ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 549 Chaos will come out

The left hand is Ronghua, and the right hand is the rich and powerful people. They are noble and strong in the eyes of outsiders. Their strength is strong. Every year, they have Tianchi Raw Water that can be used for intensive cultivation. They can always open up rich territories in different mysterious worlds, and they can always use their proud achievements in the Dragon City. Accept people's respect.

But if you really want to go to heaven, these people will retreat. They dare to fight in the strange world because tens of thousands of monks will explore the way before each war. What they are famously call them all sitting in the rear. In the final analysis, they still dare not bear the risks they should bear as strong.

No matter how strange the mysterious world is, there will always be a large number of cannon fodder monks who will exchange them with enough information. They will soon be familiar with knowing that there is no threat to their existence, or at least it is impossible to kill their monsters in seconds when they meet. They will enter the battlefield and use their superb command skills and strong Fight to sweep away those poor indigenous monks. They are happy, and they don't have much fear.

But who will find the way for them in heaven? In the rumors I heard since I was a child, Tianfu is a terrible world and a cruel battlefield that is stronger than the sea of knives and fire. Why do you have to go to such a place? What is the purpose of the war? Isn't the war for better enjoyment? Who fought for the purpose of fighting? Isn't that a fool?

Li Mingyang's campaign is just because he wants to fight. He has too many things to do. He needs to find the other five Yan Luo. He needs to find other Tianren people. He needs to figure out what those illusory fragments are in his mind. He wants to break the heavenly seal in his body that makes the wheel headache. He wants to know who he is.

If you want to do all this, you can only constantly improve your strength. It is definitely impossible to improve your strength with peace of mind. Only war is the only way out.

He was crazy to find the entrance to the new transmission array. With the help of some wheels, they have found four in a row, but they are all lost in the maze. Finally, with the gradual connection between the wheel and other ghosts, they barely broke out of the array.

"Why don't we take a break?" The wheel is not tired. He is just worried that Li Mingyang is too impatient and will be taken advantage of by the demon after falling into the maze.

Li Mingyang's impatience has been written on his face, and he also understands his own situation. Just thinking that the battle has lasted for so long, he can only wave his hand and say, "There is almost no time. Try again and try for the last time."

The wheel was helpless and could only accompany him to continue to look for the entrance of the transmission array mixed in the complex illusion array.

The battle in the battlefield of Longhua is still continuing. Under the leadership of the ghost generals, the monks of the sharp knife team are simply meeting gods and killing gods. When they meet Buddhas and Buddhas, the more they kill, the more monks gather in the end. In the end, 8,000 monks have gathered so much that people are speculating whether the Jinzhu army is dead in this battle. .

Every time Gong Yangwen appears on the scene array, he will not disappoint. He does not have Ma Liang's strange methods, nor does he jump away like Yan Shuangdao. His huge body seems to be to tell others that his fighting style is three words, stable, accurate and fierce. Once you meet the enemy, no matter what the other party's cultivation is, it is just a charge, a heavy blow, and then the other party will definitely be injured. He also met a strong man in the Xuanling Realm, but as long as he saw him, he retreated directly. No one wanted to clap his palm. God knew whether he would touch him or not, he would be electrocuted to dust. This was a perverted man who had absorbed nine thunders in his body.

Compared with Gong Yangwen, Qin Zhan's battle is actually more powerful people like to watch. Qin Zhan also showed his best side on the battlefield. He is a super strong man and a very rigorous practicer. When he meets every enemy, he will salute the other very seriously, say "I understand", and then he will set up a posture and wait for the other party to make a move first.

But if you think that this elegant veteran is a soft-hearted person, it is a big mistake. When he meets the Xuanling Realm monk, he will also salute him, and even when he meets the virtual spiritual monk, he will also greet him politely. But whether the other party takes the initiative or turns around and escapes, it will eventually become the soul of his hand.

This is a real smiling tiger, and no one who sees him can survive. Strong people such as Gongyangwen and Ma Liang will either intentionally or unintentionally release a few people, but as long as they meet Qin Zhan, the other party has only one way to die. This is a meticulous warrior and a meticulous killer.

As for the wilderness, not to mention it, the people who met him don't even have bones left...

As the monks of the 8,000-pointed swords began to charge in the Longhua battlefield with an unstoppable posture, people know that the battle may end before dark.

The shortest Longhua battle in history is about to be born.


The bloody atmosphere in the battlefield of Longhua is very strong. Whether the people of the Jinzhu Army are lucky or the rich monks take the initiative to give in, no matter how many people in the Jinzhu Army kill and how many shocking conversations there are, at least any smell inside will not be transmitted. What happened on the battlefield looks so close in the eyes of these people, but it is actually so far away.

However, some monks in the building martial arts world are experiencing the most difficult battle of their lives.

The corpse emperor was interrupted by sleeping in the emperor's cemetery for only one day. Several families in the building martial arts worked hard to find for thousands of years, and finally the treasure was taken for by a person who was not a ghost. Who can stand such a situation? There has always been only a family to rob others, and there is no such thing as robbing my family.

The elite monks of the Fan family, the Confucius family and the Wei family were almost swallowed up by the sea of blood. Fan Lou took a step slower after listening to Du Zun's persuasion, which barely avoided some losses.

As the only person who escaped from the human emperor's cemetery, Du Zun explained to everyone how powerful there was in the human emperor's cemetery. After listening to it, the strong men of all the big family also silenced. If such a monster really escaped to harm the building and martial arts world, it would naturally be unimaginable consequences. In desperation, he had no choice but to invite the ancestors of the Yun family in the retreat, and transferred many elite monks, and even many small family monks to participate in the war. Chen Bing million outside the human emperor's cemetery, and then launched an attack on the human emperor's cemetery under the leadership of a group of strong people.

The corpse emperor was disturbed and naturally became ashamed and angry. The threat brought by the corpse emperor under his anger is also endless. Millions of monks fought against the boundless sea of blood. Under the leadership of Yunlan, the ancestor of the Yun family, a group of strong men in the martial arts world fought for the corpse emperor. As a result, after paying the lives of dozens of strong people in the Xuanling realm, they still let the corpse emperor Escape.

In just one battle, there were more than 500,000 casualties, and more than 100 strong monks above the real spiritual realm. The sea of blood in the emperor's cemetery was finally exhausted, revealing the original appearance of the emperor's cemetery.

However, after this battle, all the landscapes in the emperor's cemetery were abandoned. Looking at the messy emperor's cemetery, there were no treasures in it, no skills, magic weapons, elixir or even a spiritual stone. Looking at all this, Yun Lan, a strong man in the Holy Spirit, almost trembled and said, "Is this what our ancestors have been pursuing for thousands of years?"

Fan Lou, Kong An, Wei Cheng and these bigwigs of the family were all silent. From the day the news of the emperor's cemetery came out, the ancestors of these families have been constantly pursuing how many people died for this cemetery, how many resources they have paid, and how much hatred they have spelled out. As a result, they just sent it again. Hundreds of thousands of monks were nourished, and then hundreds of thousands of monks were killed here, leaving hundreds of strong bodies, but in the end, they could only watch the monster escape.

It is a corpse, which everyone can see. It is a corpse that produces independent thinking and is absolutely not weaker than normal people. In addition to the strong corpse on his body, what is the difference between him and human beings? This is not a real ghost. This is a great corpse king whose body is not destroyed and produces wisdom.

"This is not the human emperor. This is simply the corpse emperor." Yun Lan sighed dejectedly. Once upon a time, the old man had thought that he could cross the martial arts world, and even may have been able to walk freely between the main worlds, but today, when he met the corpse emperor, he suddenly realized that there was such a strong existence in the world.

After arriving at the Holy Spirit, in fact, the cognition of the opponents of the strong is not limited to human beings or some knowledgeable races. Whether it is the thousand-year-old corpse emperor or the thousand-year-old ghost king, as long as the strength is enough, it is a strong opponent. After the shock, some wrinkles on Yunlan's old face spread out, and the old man who thought he had been invincible for many years finally found that he was still playing.

Although he doesn't know the temperament of the corpse emperor, he can't be too bored to think that since he is a strong man of the Holy Spirit. He may occasionally destroy a small fairy gate or grab a small family, but he should not be bored enough to disturb the lives of ordinary people. As long as this bottom limit is not destroyed, Yunlan is very interested in having fun with him. This time, the retreat was forcibly interrupted. If you wait until the end of the retreat, even if you are the resurrected by the emperor, I will practice with you!

Suddenly, Fan Lou, who was still worried that the corpse emperor would cause disaster in the martial arts world, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The momentum that broke out of Yun Lan's body was too terrible. Fan Lou even felt that his legs were trembling at that moment. Looking at Yunlan's old face, Fan Lou couldn't help but feel bitter at the corners of his mouth. Over the years, people from several major families have been used to the feeling of being superior, and the four famous families are all supreme in the building martial arts world.

However, at this moment, Fan Lou suddenly found that the Yun family had been playing with them over the years. He thought that Yun Lan had never appeared over the years because this old guy was about to do it, or even have been in ancient times, but the Yun family did not publicize the news. Otherwise, why didn't the Yun family even send people after such a big event as the emperor's cemetery before?

Now Fan Lou understands that they are pursuing the emperor's cemetery in order to find possible treasures in it. In fact, even their ancestors have not really seen anything in the emperor's cemetery. Everything is just speculation. They are pursuing the emperor's so-called The treasure, that is, guessing that if you can really find it, you may be able to find the original cultivation secrets of the emperor, and even find the body of the emperor to study it. The ultimate purpose is only for the emergence of a mysterious existence in your family.

And for the family, it will not be too satisfied to go beyond the mysterious realm, but they hope to cultivate a strong man comparable to the human emperor. At that time, the family will no longer be a family, but a dynasty. The name of the human emperor will ask who is not interested.

Every family is chasing this goal, but now it seems that the current state of the Yun family is already something that the other three families dare not provoke. A super strong man who has been promoted to the Holy Spirit for more than a hundred years, God knows what his strength is now. When fighting with the corpse emperor just now, it was not so much a group of corpse emperors as the confrontation between Yunlan and the corpse emperor. Almost all the people who died were accidentally hit and died tragically.

Du Zun's body began to tremble again. At the beginning, he was not only glad that everyone died in the human emperor's cemetery. If the Yun family came out and told Yun Lan that he had planted soul-chasing insects in their bodies, his life would never be saved. In front of Yunlan, Du Zun didn't even have the courage to look up, which is the breath of a super strong man.

It seems that the troubled times are coming. The appearance of the corpse emperor has stirred up too much blood and wind. The corpse emperor is a existence that makes anyone think of it and will have a headache, and Yunlan is a huge thing like a huge peak. With him, the Yun family will definitely embark on the road of hegemony immediately.

Fan Lou and Fan Li looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes. They thought that their ancestors had quietly been promoted to the Holy Spirit and the Fan family could finally show their heroism. Now it seems that they can only find a way to find their own place in the footsteps of the Yun family. Fan Lou even doubted whether Yun Lan deliberately did it for the escape of the corpse emperor, so that the Louwu world would be chaotic, and the family with absolute strength was naturally sure to win in the chaos.

When the Fan brothers were thinking about these, Yun Lan suddenly asked, "Why did the emperor's cemetery suddenly appear in my building's martial arts world?"

This sentence made everyone stunned and immediately shook their heads and smiled bitterly. Who here did not suddenly hear the news of the human emperor's cemetery in a hurry? Who could know more than anyone else?

But just thinking about this, many people have looked at Du Zun. Poison Zun, who has changed from a smiling face to a sad face, is now most afraid of being seen by others, but now it has become the focus of public attention.

The Yun family whispered a few words in Yun Lan's ear. Yun Lan nodded and looked at Du Zun and said, "Little doll, can you think of why the emperor's cemetery appeared in the building martial arts world?"

Du Zun just wants to scold his mother now. If you ask me, I will ask who to go. However, Du Zun suddenly was stunned, his eyes widened and shouted crazily, "The ghost king, it is the ghost king. It must be the ghost king!"