Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 151 Battle of Forgetting Love 2

The voice to Zixi really works. The people who were still scattered on the street suddenly gathered and stretched out their hands to buy the pile of things.

He suddenly shouted to Zixi, "Wait!"

Everyone looked at Xiang Zixi and said with a cunning smile, "I think everyone has this sincerity, but I can't decide who to give it to for a moment, because I can't tell who is the first to come and ask for me!" So, I came up with a compromise! Auction!"

Everyone looked at Xiang Zixi with constering faces, shook Zixi's skirt, stepped on the bluestone on the roadside with their left foot, and said loudly, "All the items, including all vegetables, fruits, toys, all 20 articles————"

The group of people below suddenly went into an uproar and continued to say to Zixi: "The starting price of 20wen! Now those who are interested can raise their price, increase the price by ten cents each time, and the price is high in the end! In this way, the child is fair and just!"

Someone immediately shouted in the crowd: "I'll pay 30 yuan!"

I heard someone bidding, and someone immediately followed: "I'll pay 40 yuan!"

Xiang Zixi simply stood on the blue stone and pulled Yixinlian to the blue stone by the way, letting her stand in public. Just as Yi Xinlian was about to avoid it, she said coldly to Zixi, "If you want to stay with your painter brother, how can you not be used to standing in front of people? Your painter brother will definitely look down on you!"

In a word, Yi Xinlian, who had retreated, suddenly stood up straight!

shouted to Zixi, "Someone has offered a hundred yuan. Is there a higher price? Is there anything else?"

"I'll pay a taels of silver!" Sure enough, someone in the crowd began to coax. Xiang Zixi heard the sound. It was none other than Ji Yan!

This boy deliberately coaxed, didn't he?

Xiang Zixi directly ignored him: "Is there anyone who continues to raise the price? It's obvious to all. We spent a lot of money all the way! These things are all top good things, and they are all good goods that have been carefully selected by us! If it is easily bought by others at a low price, everyone will be willing to do so!"

"I'm not willing!" Someone in the crowd immediately began to agree: "I'll pay two taels of silver!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly raised her eyebrows: "Okay! Someone has sold two taels of silver, and no one else continues to bid? Two taels of silver for the first time, two taels of silver for the second time, and two taels of silver for the third time! Deal! Congratulations to this uncle for buying all the discounted goods at an ultra-low price of two taels of silver! All the goods worth eight taels of silver were successfully sold at the price of two taels! Congratulations!"

Xiang Zixi desperately drove the masses to applaud for the uncle. Everyone suddenly felt that this way of buying vegetables was very interesting. The family happily watched the successful bidding uncle come forward to hand in the silver. Sure enough, they stuffed up the car with a lot of things and pushed them home happily.

As soon as the uncle left, someone came up and asked Xiang Zixi expectantly, "This girl, when will you sell like this next time?"

Dizzy, these people are addicted to buying cheap, aren't they?

Xiang Zixi held the two taels of silver in her hand and laughed: "Someday, another day! Ladies and gentlemen, goodbye!"

Looking at Xiang Zixi's easy progress and retreat in the crowd, especially the expression of longing and worship of her, Yi Xinlian's eyes suddenly looked straight!

He shook Zixi's braids and said proudly, "Let's go to the restaurant!"

Ji Yan suppressed his smile and shook his head helplessly. Xiang Xiang, Xiang, your hand is too eye-catching, isn't it? Don't you notice that the way Yi Xinlian looks at you has become different?

Reach out to Zixi and grabbed Yi Xinlian's hand and shouted, "Let's go! I'll take you to the restaurant today! Let me know how men drink!"

As soon as the words fell, he couldn't help dragging Yi Xinlian to a two-story wine shop. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly, "Xiao Er, find us a window seat!" Two catties of daughter's red, cut two catties of cooked meat, a plate of vegetables, a plate of peanuts, and a catty of steamed bread!"

Two taels of silver in Xiang Zixi's hand were suddenly thrown into Xiao Er's hand: "Change the rest into wine!"

"I got it! Three people, please--" Xiao Er took the towel from his shoulder, wiped the table and stool vigorously, and attentively served the three people to sit down.

Yi Xinlian looked at Xiang Zixi with shining eyes, and she suddenly found that she was getting less and less aware of Xiang Zixi. Obviously, she is a girl, why is she so dazzling? Her self-confidence, her calmness, her temperament, her calmness, and her aura are so strong that she can't stare.

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi with a smile, then looked at Yi Xinlian, and said to himself, Xiang Xiang, I see how you ended up in the end!

After a while, the wine and dishes came up. Xiang Zixi put the bowl in front of Yixinlian, filled it with wine, and filled himself and Ji Yan with wine. He picked up the bowl and said to Yi Xinlian, "Real men drink with bowls!" Come on, cheers!" Xiang Zixi picked up the bowl and touched the bowl with Ji Yan, looked up and drank it!

Xiang Zixi's boldness immediately attracted the attention of others in the pub. Seeing her pouring a full bowl of wine, there was a burst of applause: "Okay!————"

Xiang Zixi's proud bright bowl bottom, and there is no drop of wine left.

Yi Xinlian looked at the wine in front of her, hesitated and hesitated, but still picked up the bowl with both hands, summoned up her courage, and poured it down!

Ji Yan slowly poured down the wine in the bowl and said to Xiang Zixi with a smile, "Can you drink? If you can't, don't hold on!"

He glanced at Ji Yan and pointed to the people around him and said to Yi Xinlian, "Xinlian, you see, those men don't drink with that kind of small cup. They are all filled with big bowls of big bowls! This is the real man!"

Xiang Zixi's words suddenly won the unanimous appreciation of others! Men are praised as beautiful as women are.

Yi Xinlian looked at Xiang Zixi thoughtfully and took another look at Ji Yan who was accompanying her. Suddenly, Ji Yan, who was originally pleasing to her for no reason, suddenly became a hindrance! How nice it would be if the people around her were always themselves!

Xiang Zixi put some meat in front of Yixinlian with chopsticks and casually said, "Drinking is the worst on an empty stomach. It's easy to get drunk!"

Yi Xinlian happily ate the cooked meat placed in front of her, and followed her to learn to drink. In a short time, a lunch was settled.

Leaving the restaurant, she was illuminated by the sun outside, and the white sun shone down dazzlingly. When Yi Xinlian drank for the first time, she suddenly felt dizzy and fluttered under her feet.

"Miss Xiang..., I suddenly feel... dizzy!" Yixinlian was so drunk that she suddenly felt that her brain was swollen, her body suddenly lost control, and her body tilted towards the roadside!

At that time, he stretched out a hand to Zixi, grabbed Yixinlian's wrist, gently pulled Yixinlian in front of him, and looked at her with a bad smile: "What? Can't you do with such a little wine?"

Looking at Xiang Zixi's bad smile, Yi Xinlian suddenly felt that her face was so handsome!

Ji Yan took Yi Xinlian from Xiang Zixi's hand: "I'll send her back!"

Who knew that Yi Xinlian suddenly broke away from Ji Yan's hand and returned to Xiang Zixi's side and said coquettishly, "Don't touch me. I only let Zixi touch me!"

Xiang Zixi laughed and said, "Listen, people think you are sexual-coquettish-turbing!"

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi with a smile: "I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it? Xiang Xiang, do you think you have the ability to deal with this consequence?

Xiang Zixi was stunned: "What do you mean? You're not going to say--that's impossible!" She shook her hand to Zixi and staggered a little.

Ji Yan shook his head helplessly.

Looking at Zixi, the bad smile at the corners of his mouth became bigger and bigger: "Let's go, Xinlian, I'll take you to a good place. You can clearly distinguish the essential difference between men and women!"

"Hey, do you know what you're doing?" Ji Yan looked at her funnyly: "Are you sure your brain is awake now?"

Xiang Zixi held Ji Yan's shoulder, put his mouth close to Ji Yan's ear and said, "Of course I know! My brain is awake all the time, unless I'm drunk and unconscious!"

Ji Yan smiled helplessly and shook his head gently. That's all. Anyway, she has never stopped making trouble! Just follow her and make trouble!

Xiang Zixi said mysteriously to Yixinlian, "You will not regret it! Go! Come with me!"

So, Xiang Zixi took a sober man, a confused woman, the poisonous sun at noon, staggered away from the central area of the town and came to a huge pond outside the town.

Xiang Zixi began to take off her clothes without saying a word, leaving only close-fitting underwear.

Ji Yan stood aside and looked at his eyes almost straight. Xiang Zixi also ignored it. He did some activities by the pond, stretched his joints, stretched his muscles, took a few steps forward, and pricked him!

Yi Xinlian suddenly let out an exclamation!

But her exclamation had not been completely heard, and immediately changed to a surprised cry!

Xiang Zixi suddenly showed her head from the water, gently shook the drops of water on her hair, and smiled brightly: "You also come down! I have seen the bottom of the water here. There is no silt and the river is not deep. It is very suitable for bathing and swimming! I'll take you to watch the play later!"

I don't know where Ji Yan's eyes are, Xiang ah Xiang, do you know how lethal it is for men to take a beautiful bath!

Yi Xinlian said nervously, "But I can't swim!"

Ji Yan shook his head helplessly and said, "Don't learn from her!" She is a madwoman! There is a boat over there. Let's row there!"

Xiang Zixi in the river laughed and continued to swim freely in the river, sometimes stepping on the water, sometimes holding his breath, and playing happily.

After the wetness of the river, the clothes clung to her body, revealing the girl's extremely beautiful body. Ji Yan felt that her eyes could no longer move away from her body.

Yi Xinlian slowly rowed the boat, followed Xiang Zixi in the water, and asked uneasily, "Where on earth are you going to take us?"

"Of course it's peeping!" Xiang Zixi turned around and smiled brightly. Under the sun, his neat teeth flashed: "At this time, there must be a lot of people coming here to take a shower!"