ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 241 campaign

Seeing Li Mingyang come in, Li Hong immediately lit up and laughed and stepped forward: "Come on, come with me."

Li Mingyang followed Li Hong to the center of the hall doubtfully and heard Li Hong say loudly, "Guys, I would like to introduce a new colleague to you."

The hall is now full of good generals under Li Hong, because this incident is basically gathered here. Hearing Li Hong's words, everyone looked at Li Mingyang curiously.

Because the wound of divine consciousness has not yet healed, Li Mingyang's face now looks extremely pale, which makes him look very weak, and even has some faint signs of excessive indulgence...

Li Hong did not spread the news when he asked Li Mingyang to join before. After all, in the agreement they agreed that Li Hong would keep Li Mingyang's identity secret. In this case, he can't introduce anything in public. If Li Mingyang's reputation in the south can't be said, simply introduce a teenager to It is also difficult for my subordinates to convince the public.

But this time, Li Hong couldn't help but introduce Li Mingyang to his generals.

Up to now, Li Hong is also completely convinced of Li Mingyang. In fact, when he handed over 5,000 Western Liang army to Li Mingyang, he was not sure that Li Mingyang would definitely do it, otherwise he would not send Tang Jiaxing to take people to secretly help. Previously, he only bet once that Li Mingyang really lived up to his reputation. Now it seems that the god of war spread by the southern monks and the monks of the Central Plains is indeed not a false reputation.

"This is General Li Ming and Li, and he will work with us in the future." Li Hong introduced to his generals with a heroic face, and added, "I have granted the title of viscount to General Li Ming."

Li Ming is naturally Li Mingyang. Li Hong and Li Mingyang are really too lazy to afford a fake name, so he casually said one.

Originally, everyone was very curious about the person suddenly introduced by Li Hong. On such an occasion, Li Hong could put down the news of Cheng Wang Nanzheng and turn to the person who was grandly introduced. Naturally, he would not be a simple person, but Li Mingyang, who looked very weak, was difficult for people to associate him with a strong man. When they heard Li Hong's last words, everyone was even more in an uproar.

Li Hong is only a count, and the viscount is already the largest title under him. Under Li Hong's rule, there are only seven viscounts in total. Even many veterans present have not been mixed with the title of viscount in the Northern War with Li Hong for many years. Now it is natural for them to be shocked and unwilling to see a young man with the title of viscount as soon as he comes forward.

Immediately, an old man couldn't help saying, "Your Excellency, what is this person's origin..." After all, he did not dare to say his unwillingness too directly.

Li Hong took a look at the veteran, and he could see everyone's reactions. Li Hong has led the army to fight for many years, and naturally it is clear that any arrangement should pay attention to the public. Even if many arrangements for his brother Li Yuan have been made to a sufficient extent, Li Hong can't find any problems.

Although Li Mingyang's consciousness was weak, he could see the reaction of other generals clearly, but he just smiled slightly. He knew that Li Hong would deal with this matter, and he just needed to stand.

"Gentlemen, you may not know much about General Li Ming. Although the young general is, he is definitely a tough general. There is no doubt about this, so the position of viscount is not too much." Li Hong explained patiently.

"Well, no qualifications... Who knows how strong he is." Seeing Li Hong defending Li Ming, another veteran couldn't help muttering.

Li Hong just smiled and said lightly, "Everyone knows the strongholds outside the Qingshi mine."

"I know." The generals nodded together. Although they were resentful, they only dared to mutter, but they did not dare to be really angry with Li Hong.

"It's good to know." Li Hong continued: "I believe you all know how difficult the stronghold is to defend and how difficult it is. After the king lost the stronghold five years ago, he ignored it, because the five spiritite veins on the border can never be completely controlled by us, right?"

A group of generals looked at Li Hong with great doubt. They didn't know why the always shrewd count suddenly liked to talk nonsense. This news was not known to everyone, and it was really not repeated here.

Looking at everyone's doubtful expression, Li Hong smiled again and said, "That stronghold has just been taken down by me."

As soon as the news came out, the generals lit up and instantly forgot that they were still discussing whether Li Mingyang could be a viscount. They all praised with great excitement: "Your excellry really uses soldiers like gods."

"Your Excellency is powerful!"

"Your Excellency is sharp."

All the generals sincerely sighed about how difficult the stronghold outside the Qingshi mine is. The generals of Xiliang County don't know, and if they want to capture that stronghold, in the eyes of their experienced generals, they also need to use at least 15,000 troops, and they may need to sacrifice at least 5,000. It is possible to succeed.

But such an action is no longer supported by a count independently. If 5,000 monks are lost in World War I, such a loss may even make a count depressed and may even be swallowed up by other counts. Therefore, although we all know that the spiritual vein is a good thing and hope that it can be completely occupied, people have given up the idea of monopolizing because of the existence of that stronghold.

But this time, Li Hong suddenly announced that his stronghold was occupied by him, which could never be a joke. However, the generals were very clear about the mobilization of the surrounding monks. They did not remember what Li Hong had recently mobilized tens of thousands of monks to do, so they suddenly heard that the stronghold had been fought down, and they sighed that Li Hong's army was like a god. It was really amazing that even their own people didn't know about it...

Seeing that everyone was both emotional and praising, Li Hong smiled with satisfaction, put his palm gently on Li Mingyang's shoulder and said, "The person who made the stronghold is General Li Ming."

"General Li Ming captured the stronghold with only 5,000 people. Our army suffered less than 1,000 casualties, and the enemy was completely annihilated." Li Hong threw down the blockbuster news without stopping.

When they heard that it was Li Mingyang's attack, all the generals were stunned and didn't react, but after hearing the casualty ratio of both sides, they were completely stupid this time.

It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. The count must be joking this time.

All the generals secretly said in their hearts, and some even shook their heads hard, and then looked up at Li Hong with great sincerity, hoping that he would say that it was a joke.

But Li Hong always smiled as before, as if he enjoyed the shock of his generals.

Meeting everyone's puzzled, curious and even jealous eyes, Li Mingyang also smiled and was not arrogant or impatient. But at this moment, Li Mingyang added some vigilance to Li Hong. Previously, he chose to cooperate with Li Hong because his face gave him a lot of down-to-earth feeling.

But in this matter, Li Mingyang found that he underestimated the seemingly loyal count. In the face of everyone's contempt and distrust of Li Mingyang, Li Hong did not defend him for a word, but he cleverly told the matter of the stronghold. As a result, he successfully created momentum for Li Mingyang and did not need to talk much.

The traitor is loyal.

"I, Li Hong, have always had clear rewards and punishments for doing things. Naturally, you all know such rules. I don't know if General Li Ming's achievements are eligible for the title of viscount." Looking at the dazed generals, Li Hong asked again.

Up to now, all the generals of the count's mansion look at Li Mingyang as if they were looking at monsters. Li Hong's words will not be false, but they really can't connect the little white face in front of them with that kind of military god.

5,000 people attacked the stronghold, which was not only successful, but also controlled the damage to 1,000. What was more terrible was the annihilation of the enemy.

That's 12,000 Shu troops!

"Your Excellency, this little...General, where did you find it?" Although there are many doubts, Li Hong's generals are more or less free and easy. No matter how shocking it is, since it happened, they are indeed convinced.

"Haha, General Li Ming is a master outside the world, and I'm predestined to get it." Li Hong made a laugh.

When everyone was sighing, Li Hong seemed to be not satisfied and raised his voice, "Gentlemen, General Li Ming is not only a soldier like a god, but also a third-level array mage." Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted again, Li Hong paused and whispered, "And he is still a mysterious master."

"God Master!" Hearing these three words, everyone stared at Li Mingyang as if they were possessed. At this moment, no one doubts Li Mingyang at all, and even if he is doubtful about his previous record. Even if he can't fight, even if those achievements are deliberately made by Li Hong to convince the public, as long as he is a mysterious master, there is no need to think about anything else, and he will arrange the mysterious chain.

"I don't know, what level of divine master General Li is?" A general asked curiously.

Li Hong looked at Li Mingyang and also expressed curiosity. He knew that Li Mingyang was a divine master because he knew it when he was in Lingyan City, but he didn't know exactly what level of divine master Li Mingyang was.

Seeing that Li Hong spared no effort to build momentum for himself, although Li Mingyang was a little helpless, it was not easy to beat this smiling man. After thinking about it, he said, "The first-level and second-level mysterious chain can guarantee a 50% success rate, and the third-level mysterious chain can be about 30%."

Suddenly, there was a burst of breathing in the hall, and everyone's amazement was unparaging, including Li Hong, staring at Li Mingyang with wide eyes.

Three-level divine master!

In the Central Plains, although the divine master is not as rare as in the south, there are no divine master everywhere. Li Hong has only one divine master, but he can only arrange the first-level mysterious chain. Although the mysterious chain is also a magic array, it does not mean that you don't know how many levels of the magic array can be arranged.

The third-level array mage can be a third-level divine master. How high is his divine cultivation! At this moment, everyone fell into meditation.

Li Mingyang is also lost in thought.