Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 104 Beast Attack 1

Shaking his head helplessly to Zixi, Ji Yan looked at her with great interest: "Don't you believe it?"

Xiang Zixi really can't tell the other party that he is actually an atheist. Well, even if she believes it, she would rather believe that someone made a mystery and made it to scare people.

Of course, it is not ruled out to cover up your other purposes and achieve the purpose of striking east and west.

At this time, the exposed merchant continued: "The third person who died was a little mysterious. It was an old lady, because when the old lady was going to the grave, she accidentally crushed a woodcut engraved with a mythical beast, and then the old lady died magically that night. It is said that when her daughter-in-law changed her shroud, she also found the mythical woodcut that was crushed by her!"

The businessman said, and those who listened trembling.

How many of the so-called profiteers and profiteers, no profiteers, and merchants who walk back and forth have never been cheated? Therefore, listening to it, they all looked strange, and some even sweated coldly on their heads.

"The last one who died is terrible!" The man said with a fierce face: "I heard that this person had committed an evil before he died. He fell in a fancy to a nearby girl and was refused to ask for marriage. This man was resentful and angry that when the girl's parents were not at home, he gave the girl--then, the girl committed suicide with shame and angrily, just after the girl's death In the first seven days, this person also died. His death was extremely miserable. It seemed that something had caught his throat, and he scratched his chest! Some people say that this mythical beast has changed into the appearance of that girl, and then avenged the girl and took away the girl's soul in exchange!"

Xiang Zixi shook his head while listening: "This has become a myth!"

"It seems that you don't believe much about these things!" Ji Yan ate quickly. While others were still concentrating on listening to the story, he had already finished lunch.

Xiang Zixi replied while eating, "It's not very convincing! In the first case, the unfilial son may have died of alcoholism, the second businessman may have died of revenge or robbery, and the third person is more normal. He will die. There is nothing unusual. As for the so-called mythical animal woodcut in his hand, maybe it is just a toy engraved for his grandson? Fourth, this kind of thing only happens in mythical ghost stories, and these mythical and strange stories are often not certified at all.

Xiang Zixi's words suddenly attracted the attention of other people who listened to the story. Seeing a little girl who was only 17 or 18 years old, she immediately bluffed and said, "This girl, you can eat food indiscriminately, and you can't talk nonsense. Otherwise, in case you offend the mythical beast, how did you die?"

"There are so many ghosts and gods in the world. In fact, they are all made up by themselves to deceive themselves, especially--" Xiang Zixi suddenly stopped here, and the immortal face of Yue Lao flashed in his mind in an instant, and his heart was stunned. This month old man also appeared in people's myths and legends. Characters? He didn't appear alive in his own world and pulled himself from his own world to this space.

Is there really a ghost in the world? So isn't your own atheism untenable at all?

Thinking of this, Xiang Zixi's face turned white!

Those people's faces changed when they saw Xiang Zixi, so they believed more that there were ghosts in the world.

Ji Yan also saw Xiang Zixi's face and immediately laughed, "Huh? Didn't you just swear that there are no ghosts in the world?

Xiang Zixi's face turned paler: "Ji Yan, if there are really no ghosts and gods in the world, how can I explain what happened to me overnight?"

Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi looked at each other, and both of them found that each other's faces had become a little strange.

Yes, Xiang Zixi is obviously a hopeless fat man with a pouty face. He is as ugly as he is. But overnight, the ugly duckling suddenly turned into a white swan and turned into a beautiful woman with a slender and flexibility. How to explain this?

If this matter is told by others, probably no one will believe it, and it is mostly regarded as a joke. But this matter really happened to me, even myself, which can't explain, right?

Especially Xiang Zixi, she was obviously kicked over by Yue Lao and crossed into this world. If there are really no immortals and ghosts in the world, then what is she?

He lowered his head to Zixi, took two mouthfuls of rice in a panic, and no longer had an appetite.

Ji Yanqiang smiled and comforted her: "It doesn't matter, even if there are ghosts, don't be afraid! We didn't do anything wrong! That kind of beast, ah, no, is a mythical beast, and won't find it on us!"

She swallowed Zixi's saliva hard. I'm sorry, she really did something wrong! She is really afraid of ghost knocking on the door in the middle of the night!

"Big brother, where did the beast you mentioned finally appear?" Xiang Zixi suppressed his uneasiness and fear and asked the businessman who broke the news.

The businessman thought for a moment and said, "It seems that there is a nearby village called Baisong Village, which is not far from here, only about 30 miles away."

Xiang Zixi felt a little frightened and looked at Ji Yan tremblingly: "Let's go tomorrow!"

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi's pale face and quickly nodded and agreed.

He shuddered with Zixi, stood up from his seat and went upstairs with a chill all the way.

Looking at her appearance, Ji Yan endured an internal injury with a smile. Well, even if there is a beast, is it so scary? As I said to Zixi, if it is man-made, it is even less worthy of fear!

Xiang Zixi, who returned to the room, lay in ** and thought about this matter repeatedly. Maybe there are really mythical beasts in the world! You see, this world is a world that is separated from its original world and re-independent.

There is no more Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties here, and it is estimated that there will be no Republic of China and the People's Republic of China.

Since this world is not the world you know, what else is impossible? You see, although the world is extremely similar to your own world, it is still different. For example, words, such as language, are also slowly evolving.

Thinking of this possibility, Xiang Zixi became more restless.

The more scared Xiang Zixi is, the more he wants to know what's going on with this mythical beast. In my previous life, I was a female thief. I was basically exposed to high-tech technology, but I rarely touched these monsters. In this world, even if you are high-tech, you will die and encounter such a supernatural event. With her usual curiosity, it's not herself if she doesn't look at it!

So, after ** tortured himself for a long time, and finally after dinner, Xiang Zixi bravely said to Ji Yan, "Ji Yan, do you have the courage to go to Baisong Village with me to see what's going on with this mythical beast?"

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise: "Are you sure?"

Although Xiang Zixi's face was pale, he still nodded firmly: "If I can't figure it out, I will definitely lose sleep tonight!"

After most of the guests turned off the lights and went to bed, Xiang Zixi quietly appeared outside Ji Yan's room and gently knocked on Ji Yan's door.

Ji Yan gently opened the door and was almost shocked by Xiang Zixi standing in front of him!

I saw Xiang Zixi combing a sky braid, with a circle of garlic hanging around his neck, and a silver cross in his hand constantly talking about it. Xiang Zixi saw Ji Yan open the door and looked up with a smile, which almost scared Ji Yan in advance!

Some ghost symbols were drawn on Zixi's face, which completely painted her originally beautiful face!

" Xiang Xiang?——" Ji Yan said tentatively, pointed to the ghost charm on her face and the garlic on her neck, and asked with some phingenness, "You, what did you do?"

He mysteriously moved forward, looked east and west, and whispered, "I've been thinking about it all afternoon!" I think this world is completely different from my world, so I judge that this so-called mythical beast is most likely to be an unknown vampire!"

"Ah?————" Ji Yan stared, what is this talking about!

"This vampire is afraid of holy water and garlic, but there seems to be no church in Yaoguo, so forget the holy water! But garlic can still be found!" Xiang Zixi pointed to the garlic hanging around her neck and said confidently, "I also thought that this might be an improved vampire, so I specially painted my face according to the ghost exorcism charm in the book, so that I wouldn't be afraid of his mutation!"

"Wait, wait, although I don't understand what you're talking about at all, can you tell me first, what a vampire is?" Ji Yan is almost crazy: "What is holy water? And what is this in your hand?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, this is called the cross! It's the thing that Jesus was crucified! Ah, anyway, you don't understand my explanation! Do you know vampires? It's a monster that specializes in drinking human blood! If you are a bat during the day, you will become a human at night! Then come out to bite people!" The more Xiang Zixi said, the more he felt that he was a genius. Sure enough, only after careful thinking, the truth was immediately discovered by himself!

"You see, the first one died of an unfilial son, the second one died of a merchant in a carriage, the third of an old lady, and the fourth of them was a rapist. Have you found that these four people have something in common?" Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan with bright eyes. After seeing the other party's blank face, he became more and more sure of his guess: "Idiot, that was bitten by a vampire when he appeared alone!"

Ji Yan still didn't understand that the common ground of these four people had anything to do with the strange words they said to Zixi.