ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 655 Unconscious Bad Man

"Use me as a replacement?" Long Chenbo was slightly stunned, and his eyes burst into amazing enthusiasm in an instant, but after seeing Li Mingyang's calm eyes, he instantly regained his calmness: "If you exchange me for someone else, it should be okay, even if you exchange me for the life of Chen Tu, a bloody hand, but it is difficult to exchange me for the life of that heavenly warrior. It's definitely impossible." In the end, Long Chenbo could only say the true answer degenerately, and also explained the life of the bloody Chen Tu to Li Mingbao.

Li Mingyang was not surprised by Longchenbo's answer. If this second ancestor dared to pat his chest and tell him that he could be exchanged for Gongyangwen, Li Mingyang would definitely slap him directly to death, or he was so stupid that he could not even understand his true value. Judging from Longchenbo's performance, he is not so stupid that he is hopeless.

"Then tell me, if I want to take the route of exchanging hostages, who will be abducted before it possible to replace the Tianren warrior?" Li Mingyang asked patiently, and he thought it was not difficult for Longchenbo to ask this question.

"You, what the hell are you doing?" Long Chenbo couldn't help asking doubtfully.

"Nonsense, you must want to get that Tianren warrior out. Don't you understand?" Li Mingyang slapped him angrily.

"No, I understand, that's why I'm curious. Why do you want to change the Tianren warrior?" Long Chenbo just finished asking, and seemed to be afraid of being beaten and quickly changed his words: "You are infidels and may not know much about Tianfu. You may just want to see it after hearing the feat of that Tianren warrior, right? I can understand that this is the pity between you strong men. When you see powerful guys, you always make friends.

Li Mingyang looked at Long Chenbo with great interest, but did not interrupt him, but nodded and said, "Continue, I'll listen to your opinion."

Dr. Longchen was so angry that he swallowed his saliva and said, "You don't know that the Tianren ethnic group is not a thing. It is said that they were the most powerful lackeys under those gods in the World War. In the 300-year war of extermination, there were not many people killed by the gods. On the contrary, the soldiers of the heavenly human race became the most terrible reapers. The blood on their hands could not be washed clean. It is said that their children had a pair of bloody hands when they were born. They almost killed dozens of large ethnic groups in the original Tianfu, and the Tianren ethnic group is the enemy of the whole Tianfu.

"Hmm!" Li Mingyang suddenly slapped the table, and the table was torn apart in an instant.

Long Chenbo shivered, and then used his "intelligence" to pat Li Mingyang on the shoulder and said, "Alas, the crimes of the heavenly race are really inexorable. You, a pagan, are so angry after hearing it."

"What is the battle of extermination?" Li Mingyang asked with the palm of Long Chenbo.

"The battle of annihilation was a big war that broke out more than 3,000 years ago. At that time, the gods of the heavenly palace were still high, and there were not so many believers in the heavenly mansion, but the inexplicable gods began to constantly bring down disasters. The heavenly mansion, which had never had a natural disaster, continued to have bad news, and then began to be big The criticized so-called gods and apostles began to come out to kill the heavenly creatures, regardless of what ethnic group or even race, and the strongest force among the apostles was the Tianren clan. The strength of Tianren warriors is amazing, and killing people is not without blinking an eye at all, but taking pleasure in killing people. It is said that the battle of extermination in those years made many parties unwilling to say more. Long Chenbo sighed and said, even if this second ancestor talked about the battle of extermination in those years, he still sighed.

Li Mingyang has also heard the news of the battle of extermination before, but the news is also unknown, because Li Mingyang himself does not want to know too much. This time it is the same. Long Chenbo just knows that the gods suddenly began to be in trouble, and then there is the battle of extermination. There is a matter of Tianren warriors becoming enemies of the whole world. As for why the gods made trouble, it is impossible for Long Chenbo to understand the inside story, let alone why the gods became evil gods again after the war of the world.

The only thing that can be sure now is that the Tianren clan has completely stinked the street because of its performance in the battle of extermination. It seems to be too optimistic to describe it as everyone's shouting. From the matter of Gongyangwen, it can be seen that the monks in Qian'an Mansion are not too much to use up, but it is because a Tianren warrior was found. They can even send 10,000 priestly monks out for a wheel fight, and don't hesitate to kill half of the monks to catch people back.

is to catch you, capricious!

Long Chenbo was still talking about the crimes of the Tianren in the war of extermination. He finally found a topic that could resonate with Li Mingyang. Of course, this boy didn't want to let it go. But the second ancestor is the second ancestor after all, and he can't see the shocking anger hidden under Li Mingyang's calm face.

Suddenly, the powerful palm stretched out again and pinched Longchenbo's mouth. Li Mingyang said coldly, "Take the nonsense first. Who in your Qian'an Mansion can exchange the same as that Tianren warrior, bishop? Or is it the great god you mentioned?"

"Do you really want to get out that Tianren warrior?" Longchenbo didn't know which one was wrong. As soon as his mouth was empty, he immediately showed a hateful expression and said, "Those heavenly warriors are the devil and horrible harvesters. They like to kill people and kill all the creatures they can see. There should be no such ethnic group in heaven. Don't try. The picture is close to him. If you just want to know the strong man, I can introduce you. I can't reach the bishop, but if you ask my grandfather, I can help you contact two of the three great priests, which is enough for you.

Looking at Long Chenbo's concern and exhortation, Li Mingyang couldn't laugh or cry. This guy's nonsense is really a little too much. He hasn't said a key point about the questions he asked, but he reached out and didn't hit the smiling face. This guy is obviously his prisoner and is still worried about himself like this. Li Mingyang has a feeling that he can't see through him for the first time. I really don't know whether he is really stupid or falsely great.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this guy has a big heart. He seems to have forgotten that he is now hijacked...

"Don't worry, that Tianren warrior will definitely not hurt me. After I rescued him, if he doesn't take the initiative to ask for it, I won't slaughter your whole Qian'an Temple. Just tell me who is more likely to be kidnapped if I want to take the hostage route." Li Mingyang forcibly interrupted Long Chenbo's chatter and frowned and asked.

"You, alas..." Long Chenbo sighed again, with a strong hatred on his face...

"If you want to exchange hostages, it is basically impossible. After all, this matter has been notified to the General Hall. If the people of the General Hall have not come, the Tianren warrior is gone. No one can bear this crime. Unless you kidnap the bishop, no, a bishop alone may not be able to do it. One of the three priests is from the Huangling General Hall, and he can't wait for the bishop to die. So you have to at least kidnap the Bishop and the Grand Master Yuan Zhe before you can exchange the heavenly warrior. When it comes to the interest entanglement between the upper-level people in Qian'an Mansion, Long Chenbo is naturally good at it and analyzes it.

also seemed to suddenly find that he was quite talented. Long Chenbo continued to say uncontrollably: "But first of all, the possibility that you want to kidnap this adult is very low. The bishop is always in the temple, while Yuan Zhe lives on another second-grade continent, whether it is Yuan Zhe The archbishop is still a bishop. If any of them happens, the other side will certainly know at almost the same time, so unless you do it at the same time, even if you succeed and want to kidnap another guy who is already prepared, there will be almost no success.

"Well, continue." Li Mingyang listened carefully and didn't have any jokes this time.

Long Chenbo also saw Li Mingyang's seriousness and morale was better. He said, "Besides, there are many guards in the temple. Of course, I can't remember exactly what it is, but I know the number of guards around the bishop and Yuan Zhe. They are of high status and have ten guards respectively, so they want to be silent. It is unlikely to do it silently in the temple or the Great Palace.

"The most important thing is that even if we don't have these problems, we can get it, and even replace the Tianren warrior. How can we escape after that? I have never seen that Tianren warrior, but it is said that his weight is close to 20,000 catties. If he wants to find a flying beast carrying 20,000 catties, it is estimated that it is only possible to find it on a five-grade continent like Dihuangling. However, the reason why flying beasts can accurately find the direction in the void is that many known continents are engraved with space marks in the sea of flying beasts. If they are not engraved with space marks, no matter how good the flying beasts are, they will also be lost in the void. But as long as there is a flying beast with space marks, its traces may be found. Can you escape directly from the Imperial Ridge after saving people? As far as I know, I haven't heard of any flying beasts that can cross a territory without rest. Long Chenbo analyzed extremely seriously. After saying that, he was stunned there. For the first time, he found that he had mastered so many things unconsciously, and it could be said that it was so orderly?

It is said that the greater the pressure, the greater the potential will be stimulated. The predecessors really don't bully me! Long Chenbo shouted excitedly in his heart. But he didn't realize that his sense of achievement was based on selling his own people...

Looking at Long Chenbo's sense of achievement, Li Mingyang was more or less speechless. It seems that sometimes bad people may not be really bad. They just don't realize that they are doing bad things. Obviously, Long Chenbo can't figure out what he is doing now. For more intelligence and analysis, Li Mingyang could only smile and give a thumbs up to make Longchen Bodo happy for a while.

"Bearby, you haven't said it yet. Why do you have to save that heavenly warrior?" Longchenbo had enough aftertaste and suddenly asked.