broken clouds

Chapter 69 Shock

Breaking the cloud opened the first page of the book and surprised him.

There are only a few words on the first page of the book: "To practice this mental method, you must first practice the ninth level of 'Tianqingyue Minggong' as the foundation."

Why does the name 'Tianqingyue Minggong' appear in this old volume? Who is the owner of this house? What does it have to do with Qingyue Gate? The heart of the broken cloud was shocked, and the voice of doubt couldn't help shouting in his heart.

A few pages of scrolls have been scribbled through the clouds. The scroll is undoubtedly an internal skill method, and it is really connected with Tianqingyue Minggong.

The shock in the heart of breaking the clouds and slowly closed the volume. He picked up the black iron, and there was a line engraved under the black iron, "'South China Sea Sinking Iron' cast weapons without shields."

"Peerless martial arts and blowing the sharp blade to travel proudly around the world." Poyun shook his head with a bitter smile. The owner here is really a dragon and phoenix among people. All the things collected are treasures. The owner was more curious about this room. He reluctantly put down the scroll and sinking iron and walked to the next room.

It's fake to break the cloud and don't move to the mind. However, the good character cultivated from an early age allows broken clouds to resist most of **, no matter what aspects **. I don't know if this is a good thing for breaking clouds.

Looking at the 'anti-sky' room, he hesitated and took a deep breath and walked in.

The room of 'anti-sky' looks very simple compared with the two rooms just now. There is still a large night light in the room. On both sides of the room are two long herbal cabinets, and the name of the herbs is written on each square on the outside of the herbal cabinet.

The broken cloud was shocked again, all of which are rare herbs.

Two steps forward, the cloud-broken eyes contracted. Two words are written outside a herb drawer, "blood"!

Po Yun stretched out his hand to open the drawer. The drawer was about a foot deep, and there were four or five blood spirits lying quietly in it. The broken cloud stood in shock and picked up a blood to watch carefully. This blood is much bigger than Yanghua water, and the blood they caught by Miss Manman is much bigger. The whole body is red, and the branches like beards are tied together with strings, which is obviously much better than the blood they caught.

When learning poisonous scriptures through clouds, it can be said that he was very proficient in various herbs. There are dozens of extinct herbs in this 'anti-sky' room, which can heal white bones and live the dead. It can be said that there is such an herb, even if you want to die, it is really in line with the name of 'anti-sky'!

The broken cloud has completely thrown into the five bodies of the owner. No sect in today's world can have such a big deal. Who is the owner of this room? This idea is getting stronger and stronger.

Poyun walked out of the 'anti-tian' room, looked at the last Yumen 'Youlan' with a wry smile and muttered to herself, "Senior. You have scared the younger generation a long time. What's the worldly treasure in this last room?

Breaking the cloud gently pushed open the jade door of 'Youlan' and couldn't help but look inside.

This room is the largest of the four rooms. The only thing that remains unchanged is the huge night light in the middle, but this lamp is the largest one in these rooms. There is a bronze mirror against the wall and a small sandalwood table below, with rouge gouache on it, and a soft pink couch inside. This room turned out to be a woman's boudoir.

However, the dazzling thing is that the room is very messy, and two bodies that have already decayed into white bones lie horizontally on the ground next to the soft couch. The elegant and warm boudoir was messy, and there were two dead bones, which formed a sharp contrast and slightly shocked Po Yun's heart.

Breaking the cloud went to the side of the dead bones and found that these two dead bones were very large, which should be the dead bones of a man.

A dead arm protected the front chest, and the arms and sternum completely collapsed, which was crushed by the heavy technique. Breaking the clouds and secretly, how powerful this blow is, so that the protective arms have no effect!

The other white bone right arm stroked the chest, the forearm was broken, and the part connected to the spine was also like powder. It seemed that the forearm was severely smashed and then continued to break the neck to death. Breaking the clouds is secretly shocked, what a strong power, what a poisonous means.

The cloud looked up and suddenly found a line of words on the wall next to the soft couch, and he quickly stared at it.

"Yu Zong has been invincible for decades. I don't want to be found in the underground palace by my enemies before I return. Yu's beloved wife was brutally poisoned. Although Yu came back to kill his enemy, his beloved wife has passed away! What can I do! What can I do?"

There is also a line of messy handwriting below, "Some future generations are predestined to come here, and the things here are up to you. But the two bodies on the ground are not allowed to be buried, otherwise, whether it is life or death, I will chase you thousands of miles away!' The secret of clear heart must be based on the highest level of 'Qianqingyue Minggong', otherwise you will break the skill and enter the magic. I hope you can do it yourself. If one day, you will come to the Qinglong Palace. I will give you a gift!"

The handwriting has disappeared since then, leaving no name. The broken cloud stretched out his finger and scratched it on the handwriting. The handwriting was indeed, as expected, made of fingers. The wall is made of good basal stone, which is a little harder than iron. It's okay to break the clouds and write a few words. If you want to do this, you can't do it. This person can depict at will on such a hard wall, and he can imagine the height of martial arts.

The clouds's heart was full of ups and downs, and I couldn't help sighing. I had a general understanding of the situation and sighed that the world was unpredictable. This man has been around the world for decades, but his wife was killed by his enemies. It must be that the wife saw the attack of a strong enemy and hurriedly carved a secret word on the blood, hoping that her husband would avoid his edge. Although the blood is spiritual, it has not met this person by mistake. Moreover, it seems that this person's martial arts skills are extremely high, and the person who comes to the enemy is not an opponent at all. If he had come back earlier, his wife would not have died tragically. It can be sigh that his wife is still afraid that her husband is in danger and gives a bloody warning. It can be seen that his wife is dedicated to her love for her.

Up to now, the broken clouds have understood the meaning of 'Youlan'. The husband gallops through the rivers and lakes, and the beautiful woman must live alone like an empty valley orchid, but it is a pity that the orchid has passed away.

The clouds circled around the house, and there was a pink volume in the corner of the soft couch. Poyun picked up and turned over two pages, and the handwriting in it was actually a trivial matter written by the hostess of the house. Turning to the last few pages, one page wrote, "My husband's martial arts are invincible in the world, but unfortunately my martial arts are terrible. Although my husband only goes out occasionally, I know that he is afraid of me being lonely. How I want to have a unique skill, and then I can enjoy the world with my husband.

Breaking the cloud sighed and then turned to the next page.

"My husband likes the secret words I created very much. He said that this secret words are very secret and can only be used as a secret code. I'm very happy that I can finally help my husband, if he doesn't make me happy.

Breaking through the clouds, the long-lasting secret words of the Qingyue Gate actually came from the hands of a woman?! Po Yun secretly felt that the couple had something to do with Qingyuemen, and hurriedly looked at the next page.

"My husband went out to fight with the magic gun. Although my husband told me that he would be triumphant, I was still worried about him. I really don't know why men like to use knives and guns so much. Is it really so important who is better than anyone else? Aren't those all past? I really don't understand their men..." The words stopped abruptly.

The broken cloud turned back, and there was no more handwriting. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, and everything was clear in his heart.

The handwriting was interrupted because she found that someone had broken into here!

The cloud broke slowly walked back to the hall and suddenly stuck his head in the fountain. The cool spring stroked the face of the broken cloud, cheering the spirit of breaking the cloud. Suddenly, there were too many things that surprised Po Yun, which made Po Yun feel confused. However, it is a great pity that they did not know the name of the strange man and his wife in the end.

Maybe the name of this strange man was too loud at that time, and the world would know that it was his when they saw such a magnificent palace. Maybe this strange man doesn't want to leave a name for future generations to guess. Either way, it's impossible to know everything about this strange man now.

Huh. The broken cloud raised its head from the water and let the water slowly slide down his face.

At this time, there are several rules in the heart of the broken cloud:

First, the secret words seen when catching the blood soul are indeed correct, and the blood soul must have been planted by the owner here. I can't help sighing again that the owner of this room is so good that even such precious things as blood can be planted.

Second, the owner and his wife must have a great relationship with the Qingyue Gate, and the mental method left behind can only be practiced at the highest level of the clear moon. If this has nothing to do with the Qingyue Gate, it is too much to say.

Third, according to the words left by the strange man, this place is not the only residence of this strange man, or the main residence. There should be a palace called the 'Green Dragon Palace'. The things left among them must be more precious than this place, which makes the heart of the broken clouds beat. There are no martial arts practitioners who don't want to practice advanced martial arts, and this is no exception.

Third, it is also the most exciting thing to break the clouds. Breaking the clouds has made a lot of money! Such a large treasure cave, let's not talk about whether the secret can be cultivated. It is a room full of elixir. If it flows out to the world, it will cause an uproar. All of them are great supplements to enhance martial arts. Compared with these elixirs, there is no doubt that a three-year-old child has met a strong man, which can't be compared at all.

The cloud-breaking Tianqingyue Minggong has long been practiced to the ninth floor. According to the warning left by the strange man, the practice of Qingxin formula must first practice Tianqingyue Minggong to the top level, which means that this Qingxin formula must be more powerful than Tianqingyue Minggong. This principle is as simple as a child who can climb before walking, and he must know how to climb before walking. This means that the secret of clearing the heart will undoubtedly play a great role in the road of revenge.

The eyes of the broken clouds flashed, "It seems that this clear mind must be practiced!"