ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 348 Tactics

"It's great, boss, it's really happy." Lin Hui wiped the blood on his face and smiled happily.

Li Mingyang also laughed, handed him a jar of spiritual wine, and began to drink happily with the Yan brothers.

Three days have passed since the first contact with monsters. This place called the Yinfeng Mountains was not very eye-catching in the past when the King of Mount Tai still occupied the Tianyin Kingdom. In fact, even real ghosts did not like to live here, but this time, Yinfeng Mountain became For the focus of today's whole heavenly world. In the past three days, there have been dozens of battles on the battlefield of Yinfeng Mountain.

In fact, just as Li Mingyang and others were drinking, the battle in the Yinfeng Mountains continued. The tactics of the wheel were not understood at first, but now they have been completely accepted and took less than a day.

After the outbreak of the war that day, Li Mingyang's team, which was all composed of virtual spiritual monks, led by more than one real spiritual strongman, really penetrated into the center of the monster army like a real sharp blade. This team is led by war maniacs such as Li Mingyang, Gongyangwen and Yan brothers. The combat power is amazing. In addition, the monster did not expect that there would be such a strong team among human monks. For a moment, it was completely defeated without much resistance. Then Li Mingyang and others took advantage of the victory to pursue the demon. The interior of the beast camp is constantly invincible.

On the one hand, the monster had to find a way to encircle this sharp knife team, and at the same time, it had to face the continuous siege of the monk army outside. After just an hour, the monster's originally unclear position completely collapsed. However, the advantage of monsters also lies in this. In fact, their battles really don't need the cooperation of formation. After the complete beginning of the war and all the situations are completely messed up, the confrontation between monsters and human monks has reached the most direct level of fighting. At the beginning, there was a way of cooperation. Although there is a certain tactical cooperation, in fact, the frequency conversion is the most fundamental combat strength and endurance of both sides.

However, after the war became very anxious, and the monsters gradually recovered their disadvantages after the initial panic, the casualties of human monks began to rise. All monks are unwilling to face such a situation, but at this time, even if they don't want to face it, they must face it. You know, this is what they fight for this time.

But the changes in the battle appeared half a day later. Half a day later, the monks of the middle army felt that the fighting strength of the monsters was obviously weakening. It was not that the individual combat power of the monsters was weakening, but that the number of monsters they faced began to decline sharply. Although the monsters appearing on the battlefield still had amazing entanglement Ability, but when the number of monsters began to decrease sharply, it still reduced a lot of pressure on the middle monks. Once the pressure of the middle army began to decrease sharply, the middle army became the sharpest blade and began to charge forward.

The reason for this situation is that when the monster thought that the human monk wanted to fight head-on and wanted to fight a decisive battle on the front battlefield, there had begun to be a huge disturbance on the flank of the monster camp.

The two roadside armies led by Fan Wuhu and Xie Bi'an are actually quite far away from the middle army. Li Mingyang knew that even when their consciousness was not limited, it was impossible for them to detect the location of the two armies on the side road, but Fan Wuhu and Xie Bi'an were in the middle army. It appears when it is most necessary to share the pressure, and it can almost be said to be perfectly inserted into the camp of monsters.

All this comes from the arrangement of the wheel, but the specific implementation is facilitated by the respective capabilities of Fan Wujiu and Xie Bi'an. In fact, the most important thing this time is that the wheel brought these two impermanence when it came to support. In fact, this is an extremely risky thing, because the huge changes in the hell have led to the extremely fast flow of time in the hell. Once this war is delayed a little, even if it is only more than ten days. Time is prone to great variables in hell.

If it's just a wheel to leave, Fan Wujiu and Xie Bi'an are in the hell, and any problems can be solved. But now that they leave together, it's really a great risk. Although there is an additional spiritual monument in the hell, after all, they have just collected tens of millions of real ghosts. What are these real ghosts? It is not necessarily clear that they have figured it out now. Once there is an accident, the accident in the hell may not all come from the chaotic clan.

However, I have to admit that the appearance of Xie Bi'an and Fan Wuen is the biggest help of the wheel. The cooperation between the three of them can really be called seamless. Many times the wheel only needs to accurately describe its combat ideas and explain what kind of tactical support he needs in the war. Fan Helpless and Xie Bi'an can definitely be completed perfectly, and they don't even need to make such a perfect battle plan.

This is the case this time. When Fan Wuji and Xie Bi'an came, they captured the fighters themselves, and then appeared at the most critical moment. The combat power that monsters can deploy is just as Li Mingyang explored before. Less than 300,000 mature monsters have invested in this war. In the monster's base camp, there are about 30,000 mature monsters guarding the cubs. After all, the cubs are the last hope of this monster army. Once the cubs are cultivated After maturity, millions or even more monsters will appear. At that time, there will always be man-sea tactics, but once there are beast sea tactics, it is equally irresistible.

Of course, the reason why human monks attack so decisively this time, even to fight together with two Xuanjie monks, is to disrupt the deployment of monsters. Now it seems that this is the most important thing.

A total of 300,000 monks on the left and right were like two sickle blades. Two amazing sickle lines cut off the monster's team, and the middle army rushed in again like a broken bamboo, and the monster was completely chaotic. Now it is not so much a decisive battle as a massacre. Although the resistance of monsters is still sharp, with the cooperation of human monks, the counterattack effect of monsters began to become weaker.

The tactics formulated by the wheel are the sickle tactics. In short, they regard monsters as straw. Human monks take team operations as the main body, and the offensive needs to be launched one after another. Before the wave of offensive stops, the second wave of offensive will be connected, and the offensive of human monks will not stop at all. In the case, the tactics of the two sides are completely opposite. The right army led by Xie Bi'an was almost a strong frontal confrontation. Once they met a monster, they would kill them directly, and some of them did not hesitate to calculate the loss. Although this led to more losses for the monks, it also made more monsters began to move towards the middle or left.

However, this time, Xie Bi'an's right roadside army began to release water, changing the previous strong tactics and began to lead the monsters to attack in their direction. Under the leadership of Fan Wuhu, the sudden counterattack of human monks once again disrupted the deployment of monsters. There are definitely their commanders in the monster camp, but these monster commanders can't be as experienced as the wheel and Xie Bi'an and Fan Wuhu. These monsters are the most common. Pay attention to fighting alone, and there can't be too many opportunities to fight in such a group.

And even Fan Wujian, who is the least good at commanding troops, doesn't know how many wars, fierce battles, and even disadvantaged battles he has experienced over the years. Although such a situation looks very spectacular, for him, this is just an ordinary fierce battle, and this time it is still a rare advantage. In his own hands, although he commanded the monk, it was no different.

Just as the left and right armies began to constantly change their formations to provoke, kill and lead the main forces of monsters, the middle army finally completed the latest deployment. Unlike Li Mingyang's thinking, they did not go straight to the base camp of monsters, but set up an ambush on the only way to the base camp. At the same time, Xie Bi'an's right army also almost naturally "escaped" here with a group of monks and hurried through this road. Then, the monster The main army was chased and killed by Fan's helpless left army.

At this moment, the main force of monsters has completely lost their purpose of fighting. Whether it is the commander of monsters or ordinary monsters, they don't know what these human monks are going to do. They just feel that they can't control the battle at all since the beginning of the war. Once they are crushed, they will be crushed. They will be hunted down, and human monks can be killed in a while, but no matter what they do, it seems that they can't control it at all. Sometimes they clearly know that they have been led by the enemy, but sadly, even if they know this, they can't change the status quo.

Now that they are finally able to return to the base camp, they are even more panicked. After all, there are only 30,000 mature monsters guarding the cubs in the base camp. Once millions of cubs are destroyed, this expedition will be completely failed. These monsters are very clear about the terrible fighting power of the monks who "run" in front of them. Once they come into contact with the cubs, it is really like a sheep entering the mouth of a tiger.

But they don't know at all that their road to pursuit and rescue is a dead end to Huangquan.