Breaking the Devil

Chapter 17: Taiji Sword Former

"We are finally reunited again after six generations!"

Feel the joy and attachment from the depths of the sealed memory, just like the joy of a stream sinking into the sea and returning home.

With the addition of these sealed memories, Zhan Feng's soul perception range has expanded a little more than before; and the conscious arrows that were previously swallowed by the Taiji seal also returned with the fragmentation of the seal.

After appeasing the soul memory sealed by the seventh generation, Zhan Feng did not dare to delay for a moment and immediately entered the practice.

Because the broken sealing force of Taiji, although it was broken, it did not disappear. Instead, it turned into a little starlight and integrated into the gangwon.

Transporting the Shushan Heart Method "Jiu Xuan Gong". At the beginning, Gang Yuan was still a little disobedient due to the change of the practice of the mind, but after a period of adaptation, Gang Yuan in his body finally followed the route of Jiu Xuangong.

After familiarizing GENGyuan with the new operation route, Zhan Feng began to command the power of GENGyuan to devour the seal of Taiji.

However, the power of Taiji seal is too strong. If you want to refine a little starlight, it will take almost half an hour to show the front!

However, the effect brought by difficulties is also very obvious. Every time a little starlight is refined, the element will essentially change and become more fierce and tenacious.

After refining the Taiji seal, the angyuan has gradually become black and white. Each jiayuan is made of black and white, just like a Taiji seal!

In the middle of the night, Zhan Feng finally refined the power of all the Taiji seals in his body. Now the strength of the yuan in his body is strong enough to compare with the warriors of the Yuan Dynasty. In addition, because of the cultivation of 99 Xuangong, Zhan Feng's Gan Yuan has a little more fierce breath than the Gan Yuan in other warriors' bodies. Each Gan Yuan is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, which is surging and piercing through the sky!

After refining all the starlight, Zhan Feng opened his eyes, and a trace of sword flashed away.

"Huh? What a Lingling atmosphere!"

I have been guarding the world in front of Zhan Feng's door. At the same moment, I felt the trace of swordsmanship. I sighed softly and looked at Zhan Feng's room with a trace of surprise.

"It seems that there are many secrets hidden in this boy..." Duan Tianya sighed, looked at the deep starry sky, and muttered to himself.

Today, when I was in the Demon Slayer Alliance, I didn't know why I would listen to Zhan Feng's instructions? It seems that everything is very normal.

Although Duan Tianya has only spent more than a day with Zhan Feng, he feels that there are too many strange things that have happened in this day! There are more strange things he has seen in his life for more than 80 years.

It's like he lived in vain in his first 80 years!

First, he inexplicably came up with a 'devil' that he had never heard of, and then he inexplicably believed in Zhan Feng and followed Zhan Feng to reappear in the world. Today, Zhan Feng broke the myth that it is impossible to defeat the Zhuyuan period...

All this feels so unreal, but these seemingly impossible things have indeed happened.

I couldn't help sighing and muttering, "Am I really old?" After saying that, he laughed at himself for the first time in 80 years that he doubted himself.

Once a martial artist breaks through the 'over phase', he will have a 150-year-old longevity, and if he breaks through the 'broken virtual period', the longevity will increase; if there is nothing unexpected about a broken virtual period, there is absolutely no problem to live to 200 years old.

60 years ago, when he was in his twenties, he broke through to the virtual period. This is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses. I dare not say in the whole demon continent. At least in the Red Sand City, even if he digs three feet of the ground, he can't find such a genius warrior.

However, Duan Tianya now has a feeling. Compared with Zhan Feng, he is out of date...


Zhan Feng, who is practicing in the room, naturally doesn't know the idea of breaking the world at this moment. He wants to fight again! He wants to see if he can further break through to the Zhuyuan period tonight.

Although the strength of the angyuan in Zhanfeng's body is enough to compare with the warriors in the Zhuyuan period, he has not yet understood the third realm of the induced period - the realm of 'ben ming gang yuan'.

As long as a martial artist does not understand the 'benmei' for a day, it can't be said that this warrior has stepped into the Zhuyuan period. No matter how rich the martial artist's body is, he is still just a martial artist in the gas period.

The original fate is a hurdle for the induced period to break through to the Zhuyuan period!

Moreover, the original energy is not formed by the refining of external vitality, but is refined by the original vitality in its own body! Even if the natural gas refining of the outside world is well used, it is not really its own, but always an outsider.

Zhan Feng understands at this moment that the original fate in the body of the warriors on the demon continent is like the original swordyuan cultivated by Shushan disciples!

Just like a healthy person, he suddenly broke an arm and then installed a prosthetic arm. After a long time of running-in, the prosthetic arm can also be used freely, but in this person's heart, he will definitely feel that the prosthetic arm cannot be compared with the real arm.

Because the prosthetic arm was installed later, there is no kind of intimacy of blood connection.

Similarly, in the world of cultivation, the Shushan flying sword can dominate the world, and it is also because the original sword is integrated into the original sword, turning the original outsider into a part of their own body, regardless of each other!

Therefore, even if the flying sword refined by the Shushan Sword School is taken away by other practitioners, other practitioners cannot use it; unless the Shushan disciples who refine the flying sword die and the original sword element in the flying sword dissipates, other practitioners can use it.

However, by that time, Shushan's flying sword will also become an ordinary flying sword.

Thinking about this clearly, Zhan Feng raised a smile at the corners of his mouth and muttered to himself, "This fate is Jiangyuan, this fate is Jianyuan! Ha ha, this is too simple..."

The principle of cultivating the original life Jiangyuan and practicing the original life Jianyuan are the same. For other martial artists, the original life Jiangyuan may be a hurdle; however, for Zhan Feng, a real person who has experience in practicing the original life Jianyuan, it is really simple.

Zhan Feng is full of confidence that he can break through the Zhuyuan period tonight!

Gangyuan in the body runs crazily, and the natural Zhoutian array formed by the spirit-eating body runs with it. The atmosphere of heaven and earth is like a cat that smells fishy, and it is constantly rushing from heaven and south to north.

Refining! Constant refining...

Since Zhan Feng's mind is nine-nine Xuangong, the speed of refining heaven and earth is also faster than before, so there is no need to worry about being supported by the huge heaven and earth.

The power of the spirit-eating body has gradually emerged, and the heaven and earth qi absorbed by the spirit-eating body has been enough to supply him to refine. Therefore, Zhan Feng no longer runs 99 Xuangong to absorb the qi of heaven and earth, but instead wholeheartedly looking for his own vitality, ready to refine it.

Gradually, Zhan Feng's huge soul perception sensed that a life vitality appeared at the bottom of the lower Dantian. He was happy and quickly led this life vitality. By refining the method of the original sword, he refined this life vitality into the first life.

Then, the second life vitality was found in the middle elixir located in the chest, and the third life vitality was found in the upper Dantian located in the Yintang Shenting Cave...

The fourth, the fifth life vitality appears in the second vein of Rendu... the sixth... the seventh...

More and more of his own vitality was found by Zhan Feng in the major acupuncture points around his body. Looking at the gathering of more and more vitality, Zhan Feng's heart became more and more excited.

The more vitality you have, the more powerful the original swords will be!

Finally, Zhan Feng found 365 vitality in his body! It was more than ten times more than his first life... However, then new problems appeared. With so many original vitality, Zhan Feng did not have such a strong ability to refine them into a original sword.

"What should I do? Do you want to give up part of your vitality?"

Zhan Feng smiled bitterly and saw that the delicious food was in front of him, but he was already full and couldn't eat so much.

What should I do?


Wh! Taiji seal, haha... Why didn't I think of it? Since you can't refine them into a life sword, then refine them into two, just like Taiji yin and yang fish, one yin and one yang!

Do what you say. Zhan Feng divided his mind into two, started work at both ends, and began to refine two original swords.

Gradually, one black and one white swords gradually took shape under the control and refinement of Zhan Feng's powerful soul.


Zhan Feng shouted in his heart, and two black and white swords in the Dantian were shining brightly, as if two yin and yang fish kept swimming to form a Taiji pattern.

Then Zhan Feng stopped practicing, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said happily, "Tut, two extremely powerful swords, this is unprecedented! This young master is also unprecedented, isn't he?

"You are made by me inspired by the seal of Taiji, just call it Taiji Jianyuan!"

Zhan Feng smiled faintly and nodded with satisfaction.

(If you have something to do today, upload it early...)