reverse song

Chapter 551 Departure

Chapter 551

"I didn't expect it to develop to this extent." The look on Qin Xu's face is difficult to describe, a little unbelievable, and seems to be a little excited, as if he wanted such a result to appear early in the morning. The energy emerging from him is very subtle, and people familiar with him know that this guy is a little unbearable to take action.

It is indeed unexpected to be able to learn some news about foreigners through a war accident, but this does not prevent them from preparing for action. For people like Qin Xu, foreign talents are a big problem. As for Wu Lao and others, they are nothing at all, at least for now. Because so far, no conflict has broken out between the two sides. However, once the conflict breaks out, it will be a completely different situation.

"Don't you need to prepare again?" Yichen always felt that Qin Xu started too fast and seemed to have not considered the reality at all.

You should know that foreigners are within the alliance, and once Qin Xu and others act, they will be regarded as actions against the alliance. This situation is not very beneficial to them, but will be pressured by the alliance. If they can't withstand the pressure of the alliance, I'm afraid they will fail.

Even if the alliance is facing the pressure of many forces at this time, such a huge thing, even if it is really under the enemy on all sides, still has extremely strong power in a short period of time, which is enough for the alliance to put pressure on them.

"No need. We don't have to enter with great fanfare, as long as some people enter the alliance first to find out the situation. Fortunately, Yi Tian has opened the way for us before. What we need to do now is to quickly find foreigners and spread the news of their existence. At that time, if we don't have to do it, the five guys will take action against them. Qin Xu sneered. He already had a vague plan. As long as the news of the existence of foreigners is confirmed, he will release the news and then lead to a fight between the five guys and foreigners.

With the current situation of the five guys, although there will be no problem dealing with foreigners, there will certainly be damage. At that time, the five guys will be forced back, and then nothing will be done. Qin Xu's idea is very good, but whether he can do this depends on whether he can grasp the news related to foreigners. If he can't find anything, he will still face the five guys after all.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, they will not have contact until the five guys take over the alliance.

Yichen didn't expect that Qin Xu had planned such a long-term thing. He was not concerned about the five guys, not foreigners, but the life of Yi Tian. Previously, he was able to look at all this calmly because Yi Tian had the ability to protect himself, but when the last scene appeared, he found that his estimation of the Five was wrong. That's why he worried about the missing Yi Tianlai.

Xiao Ruo is also worried about Yi Tian, and he also doesn't know where Yi Tian is. In his opinion, Yi Tian will suddenly disappear, which should be related to the situation of the alliance. It is very likely that he was ambushed when he ran away and suddenly disappeared. After all, Yi Tian often acts in the league, and it is not strange to be targeted by the league.

But the problem is that once Yi Tian falls into the hands of the alliance, the possibility of survival is very small. Xiao Ruo was very clear about the means of the alliance. When he heard that Qin Xu was sure to take action against the alliance, he immediately jumped up. He has been trapped in this yard for some time. During this period, he thought about saving Yi Tian every day. However, his strength is not as strong as Qin Xu, so he was eaten to death and could not resist at all.

Even if Qin Xu didn't pay attention to him at all, Xiao Ruo couldn't get out of the yard. This place has been banned by Qin Xu. With Xiao Ruo's strength, there is no way to break through such a ban and escape outside. But now that Qin Xu has released the ban, he can go outside smoothly.

"Let's go, we should also see what changes those foreigners have brought to the alliance." Qin Xu smiled faintly, without any fireworks, slowly rose up and led a group of people to gallop away. There are no riding tools here, so they can only continue to travel after going outside.

All arrangements are secretly, and it is not difficult for Qin Xu and others to sneak into the league. All this is not shown. Qin Xu and others will definitely appear in the alliance, but how to act is another matter.

As for other forces, they are also completely smelling flies and are gathering forces to march towards the alliance. Of course, they can't only use their surface power, and secretly people like Qin Xu and others are also marching towards the alliance one after another. At this time, the league is like a huge cake. Almost everyone wants to come up and take a bite, whether it bites or not.

The only thing that hasn't moved is probably the alliance of underground cities and marginal cities that announced a full-scale war against the alliance early in the morning. They still stayed quietly in place, like people who had lost most of their strength, just standing still and watching others rush towards the alliance.

In the alliance, those high-level officials are about to collapse. However, these high-level officials are nominally high-level, but they have no decision-making power. They can only carry out the orders of nameless people. However, at this time, the nameless did not have any mood to pay attention to the alliance. Although he was reluctant to part with the alliance, the sudden changes in the five guys made the nameless feel uneasy. What's more, in the news that came later, Yi Tian has also undergone great changes, and that power has reached an incredible point.

When he got the news, even the extremely calm white-haired man couldn't sit still. He didn't expect such a result in the end. Generally speaking, this situation is extremely beneficial to them, but in such a situation, the white-haired man felt uneasy. He felt as if he was walking in the dark, and everything in front of him was hidden in the dark. He didn't know where he would suddenly jump out of a fierce beast and swallow himself. Go.

The uneasiness began to spread.

When they return to their hiding place, the whole world is already in a mess. After all, a lot of news is unfavorable to the alliance. In the current situation of nameless people, if the alliance falls into an unfavorable situation, their situation will also become extremely dangerous. The white-haired man consciously should not go on like this, but he will not know how to reverse the current situation. In fact, there is no way to reverse it. When everything develops in a negative way, the role that manpower can play is already minimal.

The two were already exhausted when they returned there. It's not due to physical exhaustion or fatigue, but completely mental fatigue. The two went into the room to rest without saying a word, and Bai Nian, who was left behind, also jumped out at this time. Although he did not go to the scene, he was able to grasp the relevant information in time, so he was also worried about the situation of his people. But it's useless to worry, because he doesn't know what to do at all.

Bai Nian has long been used to obeying the orders of the unknown or white-haired people and let him do things by himself. That's completely a joke. Every time he makes his own decision, he will make a mess.

A day later, the unknown and white-haired man came out of the house. Although the tiredness on his face was covered up, a trace of it was still revealed. They didn't talk too much about the situation at the scene, and they didn't arrive at the scene. They just walked around the periphery to save them.

"Let the four of them out." The nameless voice was a little hoarse, probably caused by anxiety in my heart.

The four people in the anonymous mouth naturally refer to the four new clans. As soon as they arrived here, they were imprisoned anonymously to prevent anything from happening to them. Now that they have returned anonymously, they naturally want to release the four of them. Otherwise, when the general arrives, it will not be easy to explain this matter.

When the four sickle were led out by Bai Nian, their faces did not look good, especially Arthur, who was so heavy that they almost dripped water. He looked at the nameless fiercely and said, "Is this the treatment you receive from your peers?" Because the expression is too fierce, the words are also vicious.

I didn't expect that these people would accuse themselves as soon as they came out. They were already in a bad mood. When someone said this, they immediately got angry.

"If you have the ability to find a place to live, don't bother me here." For so many years, the nameless has been in a high position. Why have you been scolded so much? Naturally, there will be no good tone.

As soon as this was said, Arthur's gunpowder barrel also exploded. He roared as if to attack the nameless, but he measured the strength between himself and the nameless. Although he did not know what the nameless power was, he did not rush to take action in the end.

"We were going out to find a place to live. Who wants to live in such a dilapidated place as you?" Arthur showed no weakness at all. "We can only die in battle, not suffoed by ourselves." He actually began to satirize the nameless turtle who only knew how to be a shrinking turtle.

"You can go out and have a try." He sneered, "It's better not to implict us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Nameless no longer wants to talk to Arthur, a psychopath. He is good for him, but the other party is completely threateful. What else can he say to such a person?

"It won't involve you." Arthur was angry.

"Forget it, one person can say less." At this time, the white-haired man came out to be a peacemaker. He couldn't see the discord between the clan. "We are not many, so there is no need to quarrel like this. In this strange environment, we should be more united.

"Unity? That also depends on who can do it. He snorted and walked into the room without a name. He didn't intend to pay attention to these people anymore. Originally, he wanted to tell a few words, but now when he saw Arthur and others with such an attitude, he didn't bother to say another word. Even if the general arrives, he will not ask again. Anyway, he did everything he could, but Arthur and others were not appreciate it.

The white-haired man had a headache and watched the nameless enter the room, and then turned his head to look at Arthur. He happened to see this guy looking at the nameless back angrily.

"What else are you looking at? Sit down for me." As soon as he saw Arthur's expression, the white-haired man got angry for no reason and couldn't help shouting. Even if he is unhappy with these people today, he must make everything clear to these people, otherwise he is not sure that something will happen to these guys.

After being scolded by the white-haired man, Arthur, who wanted to say something, could only shut up obediently and sit aside obediently. The three sickle also sat down obediently and looked at the white-haired people. They were curious about why they suddenly called them all out. If you just release them from the ban, it's not a big deal at all, but looking at the white-haired people's expression as if something really happened.

"Our whereabouts are likely to have been exposed. In order to ensure our safety, it is better not to go out during this period, and don't think about searching for any information or something. The outside world has become chaotic, and everything is handled by me and the nameless. Just stay here. This is an order." The white-haired man did not want to add the last sentence, but when he thought of the personality of the four Arthur, he still added that sentence, and only such a sentence could suppress the four of them.

Sure enough, even if the white-haired man added the following sentence, Arthur was quite disapproving. He curled his lips. Although he had a serious expression, everyone knew that he had not heard anything.

The white-haired man also knew that what he said was useless, but these words must be made clear to them. Then he said to Bai Nian, "Tell them about the situation in the world these two days, which is also a preparation for future actions." After saying that, he was too lazy to pay attention to Arthur and went into the room by himself. He needs to figure out what he should do next. The alliance is already in a mess. If he can't issue an order, I'm afraid it will collapse directly.

Of course, only the high-level officials on the side of the alliance are still messed up. As for the people below, they still follow the previous instructions, and even if there are no instructions, they will respond quickly when the foreign enemy approaches the border. However, without the support of the upper class, these temporary responses cannot last long.

is also to sort out the current situation. The white-haired man felt that all this was becoming more and more chaotic. He felt that his head was not enough. More importantly, the unknown guy seemed to be a different person and could not calm down at all.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself for the time being." The white-haired man said to himself, and the sky outside gradually darkened.

When the night wind blew, the burning breath left by the day immediately dissipated, and the coolness invaded the spleen and lungs at a very fast speed, which slowly calmed down the originally anxious mood. Bai Nian stayed in the room. During the day, he had just told the four Arthur four things, and now he was adjusting his mood, because it took a minute to forgive the man 800 times to talk to Arthur before he could resist the impulse to cut him to death.

Even so, Bai Nian still treats Arthur and others as their peers, although they are not friendly, and can even repeatedly threaten him and the unknown.

While calming down, Bai Nian heard a sound from outside, which was very subtle, as if someone had deliberately lowered the sound. Even if he doesn't go to see it, Bai Nian knows who is doing such a thing. He just felt strange that Arthur and the four of them didn't sleep at this time and were still walking around. However, in order not to conflict with those people, he is too lazy to go out to see what's going on outside.

Outside, Arthur, who had heard a lot of nonsense during the day, are slowly walking outside the house. They try their best to slow down their steps and make no sound as much as possible, but they don't want to disturb the three unknown people. In Arthur's view, these three are all those who were scared out of their courage. Although they had seen extremely terrible force when they first came to the world, Arthur and others did not think that there were such force everywhere in the world.

To a certain extent, Arthur's cognition is correct, but the problem is that the alliance he is now in is where all forces are watching, and naturally many masters gather here. Although there will not be many masters like Yi Tian, there are no fewer people who can draw with Arthur and others. Of course, Arthur, who lacks the most basic understanding of the world, will not know this, and even if they know it, they will disdain it.

They think from the bones that their ethnic group is the most powerful ethnic group in the world, and of course they are the most powerful people.

"Where are we going?" The sickle stood behind Arthur with a cold look on his face. He has no opinion or opinion on the contradiction between Arthur and the nameless. He is a person born purely for battle. But this does not mean that he is stupid. When Arthur called them up in the middle of the night, the sickle already knew that Arthur was going to take them out of here, so he asked Arthur where he was going.

"Let's get out of here first." Arthur looked at the room behind him.

Under the bright white moonlight, the room built between the mountains looks so lonely, and the sporadic lights seem to be swallowed up by the darkness at any time. He has no feelings about this place, but he has a lot of opinions about this unknown person. He didn't expect that the people the general wanted to meet would be so timid, which was undoubtedly a great blow to him.

"At least you have to have a goal." The sickle slowly opened his mouth, and his expression remained unchanged. This kind of departure without any goal makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry so much, just follow me." Arthur gritted his teeth and rose up.