slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 73 Days of Living with Guan Qingyu

"Bear by the way, today is Zihong's day to go to the United States. How can I forget it?" Ji Zhenzhen suddenly remembered that it was past nine o'clock when she saw the watch, and she remembered that Rong Zihong's plane seemed to take off at nine o'clock in the morning.

"What should I do? I promised Zihong that I would definitely see him off. Why did I forget it?" Ji Zhenzhen was very annoyed. She quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Rong Zihong's phone, but the other party has always been a busy tone. It seems that Rong Zihong has got on the plane.

"I really hope Zihong doesn't blame me!" Ji Zhenzhen hated herself very much at this time. She knew that Rong Zihong must want to see herself, but she forgot such an important thing.

"Yes, a gift!" Ji Zhenzhen remembered that after watching Rong Zihong's concert on Christmas Eve, Rong Zihong gave herself a gift box and said that she would watch it after returning home, but she forgot it.

Ji Zhenzhen hurriedly sat on the roadside, opened the suitcase, and found the gift box that Rong Zihong gave her that day.

"It should be open now!" Ji Zhenzhen quickly opened the gift packaging and opened the gift box, but inside was a pair of very eye-catching transparent crystal shoes.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help praising. She saw a card next to the crystal shoes. Ji Zhenzhen quickly took out the card and read it out.

"Jinzhen, I know I'm not the prince in your mind, but I must become a real prince in the future. I can wear these crystal shoes for you in person! Zhenzhen, I love you!"

After reading the words on the card, Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help crying. She knew that she would never find someone as good to her as Rong Zihong in the future.

Ji Zhenzhen cried sadly on the roadside, but a blue Porsche had quietly stopped beside Ji Zhenzhen. A man came down from Porsche and came to Ji Zhenzhen's side and handed a handkerchief to Ji Zhenzhen.

"Qingyu..." Ji Zhenzhen looked up and saw a gentle and handsome face, and her crying voice became louder.

"J Jane, don't be sad, you still have me!" Guan Qingyu also sat on the roadside with Ji Zhenzhen and sat here with Ji Zhenzhen.

"Woo-woo..." Ji Zhenzhen cried sadly, completely ignoring the eyes of pedestrians on the road. Of course, there were few pedestrians on this quiet road.

Guan Qingyu sat next to Ji Zhenzhen and quietly looked at the crying Ji Zhenzhen. Without saying a word, his eyes were full of tenderness.

After a while, Ji Zhenzhen gradually stopped crying, wiped her nose with a handkerchief, and said, "Qingyu, I was kicked out by the Rong family."

"I already know. Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged again." Guan Qingyu's eyes were very firm, and he got up to get Ji Zhenzhen's luggage.

"Qingyu, what are you doing?" Ji Zhenzhen asked inexplicably.

"Take you to a place." Guan Qingyu said with a smile.

"No, I'll figure it out by myself." Ji Zhenzhen gently refused. She was really embarrassed to trouble Guan Qingyu.

"How can I, a big man, watch you homeless? Hurry up and get in the car!" Guan Qingyu domineeringly grabbed Ji Zhenzhen's suitcase and insisted on putting it in the car.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Guan Qingyu with some hesitation and didn't know what to do. She really didn't want to bother Guan Qingyu. After all, it's not good for me to refuse Guan Qingyu and trouble him now.

But Ji Zhenzhen thought that she was indeed homeless. If she hadn't met Guan Qingyu here at this time, she really didn't know where to go.

At this time, Ji Zhenzhen's mobile phone was ringing, which was a short message. After Ji Zhenzhen turned on her mobile phone, she saw that it was a message from Rong Zijun, "Go back to the villa immediately"!

Ji Zhenzhen was very unhappy. If it hadn't been for Rong Zijun's saying that she was already her woman, the Rong family would not have said those unpleasant words to humiliate herself, let alone drive herself out of the Rong family. All this is thanks to Rong Zijun, and don't pay attention to him any more.

"Okay, Qingyu, I'll go with you!" Ji Zhenzhen gritted her teeth and got into Guan Qingyu's car. At this time, the only thing she could trust was only about Qingyu.

Rong Zijun destroyed his "in innocence" for no reason. Rong Zilin said that he liked him for no reason, while Rong Zihong, the most sincere of the three brothers of the Rong family, has gone to the United States. Ji Zhenzhen really didn't know who to trust at this time. The three brothers of the Rong family made Ji Zhenzhen very confused, and she didn't want to continue to pester with them.

At this time, Guan Qingyu's appearance gave Ji Zhenzhen a great encouragement, and she was finally not the one that everyone disliked.

Porsche quickly walked through the street, and Ji Zhenzhen's thoughts were very confused. A lot of things have happened in the past few days, which made her mind a little confused and needed to calm down and sort it out.

"Merry Christmas, Zhenzhen!" Guan Qingyu said while driving the car. Suddenly, he took out a gift from nowhere and handed it to Ji Zhenzhen.

"Is this?" Ji Zhenzhen was a little stunned. Yesterday's Christmas was so chaotic that she didn't have time to open her own gift.

"Open it and have a look!" Guan Qingyu smiled, and a deep dimple on his cheek was clearly visible.

In the past, Ji Zhenzhen did not look carefully at Guan Qingyu's face, because Guan Qingyu's handsomeness made her a little afraid to look directly. Ji Zhenzhen never found that there was a pair of dimples on Guan Qingyu's face. Ji Zhenzhen now understands why every time she sees Guan Qingyu's smile, she forgets the time. That's why.

Ji Zhenzhen took the gift handed over by Guan Qingyu and opened it. Unexpectedly, there was a tablet in it quietly.

"Qingyu, how can you give me this?" Ji Zhenzhen was surprised. Why did Guan Qingyu give himself a tablet computer?

"I'm afraid that you will be lonely when you are bored. I'll give you a computer and you can play by yourself." Guan Qingyu's face is still a sunny smile, which makes people forget that it is a cold winter now.

"But this gift is too expensive." Ji Zhenzhen whispered that the tablet computer costs thousands of yuan, and she can't accept such a heavy gift as Guan Qingyu.

"Just think I lent it to you and return it to me after playing enough." Guan Qingyu still smiled brightly.

"Oh, all right!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded. After leaving the Rong family, she really didn't have a computer. She was worried that she could not read Lin Zi's novels on the Internet at any time.

When she thinks of Linzi, Ji Zhenzhen's heart hurts a little. Why did Rong Zilin suddenly say that he wanted to date himself? He has always been lull to himself. What's going on? Although Ji Zhenzhen was very happy to know that her idol Lin Zi was Rong Zijun, she found that Rong Zilin was not as simple as she thought, and even made her a little unable to guess. Ji Zhenzhen didn't like this feeling.

P Porsche drove into a luxurious high-end community and parked in front of a two-storey villa.

"Qingyu, where is this?" Ji Zhenzhen looked curiously at the villa in front of her and asked curiously.

"This is my home!" Guan Qingyu said and got out of the car.

"Your home?" Ji Zhenzhen suddenly became nervous. Guan Qingyu would not let himself live with him, would he?

Ji Zhenzhen followed Guan Qingyu into the villa with a panic face. The decoration of the villa was very simple, but Ji Zhenzhen did not pay attention to it.

Guan Qingyu saw something from Ji Zhenzhen's face and laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Ji Zhenzhen asked nervously. She always felt that it was a little strange to appear in this villa with Guan Qingyu.

"Don't worry, there are many rooms in my house. I won't let you sleep in the same room with me." Guan Qingyu looked into Ji Zhenzhen's eyes playfully.

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt ashamed that her heart was seen through by Guan Qingyu and quickly explained, "I didn't think that much. You think too much."

Is that right? Maybe I thought too much." Guan Qingyu nodded seriously and said casually and gently, "I wanted to buy you a new house, but I was worried that you would be afraid to live alone, and I won't rest assured, so I can only let you live in my house, so that I can feel at ease."

A warm current surged through Ji Zhenzhen's heart. It turned out that Guan Qingyu's arrangement was afraid that he would be afraid, and he was really a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

"Thank you, Qingyu!" Ji Zhenzhen said solemnly.

"You're welcome, Zhen Zhen!" Guan Qingyu replied with a smile.

The days of Ji Zhenzhen living together with Guan Qingyu began like this, and the days began calmly.

The room prepared by Guan Qingyu for Ji Zhenzhen is a suite, including a bedroom, a reception room, a study, a dressing room and a bathroom. There is also a large bathtub in the bathroom that can accommodate two people bathing at the same time, which makes Ji Zhenzhen unhappy.

This suite is absolutely comparable to the one where Rongjia lives, and the walls and floors in the room are Ji Zhenzhen's favorite pink. It seems that Guan Qingyu has worked hard in this suite.

Living in such a perfect room, Ji Zhenzhen felt very happy and seemed to be like a princess.

The "Dudu" mobile phone rang again, and it was still a text message from Rong Zijun. Ji Zhenzhen pressed the shutdown button of the mobile phone without even looking at it. Now Ji Zhenzhen's heart is very confused. She doesn't want to see anyone in the Rong family, including her mother Hu Shuixin.

At dinner, Guan Qingyu personally cooked a whole table of dishes for Ji Zhenzhen, and even had a roasted turkey in the center of the table.

"Jinzhen, I know you didn't have a good time last Christmas, and I'll make it up for you today." Guan Qingyu is also wearing a bear-style apron, which looks very cute.

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt warm and her eyes were a little wet. Guan Qingyu's kindness to her made her feel her existence. She was not a person who was disliked by everyone.

"Jian, I know you like Italian food, which I learned from Italian masters." Guan Qingyu took off his apron. Today, he wore a tight long-sleeved dress, revealing his strong chest muscle contour just right.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at it and swallowed secretly.