broken clouds

Chapter 85 Fighting Tiger

When Poyun came to the entrance of Leishangmen Hall in Fenzhou, he found that several Leishangmen were gathered in the entrance of the hall.

Poyun finally found that the fat meat at the mouth of Fenzhou Tang was not easy to reach the mouth.

The hundred-faced tiger plays the role of a military division among the five tigers. The reason why he talks with the clouds again and again.

First of all, I want to test the details of the clouds. A person who dares to fight against the four major forces, a person who specializes in opposing Lei Yangmen, and even ends Xuzhou Hall, one of the three halls of Lei Yangmen. Such a person makes the hundred-faced tiger more careful, but what makes the hundred-faced tiger depressed is that the broken cloud is like a stone, and no matter what, he can't find his clue.

Second, the owner of Lei Yangmen once told him that if he met this ugly boy named Shi Yu, he must take it down. If he can't, he should go to the capital, but he can't let him run away. Although I don't know what to do when the clouds come to Fenzhou, the hundred-faced tiger still has some scruples about letting the clouds run away.

The hundred-faced tiger said so bluntly when he heard the broken clouds, and his eyes couldn't help showing a fierce light. He said in a low voice, "Since you don't know so much about life or death, don't blame us for being cruel."

Poyun snorted, "How simple it is. After saying so much nonsense, it still depends on whose fist is big in the end." Looking around for a week, he said lazily, "Come on!"

The five thunder tigers and the angry Chen Batian immediately gathered around, and the thread girl smiled and watched the scene outside.

Poyun had expected this for a long time, but he was suddenly surrounded by six people, and he still muttered in his heart, secretly alerting for a fierce fight at any time.

The angry hand roared, and the first one rushed up, and a pair of iron palms caged against the clouds with gusts of wind.

With this action of the angry hand, three of the five tigers immediately rushed up.

The bursting tiger held a black iron long gun in his hand, and the winged tiger held a small dagger in his hand. The smiling tiger shook the sword in his hand and viciously stabbed the cloud.

The clouds suddenly felt that they were in the sea of raging waves, and the dragon stepped lightly and dodged lightly.

Suddenly, a small steel needle came to the door silently.

Poyun was shocked and kept hiding aside. Looking at it, he saw the demonic handsome tiger fiddling with the steel needle in his hand and looking at himself with a strange smile.

Poyun scolded secretly in his heart. He didn't need to be beaten. He was looked at by this demon tiger a few times, and he was about to vomit blood and die. He thought wildly, but his hands were not idle, and he slapped the smiling tiger.

A smiling tiger's steel sword was piercing the soft ribs of the clouds. Suddenly, it was found that the iron palm of the clouds quietly reached his chest. The smiling tiger's heart was shocked and suddenly flashed to the side. A suction palm wind brushed past him, which increased the vigilance in the smiling tiger's heart. This person's skills were very high.

Without waiting for the smiling tiger to sigh, he punched the angry player Chen Batian like a wind.

Although the angry Chen Batian is fierce and reckless, his martial arts skills are extremely high. Otherwise, he can't be the head of Fenzhou City Hall.

Angry palms met the broken cloud's fist and blocked it, but the broken cloud's fist was a false move, and he returned and punched the winged tiger.

The light skill of the winged tiger is unrivaled, and the comparison between martial arts and light martial arts is dwarfed.

How dared he take this powerful punch through the cloud and hurriedly flashed to the side. However, it was still a little slower, and his fist brushed his left arm, and the huge fist wind fanned the winged tiger far away.

The winged tiger hummed and obviously suffered a secret loss.

The punch of the broken cloud did not hit the winged tiger, but a long sword was stabbed like a poisonous snake, and on the other side, a steel needle and a long knife quickly surrounded the broken cloud like lightning.

Breaking the clouds silently transported the secret of clearing the heart, and a cool feeling flowed all over the body. The broken clouds suddenly roared up to the sky, roaring like a tiger roaring dragon, shaking the dust on the surrounding eaves. The six people who besieged the clouds were at a loss and retreated to look at the clouds in surprise.

The affling of the world has fallen. The eyes of the broken clouds in the circle were full of coldness, and they said in a chilling voice, "Don't blame me for being ruthless!" With his palm turned over, a cold light flashing dagger appeared in the hand of the broken cloud.

Running thunder five tigers, angry hands looked at each other, roared angrily, and another horse rushed over first.

The broken cloud holds the moonmark in his hand, and his heart is full of stability and self-confidence. The cold light in his hand is great, roaring!

"Unnamed Four!"

The moonlight in the hands of the broken clouds is cold, and the air around it is a little cold.

Finally, a lightning-like cold light swept over the angry hand.

The angry hand only felt that he was in the ice cave for ten thousand years. The angry hand was shocked and his heart was full of fear. He had found that it was impossible to follow the blow of breaking the clouds with his flesh palm, but he wanted to retreat, but he found that the cold light had enveloped him and made him unable to retreat!

In desperation, his angry hand stared angrily and hit the ground with all his palms. At the same time, he did his best to flash aside with the power of rebound.

The cold light flashed.

Chen Batian's angry hand stared, and his face was full of anger, surprise and disbelief. A trace of blood stains gradually appeared from half of his body, and the moonmark on the broken cloud's hand seemed that nothing had happened, still a cold light.

"Hmm!" Chen Batian snorted sadly, and his right arm, right leg and right half of his body softly left his body, and blood spewed out wildly!

Chen Batian, angrily, could no longer support it and collapsed to the ground with a muffled hum.

Everyone was shocked, and the broken cloud hit the angry hand face to face. This skill is really terrible.

The hundred-faced tiger has a shady face and quickly clicks on several acupuncture points of the angry hand to stop bleeding, but the wound is too big. How can the whole body of the wound stop the blood? Chen Batian, an angry man, has already fainted, and he is much less angry and dead.

The hundred-faced tiger frowned and shook his head slightly at the bursting tiger, indicating that the angry hand had no vitality.

The burst tiger walked to the front of the angry hand with a calm face. Suddenly, the long gun in his hand was handed forward, and the tip of the gun entered from the mouth of the angry hand and stretched out from behind. Chen Batian, an angry man, spit out blood, and his eyes turned round and did not move.

Everyone was silent.

Chen Batian is angry.

At the age of three, he beat a child three or four years older than him and fled. At the age of eight, he killed his stepfather who laughed at him with a knife. At the age of 16, he killed the general leader of the running gang. At the age of 18, he was already a famous and fearless leader in martial arts.

After entering Lei Yangmen, the angry hand with strong martial arts skills was deeply reused by the owner of Lei Yangmen. It is rumored that Chen Batian's martial arts skills are even much higher than the left messenger of Lei Yangmen.

But who would have thought that such a powerful person would be defeated in the next round of breaking the clouds!

Everyone's hearts trembled, and everyone thought that they had the ability to defeat the angry Chen Batian without a single blow. There was more fear in the eyes of the clouds. Even the thread girl who was watching was opened, and her heart shocked other people.

The bursting tiger frowned and shouted angrily, "Lao Wu! Go!" After saying that, it was not the demon tiger attack, but the burst tiger and the other three tigers attacked.

A long gun of the bursting tiger, the wind and thunderous gun is deadly and domineering.

The winged tiger is light at its feet, and the dagger in its hand picks through the clouds to attack thin places, which is very vicious.

I don't know when the face turned into a purple man, frowning without anger, and dancing with a steel knife in his hand.

The smiling tiger still smiled, but the long sword in his hand was extremely spicy. He believed that his smile would definitely make him feel cold.

Breaking the clouds tos and turning under the fierce attack of the four people, there is no benefit. The seamless cooperation of the four tigers makes the broken clouds depressed, especially the demon tiger standing outside, which makes the broken clouds hate.

The embroidered needle of this demon tiger always uses the old moves to break the clouds, and the old force will try its best to greet the key parts of the broken clouds. The needle pierces the acupuncture point of the whole body, and the consequences can be imagined as long as you get a needle.

Breaking clouds can't wait to get out of the circle immediately, reach out to open the bow and fan this demon tiger a few times, but it is not enough to be entangled by the four tigers. It's not easy to say that it is easy to break away.

Gradually, the advantages of the Thunder Five Tigers are becoming more and more obvious, and the disadvantages of breaking clouds are becoming more and more obvious.

The five tigers usually act together countless times, and they are already brothers and sisters and sisters. Chen Batian, an angry man, just added, but disrupted the cooperation of several people. Now without an angry man, the offensive is as powerful as a rainbow.

Breaking the clouds is not good. Although the secret of clearing the heart provides a continuous stream of internal force, the body has a limit. Sooner or later, it will be defeated in this way.

Losing is death!

But I haven't revenged my deep blood, and I still want to see the Yi people in my heart, and I still want to laugh at the proud world...

Break the clouds and suddenly shouted!

The five tigers retreated in panic, afraid that the clouds would kill again as they did just now.

Breaking clouds took this opportunity to twist three punches to attack the bursting tiger, the hundred-faced tiger and the smiling tiger!

The three tigers were forced to stagnate by the powerful fist wind. When they stood firm, they couldn't help but be shocked. The clouds were chasing the winged tiger with all their strength!

The winged tiger was scared to death, and its power was much worse than that of the angry Chen Batian. If it was chased by the broken clouds to death, it would be beaten half to death. He worked hard and tried his best to escape for his life.

It happened in an instant. When the tigers reacted, the broken clouds had chased the winged tiger far away. The demon tiger shook his hands in a row, and the dense steel needles covered the clouds, and the other three tigers also caught up with them.

Breaking the cloud completely ignores the steel needle and the three tigers behind him, and exerted his strength under his feet. The Tianlong footwork is really exquisite, and it suddenly comes to the back of the winged tiger. The broken cloud reached out and grabbed the winged tiger.

The winged tiger only wanted to escape for his life. Hearing the sound of breaking the wind behind, he did not dare to look back. Just as he was about to change his direction to escape, he was firmly grabbed by the back of his neck by a broken cloud hand.

The neck is an extremely important part of the human body. If it is lightly damaged, it will be paralyzed, and if it is severe, it will die. This is a well-known simple truth.

When the winged tiger was caught by the broken cloud, his heart suddenly cooled down and suddenly felt that he was flying.

Of course, it's not what you want to fly, but let the broken clouds throw it out.

Poyun didn't want to take the life of the winged tiger at once, but the pile of deadly demon needles thrown by the demon tiger behind couldn't avoid anything, so he had to throw the winged tiger back and block behind himself, and quickly hide aside.

The tigers couldn't save each other. They looked at the pile of demon needles of the demon tiger, and all of them pierced the winged tiger!