reverse song

Chapter 688 Sound

Chapter 688

"Five guys Qin Mo."

As soon as he saw the two figures suddenly appeared in the sky, the face of the lazy cat who had just retreated to the wall suddenly changed. In any case, he did not expect that Qin Mo, one of the five, would suddenly appear here. As a lazy cat who has been monitoring the five guys before, he really knows the situation of the five guys and others. Relatively, he also knows where the strength of the five guys has come to.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be here too." Qin Mo's face showed surprise, but he didn't expect to see a lazy cat here. There has been no news since the lazy cat suddenly went crazy and escaped from that place. Originally, according to Qin Mo's idea, the lazy cat would appear on their side, but he didn't wait until the arrival of the lazy cat, but he didn't expect to meet the lazy cat here.

"I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to live well." An extremely malicious smile appeared on Qin Mo's face. He is extremely disgusted with this junior who dares to spy on him. You should know that the five guys themselves are quite arrogant people. It is a great shame to be imprisoned in a cage, not to mention being monitored by juniors all the time.

"Dead? I also thought about it." The stunned face slowly faded, and the lazy cat smiled and said, "It's just that why did you come here? Do you also like this city?" He pointed to the edge city behind him, and a sarcastic look appeared on the lazy cat's face.

"Just come and see what's going on here." Qin Mo smiled slightly, and the lazy cat's reaction was completely unexpected. Originally, he thought that the lazy cat would settle the accounts by himself, but it turned out that he didn't have it at all.

"I didn't think it would be so popular here." Qin Mo looked at those who were able to retreat. He didn't expect that the marginal cities could resist so many masters, but this was also what he expected. No one knows what kind of fighting power this place has a small monster like Yi Tian.

"What do you want to do here?" The child who was next to the lazy cat just now suddenly appeared in front of Qin Mo, staring at him with an old-fashioned look, and his face was full of provocation.

"Oh, it's awesome." Qin Mo smiled. He didn't care much about the child's provocation. After all, he didn't come here to annoy Yi Tian and others, otherwise he was in trouble. "Just come and see the fun. Go on, just ignore me." He stretched out his hand with a smile and asked for himself.

There is nothing the child can do about Qin Mo's attitude. Although he wants to force Qin Mo's opponent, he can also see that Qin Mo has no intention of taking action at all, so even forcing him is completely useless.

"It's boring." The child retreated wisely in the direction of the city. Although he wanted to play with Qin Mo, he would not force the other party at all knowing that there was no chance. He knew that it would only be him, not others, who would get into trouble.

"Are you leaving now?" When he saw the child turn around and leave, Qin Mo actually opened his mouth to stimulate the child. However, the child completely ignored Qin Mo's words and retreated in the direction of the city without even looking back. The child is completely uninterested in Qin Mo now.

"Is that the way to let him leave?" Su Qing whispered to Qin Mo. He felt that now was a great time to weaken the strength of the edge cities. If he could kill a few masters on the edge now, he would not be so troublesome in the face of the edge in the future.

"Haven't you noticed something wrong?" Qin Mo suddenly said such a brainless word to Su Qing. As soon as he appeared here, Qin Mo looked at the situation at the scene and even saw through how many people, but he did not see Yi Tian among these people.

"You didn't see Yi Tian, did you?" Seeing Su Qing's confused appearance, Qin Mo couldn't help reminding him, "I don't know what tricks these guys are playing, but Yi Tian didn't appear. This situation is not very good."

"Is Yi Tian not here when such a thing happened?" Su Qing's face suddenly changed. He never thought that Yi Tian would not be here at this time. When he appeared just now, he felt that something was wrong, but he never thought that Yi Tian would not be here.

"Where do you think he will be?" Qin Mo had a shallow smile on his face. He felt that this place was really getting more and more fun, even beyond his imagination.

Su Qing looked puzzled, and he really couldn't guess where Yi Tian was. They have so little information that they don't know that Yi Tian has left the marginal city so far.

When Qin Mo and Su Qing were talking, A Xing and others on the wall were also talking in a low voice.

"How much do you think what he said is credible?" The lazy cat looked at A Xing and wanted to find someone to discuss about Qin Mo.

"Completely credible." A Xing said such a sentence quite directly without any hesitation, and gave such an answer almost in an instant.

A Xing's refreshing answer made the people on the wall involuntarily stunned, and then they seemed to understand what A Xing wanted to express almost instantly. They didn't know why this feeling suddenly appeared, but they still chose to believe A Xing's words.

"The future is a little different." Situ Hao, who flashed silver in his eyes, suddenly opened his mouth, as if he had seen any other picture.

"It doesn't matter what happens in the future. Let's do the right thing first." The lazy cat stood up and looked at those who were still capable of retreating. He knew that he could not relax yet, and others may not have noticed it, but he has been paying attention to the movements of the ten capable people in the league. So far, the ten people of the league have no intention of doing anything, which makes him not know what the league wants to do.

Suddenly hearing the lazy cat say this, the faces of the people who had just relaxed changed again and looked at those capable people outside the city.

Because of the sudden appearance of Qin Mo, those who have the ability to retreat completely paused at this time. They looked at the two capable people who suddenly appeared, and they could not feel any energy fluctuations in these two bodies. But the more this situation is, the more frightening it is. Those who dare to appear outside the marginal city are not ordinary capable, but those who have certain abilities and have certain insights. At this time, they suddenly saw two people without any energy fluctuations appearing in the air. In any case, they knew that these two people were definitely not simple.

These capable people observed Qin Mo and Su Qing in the sky, but did not notice that the ten people of the alliance who retreated to the edge of the battlefield had completely withdrawn from the battle circle.

When they first saw Qin Mo, the ten people recognized Qin Mo. If they can't recognize Qin Mo, they can basically die. The five guys made such a big noise within the alliance, and if they, as capable people who can be sent away, do not know Qin Mo's identity, it would be a dereliction of duty.

"Why did this guy suddenly come here?" One of the ten people was a little crazy. They were ready to do it, but they didn't expect to kill Qin Mo halfway.

"Who knows, but it seems that he knows people on the edge. Are they on the edge? The other person is also full of doubts. He didn't understand why Qin Mo suddenly appeared here. Has this guy always been in the city?

Because of the credit of Li Zhen and Xun Zhong, and Qin Mo did not take action outside at all, so far, the alliance has not found that Qin Mo is not in the city at all, but slipped out of it early.

"Observe and see if it really doesn't work, contact the headquarters to see what to do. The plan designed above must not be exposed. The first speaker spoke in a slightly solemn tone. He knew that Qin Mo's appearance would definitely have some impact on the battle situation. Although the previous battle situation had become stable, it still gave them some hope. However, as soon as Qin Mo appeared, many things became immeasurable.

"Retired, we can't intervene here anymore." Another person opened his mouth, and he had already seen the war situation clearly. Even if they forced the plan, there could not be any change, and even their own lives would be thrown in.

"Go back like this? Aren't you afraid to blame your superiors?" Someone objected to the man's proposal.

"Do you have a way to deal with that man?" The man who was overthrown the plan raised his chin in the direction of Qin Mo. He has seen Qin Mo's combat power, which is impossible for him to resist, which he will never forget.

"Well, it's not as bad as expected." Another voice suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then Qin Xu and Ling Xiaozi's figures were revealed. Their faces were full of curiosity, especially when they saw the blood-stained ground, their faces changed slightly. Qin Xu predicted that he would see various scenes, but he never thought that he would see such scenes.

The bright red blood has stained the ground outside the city, and no one knows how many capable people have fallen. When Qin Xu saw those who were quite embarrassed and capable, his face couldn't help changing slightly.

"It's surprising that so few people can block the case with so few people." Qin Xu sighed slightly, and then turned his eyes to Qin Mo on the other side, "So what are you here for?"

Although they were brothers, when Qin Xu and Qin Mo met, they were really like strangers, without any unnecessary conversation, but only cold words. This is extremely strange to outsiders. Of course, they also think it is strange, but they just didn't say it.

"Come and see the bustle." Qin Mo smiled and held down Su Qing, who wanted to do it. He doesn't want to do it in such a place. Isn't it bad if Yi Tian hides in the city?

"It's really hard for you. You have come all the way here to watch the fun." Qin Xu slowly replied with such a sentence, but he had no intention of doing anything against Qin Mo. He didn't come here to do something. He just came here to see the situation. If there is an invincible situation in the marginal cities, he will help. Now it seems that there is no need to help.

"It's okay, it's good to do some activities occasionally." Qin Mo didn't care about Qin Xu's tone of voice. To be honest, he is unwilling to take action with Qin Xu. Anyway, both of them are brothers, and there is no need to get a relative situation of life and death.

"How's it going, boy?" Qin Xu did not answer Qin Mo's words, but looked at the lazy cat and others on the wall and asked with a smile. When he saw those capable people, Qin Xu knew that the marginal cities had won the battle, and how to end it next was another matter.

"It's okay." A Xing stood up to answer Qin Xu's question, "Please come here. At present, the situation is inconvenient, so I won't invite you in." As soon as he opened his mouth, he blocked Qin Xu's intention to come in. There are too many strange things in this city. If something suddenly happens at this time, it will be out of control.

"Ah, it's okay. I just came to have a look. I don't want to go in." Qin Xu laughed and didn't have any embarrassment at all.

Qin Xu didn't say anything. Ling Xiaozi beside him was a little quit. He didn't expect that the people in the marginal cities would be so big. They had already come here and didn't invite them in, and they didn't even say a word of thanks. Although it was their old acquaintance A Xing who answered the question, even so, it can't be forgiven at all. Ling Xiaozi's heart was full of the feeling of beinglittled.

Dissatisfied, Ling Xiaozi naturally stepped out and stared at A Xing on the wall and said, "Is this the attitude of your marginal cities towards us?" When he didn't finish speaking, he did not hesitate to release energy fluctuations and looked like he was looking for trouble.

"Do you want to do it?" A Xing didn't raise his eyelids and replied, "Although we have fought side by side, it doesn't mean that I must welcome you. Don't think that I don't know why you came here. Don't you just want us to fight in front of you? When did you fall to such a point?

"What do you mean by that?" Being broken by A Xing's thoughts, Ling Xiaozi's face suddenly changed, and even his murderous spirit burst out without hesitation.

In just a few words, the two people who were supposed to be extremely harmonious suddenly became like this.

"Be quiet." Qin Xu's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that Ling Xiaozi would be so capable of causing trouble, but he made him tense as soon as he appeared. Isn't this a joke?

"Oh, this is your attitude towards marginal cities. I thought you were very harmonious." Qin Mo smiled and acted like a fan of fire. He didn't care that Qin Xu and the two fought with the marginal cities, so that he could watch another scene.

"I'm sorry, I'll let you down." Qin Xu naturally understood that Qin Mo was laughing at himself, but he still ignored Qin Mo's attitude. For him, such a fierce attack was useless at all. The only thing that worried him was Ling Xiaozi. He doesn't know if Ling Xiaozi will continue to go crazy.

At the time of these people's argument, those who were still stunned continued to retreat and withdraw from the previous circle, with the intention of watching the fun and looking for opportunities to do it again. After all, they saw the conflict between Ling Xiaozi and the marginal cities. Although they don't know the strength of Ling Xiaozi and others, it would not be too bad to talk to people in the marginal cities with such an attitude.

When everyone was watching the bustle, no one noticed that the blood on the ground began to dry up and disappear, as if the whole ground had suddenly turned into a huge sea, constantly absorbing blood. Of course, even if you notice these people, you will never care, because it is so vast that even if blood penetrates into the ground, it is nothing.

Under the ground, more accurately, there is another place, and a vague sound echoes in a dark space.

"Blood, blood, blood." The voice seemed to only say such a word, and it was constantly repeating, and an indescribable evil breath flowed in this space.

Just as soon as the voice appeared, the sound of gurgling water appeared, and with the appearance of the sound, a faint bloody smell began to appear in the turbid air. Then the smell began to become stronger.

With the appearance of the smell of blood, the previous hoarse and weak voice began to become high and powerful, and the extremely faint evil breath became stronger and stronger. If someone else was here, he would definitely feel this breath very uncomfortable and even go crazy immediately.

As soon as the voice disappeared, what appeared again was the sound of sucking **. The sound came, as if a hungry and thirsty person suddenly saw a table of food begin to swallow crazily. Even if there is no light here, it still makes people feel that there is a very vivid picture in front of them.

Of course, there is no one else here, but only the extremely strange evil sound. After this sound appeared, the whole dark space was a little more dead than angry.

When the sound of sucking disappeared, a faint light began to appear in the dark space, but in such a pure darkness, people can still see this red light. Then the red light began to spread and spread, gradually dispelling the darkness that originally existed here, and the blood-like bright red light reflected such a small space and gave people a more and unbearable feeling.

Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise I'm afraid I would have been driven crazy long ago. How can I survive?

When the red light lit up the whole space, the sound that had just disappeared appeared again with a little satisfaction.


I'm in a bad mental state and a little confused.