Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 271 Conspiracy with the Prince of Ling

"Miss Xiang's words are wrong. The King of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao are already standing in this position. Why should I worry about their wings being too full?" The prince of Lingguo gently shook the folding fan in his hand, and his face reappeared with the former dage expression.

Xiang Zixi smiled gently, closed his left eye, and stretched out a finger to point to the prince of the Kingdom: "Your Highness, you are really dishonest! Unexpectedly, we have different hearts! The nature of the King of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao is not so loyal, and it is more common for them to change at any time! May I ask, how can such a wise man be placed by his side? The king of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao said the opposite. In case they stood in a hostile position with His Royal Highness, wouldn't the Prince lift a stone and hit himself in the foot? Therefore, His Royal Highness will not allow them to sit in power anyway! However, the person who clears the other party must be a reliable person, and he cannot be his own person, otherwise once the matter is revealed, it is difficult for His Royal Highness to tell a lie. Find someone from the outside, preferably those who have enemies. In this way, if something happens, the other party will not think that His Royal Highness will interfere with it. So, Your Highness, you are so treacherous!"

Listening to Xiang Zixi's words, a wave flashed in the eyes of the prince of Linguo.

"I have also heard that many nobles in the Linguo country now seem to have a lot of opinions about His Royal Highness, as if they are about some domestic balance--" Xiang Zixi and shut up, but looked at the prince of the Linguo with such a blank face.

The corners of Prince Linguo's mouth moved gently, tapped his fingers on the table, and gently spit out a sentence in his mouth: "It seems that you have inquired a lot of things along the way! You probably have almost touched the things around my country, haven't you?

Xiang Zixi slowly stood up from the stool and saluted the prince and said, "Your Highness, with all due respect, sometimes war is really not the only appeal! If you can avoid the loss of life, Zixi is willing to give everything to help Your Highness coordinate the economy of the four countries!"

"Let's talk about this later!" The prince of the Kingdom of Lan said, "What do you think of Jin Xiaoxiao's matter?"

After turning to Zixi and looking at the no one around, he sat in front of the prince of Ling and whispered, "I can help your Highness with this bustle. First, it is to weaken the wings of Jin Xiaoxiao, and I can also avenge an arrow. Secondly, it can also help your Highness test how big Jin Xiaoxiao's heart is!"

"You mean?————

"Yes, doesn't His Royal Highness really want to know the bottom line of Jin Xiaoxiao? Then I will help His Royal Highness test this bottom line! In return, Your Highness and I want two people!" Xiang Zixi looked at the prince of Linguo seriously. The two looked at each other and tried to find something in each other's eyes, but both of them failed. The other hid themselves very well and did not show any clues.

"Then let's talk about it after you finish this!" Prince Lan smiled gently: "Xiang Zixi, do you know? You are the first woman in the world who dares to negotiate with me!"

Xiang Zixi replied with a smile, "Yes, because I'm still the first person to grab your ring from your finger!"

He took the ring of the prince from his arms and put it on his thumb. I don't know why, when Xiang Zixi put on the ring, their expressions were so strange at the same time.

"Ah ha ha! Sure enough, it's really weird to wear a ring snatch from other people's hands!" Xiang Zixi smiled and took off the ring on her thumb and hid it in her arms again.

The prince took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and put it on the table and pushed it in front of Zixi: "This is a map and secret information. There are many traps in it. Be careful!"

Reach out to Zixi and take the map, open it and glance at it gently. This is a hand-drawn map, which is very simple, but the key positions are clearly marked, which is already in line with the most basic elements of a map.

It seems that the person who draws maps is obviously familiar with it.

The prince of Linguo slowly stood up, walked towards the gate, and stood up to Zixi to see him off.

When he reached the door, the prince of Linguo suddenly stopped and slowly turned around. He looked at Xiang Zixi, but his words came to his mouth, but swallowed it again. He reached out and gently patted Zixi's shoulder with a dage smile.

"Be careful!" The prince of the Kingdom looked at Xiang Zixi lazily: "Xiang Zixi, sometimes I think, if only you were my crown princess!"

"Ha?!" Xiang Zixi's eyes almost came out: "Your Highness, this joke is not funny at all!"

Is that right? Haha, I think so too! I'm just joking with you! I have had a princess a long time ago!" The prince of the Kingdom smiled happily and opened the door and left.

Looking at the back of the prince of the country, Xiang Zixi smiled gently. This guy is really insidious!

Send the prince of Lingguo away, Xiang Zixi returned to the room, combed his hair, and simply tied it into two braids.

Little fat fat soon entered the room and said to Xiang Zixi, "Miss, it's time to eat!"

nodded to Zixi and followed Xiaofeifei down the stairs. Ji Yan and Hu Ye were already waiting downstairs. Xin Zeyang lazily leaned on the rattan chair by the window and watched the pedestrians coming and going outside.

After greeting Ji Yan and Hu Ye, Xiang Zixi suddenly sat in front of Xin Zeyang and asked him with a smile, "Are you homesick? Or do you want Yingying?"

Xin Zeyang's face rarely blushed, and his tone was stiff: "Who misses her!"

Xiang Zixi laughed, reached out and patted Xin Zeyang on the shoulder and said to him, "Okay, it's really wrong you to let you accompany me to travel south and north and disperse your young couple!"

"Nonsense again!" Xin Zeyang turned his head and said in a sharp tone: "There are so many handsome men around, and I don't know what kind of man you want! Are you going to die and not get married? I can tell you that I won't wait for you to leave the cabinet to get married!"

"Yo, yes, yes, my young master Xin! When will you marry me and pay the bride price? Xiang Zixi shook his head helplessly and couldn't help laughing. He reached out and gently pulled Xin Zeyang's sleeve and said, "My young master, it's time to eat!"

Xin Zeyang couldn't help laughing softly.

After dinner, he said to Zixi, "Drive, come with me somewhere! I have something to tell you later!"

The safety of the inn is basically negligible, but the next thing is so important!

Therefore, thinking about Zi Xi, it is still the safest place for the thief.

So, Xiang Zixi took others and found the stronghold familiarly. At this time, those thieves don't seem to be at home. Maybe they went out to step on something?

Xiang Zixi immediately said seriously, "I have something to announce now!" I have decided to join hands with the thieves of the Gravel City to steal a treasure! This trip is very dangerous, so there are not many people accompanying. If possible, I would like to invite Hu Ye to go with me!"

Ji Yan's peach blossom eyes quickly raised: "What about me?"

Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan with apologetically. He came forward and took his hand gently without avoiding others. He said seriously, "Because I have a more important thing to ask you to help me!"

Ji Yan lowered his eyelids and looked at Zixi so gently: "You say, I will do it!"

nodded with satisfaction to Zixi and immediately said, "The treasure stolen on this trip was brought by Jin Xiaoxiao from Yaoguo, which is of great value, so this trip is extremely dangerous. But I still have a lot of unfinished business. If I die like this, I will definitely die!——"

Ji Yan covered Xiang Zixi's mouth in a panic and said angrily, "I don't allow you to talk nonsense like this!"

Xiang Zixi smiled and broke Ji Yan's hand and continued, "This is not unlucky, but preparing for a rainy day! Ji Yan, you also know that what I am most unaccustomed to seeing is the child's displacement! And once I die, the disputes between the four countries will inevitably ignite. At that time, many children will become orphans, live in no fixed place, and beg for a living! I have a piece of savings in my hand. Strictly speaking, I have stolen my property from others, and I have converted it into gold and hid it in a safe place. You took the money, built a big house in an isolated place, prepared enough food and medicine, and prepared to house the children displaced by the war in the future!"

Hu Ye looked at Zixi's eyes and slowly changed. Is this woman good or evil?

"Except for me, only you know where the oil mine is, so who can I entrust to take care of such a thing besides entrusting you? I have sent someone to mine, but you still need to supervise the rest. These extracted things should be collected and will be of great use in the future!" Xiang Zixi said indifferently, "If I can still come back alive, I will definitely use these things to prevent the war from happening!" If I unfortunately die here, then the aftermath will be entrusted to you!"

Listening to Xiang Zixi's last words, the little fat and fat cried out loud: "Miss, are you going to leave us again? We are born as young ladies, and we die as young ladies' ghosts! Miss, even if you die, follow us!"

Xiang Zixi smiled, which was in sharp contrast to the little fat and fat tears. He smiled and took the two people into his arms and whispered, "Fool! This is a routine arrangement. We are thieves. No one can guarantee that we can make sure that we can make no mistake and never miss! I made this mistake at the beginning, and I was too confident and lost the life of the person I cared about most!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Zixi's eyes darkened gently. Yes, if it hadn't been because of his youth and frivolity, how could he have made such a big mistake?

Ji Yan is not a mother-in-law's man. Hearing this arrangement, she knew that she had thought about it for a long time and immediately nodded and agreed.

"Xiao Xin!" Xiang Zixi released the little fat and fat fat, turned around and hugged Xin Zeyang, and said solemnly, "The task I gave you is to return to Yaoguo, take out all the seeds hidden in the cellar and give them to Ji Yan! If there is a war, these seeds will come in handy! At that time, hundreds or even tens of thousands of people will be solved by this!"