slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 11 from assistant to slave

Rong Zijun has sat neatly on the sofa and looked at Ji Zhenzhen indifferently.

Ji Zhenzhen also saw a trace of ridicule and disdain in Rong Zijun's eyes, which made Ji Zhenzhen suddenly lower her head in shame. She really didn't have the courage to face Rong Zijun now.

"Sitting down!" Rong Zijun spoke coldly.

Ji Zhenzhen knew that she could not offend Rong Zijun if she said anything at this time. Rong Zijun was the one who controlled the power of life and death. Ji Zhenzhen immediately sat obediently on the sofa opposite Rong Zijun, lowered her head and dared not look into his eyes.

"say! What's the matter?" Rong Zijun has always cherished his words like gold. At this moment, his voice is colder than usual, which makes people shudder.

"I'm here to report!" Ji Zhenzhen explained that the moment she raised her head, she touched Rong Zijun's cold eyes, which made Ji Zhenzhen suddenly feel that her spine was cold, and Ji Zhenzhen quickly lowered her head.

"You reported in my bathroom?" Rong Zijun's face was cold, and there was no trace of emotion in it.

Ji Zhenzhen felt so depressed in the face of Rong Zijun that she didn't even dare to raise her head.

"Haven't you heard of it? No one can come up this floor except me!" Rong Zijun said coldly, his voice mixed with anger and contempt.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Zhenzhen asked helplessly, and she really couldn't think of any way at this time.

"What should I do? You slept in my ** and stained my toilet. What do you think you should do? Rong Zijun asked with cold eyes.

"Then I'll clean it up for you!" Ji Zhenzhen blurted out and answered.

"I never use anything that others have used. The sheets can be thrown away and the mattress can be replaced. What about the toilet?" Rong Zijun took a fierce look at Ji Zhenzhen, which made Ji Zhenzhen blush and lowered her head.

"Why don't I give you a new toilet!" Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and whispered, her voice was very lack of confidence. Ji Zhenzhen roughly calculated in her heart that an ordinary toilet was only a few thousand yuan, and she had just enough of the employment fund she received from the school when she graduated. Although Ji Zhenzhen is very distressed and reluctant, she wants to get rid of Rong Zijun, the stinky-faced king, faster at this moment.

"This toilet is custom-made from Europe, and it will take more than 200,000 yuan to remake it!"

"more than 200,000?" Ji Zhenzhen's eyes widened with surprise. She never thought that there were more than 200,000 toilets in the world, but she didn't feel anything special when she just sat on the 200,000 toilets!

"Will you compensate 200,000?" Rong Zijun pressed.

Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head with a frustrated face, and her heart was even more worried. Ji Zhenzhen's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

"Since you can't afford to pay for it, you can be my personal maid!" Rong Zijun suddenly said.

"Mitmaid? But I'm here to be your personal assistant..." Ji Zhenzhen whispered.

"Working time is my personal assistant. After lunch break and evening work, I will be my personal maid to pay off my debts!" Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen with indifferent eyes, and the majesty in his words could not be refused by others.

Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and said nothing. Now she really has no other way but to agree.

"From tomorrow, you will be my personal maid when you get up in the morning. Every day after work, you can take my ride back to the villa. I will give you 5,000 yuan every month!" Rong Zijun stood up, took two steps and stopped, and added coldly to Ji Zhenzhen, "Use it to pay off debts!"

Ji Zhenzhen was really excited when she heard 5,000 yuan. She worked in the Happy Shopping Supermarket and only had more than 2,000 yuan a month. She didn't expect that Rong Zijun's personal maid could earn so much. However, after hearing Rong Zijun's words "used to pay off debts", Ji Zhenzhen's heart fell again. The bottom of the valley.

After leaving the attic on the 49th floor with her head down, Ji Zhenzhen's phone rang. Ji Zhenzhen pressed the answer button, and Jiang Xiaoqin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Jinzhen, are you off work? Come to the night bar quickly. I'll wait for you!"

Ji Zhenzhen remembered that she promised Jiang Xiaoqin to go to the night bar to support her, but many things happened on this day. She had transformed from Rong Zijun's personal assistant to a personal maid, and now she is a slave.

Thinking of this, Ji Zhenzhen sighed helplessly. Anyway, she is very depressed now. Why don't you go to the night bar to have fun?

"Xiaoqin, I'll be right there!" Ji Zhenzhen, who put down the phone, hurried to the station. Although it is not far from the night bar, it also has to pass three stations!

At the door of the night bar, Ji Zhenzhen saw that the door of the bar was full of men and women in all kinds of trendy clothes. It seemed that they were waiting to enter. It seemed that the business of the night bar was good.

Ji Zhenzhen walked into the bar and saw Jiang Xiaoqin, who was conducting a small stage. She really looked like a boss's wife.

"Dimming the light a little more so that we can reflect our theme - dark night!" Jiang Xiaoqin seems to have changed to another person at this moment, and her usual three-eight appearance is gone.

"Xiaoqin!" Ji Zhenzhen shouted.

Jiang Xiaoqin turned around and saw Ji Zhenzhen and came over with a smile. She hooked with Ji Zhenzhen and said, "You're here. How is your work at the president today? The president is handsome, isn't he?"

"Oh, don't mention it, I'm so depressed today!" Ji Zhenzhen said casually and regretted it as soon as she said it. If Jiang Xiaoqin continued to ask, would she tell Jiang Xiaoqin all today's embroses?

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaoqin's mind was in the bar at this moment and ignored what Ji Zhenzhen said, which relieved Ji Zhenzhen.

"Jinzhen, I'll go there to see how the wine is ready!" Jiang Xiaoqin said and walked towards the storage room. Today, a theme event was held in the dark night bar, and beer and so on should be in short supply.

Ji Zhenzhen often comes to the bar with Jiang Xiaoqin to help, so she is also very casual. Ji Zhenzhen put her bag under the bar and began to clean up the wine glasses at the bar.

As night falls, there are more and more customers in the bar, most of whom are young men and women, many of whom are very beautifully dressed.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at the young men and women in the bar while washing cups at the bar and felt much better.

"Here is a special guest tonight - Star Band!"

With the host's opening introduction, a small ** was immediately set off in the bar. Ji Zhenzhen took a casual look, and several band-like young people stepped onto the stage.

Because of the distance and Ji Zhenzhen's lack of interest in this kind of band that can play guitar and form a group, Ji Zhenzhen didn't even raise her head.

With a few drum beats, the music began. The style of music is Ji Zhenzhen's favorite popular metal. Listening to this music is quite professional, Ji Zhenzhen can't help but look at it a few more times.

The lead singer of the band was a young man with yellow hair. With the first sentence he sang, Ji Zhenzhen was attracted by him.

The lead singer's voice is very recognizable, and the sound is very good, and the sound range is also very wide. It is easy to sing high notes. In addition, the lead singer has a kind of natural domineering spirit in it, which makes Ji Zhenzhen's mood a little excited driven by rock music.

"Jinzhen, how about the lead singer? Do you want me to introduce you? Jiang Xiaoqin smiled and patted Ji Zhenzhen on the shoulder from behind, which shocked Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen did not answer, but listened to the song very seriously.

After the song was finished, another accompaniment of the same style sounded. Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help but be curious to put down the wine glass she was cleaning in her hand and squeezed into the crowd and squeezed into the front of the stage.

When she walked into the stage, Ji Zhenzhen was stunned. She didn't expect that the lead singer of this star band was none other than Rong Zihong!

Ji Zhenzhen was surprised and surprised, but she didn't expect that Rong Zihong, who was usually simple, cute and even naughty, stood on the stage full of charm. What surprised Ji Zhenzhen most was his singing, which was simply a popular sound for Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen, like the men and women around her, couldn't help swinging with the music, the Rongzihong typhoon on the stage was very dazzling, and there was handsomeness and domineering between her hands and feet, which made Ji Zhenzhen stunned.

Ji Zhenzhen felt that Rong Zihong, who was singing while playing the guitar on the stage, seemed to see herself. Ji Zhenzhen felt that Rong Zihong was smiling at herself. I don't know why Rong Zihong was extremely handsome in Ji Zhenzhen's eyes at this moment.

Star Band brought a total of five songs, bringing the atmosphere of the bar one after another. After five songs, the members of the band walked off the stage and danced with the young people present.

Rong Zihong saw Ji Zhenzhen. At this moment, he was walking towards Ji Zhenzhen in the crowd.

When Ji Zhenzhen saw that Rong Zihong with a handsome face was walking towards her, her heart began to jump up. That day, the embarrassing thing that she went to the wrong room and slept with Rong Zihong all night seemed to be still in front of her, but at this moment, Ji Zhenzhen only saw the sunny and handsome Rong Zihong in her heart.

(PS: Yueyue's new book asks for everything. It may not be written well at the beginning, and it will gradually get better and better. And this time the slave is just a joke between Rong Da Shao and Zhenzhen. The real slave is behind!)