time.

Without William's help, the living dead changed again. A faint gray fog suddenly appeared on the twelve living dead, and a heavy and dead pressure suddenly emanated. Even William, who was in the distance, couldn't help shivering when he felt this breath.

"What an evil monster." William cursed in a low voice. He didn't expect these living dead to be so evil. At first, I didn't believe it, but now I have to believe it.

After seeing the strangeness of the living dead, William did not dare to take action. He believes in Yi Tian's strength, but he doesn't intend to look aside, but is ready to look at the opportunity before taking action. After all, if he doesn't take action, he must achieve the greatest effect, otherwise he can't do any damage to these living dead at all.

He still remembers the scene when Yi Tian attacked the living dead before. He knew that these guys had a lot of strange things, and he was not like Yi Tian, who had a certain understanding of the living dead. If you want to understand, at most, you know something about the undead mage, but that's completely two things, and the necromancer is still something in the story, which is not realistic at all.

"It's really troublesome" William couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He didn't take action, and he didn't know what to do. He could only observe the situation of the living dead and pray that Yi Tian would come out of it quickly so that he wouldn't really be trapped in it.

William is still observing outside, but what Yi Tian inside sees is another situation.

The gray fog quickly approached Yi Tian and enveloped him in it. Yi Tian immediately stimulated the energy in his body, transformed the silver light into silver flame, and eliminated all the rolled gray fog, but there was no way to go on like this, and he also found some strange situations in the gray fog.