reverse song

Chapter 594 The Beginning of the War

Chapter 594

It was getting late, and the crying in the city gradually disappeared, leaving only the hoarse and low sobs. A group of people gathered in the square in the city. They formed a circle and looked at the high shelves piled up with firewood in the middle of the circle. There is a man lying on the shelf, which is a serene place. He was finally able to sleep peacefully, but he would never wake up again.

Xiu and others stood in a row, closest to the shelf. There was no sadness or anger in their eyes, but calm, as calm as water. But everyone knows that under such calm eyes, only anger is hidden.

The last light in the sky was also swallowed by the darkness. Wang Hanyu, who was standing with Xiu, took a step forward. His face was expressionless, with a torch in his hand, and his eyes calmly looked at Zhou Chu's peaceful face.

"Week, rest in peace." In a simple sentence, Wang Hanyu raised his hand and threw the torch out.

The torch fell on the wooden frame, and the flame ignited, swallowing the body around in an instant. The crackling sound came from the flames and had not disappeared for a long time. The rising flames are red and bright, like blood. There seem to be various pictures flashing in the firelight, but there is nothing. Xiu and others held their breath and looked at the place where the flames were burning. How they wanted to hear the sound of pain in the flames, but there had never been any sound inside.

The flame burned for nearly two hours before it gradually extinguished, and those people also surrounded the remaining ashes and did not want to disperse for a long time. The silent crying flowed away, making the already solemn atmosphere heavier and heavier. Everyone only felt that their noses were sour and their hearts were extremely heavy.

"Let's start a full-scale war." After a long time, Wang Hanyu slowly said such a sentence, which contained too much helplessness. He didn't want to launch a large-scale battle. Even if he had declared war on the alliance before, it was just a small battle. This time, it is impossible to dodge. The people under him have died in the battle. If there is no more reaction, I'm afraid they will be completely underestimated.

"After dawn, the war officially begins." Xiu also gave an order, and his face became colder and colder.

Everyone present knows that they have no way out for a long time. The reason why they have always dealt with it with a defensive attitude is just to expect the situation to change. After all, they just wanted a place to settle down and didn't have any idea of dominating the world. However, many times, things in this world are not just what they think. Since they have shown terrible combat power, they will be afraid of other forces, especially there are too many factors in it. It is impossible for marginal cities to be alone.

After Wang Hanyu's statement, they will begin to take the initiative instead of acting so passively.

Silence flows through the whole city, and everyone spreads silently. There are no words or superfluous words.

I was speechless all night.

The sky just lit up, and Xiu and others had gathered on the wall. This time, instead of waiting for the arrival of the coalition, they went straight out of the light and rushed to the camp of the coalition. At this time, there were naturally people on the side of the coalition to watch day and night to monitor the changes in the marginal cities. So as soon as Xiu and others had just climbed the wall, someone reported the situation.

But as soon as the news was transmitted, Xiu and others rushed to the coalition camp, so resolute that the soldiers of the coalition were stunned for a while. Even if they have some training, in this sudden change, they can't mobilize their combat strength and stop the actions of Xiu and others at the first time.

It was not until Xiu and others approached the outside of the camp that the coalition formed a defense circle and launched the first wave of attacks. When countless lights flashed, the originally gray sky was immediately illuminated, and how could the well-prepared Xiu and others be concentrated by these lights? A group of people who had gathered together suddenly dispersed and rushed to the coalition camp.

This is not the only arrangement of Xiu and others. They just came out first to attract the attention of the coalition forces, and the real attack depends on the army composed of marginal cities. After all, the number of Xiu and others is limited. Although they are all masters, it is difficult to control the war situation at once. What's more, once Xiu and others are dispatched, the masters of the coalition will definitely come out.

Now all Xiu and others have to do is to defeat the coalition defense line to relieve the pressure on the people behind. After all, breaking through the defense circle is the most difficult thing, and if they break through first, the damage of the people behind them will be greatly reduced.

Suddenly turned to zero, and the coalition lost the trace of Xiu and others. After all, it is extremely difficult to rely on ordinary people and instruments to capture capable people. Only those who have the ability can suppress those who have the ability. This is already another level of battle.

Xiu and others knew that time was tight, and as soon as they dispersed, they immediately esconceded into the defense line of the coalition. After all, the masters of the coalition had not yet reacted at this time, and it was a good time for them to perform. Light suddenly rose to the sky, and the roar kept coming, and a huge opening was opened when the coalition's defense line was very open.

Those ordinary people in the defense circle fled one after another. After all, when facing these non-human forces, their fighting power is really not enough. Without human control, the defense circle will not constitute any threat, and it will be easier to break through the defense circle at this time with the power of Xiu and others.

A thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded directly on the defense circle. Those machines exploded immediately after being struck by lightning, and the firelight began to spread rapidly. Soon the defense circle of the coalition became a sea of fire, and the task of Xiu and others was basically completed.

As soon as the defense circle was destroyed, there was a sharp sound of breaking the air, and it was the master of the coalition army who came.

Xiu and others quickly gathered together and stood on the ground waiting for the other master to come. They also consumed a little bit of the havoc just now, and just took this opportunity to slow down.

The masters of the coalition came quickly. Xiu and others had already rushed into the defense circle of the coalition camp, and they were also very close to these masters. Those masters didn't come until now, and their reaction was slow.

As soon as the master appeared, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed. The coalition master group led by Zida, a middle-aged man, suddenly appeared in mid-air and looked condescendingly at the practitioners on the ground. There is a considerable gap between the number of people between the two sides, but the momentum is comparable.

There are nearly 100 masters on Zida's side, but there are not many people on this side.

Xiu and Zida both stared at each other and stared at each other. The breath released by the two was also quite fierce. The space between them seemed that there were countless transparent blades flying and colliding, making a jingle from time to time, which made people feel cold.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come out." Zida slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was a little gloomy, and his tone was sarcastic. Obviously, he was saying that Xiu and others were hiding behind the mask and were unwilling to fight.

Xiu didn't mean to answer, but snorted coldly, raised his hand a little, and a colorless and invisible wind shot out. When he took action, there was no light flash, and even the energy fluctuation was subtle to the extreme.

When Zida found that Xiu launched an attack, the wind had come to him. In a hurry, he could only turn around in confusion to avoid being directly hit by the wind. But even if Zida reacted quickly, his face was still cut open, and bright red blood flowed out along the wound, and a faint bloody smell immediately rushed into Zida's nasal cavity.

The smell of blood is not strong, but it makes Zida's face extremely ugly. There was a low sound from his throat, and Zida was about to rush towards Xiu, but he saw Xiu's fingers shaking gently again. After learning the means of cultivation, he immediately retreated for fear that he would be attacked again.

Zida's overreaction made the people around him retreat one after another, and the rest of the people naturally saw the strange scene just now. At this time, he saw Zida move, afraid that he would also suffer an inexplicable black hand and retreated one after another. In this way, it seems to have shocked all the masters with the power of one person.

"But Er." Xiu withdrew his hand and said this lightly, but there was no change in his expression. The faces of the people around him have not changed.

At this time, Zida finally realized that she had been teased, blushed, and then roared, "How dare you tease me!" His roar was so loud that he was afraid that others would not know that he had just been teased. Before the words fell, Zida rushed down wrapped in red light.

Zida's momentum was really invincible, but as soon as he moved, he was blocked by a purple light and shadow. The man who stopped Zida's way slowly said, "There is no need for adults to deal with such a villain. Just give it to me." While talking, without waiting for Zida to agree, the purple figure raised his hand and cut out a thunderbolt.

The thick thunderlight of the arm made a dull sound, piercing through the air and attacking the ground. This thunderbolt doesn't look big, but if it really hits, it will definitely trigger a wider range of energy fluctuations. After all, the energy of the thunder attribute is extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult to control.

When the thunderlight broke through a long distance and was about to fall, Xiu's side also suddenly emitted a purple thunderlight.

The two thunder lights meet in mid-air and devour each other, but there is no explosion scene when the energy collides, let alone any shock wave. Everything was so plain that the two thunder lights were silently annihilated in mid-air.

Cook, who blocked the other party's blow, slowly stood up and looked at the purple figure in mid-air. He did not speak, but the provocative meaning between his expressions had been clearly shown.

The purple figure did not expect that someone in the other camp could block his blow, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face and said, "I didn't expect you to have some skills. But I don't know if you can block this blow.

His hands were raised high, and the purple figure began to condense purple light on his hands. The thunder gushed out of his body, constantly absorbing the energy around him and slowly building into a thunderball. The free energy around began to surge crazily, constantly rushing into the thunderball, constantly strengthening the thunderball.

And as the thunderball continued to grow, difficulties also appeared on the face of the purple figure. Obviously, he is overloaded to gather energy, but in order to win or lose with one blow, he seems to be ready to gather more energy.

Cook quietly popped up a thunderbolt and directly hit the purple figure in mid-air. If he really lets the other party complete this move, he will be an idiot, especially before this kind of melee. If you let the other party release a big move first and bombard the people on your side, how can you fight?

Seeing Cook pop up a thunderbolt, the purple figure couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that the other party would not give him a chance at all. He didn't expect that he was too stupid to use this trick in front of people.

However, the thunderlight did not cause any trouble to the purple figure at all. The coalition had rushed out a figure and directly smashed the thunderlight before the thunderlight approached.

"It's not good to sneak up when others make a move." The man who defeated the thunder said slowly, and his expression was a little careless.

"What a matter." Cook just said these two words coldly, then stretched out his hand, and the lightning that had just been defeated immediately condensed towards the man. Before the thunder was completely condensed, Cook snapped his fingers, and the fine thunderstorms immediately burst.

The man didn't expect that Cook had such a move. Unbewarely, he was blown back by lightning, which was not embarrassing. Suddenly attacked, the man's face was immediately average, roared and rushed towards Cook. At this time, he won't say anything about a sneak attack or anything. After all, the other party has launched an attack first.

"Don't waste time, just go straight." Standing behind Cook, he said slowly. He is not going to give the purple figure any chance to condense energy. After all, the energy of the thunder attribute is too violent. If the other party really completes such a blow, I'm afraid they will be in big trouble.

As soon as Xiu's words fell, the people around him shouted one after another and turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards the masters of the coalition. Although there is a gap in the number of people, but once they do it, Xiu will not have any fear because of the gap in number.

The people in the marginal city suddenly launched, which made Zida and others couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect that Xiu and others would launch an attack at this time, and the speed was so fast. In shock, their movements were a little slower. It's just a distracted figure. The purple figure has been punched by Cook, who rushed over first, and his whole body has flown out.

The hard-earned power lost control in an instant, and the energy in the body suddenly devoured, the purple figure only had time to roar, and then suddenly burst. The turbulent energy also has the violent characteristics of thunder attribute energy, covering the surrounding space with electricity. The people present only felt numb, and their movements stagnated for nearly three seconds.

Three seconds is not long, but it is enough to make the coalition master react and completely eliminate the advantage of the sudden launch of repair and others.

This is not a good thing for Xiu and others, but it is also helpless.

Three seconds after, the roar broke out of Zida's mouth, and he immediately began to mobilize the people around him and launch a counterattack. He found that he had been led by the other party since he appeared. It was not until then that he completely realized that they should have launched a fierce attack as soon as they came out. If they do this at the beginning, I'm afraid that the other party has been beaten, but now, they have lost a hand.

Angry, uncontrollable anger burst out of Zida's heart. He stared at Xiu, who was flying this way, patted his hands on his body, and the red light turned into flames, and he became a fireman and rushed directly towards Xiu.

The rest of the people also reacted at this time and rushed towards the people in the marginal cities. Their faces were full of anger, because they all found that they had been teased, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

The chaotic battle was completely opened at this time, and Thomas and Jones, who came slowly, couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this scene. You should know that the two groups of people are carrying out the camp near the coalition camp. After this group of masters started the fight, one may accidentally raze more than half of the camp to the ground. You should know that the coalition camp is not protected by the light mask of marginal cities. It is as fragile as an egg, and a little more force will be destroyed.

However, even if he knows this, Thomas can't change the current situation. Such a chaotic situation is completely out of control from the beginning. Unless someone can turn the tide and deter everyone in an instant, the coalition camp will be completely destroyed.

"Immediately let the people in the camp retreat, discard all the supplies, and retreat lightly." After weighing the gains and losses, Thomas immediately issued an order to retreat. He had to do this, otherwise the whole camp would become victims, and his commander would become a bachelor commander.

Most of the combat power of several major forces are gathered in the camp of the coalition forces. If these combat power is lost here, their strength will also be greatly hit. When Thomas gave the order, Jones had begun to do it. Jones was much clearer than Thomas. As soon as he saw the melee situation, he knew that things had gone uncontrollably, and this development was completely beyond his expectations.

The beginning of this chaos also indicates that the marginal cities have completely entered the troubled world, but no one can see where to go in the future.