ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 240 Chengwang's Southern Expedition

Li Mingyang woke up drowsily and was about to sit up, but he was hit by a sharp pain in his heart, and suddenly he was in pain.

"You deserve it. If you show your ability, you should suffer more." Xiao Zhuer scolded angrily.

Hearing Xiao Zhuer's voice, Li Mingyang realized what had happened before and subconsciously asked, "Win."

"Win, haven't you heard that there is a carnival outside?" Xiao Zhuer continued to say coldly, but couldn't help reaching out and gently pressing Li Mingyang's head.

After listening, he heard bursts of cheers outside. Li Mingyang suddenly looked proud and said with a smile, "It's good to win, it's good to win."

"We only lost less than a thousand monks on this side, and the Shu army was almost completely annihilated." Seeing that Li Mingyang was fine after all, Guo Yunshan explained in front of him and finally concluded, "This tactic is very successful. Without those two real ghost charges, it is impossible to win so easily."

Li Mingyang became more and more proud. Li Mingyang always showed his youthful mood in front of Guo Yunshan and others. After a moment of pride, he suddenly pretended to be very serious: "Success? I've just been on my way."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. The battle was indeed beautiful. The Yan brothers almost killed them, not because they were too anxious, but because they were too happy. Whether they were in Taihemen or with Li Mingyang, they all had an insoluble hatred with the Shu army. Naturally, they did not want to let go of such a chance of slaughter.

But at this time, Li Mingyang suddenly heard a cold hum, followed the sound, and found that Xie Bi'an was standing aside.

"Brother Xie, why are you here?" Li Mingyang asked curiously.

"If I don't come again, won't you poke a hole in the sky?" Xie Bi'an said with a rare serious face.

Although they don't know much about Xie Bi'an as well as Li Mingyang, they have also seen Xie Bi'an several times in the past year. Every time Xie Bi'an is full of smiles, but they didn't expect that this time he spoke coldly and looked frosty.

Everyone was somewhat unhappy when they saw the situation. After all, they were closer to Li Mingyang, but Li Mingyang waved his hand to block the crowd. Then he looked at Guo Yunshan. Everyone was satisfied and retreated first.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Knowing that Xie Bi'an would not do this for no reason, Li Mingyang asked patiently.

In the past, Xie Bi'an would quickly calm down even if he had a little temper. He was a real good man in hell, but this state really surprised Li Mingyang and forced him to sit up. Li Mingyang asked again, "What's the matter?"

Unable to resist Li Mingyang's asking more questions, Xie Bi'an finally couldn't hold his cold expression and said, "You boy, don't summon real ghosts in the near future."

Seeing Li Mingyang's face with a puzzled face, Xie Bi'an patiently explained: "Your soul refining skill is completely wrong. Soul refining is only used to summon real ghosts again, but the ultimate purpose is not to let you control them with divine consciousness forever, but to guide them gradually regenerate low-level intelligence."

"How can this be?" Li Mingyang directly retorted. Wisdom can be said to be the most wonderful thing in the world, whether it is human or any race. The reason why there is a difference between high and low is that in addition to the talent of the race, it depends on the overall wisdom. The reason why monsters can only be suppressed in remote places for so many years is that they have low intelligence.

Using soul refining can re-engage real ghosts, just because the essence of the power of real ghosts is preserved in the yin beads and yin jade, but if you don't need your own consciousness to control them, they can't even be a walking dead.

Seeing Li Mingyang's unconvinced face, Xie Bi'an smiled: "So your soul refining skills are poor, waiting for the boss to come out. He said he intends to teach you again."

"Is the wheel closed again?" Li Mingyang asked curiously, and then immediately thought of the reason for his retreat and looked at Xie Bi'an tentatively.

Xie Bi'an's just smile dissipated in an instant and sighed, "The boss is injured again. The chaotic power in the hell is getting heavier and heavier. He was too anxious and was injured again."

Hearing this, Li Mingyang wanted to stand up anxiously, but found that he could actually do nothing.

Xie Bi'an patted Li Mingyang and continued, "I came to see you this time. I have a situation to tell you, but I happened to meet you crazy. I must tell you about this. If you always control the summoned real ghosts with your consciousness, and then keep letting them play explosive bodies in the war, your boy will die on it sooner or later.

"Maybe you haven't felt it yet. In fact, every time a real ghost associated with your consciousness dies, your consciousness will suffer great trauma, but this injury is not so easy to raise. You think you can recover in ten and a half days, but in fact, the recovered consciousness will be somewhat strange.

"What's different?" Li Mingyang asked seriously.

"Because when you re-beckon the real ghosts with soul refining, you directly control them with divine consciousness, and there will be some memory fragments more or less on that divine consciousness. If you can handle this trace of divine consciousness well, there will be no problem, but if it is always like this, or the real ghost is accidentally killed, Or you just let them explode and die, so that after your consciousness is restored, there will be some such a memory mark. Once you have more memory marks, you may gradually lose yourself. Xie Bi'an said in a low voice.

Li Mingyang shivered and suddenly felt very terrible. Previously, after discovering that he could control the real ghost explosion through soul refining, he felt that he had finally found a sharper combat method, but he did not expect that such a method would have such a big sequelae. Although he hasn't experienced what Xie Bi'an said, he knows that Xie Bi'an will never be aimless, so it seems that this method that has just tasted the sweetness can't be used. Li Mingyang did not have the slightest chance idea. Xie Bi'an will solemnly say this matter, which proves its seriousness. Thinking that if there are hundreds of people's memories in the sea of knowledge, even if they are memory fragments, he will probably be completely driven crazy, and even know who he is.

"Okay, I know what to do in the future." Li Mingyang said sincerely.

Xie Bi'an nodded and then said, "I came to you this time for another thing, which is about the earth and spiritual world."

"Spirit World?" Li Mingyang was immediately shocked. Since reaching a deal with the rotary wheel, Li Mingyang has begun to continuously clean up dozens of hundreds of ghost villages of different sizes in the south, but he has only heard of the earth spirit world and has not really contacted it at all. In the three counties in the southwest and the south, there is almost no news about the spirit world. It can be said that he has visited these places in those years, but he is not sure where there is the spiritual world.

This time, when he heard Xie Bi'an's words, Li Mingyang knew that things might have changed.

"Which spiritual world has the wheel found?" Li Mingyang asked.

The wheel nodded: "The boss calculated carefully before the retreat and felt that there seemed to be a spiritual world in the south."

"In the south?" Li Mingyang was surprised: "Why is it in the south?"

"Why not in the south?" Xie Bi'an said, "The spiritual world doesn't need so much spiritual power. Naturally, it can appear everywhere. I came to you this time to see the place calculated by those bosses. If possible, I hope you can enter a spiritual world and start a war.

"Fighting in the spiritual world?" Hearing this, Li Mingyang's belligerent instinct was awakened again, but after thinking about it, he could only say helplessly, "There are ten halls of Yanluo in the earth spirit world that are on the same level as the wheel. Even if their strength is suppressed in it, they are at least strong in the mysterious realm. Is it possible for me to beat such a existence?"

Li Mingyang's words are actually retreating. In his opinion, since Xie Bi'an said that he hoped to go to the spiritual world, he must have some good ways to solve the troubles inside, but he didn't expect to hear Li Mingyang's problem. Xie Bi'an said extremely seriously, "You're right, you It's true that you can't beat the ten halls of Yanluo, even in the spiritual world.

Li Mingyang was speechless for a moment and asked half a day later, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you have to think of a way." Xie Bi'an said with a smile, "We are indeed very busy in hell. The chaotic power in hell is too serious. Now there is an urgent need for more spiritual monuments to stabilize the foundation of hell, otherwise it will be over. Now you are the only one who can count on. The boss can only slow down the spread of chaos, but he can't help it at all.

Listening to Xie Bi'an's words, Li Mingyang seemed to remember the sad face of the wheel. In the past, when the identity of the wheel had not been known to him, although he and the wheel always needed to run for his life, the wheel had never had any worries at that time, but now it seems that the wheel has returned to the hell. Although it has regained amazing power, it is too difficult for the wheel to achieve the degree you want.

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang could only bravely say, "Well, I'll go and have a look and try to figure it out." Although he knew that trying to do this was tantamount to heaven, Li Mingyang still agreed.

Xie Bi'an was finally relieved and patted Li Mingyang on the shoulder: "I knew you wouldn't refuse. The boss really saw the wrong person. Come on, I'm waiting for your good news in hell.

This sentence makes people feel strange, but Li Mingyang can hear that Xie Bi'an is really anxious. Thinking of this, he is also very anxious. If something really happens to hell, then everyone will definitely play together. Li Mingyang does not want to see such a situation.

Xie Bi'an's hurried walk is also very fast. After all, the time between Yangjian and hell is different. When the wheel is closed, Xie Bi'an is definitely the real pillar. His role is much greater than Fan Wuzhu. In contrast, Fan Wuju is actually just a fierce general, and Xie Bi'an can be called wisdom. The brave impermanence has been slightly panicked, enough to see how bad things have been.

Today, Li Mingyang realized for the first time that although his good friend's wheel is expensive, he seems to have much more mess than himself, but there are not many helpers to use. Thinking of this, Li Mingyang strengthened his mind.

After Xie Bi'an left, Li Mingyang did not tell Guo Yunshan about the situation in the hell. After all, this kind of thing was too far away for them, and they were just anxious.

Li Mingyang slept for a whole day and night before. When he woke up, he found that the Xiliang Army was still revelry because they did revel all day and one night. This victory has raised the Xiliang army's admiration for Li Mingyang to the extreme. No matter what their origin or what kind of cultivation they have, most Central Plains monks like to see one thing, that is, the record.

No matter what cultivation, no matter what team they lead, external conditions are secondary. Most of the time, they just look at the record, and the record is the least lying.

However, when it comes to the record, Li Mingyang doesn't know how many amazing achievements he has. However, in the Central Plains, no one knows who Li Mingyang is, let alone interested in learning about him in advance. But at this time, when they saw that the 12,000 Shu army, which stuck to the stronghold, was defeated like this, they also knew that Count Li Hong had found the treasure this time, thinking about the real ghosts who rushed to Qingyang array crazily just now. Naturally, these Xiliang Army had indescribable pleasure and also vague worries.

Li Mingyang did not revel with the Xiliang Army, but recovered in the stronghold for three days. When he was able to walk by himself, and his consciousness had almost recuperated, he chose to leave the stronghold directly. Those Xiliang monks who had gone on an expedition with him before have now stayed in the stronghold and are waiting for the Central Plains monks to come here to support.

Li Mingyang doesn't know when there will be a huge accident, so he must take the initiative to find a way to solve the problem when Yangjian's strength is good. The spiritual world is completely strange to most monks, but Li Mingyang can't wait to set out.

I just thought about how to leave Xiliang County, but it became a considerable problem. Although Li Hong did not limit his personal freedom in the transaction he made, after all, this is the other party's territory, and Li Mingyang has not really completed the three expeditions that Li Hong asked him to go. If he goes now, he will inevitably collide with Li Hong. It's no problem to leave forcibly, but it's not easy to find a place to settle for Tianren City. Li Mingyang doesn't want this good opportunity to be wasted.

However, when Li Mingyang returned to Li Hong's earl's house, he accidentally found that there were many people in the earl's house. Although the earl's house was very lively all year round, like this time, even Li Mingyang saw something wrong.

But when he casually pulled a Xiliang monk and asked him carefully, he couldn't help but be surprised.

King Cheng even wants to march to the south!