ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 550 Great Discovery

"It's endless, and it's a mystery again?" Li Mingyang felt that his emotions were difficult to control and couldn't help cursing.

The wheel slapped his hand fiercely. This palm was very heavy. If it were an ordinary person, his head might be broken. Li Mingyang also grinned in pain, but he quickly closed his mouth after seeing the frosty face of the wheel.

"Control yourself!" The wheel said coldly, and after seeing Li Mingyang's expression calmed down, he walked out first. Since Li Mingyang began to sit on the throne of the prince, the wheel has never spoken so harshly to Li Mingyang. This time, it is actually not anger, but worry.

If it's outside, there will be no problem with such a complaint. It's not that young people are impetuous and incomprehensible, but it's absolutely not here. Just now, when Li Mingyang complained, his eyes were already bloody, and it was this blood light that made the wheel's heart tremble. There is no danger in the illusion array in the Longhua battlefield. During this period, they have clearly explored it, but the maze array is different from the illusion array, especially here.

So far, this maze actually doesn't know what the wheel came from, but the demon invasion is definitely the most deadly. Even the wheel has been curious about how Li Mingyang persisted. Several times the wheel almost went wrong. That's why the wheel proposed that this was the last exploration, and he didn't want any unbearable consequences for the last time.

Anyway, there are clues. According to Li Mingyang, he has also formed an alliance with Changqing Emperor. Although this alliance does not involve the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains, at least on the way to explore the gate of Heaven, Changqing Emperor will be a reliable ally. If you don't succeed next time, with the help of the Evergreen Emperor, it should not be too difficult to enter the Longhua battlefield.

When I was thinking about these things, the wheel suddenly found that my eyes lit up, and the dark corridor that had just walked suddenly disappeared. In an instant, they appeared on a vast plain. He has long been accustomed to this change wheel, and along the way, he kept lamenting the subtlety of this compound illusion in the Longhua battlefield.

Li Mingyang has just finished a reflection, and the sudden anger of the wheel naturally has no effect. Li Mingyang has always held full respect for this real master. As soon as he caught up, he saw a vast plain, which made Li Mingyang's newly relaxed mood nervous again.

He noticed a detail that the continuous wheel had not yet reacted. This is a maze, not a phantom, but the situation in front of them is absolutely their performance into the phantom, the combination of mazes and phantom? Thinking of this situation, Li Mingyang himself felt a panic. These two magic arrays are the most unlikely to merge in the world.

The wheel also noticed this after a slight sigh. One ghost looked at each other and saw the shock in the other party's eyes. A little later, Li Mingyang suddenly said, "Is it possible that we have come out of the maze, and this is not an illusion, but a real place?"

Many times, no matter how shrewd people are, they will always make some low-level mistakes. For example, this time, after Li Mingyang's reminder, after their complex and serious exploration, they finally came to the conclusion that this is a real space without any illusion.

has arrived at a real world!

Aware of this, Li Mingyang panicked again. Looking back at the way, fortunately, the dark passage is not far away, but in any case, Li Mingyang does not believe that the dark passage is the gate of heaven they are looking for. No matter how mysterious the gate of heaven is, it can't be a corridor. It must be a transmission array. That won't be the gate of heaven, and this is definitely not heaven. Here comes the question, where is this?

Although the Longhua battlefield is interspersed with real and false illusion arrays, it is also true and illusory, but there is absolutely no real area without any illusion array. The vast plain in front of him is so real that Li Mingyang can't remember that he came here from the illusion array to the maze array before.

"Look over there." The wheel pointed to a purple cloud in the distant sky and said.

The purple clouds floating in the distant sky are extremely strange. It seems to be a cloud with hundreds of thunderbolt. Just a glance at Li Mingyang makes his scalp tingle.

"If that thing explodes, will it blow up here?" Li Mingyang said subconsciously.

"Let's go and have a look." The wheel didn't talk nonsense and rushed over there, and Li Mingyang had no choice but to follow.

Under the leadership of the wheel, Li Mingyang almost scolded his mother and climbed a mountain with the wheel. At this moment, they even felt that the purple thunder cloud above their heads was almost touching their scalp. The amazing breath in the thunder cloud made Li Mingyang's heart jump faster.

"We have to fight against this thing." Li Mingyang pushed the wheel.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Li Mingyang followed the wheel's eyes and saw the scenery under the mountain. He saw a more terrible existence than this purple thunder cloud, which was a black hole that almost occupied the whole earth. Standing on the mountain, Li Mingyang's sight was full of black, and even looked far away. He could not see whether it was the sky or a black hole in the distance. At this moment, looking up at the purple clouds in the air, Li Mingyang almost mistakenly thought that this was also a black hole floating in the sky.

"Maybe this is the answer we are looking for." The wheel suddenly said, "I have never seen such a huge black hole. This may be a transmission array, but what means do I need to open this transmission array?"

After calming down, Li Mingyang's eyes also increased the perseverance. After searching for a long time, it seems that he has finally found the final destination. It would be a pity to give up now because of timidity. However, as the wheel said, this huge and dazzling black hole is most likely to be a transmission array, but the problem is how to open this transmission array. Li Mingyang suddenly thought of a question. Even if someone can really do this, how many spiritual stones will it take to open this transmission array?

This is a very realistic question, which is not funny at all. If such a huge transmission array really wants to be opened and successfully transmitted once, Li Mingyang tried his best to use his imagination to guess. In his opinion, it is not possible to do it without 1 billion of top-quality spiritual stones. After being in charge for a long time, I gradually began to look at problems more realistically.

"Let's go, whether this is a transmission array or not, you can't see through it with your and my strength. After going back, find the Evergreen Emperor and let him find more array mages to come over. The magic array is not afraid of being big, but afraid of essence. If it is really a transmission array, it will be a huge array. *There will naturally be many small flaws in the array. We will look for them one by one and find a way to crack it sooner or later. The wheel said more pragmatically, it is absolutely impossible to show its ability at this time, and it is absolutely meaningless to show its ability. Sometimes it is not just an empty talk.

With a lot of doubts and slight unwillingness with the wheel, Li Mingyang finally embarked on the road of return. In fact, they have done well enough this time. Many strong dragons have made extremely difficult efforts to find the way to heaven, but there has been no progress except for turning around again and again in the Longhua battlefield. Just because of their gains so far, they took it back and told the Evergreen Emperor that the extremely powerful man might be shocked to the extent.

In the heart of the Evergreen Emperor, the most optimistic guess before was that they could see through the compound illusion in the Longhua battlefield, but they only saw through and there would be no substantial progress.

Of course, Li Mingyang's initial discovery can only be regarded as an introduction, and the real hero is still a wheel after all. With this experience, Li Mingyang has to admit that what he needs most is the accumulation of time. Even if you have a strong man of the Dongli clan, you can have such a strong existence as the Evergreen Emperor, but how much can you live? Three or 500 years is already the limit. The Evergreen Emperor is an alien, and it is impossible to exceed a thousand years. But who is the wheel and Yan Luo, who is in charge of life and death, has forgotten how many years he has existed.

In the long years, the wheel alone has consumed thousands of years on the array, and thousands of years of immersion**, which is beyond people's reach just thinking about it. If it hadn't been for the wheel being Yan Luo and couldn't really use spiritual power, he wouldn't have had such achievements now. However, on many details, the views of the wheel are right, and many places that seem impossible to crack can be broken by the wheel.

In addition to sighing, Li Mingyang understands a deeper truth. Sometimes connections are more important than strength. How about the Changqing Emperor, how about the Dongli clan, what is the background behind the royal family, I know Yan Luo, it's awesome...

Unfortunately, it seemed that God wanted to let Li Mingyang understand what happiness and sadness was. When they found the most important clue and prepared to return to the original road, they were surprised to find that the original road had changed.

Obviously, it is the dark corridor, which is clearly the place where it comes out. Li Mingyang and the wheel can't have a slightest error in judgment. However, after walking for a long time after walking into the corridor, they could not find the teleportation array that returned to the Longhua battlefield.

"Can you also get lost?" Li Mingyang said incredulously.

The wheel doesn't say anything. Think about what you have just experienced. Unfortunately, everything here is too suspenseful. Once something happens, the past experiences don't seem to be useful here.

And just as they resisted their anxiety and tried to find a way out as calmly as possible, Li Mingyang suddenly felt that his feet were light and suddenly fell down.