Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 270 Re-face with the Crown Prince

raised the corners of Zixi's lips slightly: "I don't need you to answer me immediately now. In fact, you can't be such a master! I'll wait for you two days! Go and report to His Royal Highness! You will definitely find out where I live!"

Xiang Zixi stopped Hu Ye's action and said indifferently, "Hu Ye, I said I was never a good person. But I will never wrong my people, let alone ignore the future of the people around me! This matter has nothing to do with you. This is my deal with the prince. It has nothing to do with anyone!"

Hu Ye lowered his eyes gently and said nothing more.

Xiang Zixi slowly stood up and said to the people, "Farewell! If there is any news, you can come to me at any time!"

Xiang Zixi took the lead and turned around and left, and Hu Ye also turned around and left with a fist of everyone.

The seven people looked at each other in con's face, and Tang Zongming pondered for a moment and said, "Ma* reported this news to His Royal Highness! Anyway, this girl is a very good thief, and there is a good chance of success with her joining us!"

"Yes!" Six apprentices immediately bowed and answered.

Leave the stronghold of the thief, Hu Ye finally said; "How sure are you? These thieves are not simple thieves, and they can even be involved with His Royal Highness, and even I don't know these people. It can be seen how close His Royal Highness should act this time! How could Jin Xiaoxiao let others steal that batch of treasures so easily? That's the last support of her last family!"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently; "It is precisely because that is her last support that I must destroy it!" Xiang Zixi's eyes were cold, and the smile on her mouth was getting colder and colder; "Even if she is not the eldest princess of the sparkling country now, even if she is now the rebel princess of the dark country, she will be my sworn enemy to Zixi until her death!" How can I let her go? How can she slap her ass as if nothing had happened? She made me lose so much. How can I tolerate her peace of mind? If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will offend them!"

"No one can hurt me, and you can do anything that hasn't happened! Absolutely not!" Xiang Zixi snorted coldly, "I will make her pay ten times and a hundred times the price!" I will make her regret it. It was she who forced me to this situation step by step!"

Hu Ye sighed, shook his head gently, and said nothing else.

When Xiang Zixi and Hu Ye returned to Ji Yan, several hours had passed.

Little fat and little fat have prepared hot water for Xiang Zixi to wash her face and relax.

Xiang Zixi obediently changed his clothes and let the little fat wait for bathing and changing clothes. Since becoming a thief, Xiang Zixi seems to prefer to bathe and change clothes during the day, which is convenient for moving at night.

And it seems that she usually acts at night!

Xiang Zixi was still a little depressed when she realized this. Originally, she thought that when she came to this world, she would never have to go out day and night and live an upside-down life like a mouse. Unexpectedly, she did not change at this time, but changed more and more. It's intensified!

In the past, I only needed to set tasks and goals for myself, but now, in the era when I live in this moment, I will lose my life, I am always hunted down by some inexplicable people, causing myself to seek self-in protection at all times, so night activities are more and more frequent. It's complicated.

Xiang Zixi had just changed her clothes. Xiao Feifei was helping Xiang Zixi dry her wet hair. Outside, Xiao Zixi knocked on the door and said, "Miss, someone is looking for it!"

"I know." Xiang Zixi reached out and took the towel in Xiaofei's hand, let Xiaofei pour out the water, sat in front of the dressing mirror and wiped his hair dry.

As soon as Xiaofei went out, there was already a man standing outside the door. At a glance, he saw Xiang Zixi changing into a green scratch-dyed skirt, still wearing a snow-white sheepskin jacket and wiping his hair in the mirror.

"It's you!" Xiang Zixi saw someone coming from the mirror and did not turn around and pointed to the stool next to the table and said, " Sit by yourself and pour water to drink!"

"You!————" A subordinate was about to stand up for his master, but he was stopped and said with a faint smile, "This is the real Xiang Zixi! If she is polite to me, I will doubt whether the other party is a fake! Miss Xiang, we meet again!"

Xiang Zixi burst into laughter, slowly turned his body, and kept wiping the drops of water on his hair with a towel.

Because the hair is very long and thick, two towels were changed one after another to wipe the hair half dry.

"Your Highness! You want to see me this time, but I won't go to the capital to see you first!" Xiang Zixi smiled cunningly: "So, I am the Lord and you are the guest!"

The prince laughed and gently shook his fingers. On such a cold day, the fan still did not leave him. Xiang Zixi couldn't help but be a little curious about the mystery of the other party's fan.

"Go out!" The prince of the country gave a faint command, and the screen retreated left and right. He stood behind Xiang Zixi, inserted the fan into his back waist, reached out to take the towel in Zixi's hand, and gently wiped her long black hair.

Xiang Zixi was also served by someone. He reached out and took a little moisturizer from the table, gently applied it to his face, and slowly absorbed it in circles.

Fortunately, I took out all the cosmetics inside and gave them to my maid for safekeeping. Otherwise, when the storage bag disappears, won't all your own things be gone?

Smelling the quiet fragrance, Prince Lingguo smiled gently and said, "Your taste is always so different!"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently, turned to look at the prince of Lingguo, and said seriously, "Your Highness, I have something to ask clearly!"

"Are you trying to ask about Jin Xiaoxiao?" The prince of the State of Lan straightened Zixi's head, wiped her hair from the root to the ends of her hair, and said lightly, "I know what you want to ask, and I know what you are wondering about. But it doesn't matter. I came to see you today just to tell you all this!"

"Your Highness seems to be very relieved to me!" Xiang Zixi laughed at herself and looked at the prince in the mirror who had been seriously wiping his hair. He couldn't help saying, "Although I don't want to admit it, you are really extraordinary!" I seldom obey anyone, but Your Highness, you are one of them!"

"Who is the other person? Let me guess! I think it should be Lin Muyang of Zhuoguo, isn't it?" The prince of Lingguo laughed softly. After completely drying Xiang Zixi's hair, he put down his semi-wet hair and said with a smile, "Have you always liked Lin Muyang in the bottom of your heart?"

He said goodbye to Zixi and said, "I don't have it!"

The prince smiled softly, reached out and took out the folding fan from his back waist, walked to the table, slowly sat down, and really poured tea for himself.

"Say it! I listen attentively!" Xiang Zixi made a gesture of raising his ears and looked at the prince of the Kingdom with a smile: "I'm curious now what Your Highness will say to me!"

"Oh?" Prince Lan gently pecked a mouthful of tea and said indifferently, "Then why don't you guess what I will say?"

"No guess! Love to say or not!" Xiang Zixi rolled her eyes, with a delicate expression and flowing eyes. In addition, she had just bathed, and she was indescribably charming.

"I said, Your Highness! I remember you used to be quite a dage! Why did you look like a person and become so steady today? Xiang Zixi came over from the dressing table with a smile and sat in front of the prince. Looking at the absence of a dunglish atmosphere on his face, he couldn't help laughing, "But there is a beautiful lady in the house, so that His Royal Highness has no time to be a dunglish and only wants the beauty to please him?"

The prince couldn't help stretching out his hand and nodding his forehead fiercely to Zixi's forehead and said hatefully, "Is your mouth always so unforgiving? You are so sharp, who dares to marry you in the future?!"

"Yo, the word sharp and mean is specially tailored for that boy Xin Zeyang. I am the most virtuous! Like me, there must be a fairy blessing!" Xiang Zixi changed her posture, put her chin on her hands and looked at the prince lazily, and said, "I said, Your Highness, you haven't answered my question yet!" What is the prince's plan for Jin Xiaoxiao? Aren't you afraid of hurting Jin Xiaoxiao's heart when you meet me?

"Hmm! If I don't go to see you, won't you come to see me in a big way? The prince replied angrily, "You have been so high-profile all the way that the whole country knows that the civilian princess from Yao country visits the prince of the country. Do you think Jin Xiaoxiao is a fool, don't you know?"

"So?——" turned Zixi's eyes: "So you are going to push the boat along the water and suppress Jin Xiaoxiao with my hand? Let me guess, is this Jin Xiaoxiao's recent move so big that you, His Royal Highness, can't stand it anymore?

A group of praise flashed on the prince's face and nodded gently and said, "Go on!"

"With the temperament of the king of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao, sitting obediently and waiting for death is obviously not their style! If I guess correctly, these two people have been walking around among the nobles of the sparkling country these days, right? With Jin Xiaoxiao's diplomatic means, I'm afraid that many nobles from all parts of the country have a good impression of her, right? In addition, she has money in her hand and the king of Qi has soldiers in his hand, so most of the nobles of the country are also willing to make friends with them! In this way, the King of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao are becoming more and more standing in the country!" Xiang Zixi smiled and said, "The more nobles they attract, the more it is not a good thing for His Royal Highness!"

"Oh? What do you think?"

"It's very simple! The king of Qi and Xiaoxiao of Jin were originally outsiders, but now they are a little noisy and robbed the prince of the elegant demeanor of the prince, so the prince is naturally not very happy!" Xiang Zixi said happily: "Because the actual rulers of the Kingdom are nobles, the more nobles the King of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao attract, the more stable their power will be. If they have plump wings but change their ways and defect to other princes, I'm afraid that the position of the prince will be unstable, right?