Agains the Sky

Chapter 115 Life is in danger

Several flame runes and their complex elite men personally watched Zhang Fan and others, afraid that Zhang Fan and others would burst into chaos. The pressure from those elite men made Zhang Fan and others uncertain. Everyone looked at Ling Xiao with afterglow, but when they saw Ling Xiao's confident appearance, they all calmed down a little.

Along the way, you can see houses made of black stone and some fiery red trees everywhere. But today, there seem to be a lot of people, because every time Zhang Fan passes through these places, there are very few people. Today, with the exception, some fruits and some spirits can be seen everywhere on the table.

Zhang Fan secretly guessed that today might be their special anniversary. Sure enough, the more people go there, the more people there will be. Finally, the strong man escorted them to a wide field.

The field paved with black stone is surrounded by four extremely high stone pillars, on which some people covered with flame runes are fighting with beasts. There is no doubt that these people are the ancestors of these people now. In the front of the square, there is this square pool, and there is no water in the pool. The dry pool is dark brown.

In the middle of the pool, this tall stone statue stands. He is burly, holding a huge fork in his hand, and stepping on a stone snake, looking ahead with his eyes, with the momentum of giving up, which is daunting. Zhang Fan and others were escorted to the place, and one of the strong men came to an old man with a dark red scepter and whispered.

"Py patriarch, the criminals have come here." The strong man whispered.

"Yes, yes, this year's sacrifice will be much richer, and Huoshen will definitely feel our sincerity and send more divine power." The old man bowed in the direction of the stone statue.

Zhang Fan, who was half kneeling on the ground, looked around and saw more and more people, but only a few people could climb the Blackstone Square, and the vast majority of people stopped under the square to watch. When half of the people stood in Blackstone Square, the old man with the dark red scepter slowly came out, raised the scepter in his hand and waved around, and the noisy crowd gradually came down quietly.

"Our clan has been living in this fire god's will, diligently, constantly carrying forward the culture of fire god, and conquering other tribes. This is the power of fire god! Today is the birthday of the fire god, and we are all here to celebrate the fire god! Now, the sacrifices have also been gathered, and the sacrificial ceremony of the God of Fire begins now!"

After a burst of jubilation, some strong men holding red machetes came up from the side, with an excited look on their faces, pulling the prisoners who were half kneeling on both sides to the side of the pool, and then shouted "Hur Long live the V of Fire God", and saw the machete split.

I saw more than a dozen heads flying in the sky and finally falling into the pool. Those headless corpses kept bleeding out of the pool and gradually gathered towards the statue. And the statue slowly began to turn red soaked in blood.

"Fire God, manifested, Fire God manifested!" The old man waved the scepter in his hand and roared loudly. And the crowd under the black square also cheered.

After a batch of prisoners were cut off their heads, the scene gradually reached **. The statue turned red, as if it was going to wake up the next second.

When Zhang Fan and others were about to be escorted to the edge of the blood pool, everyone looked at each other, and the magic power all over their bodies was pushed to the limit, and they rioted in an instant. The old man's cultivation is in the middle of the Yuanying period. Only when seven people unite can they get out of difficulties by array.

In just a few breaths, Zhang Fan and others dealt with all the big men around them, but more and more people came up, and Zhang Fan and others felt a little unsuffocable.

Ling Xiao looked at the right time and shouted, "Rang!" Zhang Fan and others found their own position in an in an anuspity and operated their own magic power. Ling Xiao stood in the front, looked at the strong man who rushed over, sneered a few times, and then began to tie his hands. Slowly, Ling Xiao's breath became stronger.

Zhang Fan and the other six people are constantly wearing complex fingerprints in their hands, and the magic power of their whole body is rapidly circulating. When the last fingerprint was finished, his magic power rushed out of the body uncontrollably and combined with Ling Xiao.

Everyone didn't expect such a result. They were all shocked and withdrew their magic power, but found that they had gradually lost control of their body. And the breath of Ling Xiao in the front keeps getting bigger.

"Go to hell, you lowly barbarians!" Ling Xiao's eyes were red and looked at the strong man who rushed over. With a wave of his hands, the black light appeared all over the sky, as sharp as a knife, and all the corpses of everyone. Then, looking at the panicked crowd, Ling Xiao sneered, turned his hands, and the whole area began to shake. Then a black and yellow earth dragon came out of the ground with its teeth and claws and killed the panicked fire charms.

The black and yellow earth dragon opened its mouth, and yellow light like ten thousand pounds of sand suddenly spewed out, shooting through the fire charm people. For a moment, it became a paradise for killing.

"You..." The old man was so angry that he couldn't even say a complete word when he saw the clan being killed. Then he slammed the dark red scepter in his hand to the ground, and then the old man's coat burst out, revealing his tough upper body.

The flame runes on the old man's upper body were dense and covered with his upper body, which was ferocious and terrible. Seeing the black and yellow earth dragon coming towards him, the old man's face was red, as if he was going to drip blood, and then suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a flame!

This flame is purple, obviously not ordinary fire. Very similar to the legendary samadhi fire! The flame was a pestle, and the Mars shot everywhere, stained the body of the black and yellow earth dragon. Even the black and yellow earth dragon made of soil couldn't stand such a burning. It howled and disintegrated and turned back into dust.

The afterglow of the flame did not diminish, and it went straight to roar. The extreme heat made Ling Xiao sweat. Ling Xiao's eyes showed a trace of fear, but the next moment it was replaced by a crazy look.

"Your flame is just a human power. And I, the power of seven people, see that I broke your ghost fire!" After saying that, he laughed, with a ferocious look on his face. Brothers, I'm sorry. I can only sacrifice you to live for me. As soon as this statement came out, everyone was uneasy.

Sure enough, next, the corners of Ling Xiao's mouth rose, his hands kept changing their fingerprints, and the array formed by everyone suddenly shone brightly. Then, the man behind Ling Xiao suddenly changed his face. He suddenly felt that the magic power of his whole body was exhausted, and then the meridians suddenly broke. Slowly, the blood inside the man's body was slowly absorbed by Ling Xiao. This man is bleeding and miserable.

"Ling Xiao, you ungrateful villain. If I hadn't recommended you to the city owner's mansion, would you have been able to reuse it? Come on, stop this weird formation. I'm dying." This man muttered with confused eyes.

Ling Xiao smiled and ignored the plea of the man behind him. Like being beaten with chicken blood, his whole body climbed steadily and reached the peak of the golden elixir period!

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, raised his hands, and the dust appeared all over the sky, constantly compressing, condensing, compressing and condensing. In less than a few breath, an earthen wall appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

And the purple flame also flew to the earth wall at this moment and drilled in.

I saw that the yellow earth wall slowly changed its color, like a lizard that would change its color. It was yellow and purple. Obviously, the yellow earth wall sacrificed behind it had extremely strong defensive power. No matter how high the purple flame releases high temperature, it can't dissolve the earth wall. On the contrary, the yellow earth wall is getting harder and harder.

When the old man saw it, he no longer cared about what he looked like. Untied the hairband and waved the dark red scepter in his hand and shouted loudly. Ling Xiao saw that the old man did not have any substantial attack, and couldn't help sneering, intensifying the refining of the purple flame.

At this moment, suddenly the stone statue turned bright red, as if it was about to wake up, which was very fening. The purple flame surrounded by the earth wall suddenly seemed to swallow some big tonic flame, and suddenly became so big that even the earth wall could not get close to the purple flame.

The purple flame was suddenly supported by the secret method, went high to Kaige all the way, directly broke through the encirclement of the earth wall, and came to Ling Xiao. The hot heat seemed to melt Ling Xiao.

"No, I don't want to die. I want to be the first person under the Demon Lord. How can I die here?" Ling Xiao shouted unwillingly with blood from the corners of his eyes.

"Fight!" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he saw extremely ferocious red skulls spinning from Ling Xiao's side, constantly swallowing blood light, and then spraying into Ling Xiao's body. Ling Xiao looked for a while and stretched out his right hand to pinch the void at the purple flame. A large area of flowing sand came from some space and suddenly appeared, wrapping the purple flame.

Then, looking at the only five people left behind him, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed fiercely, and then waved to the person closest to him. He saw that the man seemed to have been used some secret method and stood still stupidly.

Ling Xiao smiled at the man, and a red skull next to him suddenly wanted to rush to the person, integrate into the person's body, and swallow up the magic power and blood in the person's body. Then he returned to Ling Xiao and sprayed blood light on Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao kept devouring the magic power and blood, and then the momentum of his whole body began to rise again. This time, he rushed to the Yuanying period.

I saw Ling Xiao's momentum suddenly paused, and then rose crazily until he surpassed the peak of the Jindan period and reached the Yuanying period!

But the purple flame on the opposite side didn't know what secret blessing it was and quickly broke through the quicksand. Ling Xiao built a new barrier, and some people were constantly dying. Zhang Fan sighed a little and said in his heart, "Yibo, where are you? Come and save me!"

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In the countdown to the holiday...