Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 53 Who overturned the sky

The sea of the underworld is more than hundreds of feet or even wider. No one knows how long it is, but it is like an east-west boundary, separating the eastern land of the underworld into two halves, east and two parts!

There is an ancient stone bridge on the sea of the underworld that I don't know when it has been, and three big red characters are engraved on the side of the bridge - broken bridge!

That word is simple and vicissitudes, and it is an ancient text that is unknown to everyone!

The dark sky, the whole sea of the underworld looks extremely gloomy, and it is full of terrible death. And the terrible waves here are like bursts of thunder!

However, the roaring sound of the river is so evil, like thunder, and more like the roar of evil beasts!

The yellow river that rolled and roared past was full of endless death. Keep rolling and roaring, as if to cover this broken bridge, no one knows how many years this bridge has existed!

However, this is usually the only bridge in the sea of the underworld, and this broken bridge is the only bridge where they communicate! But tonight, the wind is high and the moon is dark, and this place is like hell. There are continuous roars and low roars from the sea of the underworld, and the overturning waves are as if they are about to destroy and overturn the broken bridge, constantly roaring high in the sky!


The closest indigenous people were also shocked and ran to the mainland one after another. They seemed to see strange scenes!

Water turned into ghosts, waves into demons, and roared in this sea of the underworld. At this moment, both the east and the west coast seemed to be shrouded in a magic scene. The people closest to here were either crazy carnival dance, foaming at their mouths, or thrown into the boundless sea of the underworld and turned into nothingness!

This place is like a demon land, and the indigenous people a little far away from here are crazy, crying and running towards the distance!


"Is the monster coming?"


screams kept ringing, and both sides of the East and the mainland were shocked. Everyone rushed away in a panic and did not know the direction. Some even rushed into the sea of the underworld in confusion, and turned into powder without a single call!

Fog clouds roll, heaven and earth change color, endless waves continue to wash away the broken bridge, the broken bridge seems to float in the water, crumbling, and at this moment, the sea of the dark has returned to the silent sky and even the great powers of the war sky look at the sea of the underworld in horror!

They don't know what it will be, but even if they feel a trembling at this moment, and it seems that the higher their cultivation, the clearer they can feel!

What is there?


It is rumored that the eastern underworld is a site of the Hades, but there are more legends about the indigenous people here. There is a place in the east underworld, which is a site separated from the outside world!

But no matter what kind of rumor, it doesn't seem to say anything at this moment!

But some people seem to think of something, just roaring, roaring and cursing............

The power of darkness, the abyss of the underworld.........

Who overturned the sky...

are all frightened, even if Zuo Yi and the lonely soul are frightened at this moment, because even at such a distance, they can still feel the uneasiness and wildness from there.

But at this moment, the real demon body in the sky is still bombarding Zuo Yi, and at this moment, the 100,000 ghosts on Zuo Yi's side are still almost half of them being bombed, but at this moment, Zuo Yi is still tenacious, full of fighting spirit and furious!

The darkness is spreading, but the lonely soul of Zuo Yi and the real demon body is still fighting. Today, they are immortal. They understand that only by completely devouring each other, they can not only make great progress, but also survive!

Zuo Yi knows that it's okay not to swallow demons. As soon as he comes out, he will swallow it. If he is not swallowed by others, he will swallow others!

And at this moment, the lonely soul of the demon god holds the magic spirit in his hand and stands on the sky, rolling the magic spirit in the vast field, and the whole world trembles. At this moment, the magic spirit around the real demon's body has expanded to a hundred feet, and the dark atmosphere around it is still thinking about the lonely soul surging, making waves of roaring like a sea of clouds. At this moment, there is a magnificent energy surging out around the lonely soul, and the great pressure is like the pressure of the sky. The whole world seems to be destroyed.

The sky is dark, and the endless black magic is like the waves in the eastern underworld, rolling, and it is like thousands of demons roaring and laughing!

The people below felt a breath of despair, and even the other six major battles in Baling County felt a chill from the depths of their souls!

Who is it? Who has such magic power?

No, is this murderous intention, is it destruction?

Destroy the war days?

Someone in Baling County seems to be whispering.

The strength of destroying the war days? Who is it?

No, did Zuo overflow? All the people looked at each other in horror, but what could they do in the past?

Strength? No way?

The Sixth War will turn green at this moment, and he feels the breath of destruction from the depths of the mountains and forests.

It's really going to turn upside down.


At this moment, although Zuo Yi is not supplied with darkness and magic, he is still not weak, and although he has been bombarded by the real demon body, he is like an enraged lion. The more brave he fights, and the countless destroyed evil spirits are like incarnations and Zuo Yi's body, which makes Zuo Yi look more than before. It seems to be more powerful! However, at this moment. It was like boiling in the sky, and suddenly burst - there was a loud sound everywhere!

What's that?

The lonely soul looked at the sky and his face changed!

The real demon's body suddenly burst into a layer of skin!

A bloody layer of blood skin, and with which layer of skin burst, the figure of the real demon body seems to be clearer, and at the same time, the breath around the body seems to be restrained, but the lonely soul does have a feeling that the real demon body is no longer itself!

Maybe it won't be yourself soon?

How is it possible that the lonely soul is shocked? How can a real demon body be?

But it seems that everything is not as he thought. At this moment, the real demon suddenly looked at himself fiercely, and his eyes were so fierce that he seemed to swallow himself!

Is he going to swallow himself? A sense of uneasiness and urgency suddenly rose in the heart of the lonely soul!

How is it possible to repair yourself?

Cold sweat left, and at the same time, Ren Yuan around the lonely soul also seemed to feel the change!

The devil? The devil?

Is this the only feeling in everyone's hearts?

And at the same time, a huge roar came from the mouth of the lonely soul of the real demon's body. The terrible roar was like the roar of the ancient gods and demons, and the earth trembled!

At the same time, where the eastern polar dark place is, the sea of the dark is completely boiling, roaring more fiercely like boiling water, like a burst!





The sea rolls, and the world is as if it is about to overturn!


I'm sorry, everyone. I said it was about one o'clock, but I didn't expect it to be almost two o'clock, hehe! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry again!

But I have updated steadily! The website said that it would increase the recommendation after signing the contract, but if you don't recommend it to me, I don't have anything to **! Hey hey!

However, we don't seek merit but nothing, and the feeling of stable update is still good!

Brothers, if you think it's okay, you can also help promote it! Fox, thank you again!