Breaking the Devil

Chapter 16: You Lost

Zhan Feng walked out of the hall of the Demon-killing Alliance with a smile, as if he had no intention of the upcoming battle at all.

The warriors in the hall also followed him out, let's play! How can there be fewer spectators?

Seeing Zhan Feng come out fearlessly, Sima Tianxing sneered and thought to himself, "Laugh!" If you don't laugh, you won't laugh later. You will suffer."

However, although Sima Tianxing was extremely angry, he did not take action first; his cultivation was much higher than that of Zhan Feng. In addition, this time he originally found Zhan Feng himself. If he still took action first, it would really lose the face of the Sima family.

To bully the weak, this is not the work of the warrior! Even if he finally wins, it is a very common thing in the eyes of these warriors, and there is nothing to praise.

However, Sima Tianxing can't control so much at this time. After receiving so much anger from Zhan Feng, he must not slip away without doing anything.

If he leaves in dismay, what face will he have to stay in Hongsha City?

"I am higher than yours, so let you take action first." Sima Tianxing said with a mocking face and pretended to be generous.

However, his posture in doing so has left a 'hypocritical' impression in the hearts of the warriors who watched the play. No matter what the outcome of the battle is, Sima Tianxing is doomed to be a loser.

"Since you are so modest, I'm disrespectful..." Zhan Feng still looked calm and said lightly.

Looking back at Zhan Yun and Duan Tianya, he found that Zhan Yun's face was nervous, and his two small hands were tightly clenched together, and Duan Tianya was also unusually nervous and gave them a safe smile.

"Young master, be careful!"

"Kid, you can't do anything. I'm still pointing to you to heal my wounds!"

Duan Tianya was very contradictory at this time. On the one hand, he wanted to see Zhan Feng eating turtles, but when this moment really came, he actually worried for Zhan Feng for the first time.

"What am I worried about this boy for? Hey! If he really can't stand it, he must be rescued safely... However, it seems that I don't need to take action. Duan Tianya thought in his mind, and then looked at the crowd, and then nodded as if he were a little clear.

"What are you doing with this desperate look? Am I bound to lose?" Zhan Feng asked depressedly.

Both of them nodded affirmatively. Not only Zhan Yun and Duan Tianya, but also other martial artists who watched the play looked at him with sympathetic faces, as if to say, "Kid, we all sympathize with you."

Uh... Zhan Feng shook his head speechlessly. He didn't expect that he didn't have any fans...

The greatest sadness in life is!

However, Zhan Feng also understands that in their view, the battle between the induced period and the Zhuyuan period is purely for death!

smiled at the two indifferently, and then raised a strange smile at the corners of his mouth and walked to Sima Tian step by step.

What is he doing? A question mark rose in everyone's hearts at the same time.

However, Zhan Feng soon solved this question for them!

While Zhan Feng stepped forward step by step, a force was born in a total of 14 joints, including neck-shoulders-bows-wrists-waist-lap-foot wrists.

When he was one step away from Sima Tianxing, Zhan Feng suddenly stood still, with his knees and pliers - anus up - abdomen - chest slightly - back pull - head in the middle - ask in front of him! The body is like a bow, and the hand is like an arrow! Originated from Wing Chun)

At this moment, the momentum of Zhan Feng's whole body suddenly changed, as if it had become a sharp arrow ready to be fired! The angyuan in his body instantly condensed on his palms, the clear light flashed, and the fierce momentum climbed to the peak in an instant.

Between the lightning and stones, a sharp knife slashed into Sima Tianxing's neck artery, like lightning!

Sima Tianxing was shocked. He never thought that Zhan Feng had broken through, and his breath was extremely fierce. If he didn't take action, this might kill him.

"Daw! When did this waste break through? Why didn't anyone tell me? Sima Tianxing scolded angrily in his heart.

It doesn't matter, it's important to save your life! At present, regardless of his previous promise, an earthy yellow turbulent surged up on his arm and faced a lightning-like blow from Zhan Feng.


One palm and one arm intersect, and the collision makes a loud noise.

Zhan Feng snorted, and as he retreated, a wisp of golden light flashed away at his fingertips. As soon as he stabilized his body, Zhan Feng rushed up again.

Never let Sima Tianxing slow down!

Bang bang... fists and feet! After fierce collisions again and again, Zhan Feng was like a desperate man. He rushed up fearlessly and completely used violence.

I saw those warriors shaking their heads repeatedly. If they continue to fight like this, Zhan Feng will be defeated in less than a moment! How can there be a strong energy source in the body during the Qi introduction period?

Sima Tianxing was extremely angry. For the first time, due to his carelessness, his arms were still shaking slightly, but Zhan Feng did not give him a chance to breathe back.


The two separated as soon as they got together. Zhan Feng had been stepping back more than ten steps to stabilize his body, while Sima Tianxing stood still after only three steps back. However, the corners of Zhan Feng's mouth raised a smile of conspiracy.

Gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, Zhan Feng smiled disdainfully and said, "You have lost!"

The three light words, coupled with a disdainful smile, made Sima Tianxing like falling into an ice cave!

That's right! He was defeated... and lost in the hands of a small role in the gas period, which made him feel ashamed.

The next moment, Sima Tianxing seemed to be crazy, with a ferocious face and shouted, "It's impossible... How can I fail? I can't be defeated, damn it! Pull out this damn needle from me..."

At this moment, there is a golden needle tied between Sima Tianxing's arms and legs, shining golden light, as if he can't afford to lose!

All these changes came so suddenly that everyone hadn't reacted. They looked at Zhan Feng incredulously and clearly wrote in their eyes that you are a monster!

In their subconscious, it is impossible to defeat the Zhuyuan period, but now, this seemingly impossible situation has been broken by Zhan Feng!

They really can't think of any words to describe Zhan Feng except monsters.

The two guards of Sima Tianxing were shocked when they heard the words and were about to help their young master pull out the golden needle.

Zhan Feng frowned and said coldly, "Stop them!"

He didn't expect Sima Tianxing to be a person who couldn't afford to lose.

This time, he did not fight against Zhan Feng. He stepped out and flashed in front of the two guards. As soon as he showed his momentum, the two guards did not dare to move immediately.

"The strong man of the broken period!" One of the guards shouted in horror.

Although Duan Tianya's current cultivation is only five layers of Qiling, his momentum of the broken virtual period is still there. As soon as the momentum is displayed, the two suddenly dare not move a little.

"What, the strong man in the virtual period?"

All the warriors were shocked. No one expected that this not-looking old man would be a top strong man in the virtual period!

Sima Tianxing has the heart to die at this moment, damn it! How much of that waste is hidden? How can there be a strong man with a broken period?

Zhan Feng stepped forward and obediently returned to the palm of his hand with four golden needles. He said to Sima Tianxing lightly, "I didn't expect you to be a person who couldn't afford to lose. You don't deserve to be my opponent... Let's go!"

After saying that, Zhan Feng turned around and left. Zhan Yun quickly followed and left with a sneer.

I don't deserve to be your opponent? Looking at the fading exhibition, Sima Tianxing's eyes shot a vicious light.


After returning to his courtyard, Zhan Feng immediately entered the room and told them not to let anyone in without his permission.

Through this battle, he understood the gap between the gas period and the Zhuyuan period. Although he had an inch of help, he was still seriously injured, and although Sima Tianxing was defeated, he was not injured at all.

However, Zhan Feng was very excited. In this battle, he not only eliminated the previous obsession of Zhan Feng.

Most importantly, through this battle, he found that the seal in his mind showed signs of loosening!

This discovery made Zhan Feng ecstatic. If the seal is broken, he can practice the Shushan heart method, which is several times more mysterious than the seven-spin heart method he is practicing now, and he can also refine flying swords, gallop around the world, and chase stars for months. It's so unhappy!

Immediately, Zhan Feng put away his excitement and treated the injury in his body.

The spirit of heaven and earth swarmed in, and the rough vitality was refined and turned into a trace of gentle yuan moistening the damaged meridians, and the injury recovered quickly.

A few hours have passed, and the damaged meridians in Zhan Feng's body have almost recovered, and the rest have only been warmed for a long time.

After the healing was completed, Zhan Feng immediately entered a deeper retreat, and his consciousness extended to the most mysterious area in his mind.

Gradually, a Taiji-like seal, the light flowed, and the black and white yin and yang fish rotated uncertainly; however, at this time, silk cracks appeared on the Taiji seal, covering the whole Taiji seal like a spider web.

Seeing this, Zhan Feng's consciousness trembled with excitement and sealed the seventh generation. Isn't it almost enough?

At present, Zhan Feng condensed his consciousness into a sharp arrow and shot away at the cracked Taiji seal...

With a 'zi', the black and white light flashed on the Taiji seal, and the consciousness of turning into a sharp arrow was like a drop of ice water falling into a boiling oil pan.

Zhan Feng's consciousness was dizzy and terrled. This seal is too powerful! It's all broken like this, and there is still the power of devouring consciousness!

I don't believe I can't cure you!

Zhan Feng's donkey's temper came up again, hitting the damaged seal again and again, but the seemingly broken seal was extremely tenacious, and it survived every time it was about to break.


condensed an extremely powerful conscious arrow and shot fiercely at the Taiji seal!
