ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 349 Persuasion

"Your Excellency, this battle..." Hiding in the mountain pass, Lin Hui said to Li Mingyang with a smile.

Li Mingyang subconsciously took out a jar of spiritual wine and put it back at the thought of the current situation, but he still said happily, "Haha, how about it? At that time, it was right to let the wheel command."

Although I don't agree with Li Mingyang's initiative to give up the position of leader of the general alliance, Lin Hui can't say a bad word about the commander of the wheel now. I have to admit that the war has achieved such a brilliant record entirely because of the command of the wheel.

It has only been more than three days since the start of the war, but hundreds of thousands of monsters seem to have become monsters and become small beasts, or even become pets. In the frontal confrontation, although their combat power is very strong, in the layout of the battlefield and the control of changes in the battle situation, the monsters have completely fallen. Downwind.

In fact, when Li Mingyang and others proposed to find a commander to lead hundreds of thousands of monks' army, Lin Hui also thought that Li Mingyang had made a big deal. In the eyes of the vast majority of monks, they did not need any conspiracy at all after having such a strong army of monks. They just need to charge head-on. To.

But now he knows that this is not a conspiracy at all, but a real conspiracy. In this war, the monsters were completely played by human monks to applaud, and whether it is the middle army or the changing monk army, it is completely in the execution of various tactics. It is proceeding according to the predetermined plan, and there is no panic at all.

In fact, the whole process of this battle has completely exceeded Lin Hui's imagination and cognition. In the past, any battle required on-the-spot performance to determine the direction of the battle. In the on-the-spot play, in addition to the combat effectiveness of the monks, there were also the overall changes of the monks' army. The cooperation is not only the change of the battle formation, but also the cooperation between the monk team and the team.

This time, the wheel is to let everyone see the most gorgeous tactical arrangements and formulations by his commander's means. Since the beginning of contact with human monks, the monster has completely fallen into the trap formulated by human monks. After wandering around, more than half of the monsters have been damaged, while the army of human monks has only lost only one percentage of them so far. This proportion of losses is quite amazing.

It is true that it is normal for monks to consume so seriously after fighting for more than three days in such a war, but it is quite difficult to cause such great damage to monsters under such normal consumption. Up to now, not only Lin Hui, but also Jiang Yaoming, who had discussed this result with Li Mingyang before, admired the wheel.

In the past, they just guessed that the wheel was definitely the kind of boss in a high position, or even the master of the world they didn't know, but they didn't expect that this boss had such a strong ability to move away not only millions of monks and tens of millions of ordinary real ghosts almost overnight. In this war, he completely confused the monsters with his divine command.

Hidden on the only way to the monster base camp, the right army led by Xie Bi'an has rushed over early. Li Mingyang and other monks of the middle army are hiding very well on both sides of the road, waiting for a fatal blow to the monster at any time.

Soon, the earth finally began to tremble, and all the monks were familiar with these situations when the monsters marched.

"Do you want to do it?" Seeing that monsters continue to fish in, tens of thousands of monsters pass through the battlefield like the wind. Although they know that they are ready, they can't help asking. After all, such a situation is too amazing at this time. After all, even they would ambush in the past, but at most thousands of people ambush. Thousands, even thousands, ambushed hundreds of people, but like this time, hundreds of thousands of monks ambushed hundreds of thousands of monsters. In fact, this can no longer be regarded as ambush, just waiting for the time for the decisive battle to come.

After seeing that the monster had killed more than half, in everyone's gaze, Li Mingyang shouted to kill and rushed into the battlefield like crazy. Their team has maintained a good lineup so far. They have always been a signal for the central army to launch a general attack. As long as they move, they want to move the whole army. Everyone knows the relationship between Li Mingyang and the wheel, and they are also quite in awe of Li Mingyang himself. Naturally, everything he does is people. It's convincing.

The war broke out again, and the monsters seemed to be used to being ambushed like this. After the appearance of human monks, the monsters only experienced a little panic and began to fight back fiercely. Monsters have been led by the nose by human monks since the beginning of the war. As Li Mingyang saw before, this Once it is a real conspiracy. The most terrible thing about it is that the opponent can sometimes clearly see the layout here, but they have to walk in. If not, perhaps the enemy can avoid this battle, but the victory or defeat of the whole battle has begun to change completely, and it is the same this time. The monster's counterattack is very fierce, but it has not changed the outcome of their failure.

"Big, boss!"

"What's the matter?" When the killing was enjoyable, Li Mingyang had to stop the offensive and look at Lin Hui. He found that Lin Hui seemed to like to chat with him in this battle.

However, Lin Hui did not want to chat this time, but hurriedly pointed to the distance and said, " boss, the order flag instruction sent by the Chinese army just now requires our sharp knife team to go to the monster base camp. Maybe it needs to fight a tough battle."

Li Mingyang was naturally excited to hear Lin Hui's words and immediately rushed to the monster base camp with a group of sharp knifes.

When he arrived, the battle had broken out, but Xie Bi'an did not lead people to charge like Li Mingyang, but always commanded in the center. The right army suffered the most serious losses in the previous war, but only lost less than 30,000 monks. Now more than 100,000 monks are naturally fighting in the face of 50,000 mature monsters. Very easy.

At this time, in the camp of monsters, on this large and outrageous plain, the number of monsters' cubs has reached nearly 2 million. Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang couldn't help but be shocked, although the strength of the most elite batch of cubs is not as heavy as the fantasy world, and it is obvious that these young The beast has just grown to this level, and it is only because it forcibly devours the same kind that it reaches this point, so its combat effectiveness is quite low. However, the emergence of the current situation still means that the changes of monsters in this period of time are still huge. If it hadn't been for the early time for their general attack, I really don't know what would happen after a period of time.

In fact, the cubs are not a concern. The only role of these cubs here is to deter everyone. After all, two million cubs, coupled with the dense unbroken cub eggs behind, this situation is absolutely quite amazing. However, although the monster's fighting method is to fight according to the instinct of the beast, it also needs to be cultivated after a period of time. Just like when Li Mingyang just began to practice, he could quickly improve his strength through the devouring method of the underworld, but after the promotion, he was only cultivated. If he hadn't had a good talent in spell cultivation, he would have been just a relatively resistant monk at that time.

This time, it is the same. Although the monsters have cultivated 2 million cubs with the help of various unexpected means, human beings have given too little time to the monsters. The monster's base camp has now been attacked to the hinterland of the base camp, and the end of this battle is only It's just a matter of time.

The monk's middle army has begun to isolate the main army of monsters and fight with monsters. The psychology of monsters is also excellent. The reason why monsters have a word beast is that they are strong beasts in the final analysis. When fighting with beasts, they must not play any offensive battle. This time Their purpose is not even to completely defeat the main force of monsters, but to destroy millions of cubs. As long as the cubs are destroyed, he doesn't have to worry about any problems. Obviously, this is the only place where the monsters can transmit. As long as all the cubs here are destroyed and then here The chassis of the monster was taken away, and they could no longer continue to transport that kind of huge insects and monsters here. They could not transport giant ants and monsters. Naturally, they did not have to worry about a large number of cubs breeding.

When Xie Bi'an saw Li Mingyang rushing with people, he smiled happily, and then he smiled helplessly. He reached out and stopped Li Mingyang, who was about to join the fierce battle. Xie Bi'an thought for a moment and said, "Brother Mingyang, there is a saying that must be said to you."

"What's the matter, Brother Bai?" Li Mingyang asked in a good mood.

"In fact, in my opinion, although it is very enjoyable to become a general of tens of thousands of enemies, you can't simply be a general to achieve great things. You have to have the way of command and the way of control." Xie Bi'an said seriously.

Li Mingyang also looked at Xie Bi'an very seriously. The relationship between him and Xie Bi'an is excellent. It is not easy for Xie Bi'an to say these words from the bottom of his heart. After all, Xie Bi'an is also the real superior in hell, and even he is actually under the wheel. There is no night fork in the ten halls, and the impermanence is the most It is really rare for Xie Bi'an to talk about this so seriously.

However, Li Mingyang can only smile helplessly for his persuasion. It may not be right for people to have their own aspirations, but he does not mean to do so.

And when Li Mingyang hesitated, Xie Bi'an suddenly said, "I know you don't have any good plans. Leave the next to me."