slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 72 Kicking out of Rongjia Villa

Ji Zhenzhen stared at Rong Zijun fiercely, but Rong Zijun seemed to be nothing.

"Rong Zijun, when will I..." Ji Zhenzhen's tears fell as soon as she opened her mouth. She was angry and couldn't go on. Ji Zhenzhen wanted to ask Rong Zijun when she became his person, but Ji Zhenzhen couldn't speak.

"Sister Zhenzhen, you are really disappointing me!" Rong Jia also looked at Ji Zhenzhen with a sad face, and her eyes were full of disgust.

Rongjia's words made Ji Zhenzhen's mood fall to the bottom. Ji Zhenzhen held back her tears and ran to the second floor of the villa, returned to her room, and cried loudly.

The Christmas dinner was officially over, and only Rong Zijun and Rong Zilin were left at the table.

"You did it on purpose today, didn't you?" Rong Zijun asked coldly and took a look at Rong Zilin sitting opposite him.

"I just didn't expect that the eldest brother cared so much about Zhenzhen!" Rong Zilin did not admit or deny it, and his face was still that elegant smile.

"What's good for you?" Rong Zijun asked again, and his voice was cold.

"If you are out, big brother, I can get both Zhenzhen and Bandung. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone!" Rong Zilin said, got up with a smile and left the restaurant.

The next day, Ji Zhenzhen heard a rapid knock on the door while she was still asleep. Ji Zhenzhen finally got up from **, put on her pajamas, and opened the door helplessly.

Outside the door are the first wife and the third wife, looking at Ji Zhenzhen with a serious face.

"Why are the first wife and the third wife so early? What's the matter?" Ji Zhenzhen asked that because she cried for a long time last night, now Ji Zhenzhen's eyes are swollen like two steamed buns.

Before the eldest wife opened her mouth, the third wife squeezed into Ji Zhenzhen's room first, and her eyes turned straight.

"Why is this room so small?" The third wife's voice was very sharp and uncomfortable to hear.

"Is the eldest lady looking for me so early?" Ji Zhenzhen ignored the third wife, but directly asked the eldest wife that she didn't want to talk to the third wife.

When the third wife saw that Ji Zhenzhen actually ignored her, her face suddenly became gloomy and immediately said, "I didn't expect to do such a shameless thing, and I still have the face to live in our Rong family!"

Ji Zhenzhen suppressed her anger and did not say anything, but felt that her cheeks were getting hotter and hotter.

"Miss Ji, I hope you can move out of the Rong family, otherwise your mother will be difficult to do!" The eldest wife finally spoke. Although the eldest wife was serious, she was talking about human words, which was much better than the third wife's meanness.

Ji Zhenzhen thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I know. I'll clean up and move out immediately!"

After saying that, Ji Zhenzhen closed the door, and the third wife outside the door was a little surprised.

"Sister, how could this girl agree so happily? Why didn't you fight? There must be something to say in it. Maybe she stole something from our Rong family! Do you need me to send someone to search her luggage? The third wife said to the eldest wife with a flattering face.

"You'd better calm down!" The old lady said coldly and left without looking back, leaving the third wife's face red and white.

In the room, Ji Zhenzhen shed tears of grievance. Although she did not want to stay in the Rong family, now she has been driven out by the Rong family. This feeling is naturally uncomfortable.

"That's good. You don't have to look at the Rong family's face in the future." Ji Zhenzhen comforted herself, packed up and began to pack her luggage and put her things into her suitcase.

"I hope my mother can suffer less grievances after I leave." Ji Zhenzhen is most worried about her mother Hu Shuixin. I don't know if the people of the Rong family will embarras Hu Shuixin after she leaves the Rong family?

Yesterday, Rong Shichang personally told Hu Shuixin to cancel the engagement ceremony. At this time, Hu Shuixin must have been very sad. Ji Zhenzhen decided not to tell Hu Shuixin that she had been kicked out, and she decided to leave without saying goodbye.

Everything was sorted out. Ji Zhenzhen picked up her suitcase and was ready to leave. When she looked back at the room she had lived in for a while for the last time, she was still a little reluctant.

Ji Zhenzhen walked past the door of the room of the three brothers of the Rong family, and her heart was very heavy. Unexpectedly, so many things happened between me and the three brothers of the Rong family in just a few months. What happened in this scene was like a dream for Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen went down the stairs and saw the first wife, second wife and third wife sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the villa. Ji Zhenzhen gritted her teeth and walked over.

"Madams, I've packed it up. Do you still need to check my luggage?" Ji Zhenzhen asked blankly.

The third wife just wanted to say something, but she saw the old lady's indifferent eyes. She quickly stopped and looked elsewhere.

"No, you can go." The old lady said coldly, and there was no emotion in her words.

Ji Zhenzhen walked to the door of the villa. As soon as she reached the door, she was stopped by the old lady, "Wait a minute!"

"Oh?" Ji Zhenzhen immediately turned around and asked, "Is there anything else for the old lady?"

The old lady did not get up and still sat on the sofa. Today's old lady is jeweled and has the demeanor of a lady.

"Don't take Zijun too seriously. He is my son. I know him best. Zijun won't like girls like you." The eldest wife's tone of "for your own good" was a naked dislike of Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen didn't want to explain anything, but said lightly, "I know." Then he had to turn around and leave.

At this time, the second wife, who had never spoken, also opened her mouth, "Ji Zhenzhen, don't think about Zilin. I won't agree to let an unclean woman like you enter the door."

Ji Zhenzhen was so angry that she trembling all over, but she no longer wanted to say another word to the Rong family, so she walked out of the Rong family villa without looking back.

In the lobby on the first floor of the villa, the third wife said angrily to the second wife, "Look, your two good sons are actually moved by such a watery woman."

The second wife looked extremely pale and almost got angry with the third wife. "What are you talking about? Zihong is still young and is going to the United States. He doesn't have much chance to contact Ji Zhenzhen. As for Zilin, I will talk to him and ask him not to contact this woman.

"Tut, these three young masters of our family, I think Zijun is still the most capable. You can take down Ji Zhenzhen, a little bitch, so soon, don't you think?" As the third wife said, she deliberately provoked and looked at the eldest wife. The matter between Ji Zhenzhen and the three brothers of the Rong family has always been a matter of her gloating, and she is also glad that she has no son.

"You take care of your own mouth first! I heard that Rongjia's boyfriend Zhuoli is Ji Zhenzhen's senior in college. Do you think they have anything to do with each other? The eldest wife took a meaningful look at the third wife and went straight upstairs, leaving the third wife stunned.

The third wife was very confused. Originally, she didn't think about it, but after the eldest wife said that, she was indeed a little suspicious, so she quickly called her daughter Rongjia...

Ji Zhenzhen walked on the road in anger. It took an hour to walk to the nearest station to Rongjia Villa, not to mention that today she is still dragging a heavy suitcase.

Ji Zhenzhen scolded the people of the Rong family in her heart while dragging her luggage. Now she is aimless and doesn't know where to go.

Ji Zhenzhen only has Jiang Xiaoqin as a good friend in H City, but Jiang Xiaoqin now rents a house with her boyfriend Luo Tian. Although Ji Zhenzhen and Luo Tian are also old classmates, it is always not good to disturb the two-person world.

Ji Zhenzhen rummaged through her wallet. There are still hundreds of yuan in her wallet, which is enough to stay in a small hotel for a few days. I hope she can find a cheap house as soon as possible.

At the same time, Rong Zihong is waiting anxiously at the international airport.

Today is the day when he will fly to the United States. This trip will not come back until at least a few years later, which means that he will not see Ji Zhenzhen for several years.

In fact, until this moment, when Rong Zihong was about to leave his motherland, Rong Zihong still misses Ji Zhenzhen. How he hoped that Ji Zhenzhen could appear at the international airport to meet him for the last time.

However, Rong Zihong waited in the waiting room for a long time and did not see Ji Zhenzhen.

Rong Zihong really wanted to call Ji Zhenzhen, but he took out his mobile phone several times and didn't dial Ji Zhenzhen's number. He still didn't have the courage.

"Maybe Zhenzhen is still on her way!" Rong Zihong always comforted himself like this. He felt that this period was the peak of work. Maybe there was a traffic jam on the road, so Ji Zhenzhen came late! Maybe Ji Zhenzhen is also very anxious now. If she calls again, won't it make Ji Zhenzhen sad?

But time passed by minute by. Rong Zihong never saw Ji Zhenzhen's figure. The radio had urged to get on the plane again and again. Rong Zihong looked at the entrance desperately for the last time and still did not see Ji Zhenzhen.

"Forget it, maybe Zhenzhen has encountered something, so she can't come." Rong Zihong thought with loss in his heart, and then immediately changed into a smile, "Zhenzhen said that she likes the way I smile the most. I must smile!"

Rong Zihong began to check the ticket before boarding. When he looked back for the last time, his last hope in his heart was also dashed.

"Jinzhen, maybe you don't want to experience the pain of separation, so we'll see you again in a few years. I hope I can appear in front of you as a strong man at that time. At that time, I will definitely not let you go, absolutely!" Rong Zihong smiled and entered the boarding entrance...