ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 918 Real Wonderland?

Li Mingyang is now the most taboo to face anything he does not want to face. Whether it is this girl or this girl's singing, Li Mingyang, who has always been bold, now seems to have entered a dead end. At this time, he thinks that there is a huge crisis hidden when he sees anything, but this is also Li Mingyang is very helpless, and everything that is happening now is indeed strange everywhere.

The sudden surge in strength, the inability to exert the combat power, the inexplicable girl, the inexplicable kindness shown by the girl to herself, and his blindness to his whole body, all made Li Mingyang nervous. In his opinion, if such abnormal things get together, he may fall into an endless abyss if he is a little careless.

At this time, the girl's singing sounded. Li Mingyang just wanted to stop the girl from continuing to sing, but when he heard the first sentence of the other party's singing, he was unable to stop it. The girl's singing was very beautiful. At this time, Li Mingyang unconsciously began to suspect that the girl was a water demon, but soon the idea also disappeared. Li Mingyang felt that his whole body seemed to be nourished by this wonderful song, and his whole body was comfortable, as if he had fallen asleep.

I don't know how long he lost his mind, Li Mingyang suddenly realized that his whole body burst out with amazing murderous intent again. At this moment, he was like a demon king, and even subconsciously wanted to summon the chain of the punishment platform. When the summoning failed, Li Mingyang suddenly realized that he was not in heaven or on any dangerous battlefield, but in the heavenly battlefield like a fairyland.

"What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare again? Why do you have nightmares?" At this time, the girl came over carefully, but there was no panic or fear in her eyes, but only worry.

Looking at the girl's eyes, Li Mingyang's mind began to loosen again. However, this time Li Mingyang did not get nervous immediately, but looked at the current situation peacefully. At this moment, Li Mingyang suddenly thought of a question. Maybe this girl is really a simple and extremely kind person.

But as soon as this idea came into being, Li Mingyang couldn't wait to slap himself: "How can there be such a person, stupid." Such a vicious curse is just to completely wake yourself up.

But thinking of the girl's singing just now, Li Mingyang still subconsciously asked, "Are you the best singer in your village?"

"No." The girl smiled and waved her hand.

"Oh? Are there any people who sing better than you? Li Mingyang looked at the girl in surprise. He only thought that the girl was too modest. The girl's singing just now has completely distracted and lost in her singing. If such a singing is not the best, what kind of better?

The girl still smiled and said, "The people in our village sing like this. No one is better than anyone else."

Li Mingyang began to feel a little dizzy. Now he simply stopped thinking about too much. As if what the girl said was true, he simply let go and said, "Then can you take me to your village to have a look?"

"Ok, let's go." Without any hesitation, the girl turned around and left with Li Mingyang.

Seeing this scene, Li Mingyang fell into hesitation again, but thinking of his plan just now, he immediately abandoned these messy ideas and just followed the girl to keep moving forward.

Surprisingly, Li Mingyang didn't expect that they only walked three or five miles away from the girl and entered a village. In fact, this village can no longer be said to be a village, but a big city. It's just that this city has no walls, which is very similar to Tianfu. But the biggest difference that made Li Mingyang notice is that all the houses in this so-called village are exactly the same.

It's really the same. Every house is the simplest kind of brick house. The size, style, color, and even the distance between each family and others is exactly the same, without any deviation. If he is not sure that he still has the real five knowledge now, Li Mingyang absolutely doubts that he is still in the dream introduced by the girl's song just now.

In the face of such a place, Li Mingyang is even more horrible than seeing a ghost city. There is such an almost exactly the same place in the world.

"Why are you all the same here?" Li Mingyang followed the girl on the road and asked.

"Why?" The girl looked at Li Mingyang doubtfully: "I don't know why. It's been like this here since I was born. How nice it is. It's neat and neat. Every family is like this."

"Well, I can't say it's not good. It's really fair." Li Mingyang nodded and said.

"Fair?" The girl looked at Li Mingyang again, as if she was surprised why Li Mingyang deliberately said such words.

After that, Li Mingyang followed the girl far in this so-called village, not for sightseeing, but the girl's home in another direction in the village. Taking this opportunity, Li Mingyang finally knew how big the village is. If you look at the size of the area, the village Zi has even surpassed Longdu, but in terms of scale, this village is really too bad. Not to mention the strong wall and deep moat of Longdu, the style of the house and the beauty here are not comparable to Longdu at all.

To put it bluntly, this Taoyuan Village is a place where hundreds of thousands of identical houses are fused together at the same spacing. At first glance, it looks better, but from the second glance, it has felt strange. After Li Mingyang followed the girl to the other side of Taoyuan Village and saw too many identical houses, his back already felt chilly.

Finally arrived at the girl's home and finally met the girl's family. Li Mingyang was finally relieved, and the reason for his relaxation made him feel a little ridiculous. He was worried that the girl's family would call the same name. After all, everything in this horrible village was too similar or even straightforward. It's the same, but Li Mingyang is really worried that these people's names are the same.

For good, this family of three has three different names.

Because of this kind of thing, it is really a strange news.

"Hello, Uncle Song." Li Mingyang couldn't go into the room, so he had to stand in the yard and talk to Song Ping. Song Ping is the girl's father. The girl's name is Song Yang. At this time, she is chattering to his old father about the process of meeting Li Mingyang.

At this time, the neighbors around also heard that the girls of the Song family picked up a big guy outside, and they all came over to see the fun. Li Mingyang was really overwhelmed and desperately wanted to restore his body to the size of ordinary people. Fortunately, although his combat power could not be completely exerted, at least it could still operate as usual in his body. Li Mingyang only regained the size of ordinary people after a little discomfort.

But in this way, the impact will be even greater. More children come here to see the trick of "big guys become small guys".

Instead of dissuing him, Song Yang clapped his hands with a smile, and then begged Li Mingyang to change a few more times. In fact, until now, Li Mingyang has not given up any warning, and even his worries have become more. Looking at the chaotic scene, he subconsciously thinks that the crisis is coming. But in the face of Song Yang's request, he still patiently changed this so-called trick for these children, and he also took the opportunity to make his state change more flexible. This is already an instinct that Li Mingyang can't quit. When he arrives in a strange place, he can't completely relax himself at all. Come on.

But to Li Mingyang's slight surprise, these people were very interested in their own trick, and even felt a little unsatisfied after that, but they dispersed without anyone driving them away.

Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang asked curiously, "Why did they all leave?"

"Because it seems impolite to watch it any longer. How can it really make guests keep performing tricks like this?" Song Yang still said with a smile, "But Brother Li, you are so kind."

Li Mingyang just smiled and didn't answer anything. He just changed a few times and became a good person. If she knew who she was, she probably wouldn't have made such a judgment. In fact, even Li Mingyang doesn't think he is a good person.

After calming down, Li Mingyang was stunned to find that although Song Yang's parents were different from her, their feelings were almost the same. Whether it was Uncle Song or Song Yang's mother, there was a very kind atmosphere all over his body. This was a kind of kindness from the bottom of his heart. Their eyes were as clear as Song Yang. Li Mingyang thought about it carefully and found that everyone in this village seemed to be like this.

"Do I really come to the fairyland on earth? The so-called Taoyuan Village really means paradise. Are these all the purest and kind people here?" Thinking of this, Li Mingyang himself began to doubt it.

The Song family is very polite to themselves. Their house is not small, that is to say, the houses in this village are not small. Although they are only the most common brick houses, each family has ten rooms, but because they are a family of three, most of the rooms are empty. After a simple dinner, Li Mingyang went to the room arranged for him under the guidance of Song Yang.

After sitting down, Li Mingyang finally couldn't help but be curious and asked, "Why don't you practice?"