reverse song

Chapter 595 Coffin, Falling from the Sky

Chapter 595

The dark sky has brightened, and the intact coalition camp on the ground is already in a mess at this time. At this time, the original tent has completely collapsed, and some have been ashes by the flame atmosphere. Thomas and Jones' faces are difficult to see the extreme, and they are also masters, but there is no room to intervene in the chaotic situation at present. It's not that they don't seem to interfere, but that they don't have the ability to intervene. Everything changed too fast. The chaos lasted only two hours. The intact camp had been destroyed, and several masters on the coalition side had fallen, but none of the people in the marginal cities fell except for injuries.

Looking at the other party breathlessly, there was still no emotion in Xiu's eyes, which made people not know what he was thinking at this time. Even Zida, who is his opponent, can't figure out what Xiu is thinking at this time. Originally, Zida had three or four helpers, but these helpers were killed by Xiu's strange ability in the process of fighting. So far, Zida has never seen this strange ability, and he can't even determine which ability is used.

Zida stared at Xiu, and he found that Xiu's body was full of strange silk. It is an extremely slender filament. If it hadn't been for Ziddar's amazing eyesight, coupled with the understanding after the war, I'm afraid it would have been impossible to find the existence of those filaments. He stared at the filaments to find out what they were, but when he was distracted, he felt that his eyes were blurred, and the filaments he could have seen suddenly disappeared completely.

His heart suddenly jumped. Zida knew that something was wrong and hurriedly retreated. Sure enough, he had just exited three steps away and saw a white gas explosion suddenly appear in front of him. The filaments that were originally coiled around the body suddenly became straight, and a sharp breath spewed out from the filaments.

He secretly said that it was so dangerous that Zida suddenly leaned forward. He would not always be in a passive situation. As a long-standing master of the battlefield, Zida deeply understands that if he wants to control the war, he must take the initiative to attack and control the rhythm of the battle in his own hands, instead of being led by the other party.

The extinguished flame appeared on Zida again, and he opened his arms and rushed towards Xiu not far away like a big bird. Although it is difficult to grasp what kind of ability Xiu has so far, this does not mean that Zida will sit back and wait for death. On the contrary, this situation has aroused his fighting spirit and made him want to trample on the marginal cities.

When he rushed forward, Zida felt a sharp breath coming towards him. Needless to think of it, he knew that he had repaired the strange silk. Reaching out in front of him, a thin flame condensed in front of him. As soon as the flame film was formed, it was smashed, and the moment the film was smashed, Zida had turned over and changed his forward posture.

That's it. He has approached Dao Xiu's front, and his right hand suddenly burst out as a fist, and the flame flew out like a vicious tiger, which meant to swallow Xiu in one bite.

The flame approached, and the hot breath came to his face, and the murderous intention swept over his body without concealment. In the face of Zida's attack, Xiu's face did not change at all, but his right hand shook gently, and the almost invisible fine silk was closed, rolled back, and went straight to Zida's back heart. If Zida insists on attacking Xiu, he will definitely be pierced by a thin silk. Perhaps Zida will feel that it is worth the opportunity to hit the other party in exchange for a small injury, and he will definitely regret his decision

Obviously, Zida is not a fool, at least not at present. Feeling the sharp breath behind him, he turned over again and walked around Xiu, and the flame that originally swept to Xiu also followed and retreated to his arm. When he wandered away, Zida patted his hands and did not forget to launch an attack at this time. However, the attack was relatively scattered and could not pose too much threat to Xiu, but it was enough to disrupt the rhythm of the repair and limit the action of Xiu.

After the battle, Zida knew that he had long and short silk in his hand, which was superior to himself in short and medium distances, so he could not be far away from Xiu. After all, he is not good at long-range attacks, but close combat is his strength. If he can force the opponent to have no backhand power at such a distance, then he has a chance to win.

Seeing the palm shadow appearing around him and patting dozens of palms in a row, he didn't seem to see through Zida's purpose, as if he had seen through it. In short, his face was completely indifferent, and his calm look made Zida a little unhappy.

The wandering figure suddenly stopped, and his low body suddenly jumped to his waist. Zida actually saw a flaw exposed by Xiu and directly approached his waist to hug Xiu. His body suddenly weighed and fell to the ground. I don't know how long Zida has waited for such an opportunity. It's really inconvenient to move in the air. If it hadn't been for his momentum at the beginning, he wouldn't have climbed into the air at all. Unexpectedly, after the war began, he had been dragged in mid-air and had no chance to land at all. At this time, such a good opportunity appeared, how could he give up?

He was suddenly taken to fall to the ground. Xiu didn't even have any panic, and even he didn't have any resistance. He just let Zida take him to the ground. His right hand shook gently and collected all the filaments released. After finishing this, Xiu took a deep breath. Suddenly, there was an invisible wind on his body, and the fierce wind turned into a turbulence hovering around the two people.

The invisible and fierce wind and heat broke the flames around Zida and chopped on his rock-hard skin, making a jingle sound, but it could not hurt him at all.

At this time, Zida's heart was shocked to the extreme. Xiu's reaction was unexpected, and he didn't expect such a method. It was only at this time that Zida was sure that the wind energy used for the repair was actually used. But when did the wind attribute energy become colorless? Or is this a mutant energy? Strange thoughts flashed in Zida's mind, but they did not slow down his movements, and even the wind blade hovering around him could not slow down his movements at all.

fell to the ground with a Xiu's head at an extremely amazing speed. When there was a loud noise, the flame spewed nearly five meters high. The red fire shocked the people around and burned the remaining items in the camp. However, Zida doesn't care about any consequences caused by his ability. The only thing he cares about is the repair that he brings to the ground.

A circle of invisible wind condensed around the body, hanging his body three feet high on the ground, and the burning flames around him could not approach him at all. At the last moment of falling to the ground, Xiu directly got rid of Zida's restrictions like a loach and gained freedom. So Zida was the only one who actually fell to the ground just now.

However, Zida relied on his strong body and did not suffer any substantial harm, but he had a feeling of being teased again.

Like an angry lion, Zida's eyes were red and howled towards Xiu. The surrounding flames were pulled by him and immediately poured into his body.

In the face of such a Zida, Xiu just gently raised his right hand, then gently pulled it, and dragged Zida who rushed to him directly to the ground.

The sudden change did not make Zida panic. He slapped his hands on the ground, and when his body was like a spring, he directly broke free from Xiu's bondage and rushed to Xiu again.

Before approaching Xiu's side, Zida had already raised his hand and bombarded a blow. The flame was like a sharp cone tearing the air and bombarded straight to Xiu's face door. As soon as the flame cone approached Xiu's front, it suddenly diverged in Zida's low roar and turned into dozens of small sharp cones to bombard Xiu with a covering attack.

Xiu, who had never moved much, finally made an action. His body retreated and patted forward with his left hand, a wind formed in front of him, disturbing the sharp flight route of the flame. As soon as he changed the direction of the flame cone, he noticed a flash of red light around him. Zeda, who had just been in front of him, did not know when it had approached him.

With a ferocious smile on his face, Zida twisted his waist and punched him to his waist. Without any chance to repair, Zida planned this attack for some time, and the angle, speed and strength of the punch were just right.

When the fist touched Xiu's body, the flame condensed on it suddenly spewed out, and the violent energy surged out, with the breath of destroying everything.

Xiu didn't expect that Zida would suddenly break out such an amazing attack, and it was too late to defend. The violent energy rushed into the body and caused a calm wind. The body was like a volcanic eruption. All the energy was out of control in an instant. When the whole person was thrown away, he had already opened his mouth and spewed several mouths of blood continuously.

He barely turned to the ground and finally stabilized his body, but Xiu found that the energy in his body had become chaotic. I'm afraid it would take some time to transfer the energy again. But in this situation, there is no time for him to calm down the violent energy in his body like being ignited. It is completely impossible to turn to others, because everyone is tired of dealing with their opponents, and he can only rely on himself.

The ferocious smile on his face did not subside. Zida stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the man had already flown out like an arrow. As soon as he grabbed the void of his right hand, a flame fell into his hand, quickly replenishing the energy he had just consumed.

"It doesn't feel good to be ignited with energy." Zida smiled, and his figure was already close to Xiu. He raised his hand and punched again and flew out, but it once again triggered some energy in Xiu's body that had just calmed down.

Xiu only felt that his internal organs were like being burned on the fire, and the hot breath constantly invaded his body. At the same time, he spewed out a mouthful of blood with flames. When he looked at Zida, the scene in front of him became blurred. Xiu knew that his situation was bad. Just now, Zida found a chance, and now it depends on his luck to turn the table.

Zida will not give any chance to repair the turnover, step by step, bombard, every time is a subtle force to control his fist, and every time he controls his power in a very clever range. How can he be repaired when he is so embarrassed just now?

"Enjoy the pain I have given you." Zida roared loudly, as if to vent his dissatisfaction and as if to show off his achievements. He wants to make people in marginal cities tremble and tremble in front of his strength.

When Xiu was bombarded and fell to the ground for the tenth time, Xiu struggled a few times and finally couldn't get up. The energy in his body has been burned out, and there is no more energy for him to use, but the bigger Zida is, the more convenient it is, and the more powerful it is. After bombarding Xiu again and again, he was greatly satisfied. When he saw that Xiu could no longer stand up, he was even more angry.

He didn't expect Xiu to be so unplayed. He hasn't completely enjoyed it yet.

He grabbed the repaired hair and pulled him up from the ground. Zida roared, "Fight back. Aren't you awesome just now? Why don't you return it?" With that, he shook his right hand and shook Xiu's body hard. He wanted Xiu to open his eyes and see the scene in front of him.

After all, the masters of marginal cities can't form an advantage in terms of numbers, so they are strong, but they can't beat four hands. People in the marginal cities were hit on the ground one by one, but no one was killed. These people have long been ordered by Zida to kill these masters in the marginal cities on the walls of the marginal cities. Only by using such means can we deter the residents of the city and make them surrender obediently. Of course, what Zida wants to see is the picture of so many people flying at the same time. What a wonderful picture it will be.

Laughter burst out of Zida's mouth, and he seemed to have seen countless people's heads soaring up.

The chaos was finally settled, and Thomas and Jones, who watched the battle from afar, finally breathed a sigh of relief. If they can't win this battle, I'm afraid it will be a great loss. Now it seems that the loss of the camp is nothing at all, at least most of the masters in marginal cities have fallen into their hands. At this time, even if the strange teenager appeared in front of them, Thomas felt that he had the bargaining chip and would not fall into a passive situation at all.

Zida ordered all the masters of the marginal cities to gather together. Looking at a group of extremely embarrassed masters in front of him, Zida smiled.

"Master? But that's it." With sarcastic words, what he has to do now is to break through the mask of the border city and kill all these people on the high walls. What a pleasant scene that is.

The noisy sound completely disappeared, and only the whimper of the wind whimpered in a messy place. Xiu had fallen into a state of almost coma, and the rest of the people were not much better, with more injuries on their bodies. However, the previously arranged sneak attack troops, due to the sudden rise of the war, all returned to the city without losing manpower. However, that force can't be of much use now.

Zida's laughter is still echoing, spreading farther with the wind. Thomas and Jones came slowly from afar. The battle has been decided. They always need to understand the situation and see how embarrassed the marginal masters look at this time.

Everyone just gathered together and heard a sudden cracking sound in mid-air, like the sound of a glass suddenly smashed, which was very crisp. Such a crisp cracking sound was extremely harsh at this time. Everyone, of course, referring to the masters of the coalition, looked up one after another. They saw a huge shadow fall from the sky at a very amazing speed, and they didn't even see what it was.

The shadow suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the ground at a very fast speed, falling not far from Zida and others, and the smoke and dust covered the shadow. No one can see what the shadow is, even at the moment when the shadow falls.

Everyone closed their mouths and held their breath to look at the smoke and dust. Thomas and Jones were even more shocked. They guessed that the horrible teenager on the edge would not appear. However, after waiting for a long time, they didn't see the figure appear from the smoke and dust, and even there was no sound inside. It was as quiet as if there was nothing inside.

The smoke has not dissipated, and the people of the coalition dare not act rashly. These people are all masters, so they are extremely careful about such a situation. They stared at the smoke and dust, waiting for the smoke to dissipate completely.

Finally, the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the dark things inside, which turned out to be a dark coffin without any special. If you have to say that there is anything special about this coffin, I'm afraid it's the dim silver light flashing from time to time.

A coffin shining with silver light suddenly fell from the sky. How strange this situation is, especially when no one understands why a coffin suddenly fell in the air. You know, they are very sure that there is no transport plane or anything in the air before, so this coffin appeared out of thin air? What's in the coffin?

I have doubts, and the atmosphere at the scene has become a little strange. Zida, who was quite bold, did not dare to move forward at all at this time, but looked from afar and did not speak. The appearance of the coffin was so strange that he was not sure what was going on with this completely unexpected situation at present.

A group of people stood still for a long time, and the coffin did not change except with silver light. It's just a coffin and there's nothing to change. But the more so, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more strange, and everyone dared not move at all. They were thinking about what happened to this coffin that fell from the sky.