reverse song

Chapter 552 contium

Chapter 552

The night is very cold and cold. However, on such a night, Arthur and others chose to leave this place and leave the nameless and others. Arthur can't get along with the nameless, and he doesn't agree with the shrinkage policy of the unnamed three. In his opinion, even if they do not have great strength in this world, there is no need to avoid those people so much.

Long after being banned by the nameless and unreasonable prohibition, Arthur has already had the intention to leave. Coupled with the daytime, he is now more sure that he wants to leave. When the nameless three were asleep at night, Arthur left the room with the other three with extremely light movements and walked a long distance before stopping.

Looking back at the room engulfed by darkness, nothing could see the outline of the house except the sporadic polar light indicating the location of the house. Even if the night is bright at this time, even if the moonlight is bright at this moment, the bright moonlight falls near the house as if it has been swallowed up by a monster, and it can't reflect the shape of the house at all.

Arthur has no feelings for this room and the people in it. From the beginning of seeing the nameless, he had no good impression or even felt disgusted. This is an unexplained emotion that affects Arthur from the subconscious, but Arthur can't explain where it comes from.

"We should go our own way." Arthur looked at the room engulfed by darkness and the sporadic lights and slowly spit out such a sentence. When he said this, his temperament suddenly changed greatly, as if a person had metamorphed in an instant, but soon, he returned to his original appearance and could not see the heroic look just now.

"Where are we going?" Andy's face showed uneasiness. He was very strange to the world, and anything strange made him feel uneasy. He is indeed dissatisfied with the nameless attitude, but at least under the guidance of nameless guidance, he can quickly understand the world. If they follow Arthur, they will have to explore by themselves.

"You can go anywhere, as long as you don't stay here." Arthur is determined to leave here. He doesn't know where Andy's uneasiness comes from, and he is also full of strange feelings about the world. Even if the plundered body knows a lot about the world, he still feels strange and uneasy.

"Do you want to come with me?" Arthur stood up straight and looked at Andy and the other three. His eyes slowly swept over Andy, and his peaceful eyes did not show any threat.

However, the three people who were swept by Arthur's eyes felt as if they had been seen through and couldn't help shivering.

"I'll go with you." Taylor was the first to state that she didn't want to stay here. She didn't want to hide in this place as a turtle. She had her own pride and she had to perform the task assigned by the general.

"I'll go too." Andy also made a statement without hesitation. Although he felt uneasy, he did not want to be manipulated.

"I'm not leaving." The sickle finally opened his mouth, from the time he came out until now. There was no change in his face, as if he were listening to something that had nothing to do with him.

The sickle's answer made Taylor and Andy stunned. They thought the sickle would follow them, but the man chose to stay here.

"Why?" Andy is puzzled, very puzzled. The four of them were originally together. At this time, they had to leave, and naturally the four of them had to go together, but the sickle actually chose to stay.

"Why not." The sickle's answer is still short and has no intention of explaining.

Scythe's maverick attitude obviously did not match the expectations of Arthur and even threatened the safety of the other three. They want to leave quietly instead of leaving a person to inform them. If the sickle informs the unknown three people as soon as they left, or even shouts now, Arthur and the three will definitely not be able to leave. This is inconsistent with the interests of Arthur and the other three, which will put them in a difficult situation, and it is impossible for them to leave this place even in the future.

"Are you sure?" Arthur took a step forward and approached the sickle. Although the expression on his face did not change much, his tone unconsciously brought a trace of threat. The meaning contained in this is obvious. If you don't go with us, then don't blame the three of us for being rude.

"Do you think they won't know our action?" The expression on the sickle's face remained unchanged. Gujing did not wave and slowly opened his mouth, but it revealed everything.

Of course, with the strength of the three unknown people and their control of the room, how could they not know the actions of Arthur and the four? No matter how careful the four of them are, it will be the same. There are too many things in the world that Arthur and the four don't know, even if they have absorbed some common sense about the world.

The sickle's words obviously stunned Arthur and the others, but Arthur soon came to his senses. If the three unknown people really knew about their four actions, they would not have been silent for so long. Judging from the contact these days, the nameless personality is very irritable. If they know that the four people are leaving, it is certainly impossible to watch and not come out to stop them.

With a sneer, Arthurson said, "Do you think this can scare me?" He has shown his malice. If the sickle still doesn't want to go with him, he doesn't mind using violence.

"If you don't believe it." The sickle was not moved by Arthur's threat at all. His face did not change, but he took a step back quietly. "If you want to go, I won't stop you or call anyone." He didn't think of the conflict, not because he was afraid, but because he felt it was unnecessary. What's more, he doesn't want to be cruel to the same clan.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Arthur didn't believe the sickle's words at all. At this time, he had doubts. Even if the sickle went with them now, he would not believe the sickle's words.

"If you don't believe it, I can't help it." The sickle shook his head, and he knew that the fight was inevitable. Arthur is so suspicious that even if he breaks his mouth, it is useless.

"But you'd better figure it out that if you do it, it will definitely disturb the unknown. If you want to leave again, it will be too late." The sickle took a step back again. He was avoiding fighting as much as possible, so he added such a sentence. However, while talking, he had stretched out his hand and held it, and a faint red light appeared on his right hand. As long as Arthur dared to do it, the sickle could take out his weapon to fight back in an instant.

However, Arthur didn't do it. Obviously, the sentence behind the sickle played a role. Arthur is indeed going to leave here, and he doesn't want to shock the three unknown people. Because he felt that the three unknown people would definitely not let them leave. At this time, Arthur immediately dispelled the idea of using violent means. He was sure that he could not subdue the sickle in an instant, and could not make energy fluctuations that shocked the unknown three people when subduing the sickle.

Slowly took a step back, and Arthur sneered, "Let's believe you once. If you dare to inform them, you can't leave here today. I'm going to kill you too." He actually sent out the threat of death.

The sickle is not a vegetarian. Others threaten themselves with their lives. If they don't react, he can really be directly hit to death. Snorting coldly, the sickle said in a sad tone, "You can try it." I don't know whether he wants Arthur to try to leave or try to kill him. Anyway, he is too lazy to explain what he means. He has torn his face with Arthur, so there is no need to try to maintain a friendly relationship or something.

Hearing the sickle's response, Arthur almost couldn't stand it, but in the end he took a deep breath and slowly stepped back to introduce his body into the darkness.

"I hope you can live a good life until the arrival of the general and until we rule the world, and then you will know who is right and who is wrong." Arthur's tone was cold and hard, like a stone. As he spoke, he retreated, his figure became more and more blurred in the dark, and finally disappeared completely in the dark. Andy and Taylor also retreated with Arthur and kept hiding in the darkness.

The three of them retreated, and their eyes were always fixed on the sickle for fear that this guy would do something against them. But there was no movement from beginning to end, just standing there, and even the expression on his face did not change.

until there was no way to feel the breath of the three people, the sickle slowly exhaled, and the tense nerves relaxed in an instant. He didn't expect that the four of them would end up in such a situation, and a slight loneliness flashed on his face, and then they were covered by a group of indifference. He stood there, looking at the already empty position, looking at the darkness, and slowly exhaling, like a sigh and a sad cry.

"Does it matter to let them leave like this?" The white-haired man stood on the roof and spoke slowly. Everything that had just happened fell into his eyes, and of course, the unnamed and Bai Nian standing next to him.

"Retaining them will only increase the danger." The nameless slowly said, "The result is more important than expected. At least one person is willing to stay, isn't it?"

"Those who stay may not really be willing to stay." The white-haired man said coldly. Although he had seen the tense scene between sickle and Arthur just now, he still held a skeptical attitude. The white-haired people don't have much crush on these four people who dared to fight with them as soon as they arrive.

"You think too much, and sometimes you can relax a little. After all, they are of the same race as us, not outsiders.

"Indeed, hostile peers." The white-haired man couldn't understand where the inexplicable hostility of the four Arthur came from, and he didn't even know why it could trigger their hostility at the first meeting.

"Okay, don't say that. After watching the play, it's time for us to go back. Without a name, he turned around and walked into the house. Now that everything has become a fore, there is no need to look on it. The sickle chose to stay, which was his own choice. As for how it will change in the future, it is another matter.

However, as soon as the nameless turned around, the sickle, who had been standing in the dark, also turned around, and his eyes fell on the roof. Although the room was completely shrouded in darkness at this time, it was impossible for the sickle to see the unknown three people standing on the roof, but the nameless still felt the sharp eyes of the sickle falling on his back.

The feeling of being stared at made the nameless body involuntarily stiffen, and then he stopped and slowly turned around to look in the direction of the sickle.

The sickle rose up slowly, and then flew in the direction of the nameless and other people. The speed of flight is not fast, but at such a short distance, the sickle still arrived in front of the three unknown people in a very short time.

"You have been watching for a long time." The sickle stood in a fixed shape, looked at the nameless, and looked at the ancient well.

"Yes." He smiled namelessly, and he was quite surprised by the sharp feeling of the sickle. Originally, he thought that the three of them were well hidden, but he was still found by the sickle.

"Sure enough." The sickle looked clear, "Why don't you stop us?" He didn't understand why he let Arthur and the other three leave.

"Do you think it's useful?"

The sickle didn't expect the nameless to ask back. He thought for a moment and then shook his head. It's really useless. Even if an unknown person appears, it can't change Arthur's mind to leave.

"In that case, why stop them?" Turning around nameless, no one could see the expression on his face. "If you want to go, go with him. Staying here will only increase your troubles. Even if it's you, if you want to leave, I won't stop you." With that, the nameless has walked towards the stairs. He is no longer interested in talking.

I didn't expect the nameless to have such an attitude. After a trace of surprise flashed on his face, he quickly replied, "I won't leave. Even if it's death." His tone was so resolute that it kept echoing in the dark.

And for the sickle's answer, the nameless only replied with a soft laugh without saying anything. The laughter was so clear in the night that the clear knife light made people imagine the expression on the nameless face at this time.

Originally, I thought that my team would grow, but not long after the four newcomers came, three left, and it was very likely to expose their whereabouts. But even so, the nameless and others did not stop it. Even if some things are stopped, they will still happen. It's better to let nature take its course.

Looking at the nameless figure hidden into the room, the remaining three did not say anything more, but also followed into the room.

The three people who left were rushing out at a very fast speed. Even if they saw the sickle without any movement from beginning to end, how could Arthur, who had long been suspicious, really believe the sickle's words? So as soon as he disappeared into the dark, he immediately took Andy and Taylor out. During this period, they had changed direction several times in a row and set several confusing traps. Only in this way can Arthur leave here at ease.

But even so, he still felt a pair of eyes staring at him. He knew that it was his illusion, but even if he knew it was an illusion, he could not eliminate it. He could only choose to keep running to make himself feel at ease.

The three had escaped far away, but Arthur still felt that it was not far enough. He felt that the three unknown people were following him, and even the sickle left behind followed them with a long sickle at this time. He predicted that the four unknown people were chasing them at this time in order to prevent the three of them from revealing their whereabouts.

All kinds of imaginations in his mind made Arthur more uneasy, and at the same time, the inexplicable hatred in his heart became more and more vigorous. He vowed that once he could escape, he would double the four unknown people. This is a rather strange state. Everything is clearly imaginary, but he blames all the faults on others.

At this time, Arthur was almost crazy, madly regarded all the three unexpected people as enemies. The advantage of this is that you don't have to doubt your own people, but it will also make him fall into a state of vegetation.

With a slight noise, Arthur, who was about to stop and rest, had to continue to run away. The crazy appearance had revealed everything in Arthur's heart.

Andy and Taylor naturally noticed the changes in Arthur, but they couldn't stop Arthur. They know that once they speak, they will be treated as enemies by Arthur. Just now, Arthur's attitude towards the sickle was obvious and full of hostility, but the hostility did not know where it came from. Even Andy and Taylor, who left with Arthur, couldn't understand why Arthur was so hateful and hostile. They just came to this world and met the three unknown people. Nothing happened during this period except imprisonment. If it's just because of imprisonment, Arthur's performance is too extreme.

There were thousands of questions in their hearts, but Andy and Taylor never spoke, but kept running behind Arthur.

When the day began to brighten slightly, the things around him began to become clear. Arthur, who had fled crazily, finally slowed down and began to observe the situation around him. Similarly, because the sky became brighter, the feeling of being stared at on his back also faded little by little. When the day was completely lit up, the feeling of being monitored and being tracked finally disappeared, and Arthur was finally willing to stop and rest.

Breathing and stopping, Arthur leaned against a huge stone. An unindeserved sense of safety made him gradually relax and then slowly fall asleep.