Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 108 Beast Attack 5

The evening is coming soon, and this time many people plan to act together to find the traces of beasts.

Xiang Zixi finally did not draw a pile of ghost symbols on his face tonight, but wore a relatively normal night clothes.

Long hair is combed into a ponytail, which is both capable and handsome.

In contrast, Ji Yan still looks like a sloppy, dressed in a robe, and wrapped in an unrestrained belt. Peach blossom eyes are always half-squinted and half-open, as if they don't care or nervous.

Ji Yan slowly came down from downstairs to downstairs, just in time to gather the number of people going to explore tonight.

As soon as Xiang Zixi saw Ji Yan, she immediately complained and said, "You are really ink. You are the only one left! Oh, you don't change your clothes. What if you encounter a beast and can't run away?

After saying that, Xiang Zixi very generously grabbed a big knife from behind him and couldn't help stuffing it into Ji Yan's hand: "Take self-defense!"

"What about you?" Ji Yan helplessly held the long knife in his hand and shook his head helplessly. As the king of killers, did he still use such a clumsy weapon?

He took out a machete from his arms and said proudly, "I have this!" This was made for me by Haoxuan!"

Looking at her sweet and happy face, Ji Yan's heart was complicated.

The owner of Yuelai Inn shouted, "Are you ready? Ready, we're leaving!"

"Ready!" Everyone answered with one voice. Ji Yan took a closer look. There were really many people who planned to explore. At a glance, there were almost more than 20 people. These people either sneak into the merchants with good intentions and lead them to be fooled by Zixi, or a group of ignorant idiots!

Ji Yan looked at everyone carefully and was sure that these people were people who could not do martial arts, so his uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

What is the purpose of the other party's painstaking efforts to set up such a scam that attracted curiosity to Zixi?

So, these more than 20 people took advantage of the night and killed the legendary place where the beast would definitely appear tonight.

Ji Yan has been following Xiang Zixi, looking at the more than 20 people accompanying him from time to time, guessing who is the bait hidden in it.

Conversely, he looked at Zixi, with excitement and even cheering. As a former female thief, curiosity is a must! How can you be a qualified Jiangyang thief without curiosity! As a result, Xiang Zixi's thiefiness was completely stimulated, his eyes flowed around, swept the surrounding environment from time to time, engraved the terrain deeply in his mind, and thought of countermeasures for the next retreat.

These are all instincts, not intentionally done to Zixi.

After walking for more than half an hour, I finally arrived at a mountain bag about six miles away from the center of Songqiao Town. According to reliable sources, the beast will definitely appear in this place tonight.

These more than 20 people rubbed their hands, ropes and machetes in their hands, all in the palms of their hands, in a state of war.

Only Ji Yan stood there leisurely, always with a grassroots in his mouth and looking around aimlessly.

Tonight's moonlight is very bright, and there are almost no stars in the sky, so even at night, each other's expressions can still be faintly seen.

"Boss, are you sure it's here?" The voice of a restless merchant trembled a little.

"It must be here! I've inquired about a lot of people!" The innkeeper replied solemnly, "What you say tonight, you have to catch this mythical beast so that it won't come out and hurt people again!" People who come and go are scared!"

I guess it was because of this beast attack on humans that the innkeeper's business plummeted, so he spared no effort to catch the beast, right?

It is said that businessmen are not profitable! Will he do something that is not good?

A disdainful smile appeared at the corners of Xiang Zixi's mouth. Among these people, they probably only participated in it purely for fun and their own thief nature, right? However, since I came to this world, I haven't been a thief for a long time!

At this moment, a mountain bag not far away suddenly made a dull roar!

A mass of light flashed in Ji Yan's eyes: finally came!

It was too late. Before most people could react, the mountain bag jumped up and rushed to the crowd under the mountain bag!

"The mythical beast is coming!" I don't know who shouted in the crowd, threw down the machete in his hand, turned around and ran away: "Run! The mythical beast is going to kill!"

Originally, he was ready to catch the so-called mythical beast, but he was suddenly shouted by the man, and then turned around and was shocked. Before she came to her senses, 20 of the more than 20 people who came turned around and ran back!

Xiang Zixi couldn't care about scolding the other party's coward, and was suddenly squeezed away by the crowd and watched Ji Yan being pushed aside by others.

At this time, several figures suddenly popped up on the mountain bag and rushed to Xiang Zixi in the crowd like arrows!

Ji Yan shouted badly and wanted to rush in the direction of Zixi, but he was blocked by the fleeing crowd and could only watch the men in black rush in the direction of Zixi!

"Toward, be careful!" Ji Yan could only shout out, and those dark shadows had surrounded Xiang Zixi!

At this time, Xiang Zixi was surprisingly calm and knew that he had been fooled as a monkey without guessing!

"Do you want to kill me? It's not that easy!" Xiang Zixi took two steps back, bluffed, and then turned back and ran in the opposite direction.

Those shadows also reacted very quickly. After being so shaken by Xiang Zixi, it didn't take much time to rush to Xiang Zixi again. The thin knife in his hand reflected the moonlight and cut fiercely behind Zixi!

With a near-instinctive premonition of danger, Xiang Zixi's body with extremely unimaginable flexibility, suddenly did a gymnastics saddle horse movement and dodged. The machete in his hand was pulled out in time and blocked the other party's second knife fiercely!

Unfortunately, Xiang Zixi's body is just flexible enough, but she doesn't know any martial arts. Under the other party's full blow, her knees suddenly softened and she knelt on the ground, blocking the remaining energy of the knife!

Ji Yan rushed in the direction of Zixi, but before he rushed to her side, he was immediately stopped by others. In the shadow of the sword, these people's swordsmanship was very shrewd. They did not fight directly with Ji Yan, but just pestered him.

In order to seize the time, Ji Yan rushed to Xiang Zixi's side, so he couldn't turn back and fight with the other party.

"Who are you? Why did you try your best to set this trap to attract me? Xiang Zixi said indifferently, "Is it Princess Ziqing or someone else?"

"You don't need to know this, you just need to die!" The man in black who fought with Zixi said coldly, "As long as you die, your secrets can be sealed forever!"

Secret? Is that the strange letter? Isn't this Jin Haoxuan's stuff? Why, why is it like this?

Xiang Zixi opened the knife hard, quickly clasped his hands on the belt, pulled out a rope, shook his wrist, and suddenly wrapped it around the branch of a nearby tree. With a gentle touch under his feet, his body suddenly rose into the air. When he turned over and rushed to the man in black who attacked him, his hands suddenly Loosening the rope in his hand, his body suddenly bent, made a ten-meter platform to bend around his knees, and suddenly appeared behind the man in black, grabbing the face towel on the man in black's face.

Wang - the face towel was ripped off by Xiang Zixi!

Even if Xiang Zixi can't do martial arts, the unique flexibility and flexibility of a female thief are very good. Stealing the face towel on the other party's face is not a problem for female thieves at all!

But even so, Xiang Zixi still paid a little price. When he grabbed the towel, the other party's blade narrowly crossed along Xiang Zixi's body, and a wisp of dark hair slowly fell to the ground.

Xiang Zixi looked at the broken hair on the ground, and his back was cold. If it was half cheaper just now, the knife would probably be his neck!

And at this time, Ji Yan had taken down the rest of the people in black and shouted coldly: "Who are you? Why follow us? Why did you kill us?"

The man in black who had taken off his face towel saw this and covered his face. Looking back, he saw that his man had been taken down. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes and said harshly, "Even if we die, we will never say a word! Brothers, it's time to be loyal to your master!"

Before Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi could react, those people actually bit their teeth at the same time. With a crooked head, a wisp of black blood slowly oozing from the corners of their mouths, and they saw that they were not alive.

Xiang Zixi looked grim and took off other people's facial towels, but found that these were all strange faces. But why did the other party have to kill himself? He also said that as long as he died, the secret would be an eternal secret. Is that secret really that important?

Ji Yan quickly walked to Xiang Zixi and looked carefully for a long time. After seeing that Xiang Zixi was indeed not injured, he took a breath.

"Ji Yan, have you found something a long time ago?" Xiang Zixi was not a fool and quickly figured out some joints: "When did you start to doubt?"

"Noon today!" Ji Yan did not avoid this question: "Obviously, this is the news of a deliberate walk, and the goal is to lead you here!"

When Xiang Zixi heard this, she suddenly shouted, "It's not good! This is a way to get the tiger away from the mountain! Let's go back!"