Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 106 Beast Attack 3

Outside the village of Baisong Village, a man and a woman sat next to the haystlum. The man is tall, handsome, and female... Sorry, I really can't see what she looks like. The ink on her face completely blackened her face.

Two people just sat by the haystlum, leaning against each other... fell asleep...

The woman likes to talk in her sleep. While talking, she tickled and scratched her face. Her face was already covered with ink.

The man seemed to sleep more soundly. One arm firmly hugged the woman's waist and transferred all the weight of the woman to his arm. He leaned on the haystlum and slept more fragrantly than in the dragon**.

The chicken has been crowed three times, and the man and woman don't seem to wake up yet.

A toothless mother-in-law bowed and stood in front of the two people, curiously looking at the two people squatting by their haystlums. Could it be that these two are a young couple who secretly ran out to have an affair because their family objected?

Ah, it's really the world, and the hearts of the people are old!

That girl is wearing strange clothes! And there is also such a big bunch of white garlic hanging. Is it the white garlic grown by his family to give it to his lover?

Although Ji Yan was keenly aware that someone was coming, he instinctively realized that the other party did not have any murderous atmosphere, so he continued to sleep and did not intend to open his eyes at all.

Xiang Zixi muttered and continued to lean into Ji Yan's arms and slept soundly. From time to time, he wiped his nose with the back of his already black hand, and smeared his already flowery face more evenly.

Huh? There seems to be a sight next to it. This sight seems to be looking at yourself?

Xiang Zixi finally realized that she felt that the sight had actually been looking at her, and finally opened her eyes.

After opening his eyes and staring at Zixi for three minutes, he suddenly shouted loudly: "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Ji Yan opened his eyes and hugged Xiang Zixi. Because of too much force, he pressed Xiang Zixi into his arms.

The toothless mother-in-law smashed her mouth and said, "It's really an affair child!"

Ji Yan clearly heard this sentence. He also stared at his mother-in-law on crutches and moved away from his sight step by step.

And Xiang Zixi in his arms is completely depressed and going crazy!

How can I fall asleep? I clearly came to catch that beast, ah, not a monster, ah, not a mythical beast! Why did you fall asleep? And did he sleep in Ji Yan's arms? Oh, my God, how can I face him in the future?!

Seeing Xiang Zixi grabbing his clothes to death, Ji Yan couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Xiang Xiang? Toward! What's wrong with you?

Xiang Zixi slowly raised his head and looked at Ji Yan with a sad face. Ji Yan fixed his eyes at Xiang Zixi's face and couldn't help laughing.

Xiang Zixi looked at him sadly: "Why did you fall asleep? Aren't we here to catch mythical beasts?"

"Yes, yes, I think you are really a rare beast now!" Ji Yan said to himself, "What a rare beast!"

Seeing that Xiang Zixi was still sad, Ji Yan had to comfort her: "Yesterday we rushed all day, so we were too tired, so we didn't see the beast! But it doesn't matter. As long as you want to see it, we are still squatting here tonight! I don't believe I can't see it!"

nodded aggrievedly to Zixi.

Ji Yanqiang resisted his smile, pulled Zixi to stand up, moved his limbs, and looked at Zixi's dress. Ji Yan couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! What are you laughing at? You have been laughing since the beginning. What the hell are you laughing at?" Xiang Zixi didn't know it and asked, "Do you also want to draw the same exorcism charm as me?"

Ji Yan shook his head desperately, what are you kidding! If you also draw such a ridiculous rune, your life's reputation will be completely ruined!

Ji Yan dragged Xiang Zixi to the river, pouted at the river, squatted on the water doubtfully and stared at Zixi, screamed: "My ghost exorcism! What an exorcism charm I finally drew! God, do you still need me to draw it again?!"

Ji Yan's smile is really about to endure the internal injury!

"Wash your face quickly! It's morning now, and I'm not afraid to scare others!" Ji Yan suppressed his smile and said lightly, "And your dress, you'd better change it for the time being!"

When Xiang Zixi heard that it made sense, he immediately cleaned it, cleaned off all the ink on his face, untied his braids, combed his fingers, and slowly combed his long hair.

Ji Yan sat on the stone by the river and looked at Xiang Zixi cleaning his hair and combing his braids.

It is said that the movement of a woman combing her hair is very charming in the eyes of men. The soft long hair, like a black ribbon, is smooth and elegant.

Xiang Zixi's long hair was still stained with water, and the green silk on his head slipped behind his shoulders, revealing his slender neck, which was infinitely soft.

Ji Yan stared at Xiang Zixi in the golden sunshine in the early morning, with long hair flying, a pretty face with a smile, and his eyes entering the water. He only felt that his heartbeat was accelerating again and again.

It's so beautiful!

The only word he can think of now is these two words.

took off the garlic on his body, put down the cross, took off the red cloak on his body, and stretched his body hard towards the morning sun. She made a set of flexible movements in place, and her silky long hair kept flying with her movements, which was more charming and charming.

Ji Yan felt that his eyes could no longer move away from her body, which was a feeling that he had never felt and had never had a throbbing.

After finishing a set of flexible exercises, Xiang Zixi accidentally turned around and happened to see Ji Yan looking at himself in a daze. He immediately looked down at himself and couldn't help saying, "Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look strange now? Ah, yes, I haven't had a good rest all night. You must look bad, right?

Ji Yan gently moved his eyes and answered softly but with a firm answer: "No, you are so dazzling!"

"Ha! You are really good at talking nonsense!" Xiang Zixi made a grimace at Ji Yan, casually turned a blue silk braid into a braid, threw it behind him, pointed to Bai Songcun and said, "I don't believe I can't catch him yet!" I'll come tonight!"

Ji Yan stood up from the stone, picked up the cloak that Xiang Zixi took off, and dragged Xiang Zixi with one hand: "Yes, yes, can we go back now? I've been tossing all night!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, so he let Ji Yan drag himself on the river bank and walk in the direction of the town.

I got on the ox cart to the town on the road, which saved two people from running wildly.

And Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan returned to the town, but they stared at the big eyes and completely stared!

I saw that both sides of the street were full of sacrificial pig heads and three animals, all kinds of snacks, all kinds of snacks, and all kinds of incense. That's called a vigor

The owner of Yuelai Inn knelt at the door and kept praying: "Lord Mythical Beast, please forgive me! The little one didn't know that the mythical beast came and offended the mythical beast, but the little one absolutely didn't want to offend it. Please be kind to the mythical beast and let me go! I will definitely fast and burn incense every day to worship the mythical beast!"

Xiang Zixi looked up at Ji Yan: "Which one is this singing now? Why haven't you seen each other all night? Why has it changed so much!"

Ji Yan also looked surprised and shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't understand.

Xiang Zixi quickly walked to the owner of the inn and asked, "Boss, what the hell is going on?"

The owner of the Yuelai Inn turned around gently, and his soul was scattered in an instant!

"Ah! Ghost! There is a ghost!" The owner of Yuelai Inn crawled into the door of the inn with both hands and feet, crying and howling as he crawled: "The mythical beast is coming! The Mythical Beast is coming, 1"

Xiang Zixi pointed to her face and turned to ask Ji Yan, "Do I look like a mythical beast?"

Ji Yan clenched his fist with his right hand and covered his mouth to prevent his laughter from leaking.

She gave Zixi a fierce look at him and rushed into the inn. It was okay if she didn't go in. As soon as she entered the door, she immediately scared a group of people away! Everyone was running wildly, running wildly and shouting: "Lord Mythical Beast's punishment is coming!"

"What's the matter!" Xiang Zixi's face was inexplicable: "Hey! Hey, don't go, let's go after you make it clear!"

However, Xiang Zixi ran out of the inn. After a while, Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan were left in the lively inn.

At this time, a group of people suddenly rushed into the door. Everyone was holding a basin of hot blood in their hands. After seeing Ji Yan following Zixi, they suddenly shouted wildly: "Take the black dog blood and spray it! The mythical beast is afraid of black dog blood! As long as you meet black dog blood, it will definitely show its original form!"

What? Think of yourself as a mythical beast?

Before Xiang Zixi returned to China, a few pots of black dog blood had been poured on his body!

At that time, Ji Yan rushed to Xiang Zixi's body with an arrow step, hugged Xiang Zixi's waist, gently under his feet, grabbed a red silk hanging on the hall and landed on the second floor of the inn.

Those pots of black dog blood suddenly splashed on the ground because they lost their accuracy!

Xiang Zixi gently hugged Ji Yan's neck and said incredulously: "Did they regard me as a mythical beast?"

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi with a surprised face and quickly replayed what happened last night in his mind. When he thought of the beating person sitting on the ground scared by Xiang Zixi, he instantly figured out the joints in it.

Ji Yan couldn't help laughing and said loudly, "You misunderstood! We are not mythical beasts! We also went out in the footsteps of the mythical beast last night!"

Now I explain that the strange costume last night was Xiang Zixi, who is expected to be splashed with dog blood more fiercely by these people. It's better to use the topic to divert attention.

"Last night, we also saw the figure of the mythical beast and chased it out!" Ji Yan said loudly, "It's a pity that I didn't catch up!"