reverse song

Chapter 687 Qin Mo arrived

Chapter 687

Ning Yu, who watched the battle, was helpless, while Andy, who was entangled by the white wolf on the other side, was another scene. If Ning Yu's fight between Duguliang and Taylor was so fierce that he could not intervene, then Andy's side was so strong that Andy did not do it at all. Andy seemed a little at a loss when he made an effective counterattack.

Although Andy was extremely calm at the beginning, he seemed to be completely fearless of the white wolf. But when he really faced the white wolf, he found that his previous conjecture was completely wrong. He thought that he could exert stronger strength in such a place and deal with the white wolf. However, the current situation is that he is suppressed to death by the white wolf, and there is no way to counterattack. If this strength had not just been improved, Andy would have made it extremely difficult to defend.

When he was forced to retreat by the white wolf, Andy realized that he was too careless just now. This period of time was so smooth that it made him forget the advice Xiu gave them before. He should always be a man with his tail between his legs, not as he did just now. But it seems a little late to regret now. Andy clearly realized that he was completely locked by the other party, and it was unlikely that he wanted to escape. This situation made Andy more uneasy.

They are not the only three of them. No matter how big the Hydra is, they will not really think that the power of a few people can change a war. But the war situation here has just begun, and those who are placed a little farther away are not so fast even if they want to come.

Under such circumstances, Andy knew that he could only support the arrival of those people on his own. However, even if those people come here, they may not be able to help. After all, the shock wave that broke out from the fight between the two is not something that ordinary people can get close to, especially the white wolf, which is strange and terrible, which is difficult to catch at all. When the number of people becomes larger and the environment becomes more complicated, the white wolf may become more strange and elusive.

Even so, Andy didn't panic at all. He knows that things will take a turn for the other, but he doesn't know when. When he was really forced to have no way to go, he could also choose to abandon his body and escape. Of course, this is a last resort. You should know that it is not so easy to find a good container.

Compared with Andy's complicated mind, the white wolf is much simpler. He recognized Andy and launched a single-minded attack. As soon as he had a fight, the white wolf noticed the subtle changes in Andy. This situation surprised him a little. Although he knew that the situation of foreigners was extremely special, it was amazing that they could improve so much in such a short time.

Surprised, the white wolf's movements did not slow down or hesitate at all. If the person standing in front of the white wolf is the capable person of the alliance, there may still be a glimmer of life, but the problem is that Andy is a foreigner. The two already have irreconcilable racial conflicts, which makes the white wolf have to try their best to kill Andy.

However, Taylor is a person who has been on the battlefield for a long time. As soon as he saw Du Guliang fly backwards, he knew that his opportunity had come. He suddenly looked happy and immediately urged him to chase him in the direction of Du Guliang flying backwards. After being deadlocked with Du Guliang for so long, how could she let go of such a good opportunity? Just like Duguliang and others hate foreigners, Taylor also has no good impression of Duguliang, even the feeling of wanting to kill him.

With a red light like blood, Taylor arrogantly rushed towards Dugu Liang. At this time, he completely ignored the abnormal energy surging in his body. It is more important for her to kill an opponent than to care about her energy.

Without surprise and no obstruction, Taylor quickly caught up with Duguliang, when the other party had not yet controlled the disordered energy in his body and body. As soon as she approached, Taylor suddenly slapped her, and a red light appeared. She patted Du Guliang's chest very directly. She knew very well that as long as she could hit this palm, even if she couldn't kill Du Guliang, she would definitely hit this guy hard.

Taylor planned well, and the timing was also very accurate. At this time, Duguliang really has no way to control his body shape, and even the disordered energy in his body is a little uncontrollable, but Duguliang can survive many battles and has his own advantages. Even if he knew that his life was in danger at this time, Du Guliang still looked at Taylor in front of him very calmly, allowing the other party to slap his chest, and he didn't even want to struggle.

Taylor did not notice any abnormality in Duguliang. In her opinion, Duguliang was just waiting to die. However, even if she dies, Taylor will not make Duguliang too happy. Of course, what she hopes more is to control Duguliang's body, which makes her feel more relieved than making Duguliang die.

A slapped it without fancy, and it fell on Duguliang without any suspense. No one can stop Taylor's action, the white wolf can't, and Ning Yu can't stop it. Just as Taylor's palm fell on Dugu Liang, a rather strange smile appeared on the corners of Dugu Liang's mouth, which was like a smile when a hunter saw his prey fall into his trap.

Taylor instinctively smelled a dangerous smell, but she didn't believe that Duguliang could play anything in such a situation. But the next second, she knew what Du Guliang could play.

A green light suddenly flashed in the position of Dugu's chest. Guanghua flashed without any energy fluctuations, which made Taylor's heart think about it again. She didn't expect that such a strange and scary situation would happen to Duguliang at this time. Of course, it's just scary and can't cause any substantial attacks on others.

Knowing that he could not be attacked, Taylor unreservedly stimulated the energy in his body and wanted to kill Du Guliang in one fell swoop. She also let the thin blue light cover her body, and she didn't pay attention to whether the light would change anything else.

The blue light enveloped Taylor's body, and a sudden sound of wind sounded, giving people a rather cold and fierce feeling, and also made Taylor's heart beat wildly. She didn't expect that the change would suddenly appear at this time, and her face suddenly changed and she wanted to take back her palm. However, everything was done at this time. The lonely body, which had just not changed, was completely wrapped in blue light, and the position of his chest broke out with an amazing suction force, so that Taylor's hand was attached there, so that Taylor could not escape at all.

The dangerous breath that has just disappeared reappeared. At this time, even if such a breath appears, it is superfluous, because eye-catching people can see that Taylor has fallen into danger at this time. She roared to get rid of the completely passive situation. No one expected that Taylor, who had completely occupied the active situation, would fall into such a passive situation.

The angry roar was soon swallowed up by the wind, and the red light surrounding Taylor was instantly torn to pieces, and he could no longer protect Taylor's body. The sad roar came out of the blue sky, and then it was immediately covered by the wind and never appeared again.

Blood flowed all over the ground, just outside the marginal city. No matter how many people hit the city, wherever there is a fight, there must be sacrifice, and if there is sacrifice, blood will appear. The hot blood fell on the ground and dyed the place that had been soaked with blood red again. Although there is no bloodshed, the impact of the fall of so many capable people has gradually calmed down those who want to hit the city again.

The appearance of the child and the lazy cat directly changed the original one-sided war situation. No one can figure out what the two people did, but the two dolls are extremely clear. It was the sudden appearance of these two people that made them, who were still in the upper hand in the war, fall into such a passive side.

After a burst of killing, the child and the lazy cat have retreated to the wall and proudly looked at those who seemed to be a little tired outside the city. They saw the hesitation in the eyes of those capable people. In this case, they naturally chose to stop instead of continuing to attack. The two people are still extremely clear about the truth that they can't chase. If these people continue to stimulate them when they hesitate, they will encounter two situations. One is that all capable people become birds and beasts and can no longer gather together, and the other is worse, that is, these people completely form a group under the stimulation of danger of their lives and begin to attack marginal cities without fear of death. . No one wants to encounter the second situation, because that means fighting again, and it is still an endless battle.

Although children and lazy cats are extremely confident in their own strength, it does not mean that they can easily deal with a group of crazy and fearless people. Therefore, when they found that those capable people retreated, they immediately retreated to the wall and gave them time to weigh the weight of human rights.

Obviously, the strategy of children and lazy cats is extremely correct. Their retreat gives those capable people time to think and give them a chance to see the present form. They saw the blood flowing on the ground, the people who fell on the ground, and they saw the people standing on the wall. A feeling of powerlessness appeared in their minds, forcing them to make a choice immediately.

retreat and retreat without hesitation. Although these capable people want to capture marginal cities, when they see that there are constantly masters appearing in marginal cities, they know that their calculations are wrong, and even they even think that this is a huge trap laid by marginal cities. To weaken these people who dare to threaten the safety of marginal cities, and it can be said that this is killing chickens and monkeys. In any case, marginal cities have been extremely strong this time, even stronger than the alliance.

Speaking of the alliance, the ten alliance capable people are still on the edge of the battlefield at this time. Except for the beginning, they did not participate in any fight after jumping out of the pit with the public. Instead, they chose to retreat to the edge of the battlefield and observe the situation on the battlefield. When they saw the ability to retreat, a trace of astonished flashed on their faces.

Originally, the capable people of the alliance thought that even if so many capable people could not take down the marginal cities, it was possible to cause huge losses to the marginal cities. But things completely exceeded their expectations. Those people had no way to bring any trouble to the edge. Instead, they were shocked by the master of the other party and retreated.

"I didn't expect that there were so many masters hidden on the edge." One of the ten people said slowly. He really didn't expect that the masters on the edge would emerge one after another, and the strength shown by each master who appeared was extremely horrible. This made him panic. Although they did not take action now, no one knew what the attitude of the marginal cities were like now. If the marginal people did not hesitate to attack them, the situation would be a little bad.

"We just don't have to take action against the city." The other person seemed to have seen through the attitude of those people on the edge for a long time and took such a sentence without any hesitation. Although they don't like people on the edge, he also believes that people on the edge are not so shameless. It can even be said that those people on the edge are extremely trustworthy. Of course, there are a little more tricks, and the rest are nothing.

"Ah, it's really surprising that no one can capture the marginal city." A slightly laughing voice suddenly appeared in mid-air, making the faces of everyone present suddenly change. The people present did not notice the breath of people approaching at all, but at this time, someone actually spoke and said sarcastic words with a smile, which was not good no matter how they looked at it.

When everyone looked up, two figures appeared in mid-air. It was Qin Mo and Su Qing who left the big team and rushed to the edge. It was Qin Mo who spoke just now. At this time, his face also had a vague smile on his face. He looked at the people below with a rather joking look, as if he were watching a good play.