Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 107 Beast Attack 4

Hearing Ji Yan say that, Xiang Zixi's eyes suddenly stopped on Ji Yan's body and looked at him so fixedly.

Ji Yan gently pulled her wrist back without a trace, pulled her behind him, and covered her sight with his body, as well as the sight of others.

"Last night, the two of us chased after each other in batches, but the speed of the mythical beast was so fast that it disappeared when it chased out of the inn!" Ji Yan lied a little draft and said with no disdain.

Xiang Zixi also figured out the joints at this time. Thinking that these people were scared like this by their appearance, they couldn't help laughing softly.

Sure enough, people are scary, scary to death!

At this time, a person hurriedly walked in outside the door of the inn, not anyone else, but the one who was scared and beat the updater. The updateman pointed to Ji Yan and said in horror, "But last night I clearly saw the mythical beast grabbing you and flying in the sky! I'm definitely not dazzled!"

Ji Yan looked back helplessly at Zixi with a sneer and explained faintly, "Then you must be dazzled! I will never fly! If I am caught by the mythical beast, how can I come back safe and sound? You can have a look. I have a shadow, and ghosts have no shadow!"

After Ji Yan said this, everyone began to question the updater doubtly: "Did you really see that it was the mythical beast that ate this lady last night?"

He was stunned. Where did he see it? He saw a man who was neither a ghost, pulling the handsome young descendant in front of him to disappear from his eyes. He really hadn't seen it at the scene!

When everyone saw the expression of beating the updater, they suddenly understood a little and took a long breath!

You know, it's really uncomfortable to be scared to death!

It was not easy to explain the misunderstanding. Xiang Zixi could finally go back to her room for a good rest. In the past few days, she was on the road and caught ghosts, which almost made her exhausted. Especially last night, it was a panic, but fortunately, it proved that the mythical beast did not exist, and I was finally relieved and could sleep peacefully.

Xiang Zixi didn't even eat breakfast. He plunged into the room, jumped on ** next to the pillow and fell asleep.

I haven't slept well for most of the night. No one can stand it! Not to mention Xiang Zixi, a woman who doesn't know martial arts.

Ji Yan sat in his room, remembering what happened last night and the dressing girl by the river in the morning, which was engraved in his heart bit by bit. Ji Yan immediately understood that the girl's traces had been imprinted on the bottom of his heart, which could no longer be erased.

He looked up and poured down a glass of Chinese wine, and Ji Yan gently closed his eyes. With such a heavy responsibility, do you really have the right to like someone?

Slowly walked to the window and looked at the next room. Xiang Zixi must have forgotten to close the window and fell asleep. The spring breeze was blowing, and the bedside was faintly visible.

Xiang Zixi slept comfortably. When she woke up, it was noon again. It seemed that she couldn't leave today.

came out of the room with sleepy eyes rubbing the corners of his eyes. He just met the railing standing at the door and looked down at the lively Ji Yan below. He stretched out to Zixi, walked to Ji Yan's side and said listlessly, "Don't you sleep for a while? Aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm used to it! It's okay if I don't sleep for three days and nights. Ji Yan lowered his head and looked at Xiang Zixi, who was almost one head shorter than himself, and handed over the wine pot in his hand: "Are you going tonight?"

Xiang Zixi's eyes stared: "Of course I'm going! That damn beast made me so scared that I didn't sleep well all night. How can it be so cheap! Really, I was scared to death by myself!"

Xiang Zixi didn't look at it, looked up and took a sip of wine, with an indignant face, and didn't notice that he actually drank the wine from the wine pot that Ji Yan had drunk.

Ji Yan thumped, tried his best to hold back his smile, and said to himself, please, my eldest daughter, I was scared to death by you last night, okay? With your dress, no one will be scared to death, right?

"Go and eat!" Ji Yan patted Zixi on the back and took the lead in walking.

Looking at Ji Yan's back, Xiang Zixi suddenly remembered that he jumped to Baisong Village 30 miles away with himself last night and couldn't help saying to himself, "Is his martial arts so good? So don't I have to worry about it? As long as he is there, he will protect me, right?

Ji Yan, who walked in front of him, has amazing ears. Naturally, he heard Zixi's words behind him word for word. This is sometimes smart and sometimes confused. How can he make people not like it?

After ordering two dishes, Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi sat in the middle seat. On the one side, it was convenient and the other was convenient to listen to gossip.

Sure enough, someone began to gossip again soon.

"Oh, have you heard about it? The hurtful beast appeared again last night!" The first man began his gossip.

"What else do I think you want to say! Isn't it just appearing in this inn!" The second person followed and said, "But no one saw the shadow of the monster, that is, a person who claimed to have seen it with his own eyes, but when was there been the truth in the mouth of the update! Last year, he also claimed to have seen a meteor from the sky, and the meteor turned into a beautiful woman and landed in the direction of Wu County! Can he take his words seriously?

Xiang Zixi, who was eating, was suddenly choked and coughed violently!

A meteor from the sky? Become a beautiful woman? Landing in the direction of Wu County? Why does it sound so familiar?

Ji Yan patted Zixi's back with concern: "What's wrong? Why are you careless when eating?"

waved his hand to Zixi, indicating that he was fine, but his ears stood up and listened confidently to the gossip of the two people.

The first gossip also laughed: "Yes, that guy really doesn't have many words of truth in his mouth. I don't know when this story about beasts began. Maybe it's really just a prank!"

The second person nodded in echo: "Yes, as long as you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can never believe it!" Where are the mythical beasts in the world? I guess it's just a wild wolf or something, and then attacked a few people, and the matter was exaggerated! It's just a rumor!"

Xiang Zixi kept nodding while listening. Yes, this rumor is indeed becoming more and more mysterious. Maybe he really scared himself. The existence of Yue Lao may be just an accident!

At this time, the owner of the well-informed Yuelai Inn suddenly mysteriously ran in from the outside. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to shout: "Last night, the mythical beast really appeared, just ten miles northeast of wild tombs! Someone really saw it with their own eyes!"

Wow - this news is like jumping into a live cat in boiling water and frying at once!

Everyone gathered around one after another and asked what was going on. Xiang Zixi, who had a good thing, also pricked up her ears and tried not to leave a word behind the innkeeper's words!

"People in the past were wrong. That mythical beast was not a blue-faced fang at all, nor a big mouth of blood, but turned into a man like a Shura!" The inn owner spat and said, "Last night, a merchant who stayed in the hotel said that he slept on the official road because he missed the head of the house. When he got up in the middle of the night, he happened to see the scene. The mythical beast slowly stood up from the ground, turned into a man, and then rushed to a group of people. In an instant All were killed!"

Ji Yan's eyes suddenly widened!

After returning to Zixi, he shook his head and sighed, making him more sure that there must be a mythical beast in the world.

Ji Yan suddenly put down his chopsticks and said, "I've finished eating. I'll go out for a walk first!"

Xiang Zixi was very happy to listen and waved his hand, indicating that Ji Yan could move freely and continue to concentrate on listening to the innkeeper's story.

Ji Yan quickly left the inn and quickly rushed to the northeast.

After a while, Ji Yan appeared in the wild tomb told by the innkeeper. There are some foreigners buried here, and no one knows the names of the wanderers, so there are weeds everywhere, and the graves have become much lower because of disrepair.

Ji Yan seriously patrolled the ground for a long time. Suddenly, his sight was suddenly attracted by a flash on the ground. He lowered his body and pinched something with a handkerchief to slowly come to his eyes and looked carefully. A sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth: "Sure enough! Are you going to force her away in this way? I have to say that she really eats this! But where does the other party want to force her?

Ji Yan straightened up with a sneer and looked around. There was no trace on the ground. It seemed that the other party had cleaned up quite cleanly. If it weren't for the chaos of this mess, I might not have found this thing!

But who are the two groups fighting last night? If their goal is really oriented, then what do they want?

Xiang Zixi, a self-proclaimed atheist, is now listening to the ghost stories told by the innkeeper with relish, especially the part of the mythical beast. He is even more attentive and even forgets to eat.

When Ji Yan came back, the rice in Xiang Zixi's bowl did not move at all.

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi and shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly in his heart. Being so dull is not necessarily a blessing!

"Ji Yan, you're back!" Seeing Ji Yan's figure, Xiang Zixi immediately waved to him: "Come and listen quickly, wow, what a strange story! By the way, we are going to find the beast together tonight, and you should come together!"

Ji Yan's heart sank: Did she really be fooled?