Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 190 Thrilling Rainy Night 3

Xiang Zixi helped Miss Mu and began to walk forward. The prince of Lingguo behind him suddenly said, "Miss Xiang, if you and I don't die tonight, can we become friends?"

Xiang Zixi held Miss Mu to stand still. The rain on his head was getting heavier and heavier, and the smile at the corners of his mouth slowly floated and said faintly, "Of course! So, Your Highness, you have to come to us alive!"

The prince of Lingguo smiled gently: "Don't worry, I won't die in front of you!" Xiang Xiao--No, Zixi, take care!"

Xiang Zixi's smile on the corners of her mouth became bigger and bigger. She grabbed Miss Mu's still trembling body, walked forward firmly and slowly.

Behind him is the sound of knife light and sword shadow, ping-pong, and sword collision.

Xiang Zixi did not look back and said silently, "Your Highness, you should also take care of yourself! I'm sorry for implicated you in without permission!"

The rain is getting heavier and denser, and the figure behind him has begun to become blurred. Xiang Zixi kept gritting her teeth and helping Miss Mu walk forward slowly and keep moving forward.

At night, it suddenly became much quieter, except for the sound of rain.

There is more and more water under my feet, and I can't even feel the presence of my feet.

The wound on the body was soaked by rain, and it became more and more painful, and the painful face was a little twisted.

But it can't stop, absolutely can't stop! If you want to live, you can only endure it.

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi has never missed a person before. No matter how dangerous it is, no matter how many opponents there are, there is a reliable back for him to perch, and a safe arm to provide warmth for himself.

Xiang Zixi gently closed his eyes and walked blindly in the rainy night. Tears slid down silently, mixed with the rain overhead, and they could no longer distinguish each other.

The clothes on my body have long been wet and can't be wet anymore, and the clothes full of moisture have become cumbersome. Xiang Zixi did not hesitate any time. He tore off the broken clothes and only left the middle clothes to cover his body. Everything else that can be abandoned has been abandoned!

Suddenly, a stag, Xiang Zixi grabbed Miss Mu's body fiercely, but unexpectedly pulled the wound on her shoulder. The wound was torn in an instant, and a large stock of blood spewed out!

"Uh--" Xiang Zixi snorted, her eyebrows tightened, and her expression was infinitely painful!

The pain at the shoulder blade became stronger and heavier. Finally, Xiang Zixi's feet softened and his body fell heavily in the muddy water.

Miss Mu's body also rolled into the rain. Xiang Zixi turned over and lay in the cold muddy water. She looked up at the dense raindrops like locusts in the sky and hit her face fiercely, and her heart was desolate.

Are you really going to die here today? Is this your fate?

No, I don't want to die here! I still have a lot of revenge! If there is injustice and revenge, how can I be knocked down by the other party like this? Never, never!

Xiang Zixi hummed, turned over and got up from the ground, supported the mud with one hand, took a few deep breaths, stood up from the ground again, picked up Miss Mu with an idiotic expression, and walked slowly towards the front again.

Shortly after the two left, a figure slowly stood up from the place where the two had just fallen, looked at Zixi with a complicated look and sighed: "Now, I can finally understand his state of mind, understand why he likes you so much, and cares about you. ! Even I can't help being attracted by you! Xiang Zixi, what kind of woman are you? Why are you so magical?

The person standing there is none other than the prince of Lingguo who was still fighting!

The prince looked up at the rain in the sky, holding the sword given to him by Xiang Zixi in his hand. His palm tightened and suddenly inserted it into the land beside his feet. He clenched his teeth and clenched his teeth: "Xiang Zixi, you won!"

Under the vast rainy night, there was another lightning in the sky, but the roaring thunder had not been heard for a long time.

Miss Mu, who dragged Zixi with a trembling expression, walked forward little by little in the pouring rain. The road ahead is like your own life, full of confusion and uncertainty, but as long as you firmly follow an established direction, you will definitely reach your own destination, right?

The wound at the shoulder blade has begun to show signs of fpurification. He reached out to Zixi and touched his wound, which was hot and painful. I'm afraid I've been infected. If I don't inject antibiotics in time, I'm afraid I will have a high fever!

Looking at Miss Mu on her shoulder, she sighed to Zixi and said, "Miss Mu, Miss Mu, I have finally repaid your brother's kindness this time! From today on, if I see you again, I won't let you go!"

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi's feet softened again, and his body knelt down uncontrollably towards the ground.

The huge splash splashed on Xiang Zixi's face, mixed with the blood stains on her body, and completely dyed into a pink enchanting flower.

"I'm really unwilling to die like this!" Xiang Zixi's fingers loosened and his body fell heavily towards one side!

There was no unexpected splash, no unexpected awkward fall, and one hand firmly supported her body from under her ribs.

"I'm back! Are you all right?" A voice sounded gently from Xiang Zixi's ear: "Thank you for not leaving me! Leave the rest to me!"

Xiang Zixi raised her head with difficulty, but saw that Miss Mu, who had just looked like an idiot and could only shrink and tremble, actually held her body like a new soul possession!

Miss Mu's face was shy and explained in a low voice, "I have had soul disease since I was a child! Every time there is a thunderstorm, it will attack. Every time it attacks, the soul is like out of the body, and the body is out of control, like an idiot!"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently: "So it is!"

"Although I don't know why, you have never given up on me. I appreciate this!" Miss Mu said in a low voice, "I'll take you back!"

"No!" Xiang Zixi shook her hand gently and broke free from Miss Mu's hand: "I have left Lin Muyang. You can go back and pursue him again!" I'm no longer your obstacle!"

Miss Mu's face flashed with self-deprecation: "It's really surprising that you can say such a thing! You tried your best to prove Lin Muyang's infatuation with you, and then said that you have nothing to do with it. Are you sarcastic to me?

"Is this necessary?" Xiang Zixi snorted coldly: "If you want to go back, you can go back by yourself. I'll go by myself!"

Xiang Zixi struggled and stood up from the mud again, but before he took a step, his body was about to fall into the mud again with soft eyes!

Miss Mu held her body and said helplessly, "Okay! Since you don't want to go back, don't go back! So where are you going now?

"Go to the pharmacy, the wound on my shoulder needs to be cleaned. If possible, antibiotics must be injected! Forget it, how can there be antibiotics here, or prepare some antipyretic drugs!" Xiang Zixi thought for a moment and immediately said, "Your Highness is still behind. If you can, please go back and pick him up!————

"No need!" The voice of Prince Lan came from behind the two people. There were also several wounds on his body, but they were all minor wounds. The wounds were not deep, but they were much embarrassed.

"They were temporarily repelled by me. Let's go!"

nodded to Zixi and Miss Mu, followed the footsteps of the prince of Linguo, and walked slowly towards an inn not far away.

He knocked hard on the door, but no one came out to open the door. The prince of Lingguo was angry, and the sword in his hand fell down, cut open the door bolt with a knife, and rushed into the inn so wet.

At this time, the innkeeper who came out in his clothes saw the wounds on the three people and the knife in his hand at a glance. Suddenly, he was so scared that his legs were sifted and kept kowtoing: "Three masters, I don't remember where I offended the three masters!————"

"Stop talking, prepare three rooms quickly!" The prince of the country snorted coldly, "Also, invite a doctor to come here!"

Xiang Zixi hurriedly added, "Please ask the boss to bring the medicine to clean the wound and the necessary antipyretics when you go to the doctor!" We were accidentally injured by the thief and escaped here! Please don't say anything!"

"Yes, yes! Little understands! Three, please!"

Miss Mu helped Xiang Zixi, who was covered with scars, slowly climb the stairs, came to the room, and immediately helped Xiang Zixi take off all the clothes on her body. The scars on the shoulder are so shocking!

It's hard to imagine that she walked so far with such a serious injury 1

Miss Mu looked at the wound on Zixi's shoulder and was stunned. How did a girl who didn't know martial arts survive the deep bone wound? Even if I, a person who has been practicing martial arts all year round, has suffered such a serious injury, I'm afraid I can't stick to this point, right?

"Why? Why take me away? You can leave me as a burden!" Miss Mu asked in a trembling voice.

Xiang Zixi smiled with difficulty: "I said that your brother's pastoral room is kind to me! At the food festival competition, I have always remembered his statement and his help! I have always been a person with grievances and revenge, and naturally I will remember the kindness of others to me! I'm not a moral person, but I don't want to be a scum! si————”

The wound on the shoulder made Xiang Zixi frown again in pain.

"Xiang Zixi, I have a good golden medicine here. Do you want to--" The voice stopped abruptly and stopped at the door. The prince of Linguo suddenly turned around: "Sorry, I forgot--"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently and lay down on **, with only one belly pocket left in his upper body, revealing a smooth pink-tender whole back.

"It doesn't matter, come in! I won't blackmail you to marry me for this!" After saying this to Zixi, she frowned again. She reached out and touched her forehead and said faintly, "I'm afraid I'll have a high fever soon, Miss Mu, I'm going to trouble you to take care of me next!"

"This is for you! This is the special medicine I have always brought with me! It will help your wound!" The prince of the country still didn't dare to look over and handed over Jinchuang medicine obliquely.