slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 167 Powerless Love

When Ji Zhenzhen woke up again, she found herself in a strange place. Ji Zhenzhen blinked hard and once again made sure that she had never been to this place.

At this time, Ji Zhenzhen was in an abandoned factory warehouse, and there was a reservoir dozens of meters deep in the middle of the warehouse. Ji Zhenzhen was lying next to the reservoir after being tied up.

"Rongjia, what are you going to do?" Ji Zhenzhen found that Rong Jia was squatting beside her and looking at the reservoir beside her, looking at Rong Jia's thin profile and the thick smile on her face, which made Ji Zhenzhen think of a word - creepy.

"I'm looking at the reservoir." Rong Jia heard Ji Zhenzhen's question and answered casually.

"Look at the reservoir... What to do?" Ji Zhenzhen found that her voice trembled a little.

"Let's see when I can throw you down!" Rongjia said and suddenly turned her head with a trembling smile on her face.

Ji Zhenzhen only felt a "buzzing" in her head. She tried to move her body and found that she had been tied like a zongzi and could not move at all. Ji Zhenzhen was really desperate now.

"Rongjia, I have no grudge against you. Why do you have to kill me?" Ji Zhenzhen said with tears, is she really going to die at the hands of this half-crazy and half-stupid Rongjia?

"Go to hell and tell the judges these words!" Rong Jia stood up and walked to Ji Zhenzhen's side and looked at Ji Zhenzhen condescendingly, "Amawell, bitch!" After saying that, Rongjia raised her foot and kicked Ji Zhenzhen into the reservoir, and Ji Zhenzhen fell into the reservoir with a "poof".

"Ah..." Ji Zhenzhen choked several mouthfuls of water before she could speak. The water from the reservoir scrambled into Ji Zhenzhen's mouth and nose. Ji Zhenzhen felt that her nasal cavity was about to burst, which was really uncomfortable.

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't move and could only watch herself keep falling. Ji Zhenzhen felt that she was going to lose consciousness and consciousness.

At this time, Ji Zhenzhen faintly saw an extra person on the surface of the water, but Ji Zhenzhen couldn't see who that person was. Who would suddenly come here at this time? Is it to save me?

Ji Zhenzhen can no longer feel whether her breathing is smooth. At this time, all she has left is thinking. Other parts of her body have lost consciousness and can't feel her existence at all.

Ji Zhenzhen knew that she was about to die, and she suddenly felt very relieved. In fact, it was also good for her to die cleanly. At least she didn't have to plan for the future.

The only thing Ji Zhenzhen can't rest assured of is Xiaojun. Ji Zhenzhen regrets not arranging Xiaojun before the accident, and I don't know if Rong Zijun will still take care of Xiaojun after her death? Thinking of Rong Zijun and Ji Zhenzhen, there is a warm current in her heart. How much Ji Zhenzhen hopes to see him for the last time at this time, even if there is one side.

I heard that people will have souls when they die. How Ji Zhenzhen hopes that her soul can replace herself to see Rong Zijun, Xiaojun, Guan Qingyu, and those her former relatives and lovers.

"It's a pity that I left so suddenly that I haven't had time to say hello to you. I hope you won't be sad." Ji Zhenzhen thought in her heart and suddenly felt so tired that Ji Zhenzhen just wanted to fall forever and not wake up. Ji Zhenzhen closed her eyes tiredly.

A loud "poof" sound shocked Ji Zhenzhen, who was about to "sleep". Ji Zhenzhen quickly opened her eyes and looked up. At the top of the reservoir, a man was swimming towards her side quickly. Is that person coming to save herself?

Ji Zhenzhen opened her eyes wide and looked at the man, but she didn't know why Ji Zhenzhen could not see the person clearly. "Forget, it seems that this is just my dream." Ji Zhenzhen thought so and closed her eyes again...

In the warehouse, next to the reservoir, Rong Zijun squatted on the ground soaked, and beside him lay Ji Zhenzhen, who was also soaked.

Water drops kept dripping from Rong Zijun's hair, and occasionally a few drops fell on Ji Zhenzhen's face. Ji Zhenzhen just closed her eyes without any reaction.

"Jinzhen, you must be fine. I won't allow you to be fine..." Rong Zijun quickly served Ji Zhenzhen with heart and lungs while doing "artificial breathing" for Ji Zhenzhen, but Ji Zhenzhen still had no reaction, but her face was getting whiter and whiter.

When Rong Zijun saw that Ji Zhenzhen hadn't woke up for a long time, he thought that Ji Zhenzhen was no longer able to do it. Rong Zijun was heartbroken and held Ji Zhenzhen, who was getting colder, tightly in his arms, "Jinzhen, don't do this to me, don't leave me..."

"Jinzhen, please don't leave me, I love you..." Rong Zijun said painfully that he had never been so sad. Rong Zijun tasted the heartbreaking feeling for the first time, which made him painful.

"zi... Jun..."

Just as Rong Zijun shed tears in pain, Ji Zhenzhen called Rong Zijun's name weakly. Rong Zijun was overjoyed and let go of Ji Zhenzhen and pulled Ji Zhenzhen's shoulder with both hands. "Jianzhen, are you awake?"

"zi... Jun..." Ji Zhenzhen slowly opened her eyes, "Really... Is that you?"

"J Jane is me, I'm Zijun, you're right!" Rong Zijun hurriedly wiped away his tears and said excitedly. This feeling of worrying about gains and losses made him almost unbearable.

"Zijun, am I still alive?" Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun and looked around and found that she was still in the warehouse. When she saw Rong Zijun and herself soaked again, Ji Zhenzhen vaguely understood what had happened, "Zijun, did you save me?"

"Jinzhen, you are still alive, and we are all alive." Rong Zijun hugged Ji Zhenzhen happily. He no longer wanted to let go this time. After Rong Zijun, who almost lost Ji Zhenzhen just now, knew that his beloved was Ji Zhenzhen, and Rong Zijun no longer wanted to deceive his feelings.

"Thank you, Zijun." Ji Zhenzhen also hugged Rong Zijun excitedly and missed Rong Zijun very much when she was about to die. At that time, the only thing Ji Zhenzhen wanted to see was Rong Zijun. Ji Zhenzhen knew that the person she loved was still Rong Zijun.

"Jenzhen, I love you!" Rong Zijun said emotionally.

"Zijun, I love you too!" Ji Zhenzhen finally said what had been sealed for a long time. At this time, she didn't want to hide her feelings.

Rong Zijun gently kissed Ji Zhenzhen's cold lips, which was the most attentive kiss between the two two people five years later, and the kiss was dark.

At this time, Guan Qingyu also rushed to the warehouse. When he walked to the door of the warehouse, he saw Rong Zijun and Ji Zhen kissing. Guan Qingyu felt his heartbeat beating a few times, but Guan Qingyu did not leave, but stood at the door of the warehouse. Guan Qingyu felt I felt that my legs were as if they had been petrified.

"Jinzhen, let's not separate again, okay? Let's be together forever!" Rong Zijun left Ji Zhenzhen's cold lips and said gently. His eyes were full of expectations. How he hoped that Ji Zhenzhen could nod and agree.

Ji Zhenzhen seemed to return to the past in an instant. She remembered the feud between the two superiors, so Ji Zhenzhen coldly pushed away Rong Zijun and shook her head, "I want to go home."

Rong Zijun was very puzzled when he saw that Ji Zhenzhen suddenly became so indifferent. "Jian, why did you suddenly change when you said you loved me just now? What are your concerns? Why can't we be together when we love each other?

Ji Zhenzhen shook her head silently with tears. She didn't want to and couldn't say it. She didn't want Rong Zijun to be as sad as herself.

"Jinzhen, you said, you must give me an explanation today, otherwise, otherwise..." Rong Zijun was almost crazy by Ji Zhenzhen. He didn't want to go on like this anymore, so he suddenly stood up with resolute and indifferent eyes. "If you don't tell me, I will jump into this reservoir."

Ji Zhenzhen's lips trembled and fought fiercely in her heart. When she saw Rong Zijun's resolute eyes, Ji Zhenzhen knew that Rong Zijun was definitely not lying to her.

"Don't force me!" Ji Zhenzhen shouted bitterly to Rong Zijun, "I can't be with the son of the murderer of my father, I can't..."

Rong Zijun was stunned and didn't make a sound for a long time. After a long time, he squatted down and pulled Ji Zhenzhen's shoulder and asked, "Zhenzhen, is everything you true?"

"What I said is true. Rong Shichang has admitted it himself..." Ji Zhenzhen cried sadly, and the pain that had been suppressed for a long time finally vented.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Rong Zijun felt very uncomfortable when he saw Ji Zhenzhen's painful appearance. He wanted to hold Ji Zhenzhen tightly in his arms, but he couldn't do it. He was the son of the murderer who killed Ji Zhenzhen's father. What right does he have to appease Ji Zhenzhen?

"Jhenzhen, I'll go first. I've already called Guan Qingyu. He will pick you up later!" Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen sadly and walked to the door of the warehouse. At this time, Rong Zijun could no longer ask Ji Zhenzhen for anything.

Walking to the door of the warehouse, Rong Zijun saw Guan Qingyu. Rong Zijun sighed and left with infinite sadness in his eyes.

Guan Qingyu has seen the scene just now, and he walked towards Ji Zhenzhen with heartache...