reverse song

Chapter 689 Trap

Chapter 689

The silver light suddenly spit out from Yi Tian's body, with a magnificent momentum. The sudden explosion of momentum fell on the gatekeeper in an instant, making the gatekeeper hum, and his body quickly retreated. Originally, the gatekeeper planned to take action against Yi Tian and Tang Mu, but he didn't expect that Yi Tian would suddenly change at the last moment.

Feed the momentum that broke out from Yi Tian, and the face of the gatekeeper changed continuously. As a person who survived from that era, of course, he can feel the pure breath emerging from Yi Tian. However, no one has grown up like this in his memory, and the name Yi Tian is also extremely strange. He has never heard of the name at all.

"Did it break out at this time?" Tang Mu coughed a few times, and his pale face finally regained a little blood color. Seeing Yi Tian in such a state, Tang Mu felt that the person in front of him was like a stranger.

Of course, he didn't know that Yi Tian was really like a stranger at this time.

Yi Tian clearly knew what had happened to him and that he had just got rid of the restraint of the gatekeeper, but he seemed to be unable to control his body. Of course, this was just a feeling, and another feeling was that he seemed to be able to fully control the body. He only felt that as long as he maintained such a state, he did not have to be afraid of the gatekeeper in front of him. Of course, if Yi Tian is intact before, he doesn't have to be afraid of the gatekeeper at all. It's just that his body has changed so much that he can't effectively control his body at all.

"Is this the channel?" As he spoke, Yi Tian felt that his voice was a little strange, as if another strange soul was controlling his body.

And when he opened his mouth, the goalkeeper who had just been forced back was inexplicably shocked. He noticed that Yi Tian's eyes on him were so cold, as if he were looking at a dead man. Although there is not much difference between the gatekeeper and the dead now, he is still afraid.

"What's the point of pretending to be a ghost?" Yi Tian naturally saw the gatekeeper, or he always remembered the gatekeeper. If this guy hadn't forced himself, I'm afraid such a situation would not have happened. After saying that, Yi Tian had raised his hand and grabbed the gatekeeper.

Yi Tian's seemingly slow movements fell into the eyes of the gatekeeper, but it was as fast as lightning. Just as Yi Tian raised his hand, he saw Yi Tian's hand appear in front of him. It felt like he bumped into Yi Tian himself. This situation shocked the goalkeeper and hurriedly retreated. He felt threatened from Yi Tian, and how could he let Yi Tian catch it easily?

"I want to escape." With a cold hum, Yi Tian suddenly caught up. No matter what speed the goalkeeper used to escape, he could accurately appear in front of the goalkeeper, and the movements of his hands did not change at all.

After dodging more than a dozen times and changing his figure more than a dozen times, the gatekeeper could not get rid of Yi Tian's pursuit, which made him feel quite shocked and more anxious. The more urgent the situation is, the clearer the gatekeeper will be. If it goes on like this, he will definitely fall into the hands of Yi Tian. Don't talk about dealing with Yi Tian at that time. I'm afraid it's difficult to protect yourself.

When he was caught up by Yi Tian again, the gatekeeper finally stopped. He knew that dodging like this would only waste physical strength and energy, and it would be better to face Yi Tian's reality directly. The look in his eyes suddenly became cold, and even the previous blurred figure seemed to become clearer in an instant. His eyes spit out an obscure light. The gatekeeper looked at Yi Tian's hand, but suddenly accelerated and hit Yi Tian.

The gatekeeper's action is completely looking for death in the eyes of outsiders, but it is completely another thing in Yi Tian's eyes.

Yi Tian only felt that the figure of the gatekeeper was suddenly blurred, as if it had disappeared in front of his eyes. In fact, the gatekeeper had never disappeared, and then his hand directly penetrated the doorman's body to the other side. But the gatekeeper still hit him at a very fast speed.

In his heart, he said something bad. Yi Tian did not retreat and bumped into it. He actually completely passed through the goalkeeper's body before the goalkeeper approached, and then turned back and rushed to the goalkeeper.

I have to say that Yi Tian's response is so fast that the gatekeeper can't react. He only felt a flower in front of him, and then Yi Tian disappeared directly in front of his eyes. After he found that Yi Tian was directly through his body, Yi Tian had turned back and approached him again.

I only felt a chill on my back, and the gatekeeper continued to rush forward, but did not dare to stop at all. He didn't know how close Yi Tian was, because he didn't dare to look back. He was afraid that he would completely defeat his psychological defense by looking back, so he could only rush forward and think about countermeasures.

The feeling of chill behind him has not disappeared, and the goalkeeper has rushed out of a long distance. But no matter how far he rushed out, the feeling of approaching behind him could not disappear, but became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, the gatekeeper only felt that his neck was tight, and his whole body fell into a great pressure. He wanted to struggle, but when the pressure fell on him, he could not resist at all.

The gatekeeper captured by Yi Tian is like a tamed puppy, standing still and dare not move. Of course, he did not dare to move. When he was grabbed by Yi Tian's neck, he knew that he could never act randomly, otherwise he would lose his life. However, he was unwilling to fall into Yi Tian's hands, and an inexplicable sense of humiliation directly enveloped his heart, making him more and more uncomfortable.

"Let him live." Tang Mu, who was watching the battle, immediately opened his mouth to stop Yi Tian's next move when Yi Tian captured the gatekeeper.

Sure enough, when Tang Mu opened his mouth, Yi Tian no longer exerted his strength, but maintained his original strength and turned his head to look at Tang Mu, showing a look of inquiry. He needed Tang Mu to give himself a reason not to kill the gatekeeper. After all, both of them almost died at the hands of the gatekeeper just now.

"Let him go, he's just doing his duty." Although he doesn't know who the gatekeeper is, Tang Mu does not intend to embarras such a person who is arranged to guard the passage here. Anyway, this guy is protecting the people outside and contributing his life here.

Just Tang Mu's sentence, Yi Tian directly let go of the gatekeeper without any hesitation or intention of seriously hitting the gatekeeper, but directly let go of him.

The gatekeeper looked at Yi Tian with a stunned face. He didn't understand why the two suddenly let him go, but according to his understanding, if the two wanted to release the foreigners, it was better to kill themselves directly instead of letting them go. Are these two going to buy themselves by such means? They should know that such a method can't work.

Before the gatekeeper could clear his thoughts, Yi Tian and Tang Mu had turned around and continued to fly in the direction of the passage. The two of them have been delayed a lot of time here. If too much time is wasted, no one knows what will happen outside. After all, compared with the simple channel environment, the outside world is much more complicated.

"Wait a minute."

Just as Yi Tian and Tang Mu flew forward, the gatekeeper suddenly shouted at the two. Yi Tian and Tang Mu looked at the gatekeeper with a puzzled face.

Being chased so tightly, the governor only felt that he was about to breathe. He didn't expect that William and the three would be so persistent that no matter how he escaped, he could not get rid of the three guys behind him. Although he can temporarily protect himself by taking advantage of the terrain, once the time is too long, it is completely another matter.

According to Ning Yu's original plan, the governor was only responsible for coming forward to attract the attention of those in the marginal cities and dragging them there by the way. But he never thought that William would suddenly jump out and bite himself with no intention of giving up at all. Being chased so tightly that the governor has the impulse to curse his mother. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for you to stop and fight with William.

According to the previous arrangement, as long as you enter the forest in front of you, the governor will be able to meet Arthur who came to meet him. Of course, Arthur is not the only one, but also some others will follow. When he saw the forest, the governor suddenly saw food and water, and his eyes flashed extremely brightly. Then he accelerated and rushed to the forest.

As he rushed forward, the governor also turned his head to look at William and the three of them and made a provocative gesture towards them. He doesn't believe that William and the three can deal with so many of them.

William and the others naturally didn't understand why the governor made a provocative gesture against them. However, he can usually put on a provocative posture under such circumstances, either with a card or a psychopath. Judging from the governor's previous behavior, this guy is obviously not a psychopath, so this guy hasn't used any cards yet.

"Be careful, there may be an ambush ahead." William suddenly slowed down. Although he wanted to avenge Jiami, he was not impulsive. After being blocked by Cook and Giles, William is now a little calmer.

Without William's reminder, both Cook and Giles naturally relaxed and began to observe the situation around them. They didn't want to be caught off guard.

The governor ignored the three people, but plunged into the forest with no intention of further provocation. It's good for William and the three to catch up, but it will always bring him inexplicable pressure, so he hopes that William and the three will not catch up.

"Why is it so slow?" Arthur, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't help complaining when he saw the governor. He has been worried about the war situation in the city, but Andy's orders have to be complied with. He doesn't want to offend Andy anymore.

"Someone caught up with it." This was the first sentence the governor stopped, and then began to gasp, but it was difficult to say one more word.

After hearing this, Arthur's face changed slightly, and then he looked outside the forest and saw William and the others flying in the direction of the forest at a slow speed. Suddenly seeing William and the three, Arthur's face couldn't help changing slightly. He didn't expect William to follow here, and what surprised him was that only three people came from William's side. This made him feel that it was a great opportunity.

signaled the people around him to get ready, but he found another place to hide. Arthur knew his identity** and could not appear immediately in front of William and the three, but when the war situation formed, he could come out and attack William and others at one fell swoop.

"Quick and bring them in." While hiding, Arthur said such a word to the governor, and then he could no longer be seen.

The governor was stunned and didn't know what to react. He originally wanted to retreat directly to Andy and others, but he didn't expect that Arthur would suddenly be happy to kill William and others. He knew that William and others were strong, and he also knew that Arthur's fighting power was terrible. However, after a while of comparison, he was completely unable to judge which side would prevail. This made him quite difficult to choose. The governor wanted to leave here now, but it was a little uncomfortable to face Arthur's ugly face after going back.

The Hydra is no longer the Hydra of the day, and Arthur and the three are no longer Arthur of the day, which the governor knows very well. After weighing it, the governor decided to escape in the woods to attract the attention of William and others. Although he had already seen William and others approaching the forest and had already entered the forest.

"It's not so fast to escape." As soon as he entered the forest, Giles saw the governor's figure quickly shuttle between the trees. According to his previous estimate, the governor should immediately flee to the distance and try his best to hide his figure, but now it seems that the governor does not mean to hide his figure, but is more exposed.

"Deliberately lead us to be fooled." William sneered, "But it's better." Of course, he hopes that the governor will not escape, otherwise he doesn't know when he will see this guy next time.

"Is that how you catch up?" Cook looked around and didn't find anything abnormal, but the more he did, the more he felt abnormal. After all, it is extremely easy to set up an ambush in such a place.

"Wait, let them hide it first." The sneer on William's face became clearer and clearer, and the restrained murderous atmosphere completely burst out, and a cool breath spread in the forest.

The ambush who suddenly felt this breath couldn't help shivering. They only knew that they were going to ambush three people, but they didn't know what kind of people they were facing. When they found that it was William who entered the forest in the marginal city, their faces couldn't help changing. If others were better, it was William who appeared here, which made those people more uneasy, especially what William had just said. Has this guy found our trace? Such thoughts echoed in the minds of the ambush, but made them even more uneasy.

Before these people hesitated, Arthur's order came down.

After a little hesitation, those people still rushed out of their hiding place and launched a direct attack on William and the three.

William and the three, who had long expected such a situation, seemed extremely calm, or the three had been waiting for this scene to happen. When he saw those people rushing out, the sneer on William's face suddenly stopped, but the silver light on his body suddenly became strong and quickly spread around. The cold murderous atmosphere broke out without any concealment, making people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"Kill." Spitting out such a word, William suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had arrived at Arthur's hiding place and dived directly into Arthur.

Arthur, who hid in the dark without showing any breath, was suddenly shocked. He never thought that he would be found so soon, and the other party still launched an attack on himself without hesitation. With a slight shock, Arthur hurriedly flashed aside, and the restrained red light also burst out, and his whole body suddenly became evil.

"Foreigners?" As soon as he felt the breath from Arthur, William's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that there would be foreigners in this place, and the very obvious Hydra people were related to foreigners.

Discovering the traces of foreigners, William's murderous spirit became stronger and stronger. He originally only regarded the Hydra here, so others may still have a chance to survive. However, when he found that these guys cooperated with foreigners, he had no intention of leaving alive.

Seeing Arthur jump towards the distance, William suddenly folded down and caught up with him. In this kind of forest, it is not that fast is useful, but whether you are flexible enough, otherwise no matter how fast the speed is, it is useless. William is like a fish swimming in the water, easily shuttled between trees and unaffected by the environment at all.

Arthur is not bad. Although he jumped back, he seemed to have eyes behind him, and he could flash every tree accurately and would not hit it at all. He looked at William fiercely and would be found, which was something he had never thought of. But now that it has been found, there is nothing hidden.

Arthur was calculating how to take William down. If he could seize this body, he would get more benefits. His eyes rumbled, and he had an idea in his mind, and then suddenly turned around and fled to the distance.