Agains the Sky

Chapter 114 The Land of Fire

When Zhang Fan woke up quietly, he found himself deep into a huge cave. All kinds of stalactites are arranged in this large cave, shining with strange colors. Zhang Fan looked at these stalactites of different colors, his heart gradually calmed down and his eyes gradually blurred. Zhang Fan now feels that he wants to live in this cave forever and doesn't want to leave this beautiful place.

Just as Zhang Fan was about to be intoxicated, a cold light flashed and immediately woke Zhang Fan up. Zhang Fan felt that the sky suddenly turned around, his eyelids were heavy, and he fell straight down. The moment I closed my eyelids again, I faintly saw a group of human beings full of flame runes and trapped themselves with a rope in their hands.


" hiss!" Zhang Fan was awakened by a basin of cold water and saw that he was in a hot hut. His hands and feet were trapped and tied to a pillar. What frightened Zhang Fan more was that his cultivation had regressed a lot. It's not so much a regression as that my cultivation is suppressed.

Zhang Fan looked up at several people in front of him. The leader was a woman wearing clothes made of animal fur, several key parts were covered, and the rest was snow-white skin. And behind this woman, there are these strong men in the upper body. The flame runes on the body are conspicuous.

"Where did you come from?" The woman named the head spoke with a native human accent and stared at Zhang Fandao with a pair of big bright eyes.

Zhang Fan frowned and said, "Magic World."

"Magic World?" After hearing this, the woman frowned and thought quietly.

"Magic World?" "Puffing" sounded from behind the woman. It turned out that another man came in and laughed. Zhang Fan glanced at the man and saw that he had short hair, and the flame runes on his body seemed to be burning, more than the flame runes on the men next to the woman.

As soon as the men saw the young man, they all said respectfully, "Mr. Zar."

The man named Zar looked at Zhang Fan with contemptuousness and said to the woman beside him with a soft face, "Lanso, this boy is full of nonsense like the people I caught. Obviously, he is an alien and gives his place such a strange name. It's really deserve to be killed!"

"Zar, don't be angry. This alien was caught for the first time, and he should ask where they are. The woman named Lanso frowned and refuted Zar's words.

Zar smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything. But Zhang Fan's eyes were full of viciousness, because Lanso actually refuted his words for an alien and made himself very unhappy!

Zar made up his mind to slowly torture the boy to death after he had no use value. Zhang Fan was also secretly thinking about how to escape, but he had no choice but to find that the cultivation of several people in front of him was significantly higher than himself, and the runes on his body actually gave Zhang Fan a sense of danger, which made Zhang Fan secretly shocked.

"Where the hell are you from?" Lan Suo asked Zhang Fan with a cold face.

"I'm from the demon world." Zhang Fan looked serious and didn't lie to Lan Suo at all.

"Ky, you still argue and let you taste my strength!" After saying that, he took out a whip made of plant vines around his waist. Zar's face was ferocious, and the flame runes on his body twisted strangely. A strange force poured into the whip. Suddenly, the whip became extremely hot, as if it could melt iron into iron!

"Let you taste the power of Lord Zar in this fiery land!" Zar looked ferocious and waved his whip to Zhang Fan's body.

The whip scratched the air, causing the sound of air blasting, which is enough to prove the strength of the whip. With a bang, the whip fell on Zhang Fan's body.

" hiss!" Zhang Fan suddenly took a cold breath. Zhang Fan's clothes suddenly broke, and a bloody scar appeared ferociously on his body. And the power of the flame is slowly entering Zhang Fan's body through the wound, making Zhang Fan in pain.

Zhang Fan's eyes were cracked and he stared at Zar, as if he was going to swallow Zar. Zhang Fan secretly swore from the bottom of his heart that if he succeeds in breaking through, the first person to kill is this Zar!

"Haha, how dare you look at me like this, Zar? You are bold enough!" Zar coldly raised the whip in his hand and slapped on Zhang Fan's body. In a while, Zhang Fan's body was scarred.

"Zar, don't kill him." Lanso frowned and said faintly.

"I know, I know." Zare agreed, but the harder he used it to make Zhang Fan faint.

Lanso saw Zhang Fan faint and said, "Zar, stop fighting. If you want to fight, hit the alien you caught. Then he ordered the extremely strong man around him. You can put him in custody and continue to interrogate him tomorrow. After saying that, Lanso didn't look at Zar and walked out slowly.

After listening, Zar watched Lanso walk out of the room, whipped Zhang Fan fiercely and shouted, "Damn, bitch, sooner or later let you know how powerful Lord Zar is!" After saying that, he kicked Zhang Fan fiercely and walked out of the room bullishly. And those people selectively listened to Lord Zar's words and took Zhang Fan to a huge dungeon made of black stones as if they hadn't heard what they had just said, and no longer care about him.

"Hey, are you all right?" In a coma, Zhang Fan was woken up by a man. Zhang Fan opened his eyes in a daze and saw a person in front of him, who was a member of the city owner's mansion with Zhang Fan and others. The man was very happy to see Zhang Fan wake up and greeted the others around him.

Zhang Fan sat up with pain, and then the flame was bright and saw everything in the stone prison. There are also five or six people in the stone prison, and their bodies are as scarred as Zhang Fan. It seems that it is also Nazare's "masterpiece." Brother, what's your name? My name is Ling Xiao.

"Zhang Fan."

Zhang Fan carefully looked at the cage made of black stone and felt that his magic power was fiercely suppressed. I can't lift a trace of magic power.

"Zhang Fan, don't waste your effort. This damn cage has suppressed our magic power so hard that we can't lift it at all. Ling Xiao scolded.

Zhang Fan nodded. Suddenly, Ling Xiao secretly said, "Now there are exactly seven people. I think we still have a chance to escape." Zhang Fan was shocked when he heard this and quickly looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao smiled and waited until the rest of the people formed a small circle before he said, "The array I mentioned before requires seven people to cooperate with each other to exert real energy, which is almost equivalent to the full blow of the demon practitioners at the peak of the Yuanying period, and they can definitely get out of this damn place."

"But we don't have a chance to use magic power in this damn place?" A relatively timid city owner whispered for fear that others would hear it.

"As far as I know, a grand ceremony will be held in this place the day after tomorrow, and all the prisoners will be released. I think it's a good time for us to do it, but now we need to be familiar with this formation." After saying that, Ling Xiao drew a huge array on the ground with his fingers, and everyone listened attentively. This was related to their survival, and naturally they would be very attentive.

The next day, everyone was summoned out and suffered painful torture. Zhang Fan was no exception. He was carried out by several strong men and came to the house where he was interrogated yesterday.

Zhang Fan secretly observed the surroundings and carefully sensed the magic power in his body. As soon as he left the stone prison, the magic power in Zhang Fan's body flowed again and kept flowing in the veins to treat Zhang Fan's injury. Zhang Fan silently closed his eyes and guided Mo Yuanli to treat the more seriously injured part of his body.

After Lanso's interrogation was fruitless, Zare sneered and waved the whip in his hand and slapped Zhang Fan fiercely. Zhang Fan clenched his teeth tightly, and didn't even know that his mouth was bitten. He endured the pain and guided the magic power in his body to treat the wounds in his body.

After a while, Zar was tired, spit fiercely, and then raised his feet and walked out of the hut. And those strong men lifted Zhang Fan, who was in a semi-coma, and walked to the black stone prison.

"Bum!" With a sound, Zhang Fan was thrown to the ground heavily. The great pain woke Zhang Fan up and looked at the extremely embarrassed people. Zhang Fan smiled helplessly. Then he began to meditate and meditate on the position and fingerprints Ling Xiao gave him.

"Cough." Ling Xiao coughed, woke everyone up and looked at Ling Xiao puzzledly. Ling Xiao waved to everyone, and everyone came to Ling Xiao's side. Ling Xiao took out a bottle from his arms and gave everyone an elixir.

"Rebirth elixir?" Everyone took a breath of cold air and were scared by the big move. Ling Xiao explained to everyone with a painful face, "All my belongings have been exchanged for Shengsheng Dan. If it hadn't been for the danger of my life, I wouldn't have taken it out so well. Everyone nodded and believed Ling Xiao's words.

Zhang Fan felt that there was always something strange about this matter, but he did not find anything wrong. Zhang Fan shook his head, swallowed the living elixir, and then slowly recovered the magic power in his body and treated the physical injury. Feeling the pain gradually disappear, Zhang Fan secretly sighed that the still alive elixir was indeed the best elixir.

On the third day, several strong men came to the stone prison and said in a stiff tone, "Come out."

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other and showed a surprised expression.

Here comes the opportunity!


I fainted. I take the final exam on the 9th and 10th every year, but this time it was pushed to the 16th. It's sad and painful! I put up with it...