Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 1* Thrilling Rainy Night 2

Before running three steps to Zixi, the raindrops above his head had fallen down. It's getting dense and heavier. It hit the ground and splashed mud pits.

As the raindrops become bigger and bigger, the mud pits on the ground are quickly covered with mud and water.

Miss Mu's body trembled even more, and her hands hugged Xiang Zixi's neck.

Behind him, the prince of Linguo struggled to block the killer's attack and buy time for Xiang Zixi and Miss Mu.

When Xiang Zixi dragged Miss Mu to the street, he found that the people he was looking for had gone far.

Looking at Miss Mu, who was still shrinking, she secretly cried to Zixi. Do you still have to take Miss Mu back to Taishi's mansion? No, I will never go back! Now that you have left, just give up completely!

Xiang Zixi dragged Miss Mu, and the two of them walked hard under the pouring rain.

The thunder is getting smaller, but the rain is getting heavier and heavier. There is no dry place on their bodies. There are drops of water all over their bodies, mixed with the rain under their feet and become mud on the ground.

The fight behind him became smaller and smaller. At this time, Xiang Zixi didn't even have the courage to look back at the prince of the sparkling country. He dragged Miss Mu so hard and walked forward little by little.

Suddenly, two people in black appeared in front of them and slowly walked towards Zixi and Miss Mu. The splash that stepped under his feet fell smoothly. From this point of view alone, these two people are definitely real masters!

The prince Lingguo behind him also rushed over and said awkwardly, "Sorry, Miss Xiang, I'm not his opponent!"

The two stood on the street on a rainy night with their backs on their backs, with raindrops overhead and three masked black killers behind them.

"It doesn't matter, I still want to thank you for your help! Although I don't know why you came back here!" Xiang Zixi said lightly, "Although we are reluctant, we still have to work together now!"

A faint smile appeared at the corners of the prince's mouth: "Yes! If I had known that I would encounter such a situation, I should have brought my entourage with me!"

"It's hard to buy a lot of money! Your Highness, we have only two ways now. Xiang Zixi said calmly, "There are three people on the other side, and we are also three people, but the combat effectiveness of Miss Mu and me is basically negligible! You alone can't deal with three killers! Well, we can either escape or seek rescue! This street is the sphere of influence of Taishi Mansion, but the people in Taishi Mansion should have gone out to look for Miss Mu just now, and they didn't know that Miss Mu was actually here! Therefore, the road of turning back to Lin Muyang for help is absolutely unworkable!"

"Just to the point!" The prince of the country groaned heavily.

"Good! The first way is to make me a bait, and you take Miss Mu away! Although it is a little difficult to deal with them with your martial arts, you can completely retreat if I hold each other back! And the target of the other party is me, so it's easier for you to escape!"

"No! I can't put yourself here!" Prince Liguo refused: "Say the second way!"

"The second way is to leave Miss Mu and we escape!" Xiang Zixi said coldly, "As a matter of fact, she is indeed a trouble now!"

The expression on the prince's face was stunned, and he never expected that Xiang Zixi would say so. He also thought that Xiang Zixi would definitely say that he would rush out of the encirclement at all costs.

Xiang Zixi then said, "This move probably doesn't work for those three killers!" Their goal is just me! Therefore, Your Highness, you'd better take Miss Mu to escape! In this way, there is a reason to send her back and ask Lin Muyang for a favor!"

"What about you?" The prince of the Kingdom looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise. Looking at Xiang Zixi under the rain, he actually had a trance feeling.

"Me? Don't worry! I don't die so easily!" Xiang Zixi suddenly lowered her voice: "Your Highness, listen, I will pretend to attack for a moment, and then you pretend to leave with Miss Mu. Those three killers are bound to separate one or two people to chase you! Because it is the basic rule that killers do not live. Let's take advantage of this time——"

After saying it quickly to Zixi, the prince's eyes lit up: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure, sure and sure! Hurry up! Don't talk nonsense!" He pushed the prince of Zixi, and the sword in his hand rushed fiercely towards the killer in front of him.

The prince picked up Miss Mu, who was still trembling, and ran fiercely in the opposite direction!

After a killer found it, he chased him in the direction of the escape of the prince and Miss Mu!

Sooner or later, something suddenly flew out of Xiang Zixi's hand and went straight to the killer's door! The killer instinctively turned around and waved his knife!

Bang--a huge explosion sounded on this rainy night!

At this time, the sharp blade in the hand of a killer behind Xiang Zixi has also attacked the position behind Xiang Zixi!

"Miss Xiang, be careful!——" The folding fan in the hand of the prince of Lingguo, who had just run far away, suddenly threw it behind Xiang Zixi and fiercely shot down the sharp blade in the hand of the killer who cut to Zixi's back!

Xiang Zixi rolled on the ground in the mud and completely rolled out of the opponent's attack range.

The rain not only brings trouble and trouble to Zixi, but also hinders the other party's actions.

Xiang Zixi coughed violently and laughed crazily: "I didn't expect that my last lighter would be handed over to your group of bastards! If it hadn't been for my enlightenment in advance, I would have transformed my lighter early and blown you up!"

The prince of Linguo looked down and saw that the killer who had just chased him had already lying on the ground in dark, with his chest being bloody!

The prince of Linguo looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise. He never thought that Xiang Zixi would have this killing move!

When the two killers saw that they had lost an accomplice, their eyes suddenly turned red, and rushed towards Xiang Zixi in front of them!

The splash of water stepped under his feet splashed into the air, and the shining blade was so dazzling and eye-catching in the rainy night!

The folding fan in the hand of the prince of the sparkling country has been lost, and there are no more weapons against the enemy. Xiang Zixi rolled on the ground, and the sword in his hand fiercely met the sharp blade in the hands of one of the killers and dodged the attack of one person, but could not avoid the attack of the second killer. The bright sharp blade fiercely inserted into Xiang Zixi's shoulder!

"Ah!——" Xiang Zixi snorted and kicked the other party away. The wound on her shoulder was pulled out with the blade, and the blood rain suddenly sprayed out, and the mixed rain suddenly dyed her clothes all over her body red!

"Xiang Zixi!——" The prince let Miss Mu go on the ground, rushed over with an arrow, held Xiang Zixi, and shouted harshly, "Where are you hurt? Is it serious?"

He pushed away the prince of Linguo to Zixi, handed him the sword in his hand, and smiled weakly: "I'm fine! Now we have finally got rid of one, and the remaining two will be handed over to you!"

The prince looked at Xiang Zixi putting the snow-white and bright new sword in his hand after being stained with blood, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.

Xiang Zixi's sleeve had already been torn, and now his shoulder is injured. He simply completely tore the clothes in the position of the shoulder blade, revealing a large snow-white chest. The blood-stained cloth was stuffed into the hands of the prince of the Ling Kingdom and ordered, "Come on! Bandage and stop the bleeding for me, otherwise, I will lose too much blood and die!"

The prince was stunned and then woke up. After a moment of hesitation, he reached out and clicked the acupuncture point near the wound, quickly bandaged her shoulder roughly, and stopped the blood flow of the wound!

Xiang Zixi struggled to stand up, but before she stood straight, her body shook, and the prince of Lingguo held her arm!

Under her fingers is the warm and delicate skin. Although it is scarred, it still does not damage her beauty.

At this time, the prince of Linguo suddenly understood that Xiang Zixi's real beauty is not a traditional beauty, nor is it a so-called piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and embroidery woman, but her spirit and mentality of perseverance, tenacity, calmness, and keen analysis of pros and disadvantages!

It was also at this moment that the prince of Lingguo really realized the inside of Xiang Zixi and was deeply shocked by her!

Xiang Zixi, the daughter of a small landlord family, has characteristics that almost all women have never had. And it is these characteristics that have attracted the eyes of so many young talents.

Because she is really so different!

"I'm fine! I can still hold on!" Xiang Zixi whispered, "Now that the thunder is weak, we must leave here immediately and lead them to the nearby mountains. Only with the help of the complexity of the terrain can we completely get rid of them! His Royal Highness, although this request is very rude, you are the only one in our combat effectiveness at present! I took Miss Mu to retreat in the direction of the mountain! You come to cut it off! By the way! Although you come out alone, your subordinates will definitely come out to find you after seeing you for a long time! Therefore, you must leave your mark when necessary and let your subordinates come to reinforce!"

The prince of the sparkling country nodded heavily and said, "You take her away!" Don't worry! I will definitely delay them!"

"Good!" Xiang Zixi nodded heavily, picked up Miss Mu, who was still in a dull state, and shook her head with a bitter smile.

Obviously, he can be a powerful combat power, but he is afraid of thunder and lightning and becomes an intermittent idiot? If you say it, who will believe it? And I actually took my own business and didn't leave this annoying Miss Mu here, but took her away with her?

You must be crazy, right?