ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 654 Madman

"Is that heavenly warrior still alive?" Long Bochen was a little stunned, not the question asked by the other party, but the tone of the other party. At this moment, he clearly sensed that the other party's voice trembled a little.

At the same time, he was stunned to find that everyone around him stopped and stared at him, and his eyes were full of hope, although someone's eyes were full of infinite murder in hope.

Although he is a triple monk in the Xuanling Realm, Long Bochen still feels his scalp numb and almost subconsciously said, "He is still alive. After he was arrested, he has reported it to the General Hall of Dihuangling. We can't kill this Tianren warrior, so we can only let the General Hall send someone to deal with it."

"It's still alive." Li Mingyang breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had been living for the rest of his life. He reached out and patted Long Bochen on the shoulder, and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Very good, still alive, very good, very good."

Long Bochen found that he was speechless. He didn't know how to face such a situation at all. Fortunately, the other party still took the initiative to say, "How long has the Tianren warrior been arrested? When will your general hall send someone?"

"I just caught it a month ago. The general hall just said that it would send someone to come, but it didn't give me a specific time." Long Bochen did not dare to procrastinate. Anyway, he would answer whatever the other party asked immediately.

"If the main hall sends someone to come after receiving the news, how long will it take to get to Qian'an Mansion from Dihuangling?"

"Generally speaking, it takes about half a year."

"What if it's not ordinary?"

"If it's not ordinary, it's about three months." Long Bochen said, and immediately consciously explained: "The unusual method is to use the best flying beasts. These flying beasts themselves are extremely fast, and generally can directly devour spiritual stones to replenish their physical strength, but even specially cultivated flying beasts are only cultivating varieties that devouring the best spiritual stones. After all, At this time, it must be all for the pursuit of speed, and it is meaningless to cultivate flying beasts that can only devour the lower spiritual stones. As long as you are willing to get the best spiritual stone, it should not be difficult to get from Dihuangling to Qian'an Mansion in three months.

"Very good, the explanation is very good. I like it very much." Li Mingyang nodded to show his satisfaction.

Long Bochen also breathed a sigh of relief. By now, he has seen the current situation. There is no need to investigate whether these people are infidels. No matter what their identity is, anyway, they have fallen into other people's hands. Whether they die or alive can only look at people's eyes. Under such circumstances, they are naturally as much as possible. Only by pleasing the other party. Although I hate this feeling, this kind of life is more meaningful than death.

"Tell me about the situation in Qian'an Mansion, and tell me everything you know. It's better not to hide your privacy." Li Mingyang gave a command, and then prepared to carry Long Bochen and prepare to go to the back hall.

"Good, I'm sure I know everything." Long Bochen felt that he had finally found a way to live and nodded hurriedly.

"Well, as long as you cooperate, everything will be fine, Chen Bo."

"My name is Long Bochen." There was a weak voice of protest here.

"Okay, Chenbo."

"It's Bochen."

"Well, yes, what's wrong with Chenbo?" Li Mingyang looked at him calmly.

Long Bochen nodded extremely sadly: "Yes, I will be called Long Chenbo in the future."

"Well, it doesn't matter what you call, as long as you tell the truth." With Li Mingyang's words, Lord Long Bochen, the god in red from Qian'an Prefecture, completely became Lord Long Chenbo.

To be fair, the name Longchenbo is a little more imposing. Of course, this phenomenon must be very rare...

Long Chenbo thought that Li Mingyang was finally in a good mood and even joked with himself. The mood here also relaxed a little. He carefully asked, "I will definitely cooperate with you, then my people..."

Hearing his words, Longchenbo's men looked at him with anticipation, and then looked at Li Mingyang with a eager face. Now they all know that their life and death are all in the hands of this young man.

Looking at their expectant faces, Li Mingyang said directly, "Does anyone here know more about the temple than you?"

"Well, that's not true." Long Chenbo thought for a moment and said, "But..."

But before he finished his words, he heard Li Mingyang say firmly, "Since you don't know as much as you, why do you keep it?" After saying that, Li Mingyang waved his hand casually: "Kill them all, and leave no one."

For a moment, the inner hall was silent, and Long Chenbo was completely stunned. His men were directly desperate. As for Lin Hui and other Xuanyuan monks, they were not surprised at all. Whether it was Lin Hui and other old men or the newlyweds who followed Li Mingyang for the first time, they had no doubt about Li Mingyang's choice. This is the ghost king. Style. It was naturally just a small matter to slaughter a man in Lanhai County and order 3,000 monks to be killed.

At this point, Longchenbo completely realized his situation. He did not fall into the hands of a group of bold thieves, nor did he imagine that he could redeem himself as long as he offered the right price. What he met was simply a group of madmen. In their eyes, there is no temple and no law. They seem to only agree with the power in their hands, or they seem to only agree with the young man who is holding themselves.

To be precise, in the temple of Qian'an Prefecture, Longchenbo is one of a very special group of monks. The reason why they are special is that they have high status and strength, but they have few achievements in battle, or even have no achievements at all. There are not many such monks, but there are also many. To put it bluntly, these people are the second ancestor.

Long Chenbo can be regarded as a relatively good one in the second generation, at least in terms of strength, but it fell into the hands of Li Mingyang. This guy who usually brags about how he is, instantly becomes the most qualified traitor. About everything in Qian'an Mansion, who the bishop is, what his strength is, how old he is, and how many priest monks in the temple of Qian'an Mansion are clear. Li Mingyang appreciates such full cooperation with the other party. Li Mingyang doesn't have so many problems. He hates traitors, but he will not despise traitors. First of all, in essence, people who can be traitors are also because of their own value. Valuable people are not useless people. Naturally, such people should not be despised.

Different beliefs and different values. In addition, in order to survive, it is also a very smart idea to say something that the other party can find out even if they don't say it. Of course, this is also based on the position that Long Chenbo is a traitor to the enemy. If there is a traitor in the Jinzhu army camp, it is natural to kill.

Traitors in the enemy camp are good traitors!

However, the more embarrassing point is that it is the identity of Longchenbo's second ancestor. This man knows the strength of the bishop because he must understand the boss's mind and character. He knows how many priestly monks there are in the temple, because this is the most basic foundation. Then, he also knew how many women the bishop had, how many women the great priests had, and even he knew the figure and hobbies of each woman. What's more strange is that he even knows the women in some small monks' families, and Long Chenbo is first-class in this regard.

But the problem is that Li Mingyang doesn't need to know the information of these women. He just wants to know how the clergy monks in Qian'an Mansion are distributed, how many strong priests will fight, what kind of combat methods the clergy monks in Qian'an Mansion like, what are their advantages and disadvantages, and it is better to figure out the work and rest time. . Qian'an Mansion is made up of five continents. The five continents are not connected but echo each other. Even the neighboring continents can basically see the opposite bank. According to Tianfu's judgment of the specifications of the mainland, the mainland ranges from one to five grades. The highest of the five continents in Qian'an Mansion is only three grades.

What Li Mingyang wants to know most is these news. He wants to know the most detailed garrison and strengths and weaknesses. Only in this way can he rescue Gong Yangwen. Now, it's really too optimistic to take a chance to think that this Tianren warrior is not a ram. Since the matter has just passed for a month, and the monks of the General Hall of Dihuangling will have three months to come at the earliest, and the rest of the time can naturally let themselves move. Rashly dying will not only involve everyone, but also speed up the death of Gong Yangwen.

Unfortunately, Long Chenbo can almost say that he knows the information of all the beautiful women in Qian'an Mansion, but he doesn't know anything about the security forces in Qian'an Mansion. Under the pressure of Li Mingyang, he can barely remember some, but he can't form a system at all.

"What do you do in Qian'an every day?" Li Mingyang said a little irritablely.

"Wow...woman." Long Chenbo blinked his eyes and said innocently.

Li Mingyang was stunned and his eyes were slightly dull. After holding back for a long time, he finally gave a thumb and said sincerely, "You won."

"I'm not the best. The third child of the Wei family can do better than me." Long Chenbo seemed to be uncomfortable with being praised, and quickly humbly said a higher master.

"Alas." Li Mingyang sighed. I don't know whether he was worried about not spying on the news or sighing for a second ancestor like Long Chenbo.

After a long time of painstaking inquiry on Longchenbo's side, the final result is that there is no gain except for a general understanding of Qian'an Mansion. If it hadn't been for later use, Li Mingyang really couldn't wait to slap this "competent" god to death.

Even his mother's traitor can't do it well, what else can be done!

Li Mingyang was worried about Gong Yangwen's situation, and there was no good progress in the exploration here. His mood gradually became irritable, which scared Longchenbo to dare not say any more nonsense. After a long time, Li Mingyang suddenly asked, "Do you think it is possible to exchange it for that Tianren warrior?"