slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 12 Sushi with full ingredients

"Ji Zhenzhen, I saw you on the stage just now!" In the past, Rong Zihong was just a small child in Ji Zhenzhen's heart, and now Rong Zihong has been upgraded to a man in Ji Zhenzhen's heart.

"I didn't expect you to be the lead singer of the Star Band!" Ji Zhenzhen didn't know what to say for a moment. Tonight's surprise was simply too big for her.

"Yes, I took the name of the star!" Rong Zihong scratched his hair with a smile, smiling like a crescent's eyes were very cute.

"Your songs are so beautiful, and you sing so well!" Ji Zhenzhen praised from the bottom of her heart, and Rong Zihong deserved the praise of Ji Zhenzhen.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Rong Zihong replied with a smile.

Looking at Rong Zihong's innocent smiling face, Rong Zijun's black and smelly face suddenly appeared in Ji Zhenzhen's mind. Ji Zhenzhen couldn't figure out why they were all children born by a father. How could the difference between people be so big!

The three brothers of the Rong family, the second Rong Zilin and the third Rong Zihong, were born to the second wife, and the temperament of the two brothers was also relatively gentle, so it was inferred that the second wife must not be a bad person, Ji Zhenzhen thought so.

Ji Zhenzhen and Rong Zihong played late in the night bar. After the early morning, the two returned to the Rongjia Villa together.

Ji Zhenzhen, who had just said goodbye to Rong Zihong, returned to her room. Ji Zhenzhen, who felt a little tired, heard a rapid knock on the door before she could change her clothes.

"Who will it be so late? Is it my mother? Because I can't, my mother should have gone to bed at this time. Is it Rong Zihong? Did you just start thinking about me? Ji Zhenzhen opened the door with a smile in her heart, and her face suddenly changed.

Standing outside his door is a cool face, which is now looking at Ji Zhenzhen with a fierce face.

"Where did you come back so late?" Rong Zijun asked Ji Zhenzhen fiercely, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"I...I...why should I tell you?" Ji Zhenzhen suddenly remembered that she didn't need to tell Rong Zijun about her itinerary, so she retorted loudly.

"I asked you, where have you been?" Rong Zijun's eyes were even fiercer, and his angular face gave people a sense of almost suffocation at this moment.

"Why should I tell you? I'm going to bed. Please go back!"

Ji Zhenzhen said that she was about to close the door, but was blocked by a big hand.

I saw Rong Zijun push the door open and come in, and approach Ji Zhenzhen step by step, with great momentum.

"What do you want" Ji Zhenzhen was forced to retreat and ask timidly by Rong Zijun, and she could hardly hear her voice.

Rong Zijun approached Ji Zhenzhen step by step and finally brought Ji Zhenzhen closer to a corner.

Rong Zijun blocked Ji Zhenzhen's way with his arm and stared deeply at Ji Zhenzhen's eyes.

Ji Zhenzhen began to jump violently in her heart. Looking at Rong Zijun's approaching face, Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she couldn't speak.

"What on earth is this Rong Zijun going to do? Why are you so close to me?" Ji Zhenzhen's heart became more and more chaotic, and Rong Zijun's face was getting closer and closer to Ji Zhenzhen's face. Ji Zhenzhen could clearly feel the gas exhaled from Rong Zijun's mouth.

However, looking so closely at Rong Zijun's face really seemed to be looking at a statue, especially his deep eyes, which made people unable to extricate themselves. Ji Zhenzhen looked at it for a burst of confusion and even forgot to be nervous.

"You are my maid. You have to report to me wherever you go!" Rong Zijun saw the panic in Ji Zhenzhen's eyes, so he said a word and left Ji Zhenzhen's bedroom, leaving an inexplicable face.

"This nuis really annoying!" Ji Zhenzhen calmed her beating heart and exhaled deeply from her mouth. She almost screamed nervously just now.

"Well, what happened to one bad thing after another after I moved into the Rong family?" Ji Zhenzhen thought helplessly, but when she thought of the gentle Rong Zilin and the lovely Rong Zihong, Ji Zhenzhen felt warm in her heart.

Ji Zhenzhen spent her first day as the president's personal assistant to constantly pour tea for Rong Zijun.

Ji Zhenzhen has never understood what kind of position her personal assistant as the president is. Ji Zhenzhen's office is just outside Rong Zijun's office on the 49th floor. In addition to thinking that there is a Miss Cen, Rong Zijun's secretary, who is responsible for answering the phone and receiving people who come to meet Rong Zijun, Ji Zhenzhen sat opposite Miss Cen and looked at Miss Cen's busy feet hitting the back of her head.

Ji Zhenzhen calculated in her mind that she made a total of three cups of coffee for Rong Zijun, sent a newspaper once, and made her favorite original milk tea for Rong Zijun. However, Rong Zijun frowned after taking a sip. It seemed that Rong Zijun was not used to the sweet taste of milk tea, but Rong Zijun still drank a cup of milk tea under the coercion of Ji Zhenzhen.

"It seems that Rong Zijun transferred me from the supermarket as his personal assistant to revenge on me. It must be because I refused to get into his car that day. I didn't expect this boy to hold such a grudge, hum!"

The more Ji Zhenzhen thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. Even Ji Zhenzhen felt that the attic on the 49th floor was in Rong Zijun's plan.

"In this case, I dare not resist because I owe him money. It must be so!" Ji Zhenzhen felt that all this was Rong Zijun's trap. First, she transferred herself to the 49th floor, and then lured herself up by virtue of the newcomer's rule that employees can't go to the attic. Finally, there was a scene of a chance encounter in the bathroom. Now Ji Zhenzhen has been completely played by Rong Zijun. In other words, Ji Zhenzhen has been eaten by Rong Zijun. The more Ji Zhenzhen thought about it, the more she felt angry, so she decided that she could not sit back and wait for death like this. She must find a way to revenge Rong Zijun!

"J Jane, I'm going to have lunch. Will you go?" Miss Cen's name is Cen Xinger. She is a very capable and sweet girl with an easy-going personality. She became friends with Ji Zhenzhen in just one day.

"Xing, go, I'll go later!" Ji Zhenzhen replied to Cen Xinger, but she was thinking about her revenge plan. At least she had to make a whole Rong Zijun herself comfortable.

"Bear Xing'er, you have been around the president for a while. Do you know that the president has allergies to something?" Ji Zhenzhen asked Cen Xinger. When she saw the doubtful eyes in Cen Xinger's eyes, Ji Zhenzhen quickly explained, "I'm afraid that I usually make a mistake in buying lunch for the president, so I asked in advance."

Cen Xinger immediately nodded and laughed and said, "Our president is allergic to pepper. You must remember that the president's allergy to pepper is very serious. In serious cases, his life was almost in danger!"

Ji Zhenzhen nodded excitedly and sent Cen Xinger into the elevator. This time, Rong Zijun finally fell into Ji Zhenzhen's hands, and Ji Zhenzhen felt a little proud.

Ji Zhenzhen saw Rong Zijun bowing his head and busy through the window, so she pushed the door in with a smile and asked, "President, what's for lunch?" I'll buy it for you."

Rong Zijun looked up at Ji Zhenzhen and looked at the electronic watch on the table and said, "Call me to order takeout. I want to eat Japanese food!"

"Yes, president!" Ji Zhenzhen said happily, but muttered in her heart, "This boy is too shrewd. I'm afraid that if I go out to buy him lunch and put pepper in the meal, can't I order takeaway?"

Ji Zhenzhen wanted to check online immediately. She found a Japanese restaurant closest to the Bandung Group Building and connected the phone about Japanese cuisine.

"Hey, I'm going to order sushi for two. By the way, bring me a bottle of pepper when you come!" After Ji Zhenzhen put down the phone, she began to get excited. Thinking of Rong Zijun's red and itchy face after eating sushi with pepper, Ji Zhenzhen laughed from the bottom of her heart.

The takeaway was delivered soon. After receiving the takeaway, Ji Zhenzhen took a look at Rong Zijun, who was still busy with her head, and smiled proudly.

Ji Zhenzhen first found a paper cup, poured a whole bottle of pepper into the paper cup, then connected half a cup of water to the paper cup, and dissolved the pepper into the water with chopsticks.

Then sprinkle pepper on the sushi, so that there are no traces of pepper on the sushi.

After everything was done, Ji Zhenzhen walked into Rong Zijun's office with double sushi.

"President, it's time to eat!" Ji Zhenzhen said, and she sat opposite Rong Zijun. Ji Zhenzhen wanted to see Rong Zijun make a fool of herself.

"You eat first, I'm busy!" Rong Zijun said a cold word without raising his head.

"Is a president so busy? Stop acting!" Ji Zhenzhen said silently in her heart that generally in a company, the lower the position, the busier they are. Ji Zhenzhen has really never seen a president who will be so busy.

"You have to eat no matter how busy you are!" Ji Zhenzhen comforted with a smile and handed the chopsticks to Rong Zijun.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen inexplicably. He felt that Ji Zhenzhen had suddenly changed her nature.

Rong Zijun took the chopsticks handed over by Ji Zhenzhen and picked up a sushi and sent it in the direction of his mouth.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun proudly and saw that sushi was about to be put into Rong Zijun's mouth. Suddenly, what Cen Xinger said to herself suddenly appeared in Ji Zhenzhen's mind, "The president's allergy to pepper is very serious. In serious cases, he almost put his life-threatening!"

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly stood up, grabbed the sushi that was about to be sent to her mouth by Rong Zijun and put it into her mouth.

Rong Zijun gave Ji Zhenzhen a fierce look. Ji Zhenzhen chewed some spicy sushi and said, "I'm hungry. I'll eat first!" With that, he began to put sushi into his mouth one by one.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen, who ate a lot in front of him in surprise, and the doubts and panic in his eyes were full of words.

"I'm so hungry!" Ji Zhenzhen said and kept putting sushi in her mouth. She wanted to eat all the sushi before Rong Zijun ate sushi. However, Ji Zhenzhen found that she had put too much pepper at this time. She, a person who usually likes spicy food, had a runny nose when she ate it. If she ate the pepper In Rong Zijun's words, the consequences were simply unimaginable.