Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 42 Xiahou Junhao's Love Code 3

Looking at Ji Yan's worried expression, Xiang Zixi felt warm in his heart. Anyway, he is really worried about his body. Could it be that you were really prejudiced against him before? In fact, he didn't mean to be such a bad man?

The seriousness on Ji Yan's face suddenly stopped and replaced it with a funny smile. He reached out and pinched Zixi's face and said with a bad smile, "yoyo! Isn't it particularly touching? Since you are so moved, just make a promise!"

Xiang Zixi was still a little moved, but as soon as he heard what Ji Yan said, those little moves flew away early!

Xiang Zixi flew and kicked Ji Yan fiercely. Ji Yan quickly flew to the window with her strength, opened the window, disappeared in an instant, and followed the mysterious back!

"Damn it!" Xiang Zixi couldn't help beating the bed fiercely: "Damn guy!"

Soon, the people in charge of tracking came back, and everyone gathered in Xiang Zixi's room. Jin Haoxuan asked her very seriously, "Xianxiang, think about it seriously, who have you offended before? Or have you provoked any powerful opponents?

Xiang Zixi's face was puzzled: "How is it possible? Isn't it that you don't know me in the past? I'm timid and afraid of things, and I'm three points shorter when I see people. How can I offend any powerful person? By the way, have you caught up with that person?

Ji Yan's face is not good: "Chasing is to catch up. But——”

"But he is a dead man!" Xiao Zimo added, "And he committed suicide!"

Xiang Zixi's pupil suddenly contracted, a dead man! What does this mean? There must be a small force behind this dead man! So who is this person? Why do you keep an eye on the daughter of a small landlord?

" Xiangxiang, you said a few days ago that someone seems to have been monitoring you outside, so can you still remember the other party's appearance?" Xiahou Junhao, who had never spoken, asked softly, "Or, can you be sure how many people it is?"

The other three people look at Xiang Zixi at the same time, which is very important. If the other party is not alone, then the other party may make a comeback!

"How can I remember this clearly? Moreover, I just feel that there is no direct evidence. Xiang Zixi said distressedly, "I just rely on my instinct and intuitively feel that someone is observing me secretly!" Because in my past, ah, no, innate intuition has always been very accurate! Ji Yan knows this best!"

Ji Yan laughed awkwardly. Yes, her intuition was indeed very accurate, otherwise she would not have been kicked away by the other party several times when she almost saw it!

"But you are just a small landlord in Wu County. What will make those characters keep an eye on you?" Jin Haoxuan frowned gently: "There is really something strange here!"

"Yes, that's right! If I offend, I went to Guanyin Mountain a few days ago to save those children. However, the people who followed me were there before I went to Guanyin Mountain. That is to say, those people are definitely not a group of people in the case of kidnapping boys!" Xiang Zixi said lightly, "Forget it, anyway, the other party is dead, and it's getting late. Let's go to bed early!" If the other party comes back next time, won't everything be clear?

"Yes, it really doesn't work instead of thinking about it here. It's just that everyone should be careful in the future!" Jin Haoxuan said softly, "Let's all go!" Don't disturb the rest!"

Others nodded.

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi called Jin Haoxuan: "Haoxuan, can you stay for a while?"

Jin Haoxuan was stunned and then nodded gently. The other three left Xiang Zixi's room with a solemn look.

"Hhao Xuan, there is someone who I think may have something to do with this matter." Xiang Zixi hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "It's Wang Xi, the son of the county magistrate of Wu County!"

"Wang Xi? That dren county magistrate? What's wrong with him?" Jin Haoxuan grabbed his coat with concern and put it on his shoulder for Xiang Zixi. He sat on the opposite chair, frowned and said, "You mean that you suspect that the person following you has something to do with Wang Xi?"

"Because recently, there are probably only two people who have had a direct conflict with me, one is Jin Fengting, who is with me in Xiangjia Town, and the other is Wang Xi. Although Jin Fengting is also a lady, I know that she can call for wind and rain in Xiangjia Town, but she doesn't have this ability in Wu County. Wang Xi is different. He is an authentic local snake! Wang Xi is also coveted by me. And last time I saw him there in Guanyin Mountain, I always felt that Wang Xi might not be simple. Even if he claims to be buying male pets, why did he choose there instead of trading elsewhere? Xiang Zixi frowned and said, "Hao Xuan, wait for me. I'll change my clothes. You can take me to the county government!"

Jin Haoxuan said instinctively, "No, your body————"

"Isn't there you?" He said softly to Zixi, "I believe in you, you will be able to protect me!" Isn't it?"

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow night! You are so tired today!" Jin Haoxuan stood up and said, "Xing Xiang, don't make it too difficult for yourself. I can help you with this family!"

"Hmm." Xiang Zixi smiled sweetly, warm and happy.

The night passed quickly.

At dawn the next day, Xiang Zixi washed and prepared to go downstairs according to the usual practice. As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he happened to see Xiahou Junhao standing at his door with an uneasy face. He could not enter or retreat.

"Xiahou? Why are you here? What can I do for you?" Xiang Zixi closed the door and was ready to go downstairs.

Suddenly, Xiahou Junhao grabbed Xiang Zixi's hand and said sly, "Wait a minute!————"

Turning gently to Zixi, the temperature of Xiahou Junhao's fingertips came from the palm of his hand, which was so hot! What's wrong with him? Are you sick?

"I...I...I have something to say to you!" Xiahou Junhao had a fever on his face. This feeling is really wonderful!

Ah? Are you really sick? On such a cold day, the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is large, and it is easy to get cold. Xiang Zixi naturally tried Xiahou Junhao's forehead with the palm of his hand: "Huh? There is no fever! Then why are your faces so red?"

Xiahou Junhao had another twist. Xiahou Junhao, who was once heroic, heroic and heroic, seemed to have changed into a person. He took out a box from behind and stuffed it into Xiang Zixi's arms. He said with a blush and ears, "This, this is the medicine to regulate the body! It is very effective in dispelling the cold!"

Xiang Zixi was stunned and then laughed.

So that's it! Then why are you embarrassed? I thought you were going to confess to me! It scared me! Ah ha ha ha ha --————" Xiang Zixi laughed and said, "I really didn't expect Xia Hou to be twisted. It's really fun! I received this gift! Thank you!"

Looking at Xiang Zixi laughing and leaving, Xiahou Junhao was stunned, huh? Why didn't she jump into my arms gratefully and say that she was very moved? Is my love rule wrong?

Xiahou Junhao found out the love code written by Xiao Feifei again and carefully read it three times. That's right! Although she looks really happy, there seems to be something wrong! Or is the heat not enough?

Xiahou Junhao turned over again and continued to read: "The fourth rule of love, stand up when the other party is in danger and resist all dangers for her! It's better to bear all the dangers for the other party with your back! Very good! This is the simplest!"

Xiahou Junhao took back the love code in his arms so intact, and jumped down the first floor.

At this time, Xiahou Junhao's eyes were sharp and he happened to see Xiang Zixi walking under the woods, and people above his head were stepping on ladders to build dead branches.

Here comes the opportunity!

At this time, a relatively large dead branch roared towards the top of Zixi's head with the efforts of the servants!

Looking up keenly at Zixi, he saw the dead branches that were about to fall above his head. The people on the tree were suddenly shocked and shouted: "Be careful!————"

Say that sooner or later, just as Xiang Zixi was ready to jump away from the dead branch and prepare to escape from the dead branch, a figure like the top of Mount Tai with a tiger's back and bear's waist flew over!

Xiang Zixi was unprepared and was suddenly overwhelmed by the other party! Then he was held in his arms by the other party!

And the dead branch was so immortal that it hit Xiang Zixi's head all of a sudden!

Ah? What's going on?

" Xiang Xiang, what's the matter? Have you been hurt?" Xiahou Junhao said eagerly, his expression was serious and focused. Although his expression was very serious, he had been happy for a long time! Give it a hug, give it a hug! This is the best opportunity! Hurry up and express your gratitude to me!!

He shook his head at Zixi and said quietly, "I was hit on the head just now. It really hurts!" By the way, Xiahou, why are you here?

Ah? Why is she so calm?

Blink your eyes to Zixi, and Xiahou Junhao also blinked your eyes. Xiahou Junhao continued to blink your eyes. Xiahou Junhao still blinked his eyes without any intention of opening his arms. Finally, Xiang Zixi couldn't help saying, "I said, Xiahou, can you let me go?" The one I just smashed, it really hurts! I have to find Xiaofei to help me see if there is a bag on my head!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, I deserve to die. I don't have eyes!" Several servants in charge of cutting branches suddenly panicked and quickly jumped down to apologize.

waved to Zixi: "It's okay. It has nothing to do with you. I didn't notice it when I walked!"

Xiahou Junhao was hit in an instant! Why! Why didn't she throw herself into her arms? Does it mean that she really doesn't mean that to herself?

The last rule of the love code: If the other party is still indifferent after doing the above actions, then give up completely!