ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 919 Immortal?

Ah? Brother Li, what did you say? Song Yang looked at Li Mingyang with a puzzled face. She didn't even know what Li Mingyang's words meant.

Li Mingyang also frowned and said, "It's just cultivation, just like me." As he spoke, Li Mingyang subconsciously wanted to show it to Song Yang. As a result, he remembered that he could not exert any combat power now. He could only laugh and said, "It is to absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and then strengthen his body through spiritual power to make himself stronger."

Song Yang listened carefully to Li Mingyang's words and could see that the little girl really wanted to understand what this meant. As a result, Song Yang's face was always full of doubt, and he didn't understand Li Mingyang's meaning at all.

Seeing such a situation, Li Mingyang's mind sank again. In fact, until now, Li Mingyang doesn't think this is a normal place. Everything he has encountered since he came here seems to be so out of place with everything he has experienced in the past. Li Mingyang is acceptable for not being able to exert his combat power immediately in this world, and it can even be said that it is because of such a situation that he is somewhat at ease.

After all, if you suddenly go to another place, but you don't have any unexpected circumstances, it will be a strange thing. But what Li Mingyang is most curious about now is not this, but the way of life of the people here.

"Have you been like this since ancient times?" Li Mingyang couldn't help asking again.

Song Yang was stunned and then said, "I don't know if it has been like this since ancient times. Anyway, it was like this when I was born, and it was the same when my father and mother were born. It has been like this for thousands of years here, but if we go back further, I don't know. After all, there are few illiterate people here.

"Are there few people who can read?" Li Mingyang became more puzzled: "How can there be few people who can read? I think your life here is relatively rich." Thinking about the food taken out by Song Yang's parents when they entertained him just now, although they are only the most common food in the world, at least the fish has meat, and the combination of meat and vegetables is also very reasonable. At least the food that people here eat is far beyond Li Mingyang's imagination.

Song Yang said with a reasonable expression, "Yes, the people here are very rich. Everyone lives and work in peace and contentment, and there are no natural disasters and man-made disasters. We often can't finish our food."

Looking at Song Yang's proud expression, Li Mingyang asked more doubtfully, "That's it. Then why are you all so rich and still can't read?"

"What do you do with literacy?" Song Yang immediately said, "Anyway, everyone's life is the same, and literacy is the same. Everyone is living at sunrise. No matter what they do, there are fish and meat to eat. No one will deliberately be lazy. Such a life can live a good life. Why must they read? I just don't like reading and reading. It feels so boring. Anyway, the village selects some people to read every year, which has nothing to do with us.

"Oh, is it that those privileged people are qualified to study and read every year, so you are all disappointed?" Li Mingyang immediately asked. At this time, he felt as if he had finally grasped the point.

Seeing such a situation, Song Yang was even more confused and said to Li Mingyang, "Brother Li, I really don't know what you are talking about. What is privilege? Why should we be disappointed? If you like reading and literacy, you will naturally have the opportunity to read and read. If you don't like it, no one will force you. That's what we have here.

In the end, Song Yang said her famous saying: "Anyway, no matter what, our holy lake will not change. We can eat enough, wear clean clothes, and not be frozen and hungry. That's good. Why do we have to do other things?"

Listening to Song Yang's words, Li Mingyang really didn't know what else he could say for a moment. Li Mingyang knows that his current expression is absolutely wonderful. Now it should be like an old man in the secular world who wants to teach a student who doesn't like to read, but he is speechless by this student with an irrefutable "big principle". Of course, if this is in the secular world, if a student dares to speak like this, he will definitely be scolded or even beaten by the old man. However, in this place, in the face of Song Yang's state, Li Mingyang found that he was really speechless.

Later, Li Mingyang learned more about the village in his conversation with Song Yang. After the conversation, Li Mingyang found that he really seemed to be going crazy.

"Who is the village head here?"

"Village head, what village head?"

"It is the supreme governor who manages this village."

"Supreme Officer? We don't have this thing here. No one in our village can control anyone. Everyone helps and supports each other. If there is anything to say, everyone will rush over to help immediately. Why must there be someone to take care of us?

"Well, well, you seem to be right." Li Mingyang continued to laugh and cry, and then continued to ask, "What if there are bad people here? How should you be punished?"

"Bad guy? What is a bad guy? Song Yang had a confused question.

Li Mingyang said patiently little by little, "Is there anyone here who doesn't like farming and dry goods and likes to eat and sleep? They want to steal other people's good things every day and leave them for their own use."

Listening to Li Mingyang's description, Song Yang obviously thought carefully. Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang finally became interested again. In fact, up to now, Li Mingyang even doubted whether Song Yang was joking with him. If this village, no, or the world is really like what he said. In this way, all villages are called Taoyuan Village, and all Taoyuan Villages are in such a state of not closing their doors at night. Everyone works hard, no one has selfish thoughts, and no one steals and cheats smoothly. Then the world can really be said to be a fairyland, and even in the legendary fairyland, it can't be like this. A purely peaceful situation.

Now that Song Yang hesitates, Li Mingyang naturally thinks that Song Yang can no longer continue to edit, and of course he thinks that he has found the focus of the problem. But after thinking for a long time, Song Yang suddenly looked at Li Mingyang like he wanted to cry and asked, "Brother Li, what the hell are you talking about? I don't understand." After saying this, Song Yang really cried so directly.

"Don't cry, don't cry, why are you crying?" Seeing such a situation, Li Mingyang is completely numb. He has seen many difficult problems along the way, but he has no way to deal with the situation of women crying.

While appeasing Song Yang's mood, Li Mingyang could only explain, "Actually, I'm just joking with you. Didn't you get it? I'm a tricker, so I will occasionally think about some interesting stories, which can make more people happy."

Listening to Li Mingyang's extremely lame excuse, Song Yang suddenly burst into tears and looked at Li Mingyang with a smile and said, "I knew that Brother Li must be a good man. How can there be bad people in the world? Bad people have been killed in those years. There are only good people in Taoyuan Village. Everyone is good people. Even if there are really bad people, they will be taken away by the immortals immediately when they just have this idea, and then send them back to Taoyuan Village after persuasion.

Hearing Song Yang's words, although Li Mingyang felt that he had found the key point again, he did not ask immediately. He just seemed to collect stories and constantly persuaded Song Yang to tell himself more about Taoyuan Village. Even if many things were the legends heard by Song Yang, he did not let go at all. Unfortunately, when Li Mingyang thought it would be a very huge project, their conversation stopped abruptly only half an hour later.

It's not because the night is too late, or because Song Yang is tired of what he said, but because Song Yang only talked for half an hour, but suddenly found that he had nothing to say. Song Yang thought that he had said a lot with great interest, but even in the half hour he kept narrating, there was a lot of nonsense in the nonsense, which was meaningless at all. If Li Mingyang hadn't been afraid of making Song Yang cry again, he would have interrupted Song Yang's nonsense offensive.

After listening to a lot of nonsense, Li Mingyang finally figured out the situation here. According to Song Yang's statement, this is really a paradise. There are no lazy people, no bad people, no cheating, no selfishness. Everyone is doing what they should do with great consciousness. If you do more, others will do less, and they won't care about it. Your own things are everyone's, and everyone's things will naturally be everyone's.

In this world, nothing dark will appear, and it is even more impossible to kill in this place. Except for the absence of immortals here, there is really no place different from the fairyland. As Song Yang said, people here know what they should do every day, so they will definitely not escape what they should do, so everyone's life is extremely rich. Sometimes even if they want to give to each other, they can't give away what they have in their hands, because the other party is the same There is nothing missing.

In such a world, Li Mingyang even has an illusion that people like him have polluted here when they first stood here.

Thinking of the end, Li Mingyang finally couldn't help asking, "by the way, if there are really bad people here, there will be immortals to take them away, right?"