reverse dome

Chapter 5 Morning Lesson


Xiaohong moaned in pain and held his head with his hands. Because his painful face was twisted, he looked very ferocious. The frowns were intertwined, and his fists kept hitting his head to relieve the headache. However, it didn't help. Xiaohong didn't know where the headache came from. He held his head and kept rolling, and the ground was in a mess.

The feeling of a splitting headache suddenly disappeared quickly, and disappeared between several breaths, as if nothing had happened. If it hadn't been for the mess on the ground, Xiaohong even thought it was just a dream. But he knew no, because he just felt that something in his body was broken, like ten thousand years of ice, breaking a crack.

"What on earth is it?" Xiaohong lay on the ground and looked at the sky. He suddenly remembered that Lao Ye had told him before that Lao Ye had been hugged from the deep mountains and forests. Thinking of this, and thinking of the painful headache just now, Xiaohong thought about his background for the first time.

Who am I? Where is it from?

The moon hangs quietly in the air, and under the moonlight, a group of children keep running in the deep mountains, among which there is Ye Hao, who is longing for a long time. The children's hair was messy, their faces were full of dirty marks, and their lips were purple, like walking corpses running in the mountains.

"Run faster." A thick voice sounded, accompanied by the sound of whips and the child's painful moans.

Two figures appeared in the air, all over in a black robe, and they couldn't see what Zhang looked like. Looking at the children running in the deep mountains below, they pointed to a few people after a while, "These people have good qualifications. Take them back and brainwash them. You can do the rest by yourself."

"Yes." He walked out of a few strong men and pulled out a few people in the trembling of the children. It was two children in black robes.

Among the few children brought back, there was Ye Hao, and Ye Hao's fate quietly changed.

Xiaohong's residence is an ordinary room. Two small windows, the room is simple and clean, with only a few pine tables and chairs with kettles and water cups. The biggest floor in the room is a bed. On the wall directly above the bed, there is a banner with a big word on it:


At this time, it was night. The sleeping Xiaohong suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and gasped heavily. Just then, I went to bed, and my mind was full of vicious faces, blood and bones, and nightmares. Touching the sweat on his forehead, Xiaohong shook his head, slowly got out of bed, put on his shoes, and walked to the door step by step.

With a "bang", he opened the door. If there is a wind blowing in through the crack of the door, it will be as cool as his heart.

He opened the door and went out. Less than a year after going up the mountain, he didn't know how many times he had nightmares. Every time he came out and sat in front of the moon on Moyunping.

"Qianqianjuan, Haohao, are you looking at the bright moon at this time?" Xiaohong muttered in a low voice and suddenly clenched the jade pendant in his hand. He didn't find it. He looked at him quietly in the dark, and then sighed and disappeared in the dark.

For such a long time, Xiaohong has been very cheerful and optimistic in everyone's eyes, and a faint smile always hangs on his face. But the whole Xuantian Sect may only know what kind of sadness is hidden in the depths of the warm smile.

In the morning, the sun sprinkled golden light and shone on Xiaohong in meditation through the window. After having a nightmare last night, he could no longer sleep, so he kept meditating quietly for the night. Xiaohong's soul realm is still a long way from the realm of spiritual void, and now it's a little early to meditate. Because only those who practice after reaching the realm of spiritual deficiency can refine their aura will meditate. If they don't reach this realm, it's better to sleep at night.

The fierce beast's cultivation depends on the body and strength. And the practitioners look at the power of the soul and mana.

Xiaohong's soul power has controlled such a violent power many times because it guided the beast power, so it actually had cultivation in the later stage of the opening, which was less than a year. However, Lingxuzi understood when he thought about it, because he guided the beast power many times, but it also showed that Xiaohong's qualification was high.

Absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and refining it is a sign of the realm of spiritual deficiency.

Xiaohong only needs to refine a trace of the aura of heaven and earth to prove that he can step into the realm of spiritual virtuality and practice Taoism. The essence of practitioners is to communicate with heaven and earth, feel nature, and control the power of nature, and refining the aura of heaven and earth into the body into the original force is the most basic. How to communicate with the world without the power, how to control the power of nature, and how to use Taoism.

Stretching his stiff body, Xiaohong washed his face and walked out of the door. Today, Lingxuzi is going to teach him to do an early class. This is an early class that every entry disciple has to do.

Lingxuzi waited for him at the door early. When he saw him come over and smiled, he said, "Each entry disciple of Xuantianzong has to take an early class, but different main peaks are different, and even 81 peaks are also different. We are cutting trees at Moyun Peak. Come with me.

Lingxuzi shuttled through the forest with Xiaohong. They had walked a long distance. It was very tiring to walk on the mountain. If Xiaohong's body had not been transformed by animal power, he would have been tired at this time.

Finally, Lingxuzi stopped and arrived at a strange mountain forest. There is only one kind of tree in this mountain forest. Don't underestimate this tree. This is unique to Moyunfeng, called the black iron tree, which is constantly hard and full of toughness.

Ling Xuzi took out an ordinary firewood knife and threw it to Xiaohong. He pointed to a tree that was only the size of a bowl and said, "Cut down this tree, and your morning class this month will be over."

"Cut down this tree in a month?" Xiaohong was stunned. In his opinion, it was too simple to cut down trees. He often cut down trees in the hunter's village.

"You will know when you try." Lingxuzi smiled cunningly.

Xiaohong nodded, picked up the firewood knife and walked to the tree, looked up and down, drew twice, and waved the knife to cut it down. Hearing a crisp sound, the firewood knife was like a stubborn stone, shaking Xiaohong's palm. The tree was cut hard by him and tilted slightly, and bounced back like a spring. The speed made him unable to dodge. He was severely beaten on the head by a branch, leaving a red mark.

Ling Xuzi laughed and said, "Just cut it here. I'm going to practice. By the way, remember to take the tree back when you cut down the tree. In the future, when you refine the flying sword, you need to refine something from the tree as the basic material for refining the flying sword." After saying that, he turned around and left with a smile.

Xiaohong touched the pain on his face and saw that the place where the tree was cut off only left a faint white mark. He couldn't help taking a breath of cool air. It seemed that it was not easy to cut down the tree.

This morning, Xiaohong faced the black iron tree alone, cutting, cutting, sawing, grinding, pressing and folding, doing everything. After two hours, the sun rose to the air. His whole body was sweating profusely, and his hands and feet were sore and weak. Unexpectedly, he just made the tree one or two. No wonder the morning class of a month is just cutting down this tree.

dragged his tired body back to Moyunping. After simply eating some fruits, he went to find Lingxuzi. Every afternoon was the time for Lingxuzi to preach to him. However, Xiaohong has no power and can't learn Taoism now, so Lingxuzi taught him to read and solve some problems. At night, he reviewed what he got during the day in his room. So day after day.


A bowl-sized black iron tree fell to dust on the chopping of the firewood knife. After nearly a month of hard work, Xiaohong finally cut him down. Xiaohong wiped the sweat on his head, put the firewood knife aside, and sat down under the tree. If it hadn't been for the transformation of the body by animal power, I wouldn't have cut down this tree. Xiaohong later learned that this was a morning lesson for his half-month-old disciple.

Looking up at the sun, Xiaohong estimated that today's morning class was also over, so he put away the firewood knife and got up and walked to another forest. He did not have the ability to open up the valley and had to eat some food to satisfy his hunger. The life of the practitioners is very light, and there is no delicacy, but Xiaohong is also a child of a poor family. It would be nice if he could go up the mountain to pick some fruits to satisfy his hunger, and the fruit in the mountain tasted very good.

When I finished everything and brought the collected fruits back to my house, the sun was already shining. Sitting cross-legged on his knees, he put on a posture of meditation and practice. Now Lingxuzi has nothing to teach him, so he told him that he came to him after refining his magic power and began to learn Taoism.

A few months later, Xiaohong came to Xuantianzong for almost a year. For several months, Xiaohong has a special feeling today. He is confident that he can feel the aura of heaven and earth and absorb it into the body. Refining the aura of heaven and earth is actually very simple. What is difficult is to feel the aura of heaven and earth. Xiaohong has been stuck here for months.

Eyes and nose, nose and heart. The quiet Xiaohong thought slowly exudes outside the body. I don't know how many times this process has been done, and it is extremely familiar. And the most difficult one will also come, in the feeling of Xiaohong, there is nothing. He was not in a hurry. He meditated on the formula of clearing his heart and felt it carefully.

Gradually, he entered a strange state. Suddenly, a light spot appeared in Xiaohong's chaotic feeling, and he was overjoyed. This was the aura of heaven and earth, and he finally felt it. As soon as he was excited, he withdrew from that wonderful state, but he had already remembered that state, calmed his mind a little, and then closed his eyes and meditated.

One grain, two grains, three grains... The light spots representing the aura of heaven and earth constantly emerged in Xiaohong's perception, and finally he felt like sitting in a sea of light. Then, according to the clear heart formula, explore the power of the soul to guide the aura into the body and refine it. This is another long process, which is a great test of people's patience. Finally, the first trace of aura is refined, and the mana appears in the Dantian field of Xiaohong.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. After this difficulty, it will be flat. With the emergence of the first mana, it is like a chain reaction caused. More and more refined mana converge in Dantian. No amount of power of soul can control many huge mana, and it must have the corresponding physical strength. In terms of physical strength, ordinary practitioners in the Jindan period can't compare with Xiaohong, but his soul power is far worse.

The essence of the practitioner is the power of the soul, and the growth of the power of the soul is very difficult. The fastest way to make the power of the soul grow is epiphany. Once there is an epiphany, it can reach the top of ten years and a hundred years of painstaking. In addition, there is only meditation, but the growth is very slow. When he felt that the mana in his body was saturated, Xiaohong stopped refining, meditating and retreating. Tonight, he refined his aura and turned it into mana, which also proved that he had stepped into the realm of spiritual deficiency from then on.

This speed is also fast, but compared with the legendary ancestor of Xuantianzong's opening, it is a world of difference. It is rumored that the ancestor of Xuantianzong's opening of the mountain in one year to the Jindan period, ten years of Yuanying, a hundred years of death, and thousands of years of years of disaster and soaring. The speed of cultivation is a good story about the world of cultivation.