broken clouds

Chapter 68 Cave

It is said that the broken cloud and Ms. Manman at the Hidden Gate bragged about it. She said that if she had something to ask for it, she would do it. Unexpectedly, Miss Manman immediately asked for something.

The girl Manman smiled and said, "Since Brother Shi is so affectionate and righteous, Manman really has something to ask for!"

Poyun was stunned and his heart was bitter. The cowhide was blown out. As soon as it was blown out, he came. He had no choice but to say, "I don't know what Miss Manman wants?"

Miss Manman smiled and said, "I want to ask Brother Shi not to reveal today's events and not to disclose my whereabouts. I don't know if Brother Shi can help Manman?

Boyun didn't expect it to be such an easy thing. It seems that she was determined to walk alone and smiled, "What should I do? Why do I need to say such a small thing? Breaking the clouds must obey."

Miss Manman smiled and said, "Then Manman is relieved. In this case, Manman will not disturb Brother Shi's elegance, so let's leave. After saying goodbye.

Breaking the cloud didn't want Miss Manman to leave after saying that, and couldn't help blurt out, "The girl will leave so soon?" As soon as the words were out, he felt wrong and said quickly, "Then we will see you later."

Miss Manman nodded with a smile and went out.

The broken cloud stared at the direction of Miss Manman's disappearance and muttered, "The blood is not effective? How could it be? Could it be..." The clouds were thoughtful, and their eyes flashed, and they strode out and ran away.

The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and there are no clouds.

Except for the slightly blowing wind, there is no sound in the Qilian Mountains, a color of tranquility.

Breaking the clouds, he walked to the place where the blood was found and muttered, "This is where the blood was found. If you guess correctly, it should be around here. Look for it nearby first.

On the peak where the blood appeared, the broken cloud looked for two hours and nothing was found. Po Yun frowned and looked at a large forest next to the mountain peak and rushed in.

This area is very dense in the forest. The ground is full of fir trees and elms that cannot be surrounded by several people, and the ground is full of dense unknown grass. The sun shines through the shade and sprinkles on the ground, and the sound of birds and insects is endless.

The broken clouds carefully searched on the low and high rough ground. When they entered the forest, they saw a mountain that was not very high suddenly appeared in the forest.

The broken clouds looked around the peak for half a sound, and finally went to the steepness of the peak like an axe. I looked up and down and was about to leave with a disappointed face. Suddenly, I found that there was a two-finger wide crack in the most concave place of the peak, and my hand could feel the wind blowing in the crack.

I was overjoyed and looked at the crack left, right and right. Finally, he shook his head and helplessly took out the blade and stabbed the crack. After a burst of stabbing, the crack was so big that people could enter and immediately stopped. He was distressed to see that the blade was not damaged before he put it in his arms and turned his head to look at the dark hole.

The hole was very deep. The broken clouds threw a stone in, and only heard the sound of dripping rolling down, and the wind could not stop blowing below.

Looking at the broken clouds, there seemed to be a narrow passage in the dark mountain, twisting and turning down. The passage is about four or five steps away from the hole, separating the passage from the depth of the hole.

The broken cloud hesitated for a moment, lit the fire fold and threw it in. The light of the fire fold is very limited, but it is already rich for breaking clouds. A simple stone road has been winding down, accompanied by the darkness on both sides. The stone road is only two steps wide, and the side is empty, just like the road floating in the middle of the mountain.

The broken cloud frowned and said that it was strange that there was a road hidden in the belly of the mountain, and it should have been explored. But the road is old, and I don't know how deep it is. In case of any danger, it must be difficult to get out. The broken cloud turned to think of the heat flow that could not be resolved for a long time in his body, and his heart couldn't help but drilled into the hole.

After Poyun captured the blood, he felt that there was a heat flow in his body that could not be resolved. Although his power would increase every time he resolved the heat flow, he could not resolve this heat flow, which really made Poyun's heart a little depressed.

Another most important thing is that when confronting the blood spirit, the broken cloud actually found the ancient Qingyue Gate secret language on the body of the blood spirit!

In the hundreds of years of history of Qingyue Gate, there are many strange secret words handed down from ancient times. These things can only be known by the door owner, but Poyun studied these secret codes that are more difficult than tadpoles in his father's study when he was a child, and studied them for a long time before he learned this secret words.

Wu Sixiang only got the unique seedling of breaking clouds in middle age. Although his mouth was strict, he secretly spoiled him. In addition, he must be in charge of breaking clouds in the future. He found that breaking clouds only opened one eye to peek at the secret words, warning the breaking cloud not to leak the content of secret words, so he let it go. And Poyun is specially interested in strange things. His usual learning is dull and sleepy. When he sees such a strange secret, he likes to study it very much. Before long, the most secret ancient secret of this Qingyue Gate was actually learned by Poyun.

It's just that after learning to break the clouds, I will no longer be interested in these strange codes.

When the cloud came out to capture the blood soul, it was this secret word on the side of the blood soul. And the secret word is just a simple meaning, 'Run!'

Poyun has been thinking about this matter after the event. He has always felt that the secret language of Qingyuemen cannot appear on the blood soul for no reason, and the secret language is strange and will not be drawn by chance at all. There is only one possibility that the secret language appears on the blood soul, that is, someone wrote it.

Why is it written on blood? Why use secret words? What does fast run mean? Why is the secret language so messy? If Poyun hadn't missed Lianjing, he would have come back to find out if he had asked these questions.

This is also the reason why after breaking the clouds found the secret road, although it is dangerous, it is still unmoist.

The broken cloud gently stepped on the stone road and looked up and down. Five or six steps above the Yong Road, a lot of rocks blocked the Yong Road. But it is very long under the road, and you can't see your head with the ability to see through the clouds at night.

Break the clouds and walk down slowly cautiously. After a few bends, the road gradually opened flat, but at such a long distance, it had already reached the bottom of the ground. After walking for a while, a big stone gate appeared in front of him. Two stone doors are opened, and there are two large ' rosefinch' characters on the door beam. A door has collapsed on the ground, and a two-high road is exposed behind the stone door.

The broken cloud looked carefully around the stone gate and felt that there was no mechanism, so he stepped into the corridor. At this time, under the corridor was paved with smooth and bright marble, but dust on the floor, step by step. There is a slightly lit night light on both sides of the corridor.

The night pearl in this night light alone, even the four gates of the world may not be able to be brought out.

I didn't go far, and my eyes lit up when I broke the clouds.

At the end of Yong Road is an open field. On one side of the empty field, looking at the ridges and dry herbs, it must be a place to plant.

On the other side of the empty field, there is a long weapon rack, many of which are strange blades that the clouds did not know. Po Yun casually pulled out a long gun, the head of the gun turned red in black, and the barrel of the gun was dark. Shaking a gun, a sharp sound of breaking the wind came, and the broken cloud couldn't help but praise, "What a good gun!" An ordinary weapon placed on the outer weapon rack is so sharp.

The only idea that appears in the heart of the clouds is that the owner of this cave must not be a mortal.

The empty field used to be a jade door, which was extraordinary after crystal clear quality. The broken cloud gently pushed open the jade door and looked in, and couldn't help but be stunned there.

Behind the Jade Gate is a small dry arch bridge. Behind the dry arch bridge is a magnificent palace. The whole palace occupies the height of the whole mountain, which is more than ten feet high. The outer wall of the palace is shining, and the two bowl-sized night pearls on the gate of the palace are shining.

Poyun looked at it stupidly and muttered in a low voice, "How much money does this man need to build such a magnificent palace?" With that, he pushed open the door of the palace.

Breaking the clouds restrained his mind and walked into the palace. Although he was prepared, he was still shocked by the luxury of the palace.

As soon as the palace enters the door, there is a circular hall, and there is a fountain in the middle of the hall. The surrounding walls are made of white stone bricks, and the fountain is surrounded by four jade gates. Breaking the clouds and looking at it, I couldn't help but be curious. The four jade gates are written respectively, 'ao you', 'enemy country', 'anti-sky' and 'Youlan'.

Breaking the clouds casually walked into the 'enemy' jade gate, and as soon as they entered the room, they felt the golden light dazzling. The room in the Jade Gate is not big, and the place behind the house against the wall is full of gold and silver treasures.

Pearls, agates, emeralds and gold are all there! Po Yun stood there with his mouth open for a long time, and then took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. Although the broken clouds regard the treasure as dung, it is the first time to see the shocking scene of so many treasures put together. It is estimated that few people have seen so many treasures.

Breaking the clouds and secretly smiled bitterly. This 'enemy country' turned out to mean that it was as rich as an enemy country, but it didn't have the wrong name. Whoever has such a lot of treasures, everyone is rich as a country.

After being surprised, Poyun, who had no pursuit of money, smiled bitterly and walked into the "Aoyou" Yumen again, thinking about what this "Aoyou" meant? The room is not as big as the room just now. A night light on the stone table in the middle of the room is hundreds of times brighter than the corridor in front of it, which illuminates the room.

Behind the table is a delicate emerald bookshelf with a thin booklet lying quietly, and next to the bookshelf is a dark unknown black iron. Breaking the cloud stepped forward, curiously picked up the booklet and gently shook off the floating soil. There is only one big 'Qing' on the book, and you can open a page and read it casually.

It's okay not to look at it. At this time, the broken clouds couldn't help but be shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!