Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 54 True Demon Transformation

After the transformation of the lonely soul of the real demon body, the whole body was full of black gas. Holding a black magic knife, he stood against the sky, and his whole body was unrestrained, like a demon king in the world, looking down on the world!

And the lonely soul's eyes of the real demon body in the high sky emitted a strange light, emitting bursts of faint light in the night. At this moment, he did not care about the left overflow, but looked straight at the lonely soul and looked at the lonely soul with a little hair!

Do you really want to devour yourself?

It's possible for the lonely soul to ask!

Heart Magic Book, although the route is different from the previous one, it is always the real demon body, or cut off the demon body, then condense the seven demon bodies, and finally achieve the unity of the seven demons to achieve perfection, or devour, one by one, but it is nothing more than being swallowed by the devil!

Why did he choose such a family Xuangong? No one has ever practiced it. Even the person who was hated by him has never practiced it. This is what he let himself practice!!

What's going on? Is there any other secret!

The lonely soul thought of the cold sweat behind him, and his heart beat faster!

Looking at the real demon body, both in strength and strength are much stronger than yourself. If you devouring yourself, I'm afraid you will have no power to counter it!

The lonely soul's face was a little pale. He didn't understand why he practiced this real magic book. He also knew how he could practice this if it weren't for that person, but he couldn't change it at this moment, but what should he do now!

Hand in hand to remove him?

This is the only way at this moment! The lonely soul looked at Zuo Yi in the distance and thought of this, but would he unite with himself?

Devour, may the union eventually devour the real demon body?

Anyway, he is also himself, and the other himself, how can he?


Contradiction, crazy... The lonely soul's head is about to explode. He can't think of a way but to jointly kill this real demon body!

At the same time, a huge sense of war broke out on the real demon body in the sky! The blazing knife light crosses the sky, as if to cut the sky into two spaces.

Those two huge eyes seem to be full of fierce desire, staring at the lonely soul tightly!


The people below looked at the lonely soul confusedly, and Ren Yuan turned around for the lonely soul, and then looked up high!

"Pyal chief! What are you?"

"Your grandpa's! What do you think I am? The lonely soul looked back and snorted coldly. He was not in the mood to care what he was. Now only by solving the demon body, he may have a life opportunity to live, but the demon body seems to be very powerful!

"I was wrong!" Ren Yuan said in a low voice!

"If you are wrong, get out of here and stay. Don't talk nonsense!" After saying that, the cicada wings behind the lonely soul suddenly unfolded and flew to the high sky!

and left only the people below who were surprised to compete with their eyes!

"Does the patriarch have wings?"

"Is the patriarch not a human?"


This can only be said in my heart, but I dare not say it, because the cold eyes above the sky are like blades!

But at this moment's lonely soul, he knows that he absolutely can't avoid it, then it's impossible to fight and swallow himself. But he can't destroy himself like another!

Looking at the lonely soul facing the sky, the lonely soul of the real demon body is not expressed, but his eyes are quietly staring at the lonely soul, and his eyes are full of fiendency!

What an ambiguous look? Someone below said in a low voice, but when it was swept away by the eyes that suddenly became cold and ruthless in the sky, he quickly stopped talking!

Is he the other person? Not like!

Because the lonely soul just noticed those eyes, indifferent and ruthless, as if the sky and the earth lived under the cold gaze, it was absolutely ruthless to the extreme, and even ruthless.

The real body of the seven demons, what the hell is that?

At this moment, there is a doubt in the heart of the lonely soul? He doesn't know, and he doesn't know.

And at the same time, the eastern underworld and the lonely soul came together with Zhantian, the blood demon, He Lianyin seemed to see a very familiar figure!

"Is that a lonely soul?"

"Not bad! Is that Brother Soul?"

"Brother Soul, you are my idol, and I look up to you!"

"Look up!"

"It's so tall! So bold, my favorite!"


There is a low voice from all over the mainland. When the lonely soul hears the posture that must faint and fall in love, it will definitely faint, which is the most uncomfortable for beauty!

But what they saw at this moment may be the lonely soul of the real demon body, and at the same time, Zuo Yu in the distance saw two lonely souls suddenly appear in the sky. He couldn't help but be stunned. One is difficult enough to deal with, and the two must have finished playing, but he really can't do it!

But at least Zuo Yi is also one of the seven generals in Baling, and his combat power is absolutely in the top three. He is also a general who slaughtered almost 100,000 bliss of blis troops alone in those years. He has also seen the world. How can he retreat!

Although Zuo Yi holds Fang Tianhua halberd in one hand at this moment, it seems that he is obviously much weaker than just now, and the vicious force of hundreds of thousands of evil spirits behind him has also been reduced by three or four points at this moment!

"Damn it! Boy, what the hell are you doing! Play this again, don't think I'm afraid of you! I'm going to order you today!"

The voice is very crazy, but he doesn't seem to have much confidence. He just suffered a lot of loss, not to mention that now the dark spirit and magic spirit can hardly be absorbed by himself, and almost all of the lonely soul of the real demon body have been emptied. Although he gritted his teeth and scolded the lonely vampire and squeezed inhumanity, it did not reveal it. One point!

Although Zuo Yi said this at this moment, he looked at this side thoughtfully. He didn't seem to feel as simple as he thought!

Silent! Three people are silent in the sky!

It's not brewing murder, but really silent!

The eyes of the real demon body are getting hotter and hotter, but the eyes of the lonely soul are getting firmer and firmer, while the left overflow is getting more and confused! He really seems to feel those two different breaths, and they are very dangerous!

"Is it?"

He doesn't know, but he is very suspicious! That's all I can say!

But the silence continued for about half an hour, and suddenly there was a sound of explosion in the sky!




At the same time, there was a sad howling from the mouth of the real demon body. At the same time, the real demon body burst again, and there was a sound like a blast!

Blood rain sprinkled wildly, skin open flesh, horrible wounds of deep bones everywhere, almost all of the muscles and bones of the whole body are exposed!

Is this?

Another transformation?

The lonely soul was shocked!

How could he transform again, and with another transformation, the magic cloud and black fog in the sky rushed to the lonely soul of the real demon body at an almost crazy speed!


On the high sky, there are gusts of cloudy wind, miserable rain, and the drifting rain is pouring down like the sky and the earth!

At this moment, the real demon body is surrounded by magic, constantly invading his body. At the same time, there is a kind of almost moaning and comfortable laughter from the mouth of the real demon body. The laughter is shocking, making the nearby lonely soul feel stunned!

Is that a metamorphosis?

Is the skin completely broken and condensed again? It is recondensing, pieces of newborn skin wrapped around the exposed white bones, and the sprinkled blood stains turned into a mass of fog and re-integrated into the skin!

Horrible, bloody, horrible............

At this moment, the lonely soul felt a creepy feeling, and the left overflow in the distance felt a cold wind passing by!

The devil? The devil?


At the same time, the real demon roared wildly and flew wildly, with endless murderous intent in his eyes. At this moment, the world seemed to be cold to the bone marrow.

At this moment, the lonely soul frowned! This murderous spirit is full of evil spirit! So rich! And some birds and beasts below even turned into ashes in this murderous atmosphere and changed into ashes when they were close to dozens of feet!

The perfect combination of soul and body makes the real demon soul roar again, and the sound resounds through the world,

"Hahaha! Cool! Cool! Cool!"

The three cool children seemed to be at home, and suddenly made everyone hundreds of miles away below feel a burst of **!

They don't know whether it's cool or shocking, but they all stand unsteadily at this moment, and they look up at the sky in this murder!

At this moment, the thousands of ghosts behind Zuo Overflow roared uneasily and kept cheering and dancing, but when the cheering and dancing, it spread a strong murderous opportunity like a hungry wolf!

This is a murder that has been suppressed for thousands of years, and Zuo Yi was completely released at this moment!

There are not many enemies to kill, and the killing machine is all over the world! Zuo Yi's death did burst out at this moment!

At the same time, the knife in the lonely soul's hand was also raised. At this moment, he had no choice. He felt that the intention of the real demon body might be to devour himself! Especially those eyes!

The lonely soul and the left overflow are like a negotiation. At the same time, a knife and a halberd burst out two vast sea-like forces, squeezing towards the lonely soul of the real demon body. The mountains below continue to collapse, and the earth is also crumbling.

But at the same time, the magic knife in the hand of the real demon's body also danced, so fast that it was indescribable that countless crescent-shaped knife shadows split their heads and covered their faces!

The left overflow flew out!

The lonely soul also flew out!

The consequences - being deeply bombarded into the mountains in the distance, the mountain collapsed, and the earth buried the two people!



The laughter, accompanied by the roar of the collapse of the mountain, turned into a black light and galloped towards the collapsed mountain in the distance again. The magic knife in his hand was like a pillar of Optimus Prime, emitting a dazzling light and fiercely cut it!

Blood and rain float around the world, and the knife is like a rainbow splitting the sky!

This knife seems to cut through the sky and split down with the momentum of void cracking!

The murderous intention is overwhelming. At this moment, the rain seems to have stopped at that moment! Only that murderous intention stunned everyone!


Two update has been delivered today! Tragedy, a new week, continue to run naked! My life is so hard!

Hey! Cry implicitly, brothers, don't be surprised, get used to nagging after each chapter, you don't mind! Don't watch it if you don't like it! Hey hey!

I wish you all a happy look, see**, see... (What should be, hey!)

Two updates a day, stable updates, don't blame everyone!