reverse song

Chapter 519 Killing the Dead

Yi Tian didn't know what was going on outside. He didn't even know about the five animalized people and William's destruction of 15 robots. All he knew was trapped by the living dead. These damn living dead always act so strangely and irregularly. No wonder the old man told him to be careful once he met the living dead. That's what happened.

Although Yi Tian has a certain understanding of the living dead, it only stays at the cognitive level, and he has never seen the living dead. If it hadn't been for the first test, I'm afraid he won't know that these are the living dead after he fought. And now he has been surrounded by the dead, and it is obvious that he has not had time to break through.

"It doesn't seem to be good." Yi Tian found that the surrounding space had been filled with gray fog, and he could not see the living dead, let alone the breath of the living dead. These are dead, so there is no breath. Even when the energy in the body is stimulated, there will not be too many fluctuations. What's more, the gray fog in front of us is really strange, as if it can isolate all detection.

Now Yi Tian can't feel the situation outside at all. Although he still has a similar connection with 15 animalized people, this only allows him to control the animalized people and does not allow him to detect the situation outside.

The gray fog around him is a little strange. Although Yi Tian isolated the invasion of the gray fog with silver light early on, Yi Tian also noticed the strangeness of these gray fogs over time. He found that his figure began to get heavier, and even the silver light around him was mixed with some gray airflow.

"It seems that you can't stay here for too long, otherwise it may be corroded." Yi Tian knows that these gray fogs have strong corrosion ability, so he doesn't plan to stay longer, but now he can't move around. God knows if there are living dead people in here. If you bump into them, especially in such an environment, it will be dangerous.

"You have to find a way." Yi Tian began to talk to himself. He didn't even notice that the gray fog around him began to circulate, and he was still centered on him. Obviously, the dead began to control the gray fog.

Yi Tian knew that William was still outside, but he believed that William would not take action rashly. He knew that William was a cautious person. William would not risk attacking without a clear understanding of the other party's ability, which would not work, but would make the situation worse.

"Maybe I should find a way to contact him." Unfortunately, the instrument on Yi Tian's body was completely useless. All he heard in the message was the rustling sound, which was obviously disturbed by the gray fog.

"What an asshole." Yi Tian suddenly opened his mouth again, and his face was full of chagrin. He was too big before, but now he can't do it without strength. Yi Tian originally wanted to save some energy, but now he can only spend a large effort.

Feeling the situation of the orc, Yi Tian probably knew what the situation was like outside. After all, when manipulating animalized people, Yi Tian also had some perceptions, but he could not understand the situation outside.

"Unfortunately, this is in mid-air, otherwise it can make the orc chemical attack this formation." Yi Tian originally wanted the animal to attack, but after manipulation, he found that the animal could not fly at all, so he could not give him any help.

"It's better to rely on yourself than on others." Yi Tian was still talking to himself and ignored the change of the gray fog outside. This is just trouble for him, not a dilemma.

After complaining, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and blurred in front of him. The silver light flowed out of his index finger and then solidified in the air. The appearance of each silver light made the silver light on his body stronger, and at the same time, he shot out some runes to wash away the gray fog circulating around him. When the silver light condenses together, a complicated rune is formed.

"It's done." Looking at the runes with soft light in front of him, a smile appeared on Yi Tian's face. This rune does not emit too strong breath, even weak, and has only one effect, but this rune is specially used to deal with the living dead.

As soon as the rune appeared, the gray fog that was originally mixed around the sky began to melt quickly like ice and snow meeting the sun.

When the gray fog melted, Yi Tian actually heard the sound of ghost crying and howling, which was extremely harsh and made Yi Tian feel a headache. He knew that it was the sound made when the energy contained in the gray fog was consumed, but he didn't expect the sound to be so unpleasant and touching.

"The living dead is really a big trouble." Yi Tian couldn't help muttering again, looking at the thinning gray fog around him. He knew that it would not take long for the gray fog to disappear completely, and it would be much easier to deal with the living dead.

The twelve living dead never thought that Yi Tian would have such a strange means, and it was specially used to deal with them. When they felt the change in the gray fog, they couldn't help roaring. Unfortunately, their skin-covered face could not show an expression, otherwise the expression must have been very wonderful. Even if they can't see their expressions, their restless figure seems to show the tension in their hearts.

The living dead certainly did not expect such a situation. This was their first time to fight, but it was really difficult to get such a situation in the first battle. However, before they could react, the gray fog thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the hateful figure in the center.

made a sharp roar and spit out a gray fog. The living dead seemed to want to save their current disadvantages. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not stop the gray fog from becoming thin, and even the gray light curtain on their bodies began to flash. Obviously, it was influenced by the person inside.

"Don't try to resist, it will only make you more embarrassed." Yi Tian's faint voice came, and he believed that these living dead could understand his words. These people should still retain their wisdom, otherwise it is impossible to use the situation of encirclement to deal with themselves.

The living dead did understand Yi Tian's words, but it was impossible for them not to resist. They know that once the person inside comes out, that is, when they come, it is not a matter of resistance, but survival. Of course, as the living dead, they have no concept of life for a long time. They are just moving in this world in another form, which is refined by foreigners with secret skills.

There has been a change here, and William outside naturally saw the changes on the side of the living dead. He found that the living dead, which was a little vague and indistinguishable, began to become solid, and even the thick gray fog became thinner. He could faintly see the faint silver light flash in the gray fog.

"I knew you must have a way to deal with this situation." With a hook at the corners of his mouth, a smile appeared on William's face, a proud smile, and he also began to act. He had a very high ** nature of the war situation. As soon as he saw the vague and erratic figure of the living dead becoming solid, he knew that his opportunity had come.

Quietly approaching the living dead, he knew that the living dead were tired of dealing with the sudden situation at this moment and could not take care of him at all. It was the best time to attack.

Remember the points that Yi Tian just reminded him. William knew that he could not let the attack of the living dead fall on him, so he planned to withdraw immediately after a blow. After all, he doesn't know enough about the dead. If he fights, he is likely to get into trouble. As a person who has been wandering around the world for so many years, it is impossible for him to fall into such a situation, especially when acting with Yi Tian.

The silver light quickly covered William's body, making him look like he was wearing a thin layer of silver clothes. After the divine light circulated around in his eyes, William's face suddenly condensed, and then he jumps out like a leopard. He launched so quickly and quietly that his silver-wrapped fist suddenly bombarded a living dead man.

A scene that surprised him appeared, and a light curtain appeared on the living dead man, and then the light curtain was broken. The living dead man was shocked, turned his body and made a sharp roar. Before the living dead counterattacked, William's fist directly smashed the head of the living dead.

As soon as the head was broken, the body of the living dead seemed to be weathered in an instant. When it was broken, it could not maintain its original shape at all. William didn't know what was going on, but he knew that he had made a sneak attack. According to the original plan, retreat immediately after a blow. But at this time, it is unlikely that he wants to retreat again.

The living dead man next to the broken living dead had long been shocked by the sound on this side. At this time, he was pounced at William with his teeth and claws. They completely ignored Yi Tian, who was trapped inside and was about to break out, but rushed to William, as if the guy who killed their companion was more hateful.

William didn't expect that he could sneak up, let alone think that the reaction of the living dead would be so fierce. He just wanted to retreat, but found that his retreat had been blocked, and it was impossible to retreat at all, but if he didn't retreat, he could only face two living dead. William was not a hesitant person. When he found that he could not retreat, he decisively chose to fight.

He knew that he could not be attacked, so he naturally chose to dodge the gray fog and followed him to approach a living dead man. He will not be stupid enough to wait for the other party to approach, which is likely to face the attack of two living dead. At this time, the best way is to kill a living dead person first and then face another one, so that there is a better chance of winning.

Having a experience of dealing with the living dead, William knew that as long as he focused on the key points of the living dead or directly smashed their bodies into pieces, he could solve the immediate crisis. However, it is obvious that the possibility of smashing their bodies is too small, and the first method is more practical.

Quickly approached a living dead man. As soon as William wanted to take action, he saw a thin palm grabbing his chest, and the sharp nails with gray light were obviously extremely sharp. William doesn't want to be scratched by this nail. Although it is not known what the consequences of being arrested will be, William will not want to know what the consequences will be.

He twisted his body, flashed his grasping palm, and then reached out everything. The arm of the living dead was directly broken into two, and a faint gray fog spewed out from the broken arm. Fortunately, William protected his body with silver light early on, thus preventing the possibility of gray fog invasion, otherwise he was likely to be hit. This situation did not happen when the first living dead were attacked just now.

He said that it was so close that William twisted his body again and directly reached out to cut the head of the living dead man. As long as it was strong, he could deal with the living dead man.

The plan is wonderful, but there will always be some changes that interfere with a person's plan.

Before William cut his hand, another living dead man roared and rushed over. With a sigh, William knew that he had no chance to launch another attack, and hurriedly urged the energy in his body to flash towards the other side. At this time, it was completely possible for William to get out of the battle circle, but he also knew that he had been targeted by the two living dead. No matter how he ran, he had to face these two monsters, so he decided to kill the two monsters.

As he retreated, William observed the situation around him so that he could respond well. Obviously, Yi Tian has not yet got rid of the encirclement of the living dead. Those living dead are desperately spitting out fog to try to suppress Yi Tian. Even if the encirclement is broken, it will be difficult for Yi Tian to get out of the gray fog for a while.

William knows that this situation can only be done on his own.

The retreating body suddenly stopped, and William also suddenly burst out with a roar, and then rushed to the two living dead. He hit two living dead head-on this time, and he had to hit them head-on, otherwise there would only be more trouble.

With a flash of his body, William used a little trick to make himself look like a split. Suddenly, there were three or four more of his figures in the air, each of which rushed to the two living dead, and each of them was solid and like an entity, which was indistinguishable. This situation happened very suddenly, and the two living dead suddenly saw this situation and couldn't help but know which William to attack.

There was an evil smile on the corners of his mouth. William knew that his little trick had played a role. His body, which had already rushed forward, suddenly accelerated, quickly approached the two living dead and raised his hand to split it.

Two crisp sounds, followed by the bodies of the two living dead scattered like rags, and there is no possibility of living.

Exhaling, William finally felt a little relaxed. For the first time in the face of such a monster, he was still quite nervous. He also knew that he was lucky this time. If there were two more living dead, he would have to escape.

"Foreigners are indeed foreigners, doing some strange means all day long." William made such a comment on the foreigners, and then saw the silver light not far away. At the same time, he heard Yi Tian's roar. Obviously, Yi Tian was in power.

"Finally, I can't help it." William narrowed his eyes and looked at the place where the silver light was in full bloom, knowing that Yi Tian could no longer stand the suppression of the living dead.

Even if William doesn't take action, Yi Tian can get out of the predicament with the runes in his hand, but it will take some more time. William took action and destroyed the encirclement, which undoubtedly reduced a lot of pressure on Yi Tian, and also caused a gap in the original intact encirclement of the living dead. The emergence of this gap made Yi Tian find a chance to break through.

Just to paralyze the living dead, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to break through. His purpose is to kill all the living dead. Keeping such a disaster will only bring trouble to yourself in the future. Although he did not know how foreigners refined the living dead, he also knew that it was not easy to refine the living dead. Even in the old man's era, the number of living dead did not exceed 500. Not to mention the current situation, it is impossible to refine so many living dead with the strength of nameless people, so killing a living dead is to weaken the strength of nameless people.

When Yi Tian noticed that the living dead were uneasy because their companions were killed, he knew that his opportunity had come. Suddenly smashed the floating rune in front of him and completely stimulated the energy inside, and then he released the energy in his body, making the silver light suddenly released.

Where the silver light passes, all the gray fog disappears in an instant. This is the power of that rune that can completely destroy everything related to the living dead.

The silver light spread quickly to the side of the living dead. Those uneasy living dead were still trying to escape, but when they wanted to run, they found that they couldn't run at all. I don't know what's strange in the silver light, but there is a strong suction force, which makes them unable to get rid of it.

The silver light fell on the living dead, and the pain that should have disappeared long ago appeared on the living dead people. They made a painful horn sound, and their voices were dry and unpleasant, and then their bodies gradually melted in the silver light, and it was impossible to appear in front of Yi Tian and others.

After the living dead completely disappeared, the silver light slowly convered, revealing Yi Tian's figure. He suspended in mid-air and looked coldly at the empty surroundings.

"If I had known you had such a method, I wouldn't have done it." William's voice came. He really didn't expect Yi Tian to deal with the living dead in this way, and he also noticed that the energy Yi Tian just released could just restrain the living dead.

"I wanted to save some energy, but I didn't expect it to get more and more troublesome. There is no way to use such a means." Yi Tian answered truthfully, and his face did not change at all. Obviously, he did not feel that his mistake was a mistake. At most, he was just careless.

William was speechless for Yi Tian's answer. However, the best result is that things can be solved.