Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 150 Battle of Forgetting Love 1

It's dawn the next day.

As soon as Yi Xinlian opened the door, the first sight she saw was not her maid serving outside the door, but two men and a woman who had just defected to her home and stood outside the door with a bad smile and looked at herself.

Yi Xinlian wiped her eyes. Yes, it was a bad smile, not a smile!

Xiang Zixi put away the bad smile on her face and said seriously, "It's a nice day today. Go shopping with me?"

Yi Xinlian twisted her body and said, "I don't want to go out! The people outside are not cute at all except for being vulgar or vulgar! I'd better stay at home to enjoy the flowers! Or are those flowers and plants more adorable!"

It turned out to be an otaku! No wonder!

Xiang Zixi pouted at Ji Yan. Ji Yan didn't say anything. He followed Xiang Zixi one by one, set up Yixinlian and walked out. She was scared and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

"What do you do?" Xiang Zixi gave a bad smile: "Of course, it is to let you return to this society and the world. End your otaku's life completely! By the way, you can really stay at home! In the days without TV, computer and comics, I can only survive by enjoying flowers for 20 years. I really admire it!"

"Hey!" Before Yi Xinlian could ask what TV, computer and comics were, she had been set out of the room by the two people.

At this time, Yi Xinlian's maids followed quickly and quickly put on her coat as they walked.

"Where are you taking me!" Yi Xinlian suddenly looked anxious: "I haven't been out of the house since I grew up. I dare not go out!"

Xiang Zixi's eyes crossed: "Then tell me, why don't you go out? Why do you have to stay at home?

Yi Xinlian's face stiffened and her eyes darkened, "Since my mother died that year, I haven't gone out again!"

Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi released Yixinlian, and the so-called heart disease still needs a heart medicine doctor. Xiang Zixi pulled Yi Xinlian and sat on the low wall of the corridor and said, "Specifically, what's going on?"

Yi Xinlian sighed: "When I was a child, my family was very rich, and I was the apple of my parents' eyes. Therefore, people around us know that the future family property will fall into my hands sooner or later. When I was seven years old, I went out and was kidnapped by a villain. The robber asked my parents for a lot of money, otherwise I would tear up the tickets! My mother fell ill, and my father also spent a lot of money. As a result, the robbers did not release me as agreed, because they fell in love with my mother's beauty.

Yi Xinlian said quietly, "I look very much like my mother. You must also guess that my mother's beauty is also a beautiful woman in this remote place, right?"

He gave a thumbs up to Zixi and Ji Yan at the same time, which means to agree with Yi Xinlian's words. There is no doubt that Yi Xinlian is indeed a beautiful woman! Naturally, her mother will not be much worse!

"The robber took a fancy to his mother's beauty and used me as bait to lure his mother into the mountains. My mother went for me. While the man was not paying attention, my mother put me back, but I hit my head on the gravel--" Yi Xinlian said this, her eyes suddenly turned red and her voice was also a little choked: "If it hadn't been because of my greed for fun that attracted the attention of bad people, how could my mother die for me?"

Xiang Zixi suddenly understood that this child is obsessive-compulsive disorder! She blamed her mother's death on going out to play, so she felt sorry for herself and slowly created a habit of self-closure. And Mr. Yi was also afraid that such a thing would happen again, so he acquiesced in such a situation.

However, no one expected that things would be beyond everyone's control. Although Yi Xinlian forcibly closed her behavior, her heart still yearns for a normal life! However, years of habits have been formed and can no longer be easily changed. In addition, she has been complabased since she was a child, staying at home every day and does not touch the outside world. In addition, a father who only knows how to make money and does not know how to educate her daughter's mental health growth slowly formed her unique aesthetic.

However, fortunately, the symptoms of Yixinlian are not serious. Strictly speaking, I still want to thank the painter, Yi Xinlian, who used to be more unspeakable, right? Because of the existence of the painter, Yi Xinlian slowly began to return to normal psychology under the birth of so-called love. It's just that years of habits have made her afraid of contacting the outside world, and even resisting contact with the outside world.

The shadow of childhood is in my heart and can never dissipate.

Xiang Zixi scratched the top of his head and said silently to Ji Yan, "This is troublesome! You have to take a strong medicine to deal with this kind of super otaku!"

Ji Yan also asked her with her mouth shape, "What kind of strong medicine?"

Xiang Zixi's eyes lit up: "Color seduction!"

Puff... Ji Yan silently vomited blood! Please, can you let me go?

Xiang Zixi turned his head and looked at Yi Xinlian and sighed, "Those things have passed, and now such a thing will never happen again! Trust me! Huh?"

Yi Xinlian wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and still hesitated: "I still don't want to go out. I think it's good to be at home. There are some outside, and the maids will buy them for me to play with. In fact, there is no need to go out!"

"Of course!" Xiang Zixi raised her eyebrows and said, "There are still a lot of fun things outside that are not available at home! Today, I will correct your aesthetics! Let you know what a real beautiful man is!"

As soon as Xiang Zixi's voice fell, he got up again, grabbed Yi Xinlian, and whispered in her ear, "Fool! I'm making excuses for you! Don't you want to see the painter again? I'm looking for opportunities for you! How can I help you if you don't cooperate?

Sure enough, this trick is still good! Yi Xinlian, who was still resisting, suddenly opened her eyes! Yeah, don't you also want to go out to find a painter? However, because of the consequences of his many years of staying at home, he saw strangers hiding in firewood and grass piles when he went out, and dared not go out to see people. When he was hungry, thirsty, hungry and sleepy, he finally came back!

Now that there are two more people to help yourself, then you can boldly go out to find a painter!

If Xiang Zixi knew that Yi Xinlian ran away from home last time, she would definitely spit blood if she only went out a few hundred meters and didn't move in the corner, right? Fortunately, she thought that Yi Xinlian had walked to the mountain pass and was discouraged to see such a majestic mountain! The relationship is just out of the door!

With Xiang Zixi's instance, Yi Xinlian really had a lot more courage and followed Xiang Zixi to the gate of the Yi family obediently.

Ji Yan followed and sighed helplessly: Another poor little white rabbit was fooled by the big gray wolf!

Xiang Zixi officially stepped out of the door of the Yi family with Yi Xinlian. Sure enough, Yi Xinlian suddenly shrank her shoulders and dared not look outside for fear that people outside would eat her. Xiang Zixi looked at it and said to himself that if the child didn't go out, he would really be blind! Not to mention inheriting the property of the Yi family, I guess even life is a problem! If you can cure Yixinlian smoothly, you must spend more money with Master Yi!

Thinking so, Xiang Zixi began to walk around the street outside with Yi Xinlian.

Although this is a basin, it is still very prosperous under the management of Master Yi. The residents here are most self-sufficient and live a comfortable life. The class struggle outside and partisan disputes basically have nothing to do with him. Therefore, although it is just an unknown town, it is still relatively prosperous.

Xiang Zixi has been holding Yi Xinlian's hand and slowly moving forward. As she walked, she said, "Don't be afraid, these people won't eat you!"

Yi Xinlian's eyes dodged and looked at the pedestrians walking on the street. For the first time, she felt that there were so many people on the street. When she was at home, there were only a few people coming and going, and they were all female family members, and there were only a few family members. Most of the male family members could not run to the position of the lady's boudoir.

Therefore, Yixinlian's cognition of men is almost blank.

Ji Yan gently pulled to Zixi: "What are you going to do next?"

Xiang Zixi smiled more thieves and asked him in a low voice, "Look at it! I must take a strong medicine today to completely let Yi Xinlian understand the essential difference between men and women!"

Ji Yan's peach blossom eyes suddenly widened: "Hey, you don't want to--"

Xiang Zixi pulled Yi Xinlian, took her to a stall next to her and shouted, "Madam, how do you sell this radish?"

Yi Xinlian has basically not gone out since she was seven years old, so the locals are also very unfamiliar with Yi Xinlian's face. The lady selling vegetables immediately said, "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's a catty! Two, please?"

He readily agreed to Zixi: "Just give me three!"

Push Yi Xinlian to Zixi: "Pay for it! I don't have any money!"

Yi Xinlian panicked: "I won't either! I..."

Xiang Zixi took Yi Xinlian's purse, taught her how to get the money, taught her how to complete the transaction, and told her the size and system of the money. Soon, Yi Xinlian learned how to spend money. Under the leadership of Xiang Zixi, she bought all the stalls on this street.

Waiting for three people to walk from one street to that street, Yi Xinlian finally learned to buy things. But the two girls were happy to buy it, but they suffered from the hard work behind them! It is covered with vegetables and fruit snacks, even masks, clay figs, and sugar-coated haws!

And Yi Xinlian, under Xiang Zixi's supervision and hand-on teaching, finally slowly put down her cowardice and began to really enjoy the fun of shopping.

After the three people bought all the things, he said to Zixi angrily, "Now it's eating training!" Let's go to the pub!"

Ji Yan grabbed Xiang Zixi: "Hey, what about these things? I can't take it!"

Xiang Zixi casually glanced at the pile of things, turned around and stood in the middle of the street, shouting, "At a low price! Deal with it at a low price! All vegetables only cost 20wen, all fruits cost 20wen, and all toys only cost 20wen! Passing by, please don't miss it! Clearance is a big deal!"

Puff--This time, people all over the street vomited blood!

That's a lot of money bought after spending several taels of silver, and then turn around and get 60 cents to deal with it?