Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 43 Night Exploration of the County government

Xiahou Junhao looked at Xiang Zixi, who grinned and covered his head and left, and couldn't help bursting into tears: It turned out that there is really a woman in the world who doesn't like me at all! It turns out that not all women like to revolve around the emperor! It turns out that Xiang Zixi really doesn't mean anything to herself! So! The emperor is not the most handsome man in the world!

Xiang Zixi found Xiaofei while covering her head and said helplessly, "Xiahou doesn't know what's wrong recently. It's always strange. Look, I've been smashed out of a bag by him!" If it hadn't been for him, I would have avoided it! Result——————”

The little fat man who was drugged Xiang Zixi trembled and understood everything in an instant. But how dare she admit it! I can only deal with Xiang Zixi with a giggle.

"Hey! What are you laughing at? You are also stupid!" Xiang Zixi grinned and said, "It really hurts!"

Jin Haoxuan knocked on the door, forced his smile, handed a bottle of medicine, and whispered, "Use this!" It has a good effect on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis!"

The scene just now was seen by everyone in the Xiang family. Jin Haoxuan and Ji Yan almost endured internal injury with a smile, while Xiao Zimo closed his eyes unbearable!

Xiahou Junhao has been living in the palace since he was a child. He has been the crown prince since he was a child. Therefore, none of the women around him did not revolve around him. Before the age of 14, the maid of honor seduced the prince, so that Xiahou Junhao has always had a good self-perception and felt that he was the most handsome man in the world. Women in the world should revolve around him, just like a hundred birds and phoenixes. He is the most dazzling existence.

After ascending the throne last year, this situation became more and more obvious. Whether it was the concubine of the harem or the maid of honor in the palace, none of them tried their best to approach him, approached him, and tried their best to please him. Therefore, he was more convinced that as long as a woman would like him, he just wanted to have the other party!

So, when he met Xiang Zixi and thought the girl was very interesting and was ready to accept her love, such a funny scene happened.

Xiao Zimo sighed and appeared beside Xiahou Junhao and patted him on the shoulder silently.

This emperor is good everywhere, and he is proficient in everything. But there is one thing that is not proficient, or that is, there is a natural idiot, that is, feelings!

Seeing Xiahou Junhao who was so hit, Xiao Zimo suddenly didn't know what to say.

However, fortunately, Xiahou Junhao's self-healing ability is super strong. He said to Xiao Zimo with a lonely face, "Sure enough, she is the most special existence! Zimo, do you think I can continue to get along with him like this?

"I think it should be okay as long as you want, right?" Xiao Zimo answered helplessly.

"Sure enough! Since she has never noticed my love, I will slowly use my actions to make her feel my determination!" Xiahou Junhao regained his spirits and said, "I want to make her my queen!"

"It's a pity that they don't want to be the queen at all! "Your Majesty!" Xiao Zimo broke down his shoulder helplessly and complained helplessly: "They don't know you are the emperor at all!"

"Ah, too! Then, let me start with my friends first, and then slowly tell her my true identity, and then she will definitely promise to be my queen!" Xiahou Junhao was still so combative that he clenched his fists: "It must be okay! Sure enough, she is the most special existence!"

"Ah?————" Xiao Zimo was suddenly speechless, and this emperor is too emotionally————

The night is low again. Xiang Zixi had prepared everything and gently knocked on Jin Haoxuan's door. Jin Haoxuan flashed out, and his men gently hugged Zixi, and the two of them suddenly disappeared into the night.

The county seat of Wu County is actually not big. Strictly speaking, Wu County is actually just one of the thousands of counties in Yaoguo. The area is about dozens of square kilometers, and the population is only hundreds of thousands, or even less than 300,000. It is a very, very inconspicuous small county.

Therefore, although the two were not very familiar with the county seat of Wuxian County, they quickly found the location of the county government office. After all, it is the political center of the county, and the location is the best and conspicuous in the county, so it is very easy to be found by two people.

The two dodged the guard and easily sneaked into the back hall. It is the place where the main government officials of the county government live, where the county magistrate and his family and servants live.

At present, it is the middle of the moon, approaching the time. Because of the cold weather and the approach of the Spring Festival, people usually go to bed earlier. In order to save enough energy to keep the New Year's Eve.

Therefore, the whole county government is dark, and no lamp is on.

"Why do you think Wang Xi is suspicious?" Jin Haoxuan whispered in Zixi's ear, "I have investigated this Wang Xi, and he has never left Wu County. Although he is playful and has done a lot of bad things, may he be the mastermind of the abduction case?"

"I can't say whether he is the mastermind or not, but I just think there is something wrong with this person. I can't say the feeling, Haoxuan, let's take a look. If it weren't for him, wouldn't we be relieved? Xiang Zixi said softly, "Otherwise, I always feel unsteady!" Where did he hide in such a chaotic situation that day? I can even escape Ji Yan's pursuit. I feel as if something is wrong!"

"Well, since you insist, let's go and have a look together!" Jin Haoxuan pointed to the first door next to him and whispered, "I inquired about the news that Wang Xi lives in this room. We slowly approached. I'll go in first, and you come in later!"

nodded gently to Zixi.

Jin Haoxuan flashed and appeared outside the door in an instant. He slowly took a knife from his body, slowly pried open the door, flashed, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

After a while, Jin Haoxuan made a gesture to Xiang Zixi outside, followed Zixi quickly and appeared in the room at the same time.

There was a uniform breathing sound in the room, and it was obvious that the other party was asleep!

Xiang Zixi grabbed Jin Haoxuan's hand and wrote in his hand, "I'll go to his study and look at it to see if there is any evidence!"

Jin Haoxuan grabbed Xiang Zixi's hand with his backhand and slowly wrote, "Pay attention to safety!——And what did you write?"

Xiang Zixi stagnated and suddenly remembered that what he had just written was actually simplified Chinese characters! Ah, ah, the evil traditional Chinese characters! With so many comparisons, who would like to write traditional Chinese characters!

Xiang Zixi's shoulder collapsed and pointed to the study next door. Jin Haoxuan understood the meaning of Xiang Zixi, nodded gently and agreed.

Xiang Zixi walked to the position of the study so tiptoe and slowly searched through the moonlight. Fortunately, although the moon is not bright enough tonight, it is still hazy enough to see the road under my feet.

Slowly unscrewed the miniature flashlight he brought from modern times to Zixi and slowly looked at Wang Xi's study.

To her surprise, what kind of study is the so-called study? It's simply a **-book hodgepodge! There are all kinds of books, but there is no serious sub-book of classics and history!

After searching, nothing was found, and Xiang Zixi couldn't help but be discouraged. Is this Wang Xi's luck really so good? Can you escape safely in such a dangerous environment? Isn't that a little lucky?

Since there is no study, I can only go to the bedroom to look for it!

He quickly returned to Zixi holding his breath and shook his head at Jin Haoxuan. Just as he was about to look at Wang Xi's bedroom, Wang Xi suddenly turned over and woke up!

Jin Haoxuan and Xiang Zixi were shocked and had no time to escape. They flashed into a small screen by the bed.

Wang Xi got off the ground in a daze, opened the door, peed outside, and then returned to the room. But instead of going straight to bed, he went straight to the screen and giggled at the portrait of the beautiful woman on the screen!

Xiang Zixi's heart jumped into his throat. If he was found, he couldn't speak clearly with ten mouths!

A force suddenly came from her waist and pulled her body over. The next second, a strong embrace hugged her body hard.

The familiar taste, the familiar temperature. Xiang Zixi only felt that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot. He actually took the initiative to hug himself?!

The three people stood across the screen at only one height. In the screen, Jin Haoxuan hugged Xiang Zixi tightly. Outside the screen, Wang Xi muttered to himself, "Xiang Xiang, Xiangxiang, why don't you marry me! Is it because I don't have enough money? I have a lot of money, and I will give it to you! I don't want other women, I just want you!"

Xiang Zixi gritted her teeth in Jin Haoxuan's arms and couldn't wait to rush out to kill Wang Xi now. However, Jin Haoxuan's strong and warm embrace is the temperature she wants most!

Forget it, let's teach this slut a lesson later!

After muttering a few words to the beautiful woman on the screen, Wang Xi staggered back to ** again and fell asleep!

The two people behind the screen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fee that the hand at his waist left, and Xiang Zixi only felt a burst of emptiness in his heart. Jin Haoxuan's arms are really as warm, strong and reassuring as him! As if as long as he is in his arms, there will be no worries and troubles.

However, he is dead, and he has come to this different world.

Xiang Zixi sighed softly in his heart. It turned out that he still missed it after all!

Jin Haoxuan slowly bent down, grabbed her hand, and wrote in the palm of her hand, "Look again. If not, we should leave!"

nodded vigorously to Zixi.

Xiang Zixi dodged out again, weakened the flashlight in his hand, and slowly touched Wang Xi's pillow.