reverse dome

Chapter 6 Xingyiquan

When the sun broke through the clouds and cast the first ray of light, Xiaohong also woke up from meditation, pushed the door open, and took a deep breath. After a night of hard practice, he finally refined his mana and was very happy. Just as he wanted to cheer loudly, a sense of weakness suddenly hit him, and his face turned white. He staggered and fell down. And the mana he practiced hard overnight gradually dissipated, and Dantian was empty.

A figure flew over from afar and helped Xiaohong up. He was a spiritual Xuzi. He found the mutiny on Xiaohong's side and hurried over.

"Xiaohong, what's wrong with you?" Lingxuzi asked with concern.

When Xiaohong just wanted to talk about his Dantian, he was surprised to find that his body had become stronger and obviously stronger. Xiaohong now knows a lot about some things about cultivation. Only fierce beasts or orcs can make his body stronger by the power in his body. And these two are hated by the practitioners. Needless to say, the former is the sworn enemy of the practitioners.

Orcs are the product of the combination of human beings and fierce beasts, inheriting the advantages of the two, but they are despised by human beings and fierce beasts. They are scolded by the world and even quickly. Knowing this, Xiaohong did not dare to say the change of Dantian.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. Maybe I've been meditated for too long and my feet are numb." Xiaohong shook his head, stood up and pinched his nose.

"Fed numbness? Forget it. Be careful, don't be stressed, or give you some elixir. It's strange to say that Xuzi would believe him, but he didn't delve into it. He thought that Xiaohong was empty because of the pressure of hatred and overly demanding himself. After all, he often saw Xiaohong get up in the middle of the night and sit still in front of the Mingyue.

"No, thank you, brother. I'm going to have an early class." Xiaohong took out a firewood knife from the house and walked to the Black Iron Forest, which was the name of Xiaohong's morning class place for himself. Xiaohong, who came to the Black Iron Forest, did not immediately start his homework, but sat cross-legged to refine the aura of heaven and earth. After constantly refining the aura of heaven and earth reached saturation, he stopped to feel the changes in his body.

As expected, a sense of weakness hit him. This time, he was prepared for a long time and did not appear embamity.

Soon, the mana in Dantian disappeared. This time, Xiaohong felt it carefully. All the mana in Dantian has been absorbed by the body. No wonder the body will become stronger. Then after several consecutive attempts, he finally affirmed his idea. His body would indeed absorb the mana of Dantian and become stronger.

In addition to being happy, he is in a panic. The fierce beast refines his body by strength. Strength and mana are both original power. Xiaohong doesn't know how the fierce beast uses strength to refine his body, but now that the fact is in front of him, he can rely on magic power to make his body stronger, although he doesn't know what's going on.

"What should I do? What should I do? Xiaohong grabbed his hair tightly and said, "Are you an orc? No, it's impossible. Orcs are born to be beastized or into human form, just like instinct. But I don't have the ability to turn into a beast. Xiaohong remembered the secrets he had read in the Sutra Pavilion of Xuantianzong, which recorded some orcs.

After several consecutive attempts to refine aura, it was already evening. Looking at the rising bright moon, Xiao Hong took a deep breath and secretly warned himself in his heart, "This is my biggest secret. I can't let anyone know, even my brother, master, or even the suzerain."

The long history of Xuantianzong is the oldest sect in the world of cultivation. There are countless books. The long history has made them many amazing people. These people have left many secret books of cultivation for their descendants, and also created a huge Tibetan scripture pavilion of Xuantian Sect. Except for some important books that are secretly preserved, the collection of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion of the nine main peaks is basically the same. Xiaohong often goes to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to borrow books and read group books to make him more familiar with the Tianyuan Continent and understand some anecdotes.

The next day, after Xiaohong knew that he could absorb the mana in his body to make his body stronger, he came to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion after morning classes and looked for something in many bookshelves. Each bookshelf in the Sutra Pavilion is divided into different categories of books, including Taoism, refineries, charms, etc., which makes it very convenient for people to find books. Xiaohong searched carefully in a bookshelf. After a while, his eyes lit up and reached out to pick up a slightly yellowed book.

The books on this bookshelf are very shabby. Compared with other books on the bookshelf, they are also very messy and seem to be rarely taken care of. Xiaohong picked up the book and patted the dust on it, and still could faintly see three big words written on it.


The reason why this book attracted Xiaohong's attention is that the content of the book was inadvertently opened by Xiaohong. This is a secret book. The senior who created Xingyiquan did not have too much achievements in the cultivation of Taoism. He knew that his qualifications in Taoism were limited, so he looked for another way. After years of research, he found that both human beings and fierce beasts are essentially the same. The difference is that human beings contain more "spirits" than fierce beasts, and their intelligence is higher than fierce beasts, which is known as the spirit of all things.

Although the fierce beast does not have the same spiritual power as human beings, it has a strong body and vigorous energy that human beings can't reach. The powerful body is their treasure. They constantly dig treasures and refine their energy into strength, which is comparable to the mana and magic of practitioners. Since we also have flesh, why not learn from fierce beasts? The human body is also mysterious, so we have created this amazing secret book, Xingyiquan.

However, how can the human body be compared with the fierce beast? The practitioners think that he is just inferior, but history proves that this is true, so this secret book has been hidden in the long river of history. The body of a normal human body can't be compared with the fierce beast, and the reason why the senior can't reach the height of his dream is that he can't temper the body like a fierce beast.

But Xiaohong is different. He can constantly strengthen his body with mana like a fierce beast, and finally even rise like a fierce beast. This secret book is as if it is tailor-made for him.


The firewood knife cut on a black iron tree with thick arms, but fell to the ground. Xiaohong looked at the fallen black iron tree and smiled happily. He was very satisfied with his achievements. When can he cut down a black iron tree with a bowl of a tree, then his morning class as a disciple of five generations can be over. This It usually takes ten years, but Xiaohong believes that it may only take seven or eight years for him.

I touched the sweat on my forehead, and now there is still a long way to go before the end of the morning class, so I took out the secret book of Xingyiquan borrowed yesterday and opened it.

A sand and a world, the human body is a shrinking world with endless potential. If it can be developed, it is no weaker than a fierce beast. This is the first sentence of the book.

Next, I took the fierce beast as my teacher, watched them day and night, learned them, and finally realized this boxing method. Because it was created by the behavior of the fierce beast, it was called Xingyi boxing. The following is the method of practice...

After a year, Xiaohong has learned a lot of words under the guidance of Lingxuzi and can also understand this secret book. After reading the book in one breath, Xiaohong put it away and went to the open space.

Hold each other, head up, and step into the left leg. The two hands are slowly separated, pushing forward with the left hand and pulling back with the right hand, both hands are like tearing cotton. The left hand is straight out, not high as the mouth, reaching to the extreme. The big finger and the heart are flat, and the arms seem to be straight and curved, but the wrists to the elbows. The right hand was pulled under the navel of the lower abdomen, and the big finger was trapped in the root, close to the lower abdomen. The left foot rises and falls with the left hand, and the hind foot remains motionless.

The five fingers of the left and right hand are open, but they are not combined. The big finger of the left hand is horizontal, the index finger is stretched forward, and the big two fingers of the left and right hand are semicircular. Look at the index finger of the left hand. Both shoulder roots are loosened and twitching, and the two crotch roots are also twitching, which is also the combination of the shoulders and crotch. The two elbows drooped vigorously, but did not show. The back elbows were curved, but there was no dead bend, which was as complete as a half moon.

The strength of both knees is buckled in, but it is not obvious. It is the elbow and knee. The heel of both feet twists outward, which cannot be revealed, and corresponds to the mutual pull of the two hands, which is the combination of hands and feet. This is called the external triangle.

This is the most basic three-body style in Xingyiquan, and the most important thing is the beginning of all the changes in Xingyiquan. The secret book also specifically emphasizes that "the three-body style is never changed".

From then on, Xiaohong took lessons every morning, then practiced Xingyiquan, meditated and refined aura at night, and then all the refined mana was absorbed by the body and refined the body. Two years later, in a blink of an eye, it has been three years since Xiaohong came to Xuantianzong.

In the black iron forest, Xiaohong poses in a three-body posture. Xiaohong has been practicing the three-body style for two years and is already very proficient, but he knows that he is still far from understanding the essence of it, and the three-body style is not nonsense. In addition to the three-body boxing, there are five-line boxing and twelve-shaped boxing. The five-line boxing is divided into splitting, jumping, drilling, cannon and horizontal. The twelve-shaped boxing has twelve kinds of dragons, tigers, monkeys, horses, chickens, hauls, swallows, snakes, eagles, eagles and bears. However, Xiaohong used to be a hunter, and the twelve-shaped fists are easier to practice than five-eeds.

The movements of Xingyiquan are simple and simple. Most of its movements are straight, bending and stretching, with a clear rhythm, and no fancy moves. It goes straight, walking and hitting, like the breaking of the Yellow River.

Xiaohong usually practices five-line boxing after morning class, practices twelve-shaped boxing in the evening, and meditated in the evening.

Although the five-epart boxing has only five moves of splitting and drilling horizontal cannons, it corresponds to the five elements, and the five elements are compatible with each other, which is also endlessly changing.

Xiaohong just finished the morning class and was ready to practice boxing. Lingxuzi fell from the sky. Looking at the black iron trees around him, he nodded secretly in his heart. Xiaohong's practice has not been relaxed for three years, which can be seen from so many black iron tree stumps around him. The black iron tree is very strange. As long as it is not uprooted and there are wooden stakes left after being cut down, the black iron tree of the same thickness will grow after many years without starting from the saplings.

"Brother, how did you come?" Xiaohong was surprised to say that he hadn't seen anyone for a year and suddenly saw Lingxuzi. Xiaohong's mood could be imagined.

"You boy, it will be the pennen teaching conference in a few days. I won't come to pick you up. When you climb to the Xuantianfeng Conference, it will be over." Lingxuzi laughed and scolded.

Xuantianzong holds a teaching conference every ten years, which is taught by nine Taoist statues, which is a rare event. The nine Taoist leaders teach Taoism, which is of great help to everyone. The location of the first ancient sect of Xuantian Sect has a lot to do with this tradition.

"Hey, please, brother." Xiaohong pinched his nose.

"Let's go." Lingxuzi rose up with Xiaohong and often flew away from the Xuantian Peak of the nine main peaks. Xuantian Peak is the highest and largest of the nine main peaks, and is also the place where the suzerains of all dynasties live.