Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 103 Arrival in Songqiao Town

After three consecutive nights, I finally came to a place called Songqiao Town on the fourth day and ended my life of eating and sleeping outdoors.

And the dark shadow that appeared in the middle of the night never appeared again.

Ji Yan did not relax his vigilance about this, but became more cautious.

When the carriage arrived in Songqiao Town, it was noon. Xiang Zixi, who had been bumpy for three days, refused to leave. He insisted on staying here for one night. On the one was to supplement supplies and the other was to find a good place to take a good shower.

You should know how to take a shower outside every day! Besides, it's inconvenient for a man and a woman!

It's April. Although the sun is warm at noon, the night breeze is still very cool at night.

Therefore, what you say to Zixi will be spent the night in this town.

Ji Yan has no problem with this proposal. In fact, it doesn't matter where it is. As a killer, he has experienced all kinds of environments and can adapt well. Therefore, Ji Yan has always had the idea of where to sleep.

Xiang Zixi is different. As soon as he arrived in Songqiao Town, he found Yuelai Inn, which has branches in all film and television works. After getting two rooms, he refused to get up.

Ji Yan fed the horses with grass at the back of the inn and looked at the surrounding environment clearly. After judging that there were no suspicious people, he returned to the inn room to rest.

After Xiang Zixi took a shower in the room, she ran to Ji Yan's room comfortably and patted the door: "Ji Yan, come out for dinner!"

Ji Yan was wiping his weapon in the room. Hearing the sound outside, he immediately smiled gently, put away the weapon, got up and opened the door. At a glance, I saw Xiang Zixi's wet hair and newly changed clothes. Girls are girls. They like to be clean and refreshing anytime and anywhere, but they can't take a shower in the cold winter like him. Therefore, women are troublesome!

complained to Zixi, "It's really strange that you didn't take a shower. Why can you always be so refreshing?"

Ji Yan couldn't help rolling his eyes: "My lady, you were sleeping when I took a shower!"

"It also makes sense!" Xiang Zixi shrugged her shoulders and patted Ji Yan on the shoulder: "Let's go down to eat!"

Songqiao Town is a small town about 1,000 miles away from the capital, with more than a dozen villages scattered around it. It can be said that Songqiao Town is a typical agricultural village, and the residents here are mainly planting crops.

In this agriculture-based transition, land means a rich life.

Therefore, although the scale of Songqiao Town is not very large, the people in the town are relatively rich. People who go in and out spend money on two small dishes, and several people sit together to drink and chat.

Yuelai Inn, a super inn with branches and chains in all film and television works, is also magical in the world, and the source of customers is still very good. Because it is close to the official road, there are still many merchants from east to south, so the central economy of Songqiao Town has slowly begun to prosper.

With people, there is news. If there is news, there will be gossip.

Therefore, all the people who go from south to north and east and west have gathered the information they know in this small Songqiao Town.

When Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan went down the stairs and found a seat in the lobby on the first floor to prepare for dinner, a man in the next seat who was obviously dressed as a businessman said to several companions sitting in his seat must be true! Our eldest princess of Yao is not young, and it's really time to get married!"

"Shh! Keep your voice quiet! If you let others hear it, you will kill your head!" The companion quickly reminded him.

"What are you afraid of!" The man who broke the news just said, "Now most of the businessmen in the four countries are still in the country. Even if they really pursue it, can they still attack the businessmen from other countries? This food festival has only passed a few days. Don't worry, this is the safest time!"

Gently raised the corners of his mouth to Zixi. This guy is right. There are businessmen walking around these days. It is estimated that they are all ready to return after participating in the Perfect Food Festival competition. Therefore, the transit of Yaoguo also seems to be much more lively than usual.

Ji Yan took a look at Xiang Zixi and casually asked for a few dishes and a few bowls of rice.

The businessman who broke the news continued, "Why do you think our eldest princess of Yao country got involved with the prince of the dark country?"

"You don't know this, do you?" A pedestrian sitting next door said slowly with an expression that I knew everything, "It is said that in those years, the former emperor had an agreement with the emperor of the dark country, saying that the first daughter and the first son under his knees must be married in Qin and Jin!" It seems that the two have signed an agreement. In short, this is the marriage contract made by the emperor at that time. Even if our eldest princess doesn't like the prince of the dark country, it can't be broken!"

"But I heard that the prince of the dark country doesn't seem to be in his own country. I don't know where he has gone!" The first person to make the news continued to ask, "So our eldest princess is also waiting?"

"Does she dare not wait for this kind of thing?" The last guy who broke the news laughed and said, "This is related to the stability of the two countries!"

At this time, someone began to come out and broke the news: "You all know that the dark country is no better than Yao country. Many forces are fighting. If the prince of the dark country marries the eldest princess of Yao country, it will be a strong foreign aid! You said, how can the Dark Kingdom give up the eldest princess? I also heard that the prince of the dark country is deeply in love with our eldest princess and has proposed to hold a wedding several times! It's just that our eldest princess has been watching to see if the other party is fully sure! Therefore, the prince of the dark country will temporarily avoid the domestic edge, secretly concentrate his power, and prepare to win the throne and marry the eldest princess in one fell swoop!"

When Xiang Zixi heard these words, the expression on her face suddenly became somewhat uncomfortable.

Ji Yan looked at it and pretended to be careless and said, "You are serious about those gossip news. You are really naive!"

"I want you to take care of it!" He said angrily to Zixi.

"I really don't want to care!" Ji Yan picked up a chopstick dish and put it in Xiang Zixi's bowl: "I have already persuaded you. If you don't listen, what can I do? Well, if you don't have confidence in him, what else do you have confidence in? Since you are sure that you are the only one in his heart, you can only believe him to the end!"

Ji Yan's words gave more or less relief to Zixi. She also knew that only the parties involved knew exactly what was going on. But listening to those words, I still feel comfortable.

"Eat and eat!" Ji Yan continued to pick up vegetables for Xiang Zixi and couldn't help shaking his head gently.

Xiang Zixi grabbed the bowl angrily, grabbed the rice crazily in his mouth, and pressed all the anger in his stomach into his stomach.

At this time, several merchants came in outside the inn. Two people sat down in front of Xiang Zixi and said mysteriously, "Oh, have you heard of it? This is the fourth!"

The people who accompanied this person also lowered their voices, looked up and down at the inn, and said mysteriously, "Yes, what do you think this is!" How can you bite people like this! Tut, it's really miserable!"

The conversation between the two people instantly pulled away the topic just now, and the merchants in other seats turned their eyes to these two people one after another.

"What good news have you heard about these two brothers?" The merchant who was still talking about the secret history of the royal family just now seemed to be a very talkative person. He immediately came up with his wine glass and said, "Is there anything interesting to tell me?"

As soon as the two later merchants saw that they were peers, they immediately talked enthusiastically: "We also heard about it. It's terrible! Rumor has it that a few days ago, I don't know why a beast suddenly appeared a few days ago, and then bit people everywhere. Today, the fourth person has died!"

Beasts attack humans?

The news seemed to be fried and spread in the inn on the first floor, and even the sultry Xiang Zixi was attracted.

You know, this is a peaceful era, and this is also a plain. Four people suddenly died, which is not a small case.

The businessman who was the first to bring this news saw that others were also interested and immediately said more mysteriously, "I heard that it was a mythical beast to punish those who did bad things. Legend has it that someone has seen this mythical beast with a big one-horn, green eyes and big eyes so big!" The man drew the wine glass in his hand and said aggressively, "That's really like a copper bell, with sharp teeth!" Tut, the scales all over the body shine at night!"

"Really!" Someone in the crowd immediately began to raise their own questions: "There is no such monster in the world!"

Xiang Zixi also smiled gently: "People's imagination is really endless!"

Ji Yan was also interested and listened to it with great interest.

"Don't believe it! We merchants who walk back and forth are also the targets of the beast!" The man continued to tell: "I heard that the first person who died was a lazy and greedy unfilial son. Because he drove his elderly mother out of the house, he was bitten to death by the mythical beast on a drunken night! That man died when he died! When the county government received the news, they didn't dare to have an autopsy and burned it directly!"

Xiang Zixi coughed violently and was choked by the guy's words just now.

"The second person who died was a businessman from the dark country. It is said that this trader has always been cunning. As a result, he took an old man on the road and got the old man's hard food for a year. The next night, he died alive in his carriage. It's up!"