slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 166 Schizophrenia

Ji Zhenzhen simply recognized the direction and began to stride towards a place. Now she can't tell the southeast and northwest, but Ji Zhenzhen knows that as long as she runs in one direction, she will run out sooner or later.

Ji Zhenzhen ran and suddenly saw a figure in front of her. Ji Zhenzhen was extremely excited. How she hoped that someone could find herself and save her at this time. Ji Zhenzhen ran hard towards the figure and gasped heavily.

Ji Zhenzhen was getting closer and closer to the shadow. Ji Zhenzhen was so excited that she was about to call out her voice.

"Help, please help me!" Ji Zhenzhen shouted at the figure. The figure suddenly turned around and shocked Ji Zhenzhen into a cold sweat. That person was none other than Rongjia. Ji Zhenzhen really hit the gun.

"Ji Zhenzhen, where are you going?" Rong Jia looked at Ji Zhenzhen ferociously and shouted at Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen immediately turned her head and ran back, but at this time, she had exhausted all her strength and had no extra strength to leave here.

Ji Zhenzhen felt her strong heartbeat and her breathing more and more smoothly. Ji Zhenzhen knew that if she stopped, she would die, but Ji Zhenzhen really couldn't run.

Ji Zhenzhen fell to the ground in front of her, and the next thing was unknown...

A blue Porsche is flying on the street of H city. In Porsche, Guan Qingyu is driving while talking on the phone with Bluetooth headphones.

"Hey, is this Jiang Xiaoqin? I'm Guan Qingyu, Zhenzhen's fiance. Did Zhenzhen go to your place?

"Okay, I know, thank you!"

"Hello, I'm Guan Qingyu, Zhenzhen's fiance. Did Zhenzhen go to your place today?"

"I know, thank you..."


I don't know if this has been made by Guan Qingyu. I don't know if it's dozens of phone calls. All the people Qingyu can think of Ji Zhenzhen will meet have called, but those people have said that they haven't seen Ji Zhenzhen, and Guan Qingyu has been anxious and almost crazy.

"J Jane, where the hell have you been? Don't do this to me, okay? Come back quickly!" Guan Qingyu smashed his fist on the steering wheel and gritted his teeth. Finally, he had no choice but to dial the number that he never wanted to dial.

"Hello, President Rong, I'm Guan Qingyu."

"Hello, President Guan, I'm Rong Zijun." Rong Zijun on the other end of the phone was still the calm voice, which made Guan Qingyu even more anxious. Guan Qingyu hoped that Ji Zhenzhen would be with Rong Zijun at this time. Even if the two of them were in ** Guan Qingyu, it would be acceptable. Guan Qingyu was most afraid to hear the news of Ji Zhenzhen's disappearance, so Rong Zijun was Guan Qingyu's last hope.

"I'm sorry to bother you, is Zhenzhen with you?" Guan Qingyu tried his best not to make his words sound so anxious.

"President Guan, Miss Ji Zhenzhen is your fiancee. Can you call me if you can't find your fiancee? I have a lot of things to deal with and many documents to review every day, and I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with your young couple. Rong Zijun's voice was very impatient. Guan Qingyu said that he wanted to hang up the phone, but Guan Qingyu knew that he could not do it, and he could not give up the last opportunity to find Ji Zhenzhen.

"I'm sorry, President Rong, I know it's abrupt to ask this, but Zhenzhen suddenly disappeared, and I have called her everywhere she may go, and there is no whereabouts of Zhenzhen. The only hope now is that Zhenzhen is with President Rong." Guan Qingyu really doesn't want to quarrel with Rong Zijun. After Ji Zhenzhen's disappearance, Guan Qingyu has lost the ability to quarrel. He just wants to find Ji Zhenzhen quickly and let him do whatever he wants.

"Miss Ji Zhenzhen is really not with me. In fact, I haven't seen her since we signed the divorce agreement, and we haven't contacted her." Rong Zijun saw that Guan Qingyu's attitude was very sincere and eased a lot. In fact, he and Guan Qingyu did not have a deep hatred. The two of them were just rivals.

"That's really disturbing, thank you!" Guan Qingyu hung up the phone in despair. Ji Zhenzhen must have had an accident without even going to Rong Zijun, but what would happen to Ji Zhenzhen? Was it kidnapped?

Guan Qingyu remembered that she was catching up with Ji Zhenzhen when she contacted her for the last time - Rongjia!

"That's right, it's Rongjia!" Guan Qingyu is sure that this matter must have something to do with Rongjia, but where can he find Rongjia in such a big city? Guan Qingyu stepped on the accelerator vigorously and drove towards the public security department of H City.

Rong Zijun couldn't calm down for a long time after hanging up Guan Qingyu's phone. Why did Ji Zhenzhen have an accident?

Rong Zijun warned himself not to care about Ji Zhenzhen's affairs. Rong Zijun had swore last time to draw a clear line with Ji Zhenzhen, but why was he so nervous as soon as he heard that Ji Zhenzhen had an accident?

Rong Zijun still had several documents to read. He tried his best to calm himself down and open a document, but Rong Zijun found that he had looked back and forth several times and still did not read a word on the document.

Didn't you agree not to think about Ji Zhenzhen again? What's wrong with me?" Rong Zijun tapped his head with his fingers, but it didn't make any good. Rong Zijun's mind is now full of Ji Zhenzhen.

"Isn't she about Qingyu? What am I so worried about what she does? Guan Qingyu will definitely look for Ji Zhenzhen. Rong Zijun looked at his watch and opened the phone to check his schedule and found that he had invited him to a party tonight. Originally, he refused because he was too busy with work, but even if he stayed in the office, he was not in the mood to read the documents. In order not to think about Ji Zhenzhen, Rong Zijun decided to send Play with it and let yourself forget Ji Zhenzhen.

Just as Rong Zijun picked up the car key and was ready to leave, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Rong Zijun saw that Rong Zilin opened the caller and quickly pressed the answer button, "Zi Lin, do you mean that party? I'll go now."

"Brother, I have something important to tell you." Rong Zilin's tone on the other end of the phone was very heavy, and Rong Zijun had a hunch that something bad was going to happen.

Rong Zijun sat back in the president's chair again and said to Rong Zilin, "Okay, you can say it."

"Rongjia smuggled back to H City and killed him in Zhuoli's apartment today. Now his whereabouts are unknown, and the police have begun to want Rong Jia."

"Rongjia smuggled? Is she crazy? Why did she kill Zhuo Li? They have been divorced for several years. Is it a mistake? Rong Zijun couldn't accept this fact for a while. Although Rong Jia was arrogant and domineering in the past, she was Rong Zijun's younger sister who grew up together. Rong Zijun believed that Rong Jia would not do such a thing.

"The police have enough evidence. It is said that Zhuo Li's home has a closed-circuit television, which recorded all the scenes at that time. At that time, Rongjia rushed into Zhuo Li's home like a madman and stabbed Zhuo Li more than a dozen times. After watching the video, the criminal experts of the criminal police brigade determined that Rong Jia had a high degree of schizophrenia. Rong Zilin's voice on the other end of the phone was very sad, and Rong Jia was also his sister.

"How can Rongjia suffer from schizophrenia?" Rong Zijun still didn't believe it. When he and Ji Zhenzhen went to France to visit Rongjia, he suddenly felt that Rongjia was a little abnormal. He immediately said, "Rongjia is indeed sick. We need to find her before the police find her, and then find a way to get her away. I immediately called France and let him We have prepared the best psychiatric hospital for Rongjia, and we must cure Rongjia's illness. After all, blood is thicker than water. Rong Zijun still doesn't want Rongjia to fall into the hands of the police. He can't bear to let his own sister suffer. Thinking of this, Rong Zijun added, "Don't let your father know about this."

"Okay, I know how to do it." Rong Zilin understood and hung up the phone.

Rong Zijun hung up the phone and frowned tightly. Although Rong Jia was hateful, she would not die. What's more, she is sick now.

"Yes, Ji Zhenzhen!" A terrible idea suddenly came to Rong Zijun's mind, "Rongjia has always hated Zhenzhen. Will she come back this time?" Rong Zijun didn't dare to think any more. He picked up the car key and quickly walked out of the office.